▼CBloombergLP::bmqa::AbstractSession | A pure protocol for a session |
CBloombergLP::bmqa::MockSession | Mechanism to mock a bmqa::Session |
CBloombergLP::bmqa::Session | A session with a BlazingMQ broker |
CBloombergLP::bmqa::MockSessionUtil::AckParams | Struct representing parameters for an ack message |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::AckResult | This enum represents the result code status of an ack message |
CBloombergLP::bmqpi::DTSpan::Baggage | A set of key-values used to describe a DTSpan |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::CloseQueueResult | This enum represents the result of a closeQueue operation |
CBloombergLP::bmqa::CloseQueueStatus | |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::CompressionAlgorithmType | This struct defines various types of compression algorithms |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::ConfigureQueueResult | This enum represents the result of a configureQueue operation |
CBloombergLP::bmqa::ConfigureQueueStatus | |
CBloombergLP::bmqa::ConfirmEventBuilder | Mechanism to build a batch of CONFIRM messages |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::CorrelationId | |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::CorrelationIdLess | |
CBloombergLP::bmqpi::DTContext | A pure interface for a context with a notion of a current span |
CBloombergLP::bmqpi::DTSpan | A pure interface for representing a span of a distributed trace |
CBloombergLP::bmqpi::DTTracer | A pure interface for creators of DTSpan objects |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::EncodingType | Enumeration for message encoding types |
CBloombergLP::bmqa::Event | A variant type encompassing all types of events |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::EventBuilderResult | |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::GenericResult | This enum represents generic common status |
▼CBloombergLP::bmqpi::HostHealthMonitor | A pure interface for monitoring the health of the host |
CBloombergLP::bmqa::ManualHostHealthMonitor | |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::HostHealthState | Enumeration for host health states |
CBloombergLP::bmqa::Message | A message sent/received to/from the BlazingMQ broker |
CBloombergLP::bmqa::MessageConfirmationCookie | Cookie for async message confirmation |
CBloombergLP::bmqa::MessageEvent | |
CBloombergLP::bmqa::MessageEventBuilder | A builder for MessageEvent objects |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::MessageEventType | Enumeration for the types of message events |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::MessageGUID | |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::MessageGUIDHashAlgo | |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::MessageGUIDLess | This struct provides a binary function for comparing 2 GUIDs |
CBloombergLP::bmqa::MessageIterator | |
CBloombergLP::bmqa::MessageProperties | Provide a VST representing message properties |
CBloombergLP::bmqa::MessagePropertiesIterator | |
CBloombergLP::bmqa::MockSessionUtil | Utility methods to create bmqa events |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::OpenQueueResult | This enum represents the result of an openQueue operation |
CBloombergLP::bmqa::OpenQueueStatus | |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::PostResult | This enum represents the result code status of a post message |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::PropertyType | This enum represents the supported data types for a message property |
CBloombergLP::bmqa::MockSessionUtil::PushMessageParams | Struct representing parameters for a push message |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::QueueFlags | This enum represents queue flags |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::QueueFlagsUtil | |
CBloombergLP::bmqa::QueueId | Value-semantic efficient identifier for a queue |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::QueueOptions | Value-semantic type for options related to a queue |
CBloombergLP::bmqa::SessionEvent | An event related to the operation of a Session |
CBloombergLP::bmqa::SessionEventHandler | |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::SessionEventType | Enumeration for the types of session events |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::SessionOptions | |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::Subscription | Value-semantic type to carry Subscription parameters |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::SubscriptionExpression | Value-semantic type to carry Subscription criteria |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::SubscriptionHandle | Value-semantic type for unique Subscription id |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::Uri | Value semantic type representing a URI |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::UriBuilder | |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::UriParser | Utility namespace of methods for parsing URI strings into Uri objects |
CBloombergLP::bmqt::Version | A version consisting of a major and minor version number |