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bmqa::MockSession Class Reference

#include <bmqa_mocksession.h>

Inheritance diagram for bmqa::MockSession:

List of all members.


struct  Call
struct  Job

Public Types

typedef bsl::function< void(const
char *description, const char
*file, int line) 
FailureCb )
typedef bsl::function< void(const
bmqa::OpenQueueStatus &result)> 
typedef bsl::function< void(const
typedef bsl::function< void(const
bmqa::CloseQueueStatus &result)> 

Public Member Functions

 MockSession (const bmqt::SessionOptions &options=bmqt::SessionOptions(), bslma::Allocator *allocator=0)
 MockSession (bslma::ManagedPtr< SessionEventHandler > eventHandler, const bmqt::SessionOptions &options=bmqt::SessionOptions(), bslma::Allocator *allocator=0)
void enqueueEvent (const bmqa::Event &event)
bool emitEvent (int numEvents=1)
Call & expect_start (const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval())
Call & expect_startAsync (const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval())
Call & expect_stop ()
Call & expect_stopAsync ()
Call & expect_finalizeStop ()
Call & expect_openQueue (QueueId *queueId, const bmqt::Uri &uri, bsls::Types::Uint64 flags, const bmqt::QueueOptions &options=bmqt::QueueOptions(), const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval())
Call & expect_openQueueSync (QueueId *queueId, const bmqt::Uri &uri, bsls::Types::Uint64 flags, const bmqt::QueueOptions &options=bmqt::QueueOptions(), const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval())
Call & expect_openQueueAsync (QueueId *queueId, const bmqt::Uri &uri, bsls::Types::Uint64 flags, const bmqt::QueueOptions &options=bmqt::QueueOptions(), const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval())
Call & expect_openQueueAsync (QueueId *queueId, const bmqt::Uri &uri, bsls::Types::Uint64 flags, const OpenQueueCallback &callback, const bmqt::QueueOptions &options=bmqt::QueueOptions(), const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval())
Call & expect_closeQueue (QueueId *queueId, const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval())
Call & expect_closeQueueSync (QueueId *queueId, const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval())
Call & expect_closeQueueAsync (QueueId *queueId, const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval())
Call & expect_closeQueueAsync (QueueId *queueId, const CloseQueueCallback &callback, const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval())
Call & expect_configureQueue (QueueId *queueId, const bmqt::QueueOptions &options=bmqt::QueueOptions(), const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval())
Call & expect_configureQueueSync (QueueId *queueId, const bmqt::QueueOptions &options=bmqt::QueueOptions(), const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval())
Call & expect_configureQueueAsync (QueueId *queueId, const bmqt::QueueOptions &options=bmqt::QueueOptions(), const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval())
Call & expect_configureQueueAsync (QueueId *queueId, const bmqt::QueueOptions &options, const ConfigureQueueCallback &callback, const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval())
Call & expect_nextEvent (const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval())
Call & expect_post (const MessageEvent &messageEvent)
Call & expect_confirmMessage (const Message &message)
Call & expect_confirmMessage (const MessageConfirmationCookie &cookie)
Call & expect_confirmMessages (ConfirmEventBuilder *builder)
int start (const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval()) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
int startAsync (const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval()) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
void finalizeStop () BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
void loadMessageEventBuilder (MessageEventBuilder *builder) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
void loadConfirmEventBuilder (ConfirmEventBuilder *builder) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
void loadMessageProperties (MessageProperties *buffer) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
int getQueueId (QueueId *queueId, const bmqt::Uri &uri) const BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
int getQueueId (QueueId *queueId, const bmqt::CorrelationId &correlationId) const BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
int openQueue (QueueId *queueId, const bmqt::Uri &uri, bsls::Types::Uint64 flags, const bmqt::QueueOptions &options=bmqt::QueueOptions(), const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval()) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
OpenQueueStatus openQueueSync (QueueId *queueId, const bmqt::Uri &uri, bsls::Types::Uint64 flags, const bmqt::QueueOptions &options=bmqt::QueueOptions(), const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval()) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
int openQueueAsync (QueueId *queueId, const bmqt::Uri &uri, bsls::Types::Uint64 flags, const bmqt::QueueOptions &options=bmqt::QueueOptions(), const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval()) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
void openQueueAsync (QueueId *queueId, const bmqt::Uri &uri, bsls::Types::Uint64 flags, const OpenQueueCallback &callback, const bmqt::QueueOptions &options=bmqt::QueueOptions(), const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval()) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
int configureQueue (QueueId *queueId, const bmqt::QueueOptions &options=bmqt::QueueOptions(), const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval()) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
ConfigureQueueStatus configureQueueSync (const QueueId *queueId, const bmqt::QueueOptions &options, const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
int configureQueueAsync (QueueId *queueId, const bmqt::QueueOptions &options=bmqt::QueueOptions(), const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval()) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
void configureQueueAsync (const QueueId *queueId, const bmqt::QueueOptions &options, const ConfigureQueueCallback &callback, const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval()) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
int closeQueue (QueueId *queueId, const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval()) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
CloseQueueStatus closeQueueSync (const QueueId *queueId, const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval()) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
int closeQueueAsync (QueueId *queueId, const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval()) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
void closeQueueAsync (const QueueId *queueId, const CloseQueueCallback &callback, const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval()) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
Event nextEvent (const bsls::TimeInterval &timeout=bsls::TimeInterval()) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
int post (const MessageEvent &messageEvent) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
int confirmMessage (const Message &message) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
int confirmMessage (const MessageConfirmationCookie &cookie) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
int confirmMessages (ConfirmEventBuilder *builder) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
int configureMessageDumping (const bslstl::StringRef &command) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
void setFailureCallback (const FailureCb &failureCb)
bool popPostedEvent (bmqa::MessageEvent *event)
size_t unconfirmedMessages () const

Static Public Member Functions

static void initialize (bslma::Allocator *allocator=0)
static void shutdown ()

Detailed Description

Mechanism to mock a bmqa::Session

See Component bmqa_mocksession

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef bsl::function<void (const char *description, const char *file, int line) bmqa::MockSession::FailureCb)

Callback used to inform the test driver of an assertion failure. The application test driver using the MockSession may provide an implementation that makes the test driver fail (for instance, calling BDE's test driver ASSERT macro).

typedef bsl::function<void(const bmqa::OpenQueueStatus& result)> bmqa::AbstractSession::OpenQueueCallback [inherited]

Invoked as a response to an asynchronous open queue operation, OpenQueueCallback is an alias for a callback function object (functor) that takes as an argument the specified result, providing the result and context of the requested operation.

Reimplemented in bmqa::Session.

typedef bsl::function<void(const bmqa::ConfigureQueueStatus& result)> bmqa::AbstractSession::ConfigureQueueCallback [inherited]

Invoked as a response to an asynchronous configure queue operation, ConfigureQueueCallback is an alias for a callback function object (functor) that takes as an argument the specified result, providing the result and context of the requested operation.

Reimplemented in bmqa::Session.

typedef bsl::function<void(const bmqa::CloseQueueStatus& result)> bmqa::AbstractSession::CloseQueueCallback [inherited]

Invoked as a response to an asynchronous close queue operation, CloseQueueCallback is an alias for a callback function object (functor) that takes as an argument the specified result, providing the result and context of the requested operation.

Reimplemented in bmqa::Session.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

bmqa::MockSession::MockSession ( const bmqt::SessionOptions options = bmqt::SessionOptions(),
bslma::Allocator *  allocator = 0 
) [explicit]

Create a new MockSession in synchronous mode using the optionally specified options. In such mode, events have to be fetched by the application using the nextEvent() method. Optionally specify an allocator used to supply memory. If allocator is 0, the currently installed default allocator is used.

bmqa::MockSession::MockSession ( bslma::ManagedPtr< SessionEventHandler eventHandler,
const bmqt::SessionOptions options = bmqt::SessionOptions(),
bslma::Allocator *  allocator = 0 
) [explicit]

Create a MockSession in asynchronous mode using the specified eventHandler as callback for event processing and the optionally specified options. Optionally specify an allocator used to supply memory. If the optionally specified allocator is 0, the currently installed default allocator is used.

bmqa::MockSession::~MockSession (  ) 

Stop the MockSession and destroy this object.

Member Function Documentation

static void bmqa::MockSession::initialize ( bslma::Allocator *  allocator = 0  )  [static]

Perform a one time initialization needed by components used in MockSession and MockSessionUtil. This method only needs to be called once before any other method, but can be called multiple times provided that for each call to initialize there is a corresponding call to shutdown. Use the optionally specified allocator for any memory allocation, or the global allocator if none is provided. Note that specifying the allocator is provided for test drivers only, and therefore users should let it default to the global allocator. NOTE: This method will need to be invoked only if the application needs to use MockSessionUtil outside the scope of MockSession.

static void bmqa::MockSession::shutdown (  )  [static]

Pendant operation of the initialize one. The number of calls to shutdown must equal the number of calls to initialize, without corresponding shutdown calls, to fully destroy the objects. It is safe to call initialize after calling shutdown. The behaviour is undefined if shutdown is called without initialize first being called.

void bmqa::MockSession::enqueueEvent ( const bmqa::Event event  ) 

Enqueue the specified event in the queue of events to be emitted. NOTE: This method is unique to MockSession and is valid only in unit tests.

bool bmqa::MockSession::emitEvent ( int  numEvents = 1  ) 

Emit the specified number of numEvents from the queue of events to be emitted. Return true if at least one event was emitted, and false otherwise. NOTE: This method is unique to MockSession and is valid only in unit tests.

Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_start ( const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval()  ) 
Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_startAsync ( const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval()  ) 
Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_stop (  ) 
Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_stopAsync (  ) 
Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_finalizeStop (  ) 
Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_openQueue ( QueueId queueId,
const bmqt::Uri uri,
bsls::Types::Uint64  flags,
const bmqt::QueueOptions options = bmqt::QueueOptions(),
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_openQueueSync ( QueueId queueId,
const bmqt::Uri uri,
bsls::Types::Uint64  flags,
const bmqt::QueueOptions options = bmqt::QueueOptions(),
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_openQueueAsync ( QueueId queueId,
const bmqt::Uri uri,
bsls::Types::Uint64  flags,
const bmqt::QueueOptions options = bmqt::QueueOptions(),
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_openQueueAsync ( QueueId queueId,
const bmqt::Uri uri,
bsls::Types::Uint64  flags,
const OpenQueueCallback callback,
const bmqt::QueueOptions options = bmqt::QueueOptions(),
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_closeQueue ( QueueId queueId,
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_closeQueueSync ( QueueId queueId,
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_closeQueueAsync ( QueueId queueId,
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_closeQueueAsync ( QueueId queueId,
const CloseQueueCallback callback,
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_configureQueue ( QueueId queueId,
const bmqt::QueueOptions options = bmqt::QueueOptions(),
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_configureQueueSync ( QueueId queueId,
const bmqt::QueueOptions options = bmqt::QueueOptions(),
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_configureQueueAsync ( QueueId queueId,
const bmqt::QueueOptions options = bmqt::QueueOptions(),
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_configureQueueAsync ( QueueId queueId,
const bmqt::QueueOptions options,
const ConfigureQueueCallback callback,
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_nextEvent ( const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval()  ) 
Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_post ( const MessageEvent messageEvent  ) 
Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_confirmMessage ( const Message message  ) 
Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_confirmMessage ( const MessageConfirmationCookie cookie  ) 
Call& bmqa::MockSession::expect_confirmMessages ( ConfirmEventBuilder builder  ) 

Expect a call to the function and return a reference offering modifiable access to the corresponding Call object.

NOTE: Do not use these method directly, use the macro BMQA_EXPECT_CALL instead.

int bmqa::MockSession::start ( const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval()  )  [virtual]

Connect to the BlazingMQ broker and start the message processing for this Session. This method blocks until either the Session is connected to the broker, fails to connect, or the operation times out. If the optionally specified timeout is not populated, use the one defined in the session options. Return 0 on success, or a non-zero value corresponding to the bmqt::GenericResult::Enum enum values otherwise. The behavior is undefined if this method is called on an already started Session.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

int bmqa::MockSession::startAsync ( const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval()  )  [virtual]

Start the MockSession with an optionally specified timeout. The return values are elucidated in bmqt::GenericResult. In general a call to start or startAsync emits a SessionEvent of type e_CONNECTED or e_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

void bmqa::MockSession::stop (  )  [virtual]

Gracefully disconnect from the BlazingMQ broker and stop the operation of this Session. This method blocks waiting for all already invoked event handlers to exit and all session-related operations to be finished. No other method but start() may be used after this method returns. This method must NOT be called if the session is in synchronous mode (i.e., not using the EventHandler), stopAsync() should be called in this case.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

void bmqa::MockSession::stopAsync (  )  [virtual]

Stop the MockSession. In general a call to start or startAsync emits a SessionEvent of type e_DISCONNECTED or e_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

void bmqa::MockSession::finalizeStop (  )  [virtual]

This method is only to be used if the session is in synchronous mode (i.e., not using the EventHandler): it must be called once all threads getting events with nextEvent() have been joined.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

void bmqa::MockSession::loadMessageEventBuilder ( MessageEventBuilder builder  )  [virtual]

Load the MessageEventBuilder into the specified builder output parameter.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

void bmqa::MockSession::loadConfirmEventBuilder ( ConfirmEventBuilder builder  )  [virtual]

Load the ConfirmEventBuilder into the specified builder output parameter.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

void bmqa::MockSession::loadMessageProperties ( MessageProperties buffer  )  [virtual]

Load the MessageProperties into the specified buffer output parameter.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

int bmqa::MockSession::getQueueId ( QueueId queueId,
const bmqt::Uri uri 
) const [virtual]

Load QueueId object associated with the specified uri into the specified queueId output parameter.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

int bmqa::MockSession::getQueueId ( QueueId queueId,
const bmqt::CorrelationId correlationId 
) const [virtual]

Load QueueId object associated with the specified correlationId into the specified queueId output parameter.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

int bmqa::MockSession::openQueue ( QueueId queueId,
const bmqt::Uri uri,
bsls::Types::Uint64  flags,
const bmqt::QueueOptions options = bmqt::QueueOptions(),
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
) [virtual]

DEPRECATED: Use the openQueueSync(QueueId *queueId...) instead. This method will be marked as BSLS_ANNOTATION_DEPRECATED in future release of libbmq.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

OpenQueueStatus bmqa::MockSession::openQueueSync ( QueueId queueId,
const bmqt::Uri uri,
bsls::Types::Uint64  flags,
const bmqt::QueueOptions options = bmqt::QueueOptions(),
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
) [virtual]

Open the queue having the specified uri with the specified flags (a combination of the values defined in bmqt::QueueFlags::Enum), using the specified queueId to correlate events related to that queue. The object queueId referring to is modified, so the queueId represents the actual queue uri, flags and options. Return a result providing the status and context of the operation. Use the optionally specified options to configure some advanced settings. In general, a call to openQueueSync emits nothing.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

int bmqa::MockSession::openQueueAsync ( QueueId queueId,
const bmqt::Uri uri,
bsls::Types::Uint64  flags,
const bmqt::QueueOptions options = bmqt::QueueOptions(),
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
) [virtual]

DEPRECATED: Use the openQueueAsync(...) with callback flavor instead. This method will be marked as BSLS_ANNOTATION_DEPRECATED in future release of libbmq.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

void bmqa::MockSession::openQueueAsync ( QueueId queueId,
const bmqt::Uri uri,
bsls::Types::Uint64  flags,
const OpenQueueCallback callback,
const bmqt::QueueOptions options = bmqt::QueueOptions(),
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
) [virtual]

Asynchronously open the queue having the specified uri with the specified flags (a combination of the values defined in bmqt::QueueFlags::Enum). The object queueId referring to is modified, so the queueId represents the actual queue uri, flags and options. The result of the operation is communicated to the specified callback via a bmqa::OpenQueueStatus, providing an automatically generated correlation queueId and the status and context of the requested operation. Use the optionally specified options to configure some advanced settings. In general, a call to openQueueAsync does not emit a SessionEvent, but rather invokes the callback (if provided) instead when the corresponding emitEvent is called.

NOTE: openQueueAsync updates the queue state to e_OPENING which is further updated upon invocation of the callback (if provided) with a successful bmqa::OpenQueueStatus.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

int bmqa::MockSession::configureQueue ( QueueId queueId,
const bmqt::QueueOptions options = bmqt::QueueOptions(),
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
) [virtual]

DEPRECATED: Use the 'configureQueueSync(QueueId *queueId...) instead. This method will be marked as BSLS_ANNOTATION_DEPRECATED in future release of libbmq.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

ConfigureQueueStatus bmqa::MockSession::configureQueueSync ( const QueueId queueId,
const bmqt::QueueOptions options,
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout 
) [virtual]

Configure the queue identified by the specified queueId using the specified options to configure some advanced settings and return a result providing the status and context of the operation. In general, a call to configureQueueSync emits nothing.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

int bmqa::MockSession::configureQueueAsync ( QueueId queueId,
const bmqt::QueueOptions options = bmqt::QueueOptions(),
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
) [virtual]

DEPRECATED: Use the configureQueueAsync(...) with callback flavor instead. This method will be marked as BSLS_ANNOTATION_DEPRECATED in future release of libbmq.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

void bmqa::MockSession::configureQueueAsync ( const QueueId queueId,
const bmqt::QueueOptions options,
const ConfigureQueueCallback callback,
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
) [virtual]

Asynchronously configure the queue identified by the specified queueId using the specified options to configure some advanced settings. The result of the operation is communicated to the specified callback via a bmqa::ConfigureQueueStatus, providing the status and context of the requested operation. In general, a call to configureQueueAsync does not emit a SessionEvent, but rather invokes the callback (if provided) instead when the corresponding emitEvent is called.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

int bmqa::MockSession::closeQueue ( QueueId queueId,
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
) [virtual]

DEPRECATED: Use the closeQueueSync(QueueId *queueId...) instead. This method will be marked as BSLS_ANNOTATION_DEPRECATED in future release of libbmq.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

CloseQueueStatus bmqa::MockSession::closeQueueSync ( const QueueId queueId,
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
) [virtual]

Close the queue identified by the specified queueId using the specified timeout. Populate the optionally specified result with the status and context of the operation and return a value providing the status of the operation. In general, a call to closeQueueSync emits nothing.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

int bmqa::MockSession::closeQueueAsync ( QueueId queueId,
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
) [virtual]

DEPRECATED: Use the closeQueueAsync(...) with callback flavor instead. This method will be marked as BSLS_ANNOTATION_DEPRECATED in future release of libbmq.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

void bmqa::MockSession::closeQueueAsync ( const QueueId queueId,
const CloseQueueCallback callback,
const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval() 
) [virtual]

Asynchronously close the queue identified by the specified queueId using the specified timeout. The result of the operation is communicated to the specified callback via a bmqa::CloseQueueStatus, providing the status and context of the requested operation. In general, a call to closeQueueAsync does not emit a SessionEvent, but rather invokes the callback (if provided) instead when the corresponding emitEvent is called.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

Event bmqa::MockSession::nextEvent ( const bsls::TimeInterval &  timeout = bsls::TimeInterval()  )  [virtual]

Returns the nextEvent emitted.

NOTE: This method should only be used when the MockSession has been created in synchronous mode. It is invalid if used in asynchronous mode and your test case is likely to be faulty if used with such a set up.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

int bmqa::MockSession::post ( const MessageEvent messageEvent  )  [virtual]

Post the specified messageEvent. Return values are defined as per bmqt::PostResult. In general a call to post emits a MessageEvent of type e_ACK or no response if acks are not requested.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

int bmqa::MockSession::confirmMessage ( const Message message  )  [virtual]

Asynchronously confirm the receipt of the specified message. This indicates that the application is done processing the message and that the broker can safely discard it from the queue according to the retention policy set up for that queue. Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value otherwise. Note that success implies that SDK has accepted the message and will eventually send confirmation notification to the broker.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

int bmqa::MockSession::confirmMessage ( const MessageConfirmationCookie cookie  )  [virtual]

Asynchronously confirm the receipt of the message with which the specified cookie is associated. This indicates that the application is done processing the message and that the broker can safely discard it from the queue according to the retention policy set up for that queue. Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value otherwise. Note that success implies that SDK has accepted the message and will eventually send confirmation notification to the broker.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

int bmqa::MockSession::confirmMessages ( ConfirmEventBuilder builder  )  [virtual]

Confirm messages specified by the message, cookie or builder. Return values are defined as per bmqt::GenericResult. No event is emitted for calls to confirmMessage.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

int bmqa::MockSession::configureMessageDumping ( const bslstl::StringRef &  command  )  [virtual]

Configure this session instance to dump messages to the installed logger at ball::Severity::INFO level according to the specified command that should adhere to the following pattern:

           IN|OUT ON|OFF|100|10s

where each token has a specific meaning:

  • IN : incoming (PUSH and ACK) events
  • OUT : outgoing (PUT and CONFIRM) events
  • ON : turn on message dumping until explicitly turned off
  • OFF : turn off message dumping
  • 100 : turn on message dumping for the next 100 messages
  • 10s : turn on message dumping for the next 10 seconds

Note that above, 100 and 10 numerical values are for just for illustration purposes, and application can choose an appropriate value for them. Also note that pattern is case-insensitive. Return zero if command is valid and message dumping has been configured, non-zero value otherwise. The behavior is undefined unless the session has been started.

Reimplemented from bmqa::AbstractSession.

void bmqa::MockSession::setFailureCallback ( const FailureCb failureCb  ) 

Set the failure callback of to be the specified failureCb. This callback is invoked whenever an expectation set by the test driver is not met.

bool bmqa::MockSession::popPostedEvent ( bmqa::MessageEvent event  ) 

Load into the specified event the next posted event on this session, if any, and return true; leave event unchanged and return false otherwise.

size_t bmqa::MockSession::unconfirmedMessages (  )  const

Get the number of unconfirmed messages. This corresponds to the number of push messages enqueued to the session object but not yet confirmed by the application.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: