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bmqa::MessageProperties Class Reference

#include <bmqa_messageproperties.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

explicit MessageProperties(bslma 
MessageProperties (const MessageProperties &other, bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator=0)
 ~MessageProperties ()
MessagePropertiesoperator= (const MessageProperties &rhs)
bool remove (const bsl::string &name, bmqt::PropertyType::Enum *buffer=0)
void clear ()
int setPropertyAsBool (const bsl::string &name, bool value)
int setPropertyAsChar (const bsl::string &name, char value)
int setPropertyAsShort (const bsl::string &name, short value)
int setPropertyAsInt32 (const bsl::string &name, bsl::int32_t value)
int setPropertyAsInt64 (const bsl::string &name, bsls::Types::Int64 value)
int setPropertyAsString (const bsl::string &name, const bsl::string &value)
int setPropertyAsBinary (const bsl::string &name, const bsl::vector< char > &value)
int streamIn (const bdlbb::Blob &blob)
int numProperties () const
int totalSize () const
bool hasProperty (const bsl::string &name, bmqt::PropertyType::Enum *type=0) const
bmqt::PropertyType::Enum propertyType (const bsl::string &name) const
bool getPropertyAsBool (const bsl::string &name) const
char getPropertyAsChar (const bsl::string &name) const
short getPropertyAsShort (const bsl::string &name) const
bsl::int32_t getPropertyAsInt32 (const bsl::string &name) const
bsls::Types::Int64 getPropertyAsInt64 (const bsl::string &name) const
const bsl::string & getPropertyAsString (const bsl::string &name) const
const bsl::vector< char > & getPropertyAsBinary (const bsl::string &name) const
bool getPropertyAsBoolOr (const bsl::string &name, bool value) const
char getPropertyAsCharOr (const bsl::string &name, char value) const
short getPropertyAsShortOr (const bsl::string &name, short value) const
bsl::int32_t getPropertyAsInt32Or (const bsl::string &name, bsl::int32_t value) const
bsls::Types::Int64 getPropertyAsInt64Or (const bsl::string &name, bsls::Types::Int64 value) const
const bsl::string & getPropertyAsStringOr (const bsl::string &name, const bsl::string &value) const
const bsl::vector< char > & getPropertyAsBinaryOr (const bsl::string &name, const bsl::vector< char > &value) const
const bdlbb::Blob & streamOut (bdlbb::BlobBufferFactory *bufferFactory) const
bsl::ostream & print (bsl::ostream &stream, int level=0, int spacesPerLevel=4) const

Static Public Attributes

static const int k_MAX_NUM_PROPERTIES = 255
static const int k_MAX_PROPERTIES_AREA_LENGTH = (64 * 1024 * 1024) - 8
static const int k_MAX_PROPERTY_NAME_LENGTH = 4095
static const int k_MAX_PROPERTY_VALUE_LENGTH = 67104745


class MessagePropertiesIterator

Detailed Description

Provide a VST representing message properties.

See Component bmqa_messageproperties

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION (MessageProperties, bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator) explicit MessageProperties(bslma bmqa::MessageProperties::MessageProperties ( const MessageProperties other,
bslma::Allocator *  basicAllocator = 0 

< Create an empty instance of MessageProperties. Optionally specify a basicAllocator used to supply memory. Note that it is more efficient to use a MessageProperties object retrieved via Session::loadMessageProperties, instead of creating it via this constructor. Create an instance of MessageProperties having the same value as the specified other, that will use the optionally specified basicAllocator to supply memory.

bmqa::MessageProperties::~MessageProperties (  ) 

Destroy this object.

Member Function Documentation

MessageProperties& bmqa::MessageProperties::operator= ( const MessageProperties rhs  ) 

Assign to this object the value of the specified rhs object.

bool bmqa::MessageProperties::remove ( const bsl::string &  name,
bmqt::PropertyType::Enum buffer = 0 

Remove the property with the specified name if one exists and return true and load into the optionally specified buffer the data type of the property. Return false if the name property does not exist, and leave the buffer unchanged.

void bmqa::MessageProperties::clear (  ) 

Remove all properties from this instance. Note that numProperties will return zero after invoking this method.

int bmqa::MessageProperties::setPropertyAsBool ( const bsl::string &  name,
bool  value 
int bmqa::MessageProperties::setPropertyAsChar ( const bsl::string &  name,
char  value 
int bmqa::MessageProperties::setPropertyAsShort ( const bsl::string &  name,
short  value 
int bmqa::MessageProperties::setPropertyAsInt32 ( const bsl::string &  name,
bsl::int32_t  value 
int bmqa::MessageProperties::setPropertyAsInt64 ( const bsl::string &  name,
bsls::Types::Int64  value 
int bmqa::MessageProperties::setPropertyAsString ( const bsl::string &  name,
const bsl::string &  value 
int bmqa::MessageProperties::setPropertyAsBinary ( const bsl::string &  name,
const bsl::vector< char > &  value 

Set a property with the specified name having the specified value with the corresponding data type. Return zero on success, and a non-zero value in case of failure. Note that if a property with name and the same type exists, it will be updated with the provided value, however if the data type of the existing property differs, an error will be returned.

int bmqa::MessageProperties::streamIn ( const bdlbb::Blob &  blob  ) 

Populate this instance with its BlazingMQ wire protocol representation from the specified blob. Return zero on success, and a non-zero value otherwise.

int bmqa::MessageProperties::numProperties (  )  const

Return the total number of properties set in this instance.

int bmqa::MessageProperties::totalSize (  )  const

Return the total size (in bytes) of the wire representation of this instance. Note that returned value includes the BlazingMQ wire protocol overhead as well.

bool bmqa::MessageProperties::hasProperty ( const bsl::string &  name,
bmqt::PropertyType::Enum type = 0 
) const

Return true if a property with the specified name exists and load into the optionally specified type the type of the property. Return false otherwise.

bmqt::PropertyType::Enum bmqa::MessageProperties::propertyType ( const bsl::string &  name  )  const

Return the type of property having the specified name. Behavior is undefined unless hasProperty returns true for the property name.

bool bmqa::MessageProperties::getPropertyAsBool ( const bsl::string &  name  )  const
char bmqa::MessageProperties::getPropertyAsChar ( const bsl::string &  name  )  const
short bmqa::MessageProperties::getPropertyAsShort ( const bsl::string &  name  )  const
bsl::int32_t bmqa::MessageProperties::getPropertyAsInt32 ( const bsl::string &  name  )  const
bsls::Types::Int64 bmqa::MessageProperties::getPropertyAsInt64 ( const bsl::string &  name  )  const
const bsl::string& bmqa::MessageProperties::getPropertyAsString ( const bsl::string &  name  )  const
const bsl::vector<char>& bmqa::MessageProperties::getPropertyAsBinary ( const bsl::string &  name  )  const

Return the property having the corresponding type and the specified name. Behavior is undefined unless property with name exists.

bool bmqa::MessageProperties::getPropertyAsBoolOr ( const bsl::string &  name,
bool  value 
) const
char bmqa::MessageProperties::getPropertyAsCharOr ( const bsl::string &  name,
char  value 
) const
short bmqa::MessageProperties::getPropertyAsShortOr ( const bsl::string &  name,
short  value 
) const
bsl::int32_t bmqa::MessageProperties::getPropertyAsInt32Or ( const bsl::string &  name,
bsl::int32_t  value 
) const
bsls::Types::Int64 bmqa::MessageProperties::getPropertyAsInt64Or ( const bsl::string &  name,
bsls::Types::Int64  value 
) const
const bsl::string& bmqa::MessageProperties::getPropertyAsStringOr ( const bsl::string &  name,
const bsl::string &  value 
) const
const bsl::vector<char>& bmqa::MessageProperties::getPropertyAsBinaryOr ( const bsl::string &  name,
const bsl::vector< char > &  value 
) const

Return the property having the corresponding type and the specified name if property with such a name exists. Return the specified value if property with name does not exist.

const bdlbb::Blob& bmqa::MessageProperties::streamOut ( bdlbb::BlobBufferFactory *  bufferFactory  )  const

Return a blob having the BlazingMQ wire protocol representation of this instance, using the specified bufferFactory to build the blob. Behavior is undefined unless bufferFactory is non-null. Note that if this instance is empty (i.e., numProperties() == 0), returned blob will be empty. In other words, an empty instance has no wire representation.

bsl::ostream& bmqa::MessageProperties::print ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
int  level = 0,
int  spacesPerLevel = 4 
) const

Format this object to the specified output stream at the (absolute value of) the optionally specified indentation level and return a reference to stream. If level is specified, optionally specify spacesPerLevel, the number of spaces per indentation level for this and all of its nested objects. If level is negative, suppress indentation of the first line. If spacesPerLevel is negative format the entire output on one line, suppressing all but the initial indentation (as governed by level). If stream is not valid on entry, this operation has no effect.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class MessagePropertiesIterator [friend]

Member Data Documentation

const int bmqa::MessageProperties::k_MAX_PROPERTIES_AREA_LENGTH = (64 * 1024 * 1024) - 8 [static]

Maximum length of all the properties (including their names, values and the wire protocol overhead). Note that this value is just under 64 MB.

~64 MB

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