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Component bmqa_mocksession
[Package bmqa]

Provide a mock session, implementing bmqa::AbstractSession. More...


namespace  bmqimp
namespace  bmqa

Detailed Description

Provide a mock session, implementing bmqa::AbstractSession.
bmqa::MockSession mechanism to mock a bmqa::Session
bmqa::MockSessionUtil utility methods to create bmqa events
This component provides a mechanism implementing the bmqa::AbstractSession protocol, for mocking a bmqa::Session and can be used to write a test for an application that uses BMQ. The bmqa::MockSession provides all the methods that Session provides, with added methods to specify return codes and emitted events and expected calls. This can be used to test BlazingMQ application code without a connection to the broker. bmqa::MockSessionUtil is a utility namespace providing useful methods to build bmqa::Event objects that are typically only emitted from the broker.
The following documentation elucidates the API that this component provides and some simple use cases to get you started.
Usable Components:
  • BMQA_EXPECT_CALL: Macro to specify an expected call to a bmqa::MockSession object. This macro is used to specify which is the next expected call on the bmqa::MockSession. If an incorrect call is invoked or incorrect parameters are used, an assert will be invoked.
  • returning : Specify a return value for the expected call. This is the value that will be returned when the method on bmqa::MockSession is invoked.
  • emitting : Specify an event to be emitted when the expected call is invoked. The events specified are enqueued to the internal event queue and are delivered to the application when emitEvent is invoked.
Static Helper Methods:
  • createAckEvent : Create an acknowledgment message event for messages posted to BMQ.
  • createPushEvent : Create a push message event for messages to be consumed from BMQ.
  • createOpenQueueStatus : Create an openQueue result (relating to an async open queue operation)
  • createConfigureQueueStatus: Create a configureQueue result (relating to an async configure queue operation)
  • createCloseQueueStatus : Create a closeQueue result (relating to an async close queue operation)
  • createSessionEvent : Create a specified type of session event except for events related to open, close and configure queue.
The static event builder specified above are typically built inside the broker but are now available to be built in the SDK. The expected use of such events is to build them and specify them to either the BMQA_EXPECT_CALL macro in the emitting parameter, or enqueued to the bmqa::MockSession directly through the enqueueEvent method. They can then be emitted by invoking the emitEvent method, which in turn would be processed through the application-provided bmqa::SessionEventHandler.
Additional Note:
MockSession does not check if methods have been invoked in the correct order. The user is responsible for ensuring that the methods are invoked and events enqueued in the correct order.
The following methods do not emit events:
  • getQueueId
  • loadMessageEventBuilder
  • loadConfirmEventBuilder
  • loadMessageProperties
  • confirmMessage
  • confirmMessages
Calls to the following methods do not require an expect:
  • getQueueId
  • loadMessageEventBuilder
  • loadConfirmEventBuilder
  • loadMessageProperties
Creating a mock session in asynchronous mode:
The MockSession is created in asynchronous mode when a SessionEventHandler is provided to it. If it is not provided a handler, the MockSession is started in synchronous mode, requiring the application to call nextEvent to access enqueued events. A sample handler could look like this:
  class MyEventHandler : public bmqa::SessionEventHandler {

      // DATA
      bsl::deque<bmqa::SessionEvent>    d_sessionEventsQueue;
      bsl::deque<bmqa::MessageEvents>   d_messageEventsQueue;
      bsl::deque<bmqa::OpenQueueStatus> d_openQueueResultsQueue;

      virtual void onSessionEvent(const bmqa::SessionEvent& event)
          bsl::cout << "Received session event " << event << "\n";
          // some business logic, typically a switch case on
          // 'bmqt::SessionEventType'

      virtual void onMessageEvent(const bmqa::MessageEvent& event)
          bsl::cout << "Received message event " << event << "\n";
          // some business logic, typically a switch case on
          // 'bmqt::MessageEventType'

      void onOpenQueueStatus(const bmqa::OpenQueueStatus& result)
          bsl::cout << "Received open queue result: " << result << "\n";
          // Some business logic

      bmqa::SessionEvent popSessionEvent()
          BSLS_ASSERT(d_sessionEventsQueue.size() > 0);
          bmqa::SessionEvent ret(d_receivedSessionEvents.front());
          return ret;

      bmqa::MessageEvent popMessageEvent()
          BSLS_ASSERT(d_messageEventsSize.size() > 0);
          bmqa::MessageEvent ret(d_receivedMessageEvents.front());
          return ret;

      bmqa::OpenQueueStatus popOpenQueueStatus()
          BSLS_ASSERT(d_openQueueResultsQueue.size() > 0);
          bmqa::OpenQueueStatus ret(d_openQueueResultsQueue.front());
          return ret;
This section illustrates intended use of this component.
Example 1:
The folowing example shows a simple producer in asynchronous mode, which will start the session, open a queue, post a message to the queue, generate an ack for that message and finally stop the session (skipping over close queue because it is analogous to opening a queue). In theory, you can use emitting on the BMQA_EXPECT_CALL macro and enqueueEvent interchangeably, but in practice it is important to note that events from the broker are generated asynchronously, which means that they are not emitted as you call the method. You can control emission of events, however, by delaying the call to emitEvent.
NOTE: As with bmqa::Session, calling nextEvent is meaningless in asynchronous mode.
  void unitTest()
       // Create an event handler
       EventHandler eventHandler(d_allocator_p);

       // The following static initializer method calls all the appropriate
       // static initializers of the underlying components needed for the
       // 'MockSession'.  The constructor of 'MockSession' will call it in
       // any case but if events need to be built outside the scope of the
       // creation of 'MockSession' you will need to explicitly invoke this
       // static initializer method.
       // bmqa::MockSession::initialize(s_allocator_p);

       bslma::ManagedPtr<bmqa::SessionEventHandler> handlerMp;
       handlerMp.load(&eventHandler, 0, bslma::ManagedPtrUtil::noOpDeleter);

       bmqa::MockSession mockSession(handlerMp,

       bmqa::QueueId       queueId(bmqt::CorrelationId(1), d_allocator_p);
       bmqt::CorrelationId corrId(1);

       // Expect a call to start and the call emits an 'e_CONNECTED' event.
       BMQA_EXPECT_CALL(mockSession, startAsync())
                         0,   // statusCode
                         "",  // errorDescription

       // Make a call to startAsync and emit the event that is enqueued from
       // that call.
       ASSERT_EQ(mockSession.startAsync(), 0);

       // Emit our enqueued event.  This fully sets up the session which is
       // now ready to use.  Typically you would have some business logic on
       // 'e_CONNECTED' that makes your application ready to use.
       ASSERT_EQ(mockSession.emitEvent(), true);

       // Our event handler internally just stores the event emitted, so pop
       // it out and examine.
       bmqa::SessionEvent startEvent(eventHandler.popSessionEvent());

       ASSERT_EQ(startEvent.type(), bmqt::SessionEventType::e_CONNECTED);
       ASSERT_EQ(startEvent.statusCode(), 0);

       // Create the uri to your queue as you would in your application.
       const bmqt::Uri uri("bmq://my.domain/queue");

       // Initialize the queue flags for a producer with acks enabled
       bsls::Types::Uint64 flags = 0;

       // We use the macro to expect a call to 'openQueueAsync', binding the
       // 'uri' and 'queueId' objects as well as the 'flags' that we created.
       bmqa::MockSession::OpenQueueCallback openQueueCallback =
                                bdlf::PlaceHolders::_1); // result

                        openQueueAsync(uri, flags, openQueueCallback));

       // Now that we have set our expectations we can try to open the queue.
       mockSession.openQueueAsync(uri1, flags, openQueueCallback);

       // Since the application may not have direct access to the queue, we
       // need to get the 'queueId' from the session.  We can then bind this
       // retrieved 'queueId' to the 'e_QUEUE_OPEN_RESULT' session event and
       // enqueue it to the 'MockSession'.
       // Note: You can only get the 'queueId' after 'openQueue' or
       //       'openQueueAsync' has been invoked on the session.
       bmqa::QueueId         queueId1(corrId1);
       bmqa::OpenQueueStatus openQueueResult =
                       bmqt::OpenQueueResult::e_TIMEOUT,  // statusCode
                       "Local Timeout",                   // errorDescription

       // We just enqueued a 'bmqa::OpenQueueStatus' to be emitted.  We can
       // emit it using 'emitEvent'.
       ASSERT_EQ(mockSession.emitEvent(), true);

       //  Pop out this event from the handler and examine it.
       bmqa::OpenQueueStatus result = eventHandler.popOpenQueueStatus();
       ASSERT_EQ(result, openQueueResult);

       // On emission of 'bmqa::OpenQueueStatus', the queue is fully open and
       // we can now post to it.
       bmqa::MessageEventBuilder builder;

       BMQA_EXPECT_CALL(mockSession, post(builder.messageEvent()))

       // Use the builder to build a mesage event and pack it for the queue
       // that has been opened.  If you try to pack the message for an
       // invalid or closed queue, packing the message will fail. This has
       // been elided for brevity.

       // Now that the event has been built we can 'post' it to BMQ.
       ASSERT_EQ(mockSession.post(builder.messageEvent()), 0);

       // Simply creating a blob buffer factory on the stack to be used by
       // 'createAckEvent'.  Typically you would have one for the component.
       bdlbb::PooledBlobBufferFactory bufferFactory(4 * 1024, d_allocator_p);

       // The method 'createAckEvent' takes a vector of 'AckParams' to
       // specify multiple acks per event, but here we are only acknowledging
       // 1 message.  Specify a positive ack with 'e_SUCCESS' here but you
       // can specify any from 'bmqt::AckResult::Enum'.
       bsl::vector<bmqa::MockSessionUtil::AckParams> acks(d_allocator_p);
                         bmqt::MessageGUID(), // Real GUID needed if you want
                                              // to record ack messages.

       // Enqueuing ack event to be emitted.  We use the helper function
       // 'createAckEvent' to generate this event.

       // Emit the enqueued ack event.
       ASSERT_EQ(mockSession.emitEvent(), true);

       // As we did earlier, pop it out and examine.
       bmqa::MessageEvent ackEvent(eventHandler.popMessageEvent());
       ASSERT_EQ(ackEvent.type(), bmqt::MessageEventType::e_ACK);
       bmqa::MessageIterator mIter = ackEvent.messageIterator();
       ASSERT_EQ(mIter.message().ackStatus(), bmqt::AckResult::e_SUCCESS);

       // This is a simple test.  After posting our message and receiving the
       // ack, we are now shutting down our application.  Therefore we expect
       // a 'stopAsync' call.
       BMQA_EXPECT_CALL(mockSession, stopAsync());

       // Now make a call to 'stopAsync' to stop our session.

       // Here we are enqueuing an 'e_DISCONNECTED' event as you would
       // receive from the broker on a successful shutdown.
                                      0,   // statusCode
                                      "",  // errorDescription
       ASSERT_EQ(mockSession.emitEvent(), true);

       // Our event handler internally just stores the event emitted, so pop
       // it out and examine.
       bmqa::SessionEvent stopEvent(eventHandler.popSessionEvent());
       ASSERT_EQ(stopEvent.type(), bmqt::SessionEventType::e_DISCONNECTED);
       ASSERT_EQ(stopEvent.statusCode(), 0);

      // The corresponding pendant operation of the 'initialize' which would
      // need to be called only if 'initialize' was explicitly called.
      // bmqa::MockSession::shutdown();
Example 2:
The folowing example shows a consumer in synchronous mode, which will start the session, generate a push message (simulating the broker), confirm the message and then stop the session. Additionally, this test case also sets all expectations up front before running the code, as this is the alternate way of writing your test driver.
NOTE: Using enqueue or emitEvent on bmqa::MockSession or emitting on the BMQA_EXPECT_CALL macro in synchronous mode is meaningless.
  void unitTest()
      // MockSession created without an eventHandler.
      bmqa::MockSession mockSession(bmqt::SessionOptions(d_allocator_p),

      // The following static initializer method calls all the appropriate
      // static initializers of the underlying components needed for the
      // 'MockSession'.  The constructor of 'MockSession' will call it in
      // any case but if events need to be built outside the scope of the
      // creation of 'MockSession' you will need to explicitly invoke this
      // static initializer method.
      // bmqa::MockSession::initialize(s_allocator_p);

      // Create simple queueIds and corrIds
      bmqa::QueueId       queueId(1);
      bmqt::CorrelationId corrId(1);

      // Create the uri to your queue as you would in your application.
      bmqt::Uri uri("bmq://my.domain/queue");

      // Expecting that 'startAsync' will be called on the MockSession.
      BMQA_EXPECT_CALL(mockSession, startAsync())

      // Simply creating a blob buffer factory on the stack to be used by
      // 'createAckEvent'.  Typically you would have one for the component.
      bdlbb::PooledBlobBufferFactory bufferFactory(4 * 1024, d_allocator_p);

      // We then expect that 'nextEvent' will be called to return the
      // 'e_CONNECTED' event from the broker
      BMQA_EXPECT_CALL(mockSession, nextEvent(bsls::TimeInterval()))
                         0,   // errorCode
                         "",  // errorDescription
          // Note that we use an 'autoValue' for correlationId because it's
          // irrelevant for a 'CONNECTED' event.

       // Initialize the queue flags for a consumer
       bsls::Types::Uint64 flags = 0;

      // We use the macro to expect a call to 'openQueueSync', binding the
      // 'uri' and 'queueId' objects as well as the flags that we created.
      // Note that the 'queueId' object will be modified as 'openQueueSync'
      // takes it as an output parameter.
      bmqa::OpenQueueStatus expectedResult =
                       bmqt::OpenQueueResult::e_SUCCESS,  // statusCode
                       "",                                // errorDescription
      BMQA_EXPECT_CALL(mockSession, openQueueSync(&queueId, uri, flags))

      // Build our incoming message event.
      bsl::vector<bmqa::MockSessionUtil::PushMessageParams> pushMsgs(
      bdlbb::Blob payload(&bufferFactory, d_allocator_p);
      bdlbb::BlobUtil::append(&payload, "hello", 6);

      const char        guidHex[] = "00000000000000000000000000000001";
      bmqt::MessageGUID guid;

      bmqa::MessageProperties properties;

      // For each message that we are supposed to receive from the broker,
      // we need to specify the payload, the queueId, a guid (the hex is
      // random but unique within your test driver) and properties which
      // could be empty.
      pushMsgs.emplace_back(payload, queueId, guid, properties);
      bmqa::Event pushMsgEvent = bmqa::MockSessionUtil::createPushEvent(
      BMQA_EXPECT_CALL(mockSession, nextEvent(bsls::TimeInterval()))

      // Next we expect a call to 'confirmMessages', to confirm the 1 message
      // that we received from the broker.
      bmqa::ConfirmEventBuilder confirmBuilder;
      BMQA_EXPECT_CALL(mockSession, confirmMessages(&confirmBuilder))

      // Expectations have been set up.  Now we run the code.
      // 'startAsync' is the first call.  We expect it to return 0 and we
      // expect 'nextEvent' to return the 'e_CONNECTED' session event.
      int rc = mockSession.startAsync();
      ASSERT_EQ(rc, 0);
      bmqa::SessionEvent startEvent = mockSession.nextEvent(
      ASSERT_EQ(startEvent.type(), bmqt::SessionEventType::e_CONNECTED);
      ASSERT_EQ(startEvent.statusCode(),       0);
      ASSERT_EQ(startEvent.errorDescription(), "");

      // Next we expect a call to 'openQueue' to open the queue.
      bmqa::OpenQueueStatus result = mockSession.openQueueSync(&queueId,
      ASSERT_EQ(result, expectedResult);

      // Now our call to 'nextEvent' will generate a push message from the
      // broker, which we will then go on to confirm.
      bmqa::MessageEvent pushMsgEvt(mockSession.nextEvent(
      ASSERT_EQ(pushMsgEvt.type(), bmqt::MessageEventType::e_PUSH);

      // Now that we have received a push message which has yet to be
      // confirmed, we can confirm that 1 unconfirmed message exists.
      ASSERT_EQ(mockSession.unconfirmedMessages(), 1U);

      // Since there is only 1 message in our message event, we dont have to
      // iterate over the event but in reality you will want to iterate over
      // each message and add it to the confirm builder.
      bmqa::MessageIterator mIter = pushMsgEvt.messageIterator();
      ASSERT_EQ(confirmBuilder.messageCount(), 1);

      // Confirm the messages using the builder that has been populated.
      rc = mockSession.confirmMessages(&confirmBuilder);
      ASSERT_EQ(rc, 0);

      // Voila! We now have no unconfirmed messages.
      ASSERT_EQ(mockSession.unconfirmedMessages(), 0u);
      // 'stop' has been elided for brevity and is analogous to 'start'

      // The corresponding pendant operation of the 'initialize' which would
      // need to be called only if 'initialize' was explicitly called.
      // bmqa::MockSession::shutdown();
Thread Safety: