Lua Stored Procedure API

The stored procedure language in Comdb2 is a heavily extended dialect of the Lua 5.1 programming language. Documentation for the base language can be found at Comdb2 extensions include additional base data types, a strongly typed dynamic type system, a pthreads-like threading model, and more.

Stored procedures run with implicitly set SET VERIFYRETRY off

Stored procedure basics

Invoking a Stored Procedure

Run SQL query EXEC PROCEDURE name(args...) as a regular SQL query. Consider the following invocation of SP named foo:

exec procedure foo(1, @bound_arg, 'hello')
local function main(a, b, c)

main() will receive 3 arguments, a (Lua number with value 1), b (type and value of bound parameter) and c (Lua string containing “hello”).

Stored Procedure entry point function: main()

Stored procedure execution begins at the main() function. The main function (like other Lua functions) can take any number of arguments. Because Comdb2 SP disallows globals, these must be declared local. Following is an example of main() taking 2 arguments:

local function main(name, value)
    db:column_name(name, 1)

If this is main() for SP named ex1, it can be executed by:

$ cdb2sql testdb default "exec procedure ex1('mycol', 'myval')"

Function argument types

Function definitions can specify argument types. The system takes care of doing the necessary type conversions when the function is called. The type can be any of the Comdb2 types. Failure to perform type conversion is a runtime error and the SP execution is terminated.

local function func(i int)
    print("In func")
    print(i, type(i))
local function main(x int, y real, z cstring)
    print("In main")
    print(x, type(x))
    print(y, type(y))
    print(z, type(z))
    func(y) -- real -> int

We will see the following output if we execute the SP as:

$ cdb2sql testdb default "exec procedure foo('10', '3.14', 'hello')"
In main
10      int
3.14    real
hello   cstring
In func
3       int

If type conversion cannot be performed:

$ cdb2sql testdb default "exec procedure foo ('abc', '3.14', 'hello')"

[exec procedure foo ('abc', '3.14', 'hello')] failed with rc -3 conversion to: int failed from: abc

The declare statement

Use the declare keyword to declare variable types. Use the := operator to assign values while preserving type. On a := assignment, the system will convert the value to the declared type.

Multiple variables can be declared to be of the same type in one statement, separated by commas. A declared variable is initialized with NULL.

local function assign(x, y)
    x := y
    print(x, type(x), y, type(y))

local function main()
    local str = '10'
    local num = 5
    local pi = 3.14
    declare i 'int'

    assign(i, str)
    assign(i, num)
    assign(i, pi)           -- truncates to 3

    i = 'hello'             -- regular assignment
    print(i, type(i))       -- loses type

    declare a, b, c "int"   -- multiple local int variables
    print(b, type(b))       -- initialized to NULL

This stored procedure will output the following:

10      int     10      string
5       int     5       number
3       int     3.14    number
hello   string
NULL    int

The type specified as part of a declare statement can be any expression which evaluates to a valid comdb2 type. All of the following are valid:

local function gettype()
    return 'cstring'

local function main(argval, argtype)
    print(argval, type(argval))

    declare v argtype
    v := argval
    print(v, type(v))

    declare x gettype()
    x := v
    print(x, type(x))

We will see the following output if we execute the SP as:

$ comdb2sql testdb "exec procedure foo('int', '3.14')"

3.14    string
3       int
3       cstring

Comdb2 types in Lua tables

We can broadly classify the commonly used datatypes as:

Type Class Includes
Numeric Lua number, Comdb2 int, Comdb2 real, Comdb2 decimal
String Lua string, Comdb2 cstring
Others Lua tables, Other Comdb2 types

Keys in a table will be successfully found using keys of another type if it has the same type-class and the same value. For example, t[1] can be found by any Numeric key as long as its value is equal to 1. Similarly, Lua strings will find Comdb2 cstring keys and vice versa. Example:

local function main()
    local d2s = {}
    table.insert(d2s, 'Sun')
    table.insert(d2s, 'Mon')
    table.insert(d2s, 'Tue')
    table.insert(d2s, 'Wed')
    table.insert(d2s, 'Thu')
    table.insert(d2s, 'Fri')
    table.insert(d2s, 'Sat')

    -- Generate some ints and reals
    local stmt = db:exec([[
      select 1 as 'd' union
      select 2 as 'd' union
      select 3 as 'd' union
      select 4 as 'd' union
      select 5 as 'd' union
      select 6.0 as 'd' union
      select 7.0 as 'd' ]])

    local row = stmt:fetch()
    while row do
        row = stmt:fetch()

This will print all the days of the week from Sun - Sat. In the above example the table d2s is an array (indexed by Lua numbers 1-7). In the while loop we’re able to find the correct entries even though we search using Comdb2 ints and reals.

In the following example, observe how the type of keys change when updated using keys of the same type class and same value:

local function main()
    local t = {}
    local hello = 'hello'
    local ten = 10
    declare c 'cstring'
    c := hello
    declare i 'int'
    i := ten

    print('Store using Lua types')
    t[ten] = 99
    t[hello] = 'world'
    for k, v in pairs(t) do
        print(k, type(k), ' > ', v, type(v))

    print('\nUpdate using Comdb2 types')
    t[i] = 999
    t[c] = 'world!'
    for k, v in pairs(t) do
        print(k, type(k), ' > ', v, type(v))
Store using Lua types
10      number   >    99      number
hello   string   >    world   string

Update using Comdb2 types
10      int      >    999     number
hello   cstring  >    world!  string

When a Lua table is used as an array the keys are not saved. They are simply an index into an array of values. When iterating using ipairs the keys will be Lua numbers even if they are saved/updated using any other Numeric type. Example:

local function main()
    local t = {}

    declare i 'int'
    i := 0

    for _ = 1, 3 do
        i = i + 1
        t[i] = i

    for k, v in ipairs(t) do
        print(k, type(k), ' > ', v, type(v))
1       number   -->    1       int
2       number   -->    2       int
3       number   -->    3       int



This is a reference to an SQL table. A dbtable can represent a “base table” that exists in your schema, or a temporary SQL table.

  • A dbtable from base tables is produced by the db:table(). A dbtable provides various methods documented in Methods on dbtable. A dbtable is the only way to pass SQL temp tables from main thread to children threads. These can then be worked on concurrently.
  • db:table("t") produces a dbtable on underlying Comdb2 table “t”.
  • db:table("tmp", {<schema>}) produces a dbtable on a temporary SQL table.



A dbstmt is a handle to an SQL statement. Use the dbstmt object to bind values to the underlying prepared statement (produced by db:prepare()) and for running the statement and fetching query result (dbrows). db:exec also returns a dbstmt which can then be used to step through the result set, similar to a prepared statement.



This is a Lua “table” consisting of the result from dbstmt:fetch method. It corresponds directly to a “row” returned by running an SQL statement. The column-values can be accessed by column-number. The array indexing is 1-based, as is idiomatic in Lua. Resulting column-values can also be accessed by column-name, although this is somewhat unreliable as the column names returned by running an SQL statement are subject to change. Prefer to access column by index, or use AS clause when running SQL to get stable column-names.

local stmt = db:exec("select 1 as first, 2 as second")
local row = stmt:fetch()
db:emit(row[1], row['second'])



This is used to identify the thread created by db:create_thread method. The only method available to this is join which returns the values returned by function passed in db:create_thread method.


Description: A dbconsumer object is handle to the underlying consumer. The only way to obtain this object is by calling db:consumer() in a Lua consumer. This is not available in any other stored procedures. Use this object to consume events from the queue as well as perform a blocking emit to calling client.

Creating threads


dbthread = db:create_thread(func, ...)


This method is used to create a new thread by invoking the function given as the first parameter, and rest of the parameters as the parameter to the function. The result is a dbthread which supports join method.

Return Values:

Name Description
dbthread This datatype contains information about the thread created


Name Description
func The function to be run in new thread
args (multiple) The variable number of args to be passed in function


ret1,ret2,... = dbthread:join()


This method suspends execution of calling thread until target thread is terminated.

Return Values:

Name Description
ret (multiple) The return from the function passed in create_thread
local function myfunc(a)
  local result, rc = db:exec("insert into table1 values ("..a..")")

local function main(t)
  local th = db:create_thread(myfunc, 0)
  local th1 = db:create_thread(myfunc, 1)
  local th2 = db:create_thread(myfunc, 2)
  local th3 = db:create_thread(myfunc, 3)
  return 0

Executing SQL to produce a dbstmt


db:table, rc = db:exec(query)


This method creates an anonymous dbtable backed by the dynamic SQL query specified. The resulting dbtable is fully equivalent to a dbtable referencing a base table, supporting all of the same methods. Use of DDL statements is not allowed.

Return Values:

Name Description Notes
dbtable anonymous table of rows returned from query The relational table produced by the query
rc non zero is failure The return code


Name Description
query The SQL string


dbtable, rc = db:prepare(query)


This method creates an anonymous dbtable backed by the SQL query specified. The resulting dbtable is the same as dbtable referencing a base table, supporting all of the same methods. This method differs from db:exec in that the query plan of the specified query is automatically cached, and replaceable parameters are used with the :bind call. The syntax of the SQL uses the *?* character as a placeholder for a replaceable parameter. Maximum of 2048 parameters are allowed in a query.

Return Values:

Name Description Notes
dbtable anonymous table of rows returned from query The relational table produced by the query
rc non zero is failure The return code


Name Description Notes
name name of the column  
query The SQL string ? used to specify placeholder for replaceable parameter

Operating on a dbstmt

dbstmt:bind by name

rc = dbstmt:bind(varname, value)


This method binds a Lua variable to an SQL variable specified by the @varname in the SQL string specified to the db:prepare method.

Return Values:

Name Value Description
rc non zero failed to bind variable


Name Description
varname name of the parameter to bind to
value A Lua variable containing the value to be used in the query

dbstmt:bind by position

rc = dbstmt:bind(position, value)


This method binds a Lua variable to an SQL variable specified by the ? character present in the SQL string specified to the db:prepare method.

Return Values:

Name Value Description
rc non zero failed to bind variable


Name Description Notes
position which parameter to bind to 1 based
value A Lua variable containing the value to be used in the query  


rc = dbstmt:exec()


This method executes the sql insert, delete and update query, prepared by db:prepare method.

Return Values:

Name Value Description
rc non zero failed to execute sql query

An example illustrating how to use db:prepare()

local t
t = db:prepare("INSERT INTO t(c1, c2) values(?,?)")
t:bind(1, 1)
t:bind(2, 2)

t = db:prepare("INSERT INTO t(c1, c2) values(@i, @j)")
t:bind(i, 3)
t:bind(j, 4)

This will insert two rows (1, 2) and (3, 4) into table t with 2 columns i and j.


rc = dbstmt:emit()


This method emits the rows returned by the underlying sql statement.

Name Description
rc non zero is failure


dbrow = dbstmt:fetch()


A call to this method will produce a dbrow from the dbtable. When all rows of the dbtable are consumed, nil is returned. Before executing a new sql statement either all the rows must be consumed by calling fetch() in a loop, or calling emit(), or calling dbtable:close().

Return Values:

Name Description
dbrow the row returned from the dbtable

Parameters: none


dbrow = dbstmt:close()


Closes dbstmt’s underlying sql statement.


num = dbstmt:rows_changed()


This method give the number of rows changed by a query.

Return Values:

Name Description
num number of rows change

Parameters: none


num = dbstmt:column_count()


This method returns the number of columns in the result set (dbrow) returned by the dbstmt.

Return Values:

Name Description
num number of columns returned by dbstmt

Parameters: none


name = dbstmt:column_name(col)


This method returns the name assigned to a particular column in the result set of a dbstmt.

Return Values:

Name Description
name name of column returned by dbstmt


Name Description
col column number (leftmost column number is 1)


name = dbstmt:column_origin_name(col)


This method returns the table column that is the origin of a particular column in dbstmt. This does not work if column is an expression or a function.

Return Values:

Name Description
name Originating table-column of column returned by dbstmt


Name Description
col column number (leftmost column number is 1)


name = dbstmt:column_table_name(col)


This method returns the table that is the origin of a particular column in dbstmt. This does not work if column is an expression or a function.

Return Values:

Name Description
name Originating table-name of column returned by dbstmt


Name Description
col column number (leftmost column number is 1)

Operating on a dbtable

db:table with name

dbtable, rc = db:table(name)


This method produces a dbtable which references an already existing SQL base table.

Return Values:

Name Description Notes
dbtable the dbtable referencing the SQL base table  
rc non zero failed to produce dbtable


Name Description
name name of the column

db:table with name and schema

dbtable, rc = db:table(name, {schema})


This method creates a new SQL temporary table. The schema for this table is specified by passing in a Lua array which has one element for each column in the temp table. Each of these is itself an array of two elements which specifies column name and column type. { {'name1', 'type1'}, {'name2', 'type2'}, ...}. The type can be any of the SQL types listed here. The lifespan is the scope of the store procedure execution.

The temporary tables are not transactional - db:begin(), db:commit(), db:rollback() do not apply to operations performed on temporary tables. These allow concurrent access and are effective way to transfer data between threads in a stored procedure. The main thread creates temporary tables, and passes the dbtable handle to several threads. The threads perform concurrent operations on the temporary tables and will see each others’ side effects (as will the main thread.)

Return Values:

Name Description Notes
dbtable the dbtable referencing the SQL base table  
rc non zero failed to produce dbtable


Name Description Notes
name name of the column  
schema array schema as a Lua array array of arrays


local tt = db:table('tmpname', { {'id', 'integer'}, {'j', 'integer'}})
tt:insert({id=5, j=55})

Running this yields:

$ cdb2sql testdb default "exec procedure temp()"
(isss=5, j=55)


rc = dbtable:insert(dbrow)


This method inserts a single dbrow into a dbtable.

Return Values:

Name Description Notes
rc non zero failed to insert row


Name Type
dbrow input


rc = dbtable:copyfrom(dbtable, whereclause)


This method appends the table constructed by the where clause on the input dbtable to the calling dbtable.

Return Values:

Name Value Description
rc non zero failed to insert row


Name Description Notes
dbtable This dbtable is used as the source  
where clause optional input An SQL where clause used as a filter


name = dbtable:name()


This method returns a string consisting of the name of a dbtable. For base SQL tables, the name of the dbtable is the name of the SQL base table. For dbtables constructed from the output of running SQL, the name is the SQL string that generated the dbtable.

Return Values:

Name Description Notes
name a Lua string The name of the dbtable in the SQL namespace


rc = dbtable:emit()


This method emits the contents of a dbtable to the calling SQL client.

Return Values:

Name Description
rc non zero is failure


dbtable, rc = dbtable:where(where clause)


This method produces a dbtable consisting of the contents of the invoking dbtable filtered through an SQL where clause.

Return Values:

Name Description
dbtable The dbtable produced
rc non zero is failure


Name Description Notes
where clause optional input An SQL where clause used as a filter

Lua Data Types

Lua Data Type SQL Data Type CSC2 Data Type
real real float, double
int integer short, u_short, int, u_int, longlong
cstring text cstring, vutf8
blob blob byte[], blob
decimal decimal decimal32, decimal64, decimal64
datetime datetime datetime, datetimeus
intervalym intervalym intervalym
intervalds intervalds intervalds, intervaldsus


datetime objects have the following member functions:

Function Purpose
change_timezone change timezone of the datetime object
to_table convert to a Lua date table (

datetime objects have the following properties:

Property Description
yday day of year
wday day of week
isdst bool

Following sample show using datetimes

local function main()
    declare n 'datetime'
    n := "2016-01-01 America/New_York"
    print(n.year, n.month,, n.yday, n.wday, n.hour, n.min, n.sec, n.msec, n.isdst, n.timezone)
    print (n, n.year, n.month,, n.yday, n.wday, n.hour, n.min, n.sec, n.msec, n.isdst, n.timezone)

2016-01-01T000000.000 America/New_York  2016    1       1       1       6       0       0       0       0       false   America/New_York
2016-01-01T050000.000 Europe/London     2016    1       1       1       6       5       0       0       0       false   Europe/London


typename = type(object)


This Lua built in is extended to return type names for Comdb2 data types as well as base Lua data types. This string is suitable for use as input to the db:cast() method.

Return Values:

Name Description Notes
type string a string representing the type suitable for input to db:cast


Name Description Notes
object Any Lua object handles both base Lua types, and extended Comdb2 Lua types


objectout = db:cast(objectin, type string)


Produce a new object which is a type cast version of the input object to the specified type.

Return Values:



Name Description Notes
objectin Any Lua object handles both base Lua types, and extended Comdb2 Lua types
type string a string representing the type e.g. “int”


local rowout = db:copyrow(rowin)


Produce a new row which is deep copy of input row.

Return Values:



Name Description
rowin Any dbtable row


boolean db:isnull(dbtype)


Checks if a comdb2 datatype object is null

Return Values:

Name Description
type boolean true or false




Set the comdb2 datatype object to null.

Managing Transactions

By default, the entire stored procedure executes as one transaction. All changes performed by the procedure are committed when main returns. The stored procedure can be part of larger transaction which executes other SQL statements and other stored procedures. All changes will commit when the client program calls commit. This would look something like the following pseudo code snippet –

    cdb2_run_statement('exec procedure tran1()')
    cdb2_run_statement('insert stmt')
    cdb2_run_statement('update stmt')
    cdb2_run_statement('exec procedure tran2()')

Couple of limitations when running inside a client transaction (like the one shown above):

  1. Stored procedure cannot start threads.
  2. Stored procedure cannot explicitly control transactions (by calling db:begin, db:commit and db:rollback).


intrans, isolation string = db:get_trans()


This method determines at runtime if the stored procedure has been invoked within the scope of a larger transaction by the calling SQL session. As transactions cannot be nested in Comdb2, this routine can be used to determine if it is safe to begin a transaction inside the stored procedure if one is needed. The isolation level of a transaction in Comdb2 can not be changed within the scope of a running transaction, so a defensive practice would be to query for the minimum isolation level required by the stored procedure code and abort if the requirements have not been met.

Return Values:

Name Description Notes
intrans boolean True if in a transaction
isolation string string one of “BLOCKSQL”, “READ COMMITTED”, “SNAPSHOT ISOLATION”


rc = db:begin()


This method begins a transaction inside the stored procedure. It runs in the isolation level inherited by the invoking SQL session. It is an error to begin a transaction when the invoking SQL session has invoked the stored procedure inside of a transaction.

Return Values:

Name Description
rc non zero is failure


rc = db:commit()


This method commits a transaction that was started inside the same stored procedure with the db:begin method. It is an error to attempt to commit any transaction not begun in that manner. db:error() should give the failure message on commit.

Return Values:

Name Description
rc non zero is failure

Compare rc with the following named values to determine why db:commit failed:

Lua value Error
db.err_dup Unique key constraint violation (duplicate key)
db.err_verify Verify failure - transaction tried to modify a record that was modified by another transaction
db.err_fkey Foreign key constraint violation
db.err_null_constraint Null constraint violation
db.err_selectv Records touched by SELECTV modified by other transactions

Parameters: none


rc = db:rollback()


This method aborts a transaction that was started inside the same stored procedure with the db:begin method. It is an error to attempt to commit any transaction not begun in that manner.

Return Values:

Name Description
rc non zero is failure

Parameters: none

Building result sets




This method specifies the number of columns to be output to the calling SQL client when either the “emit” method is invoked, or a table is returned from the stored procedure. It is an optional method - The stored procedure will determine the number of columns in the output stream at runtime if not given this information. Best practices suggest using this method to rigidly enforce the output format of a stored procedure.

Return Values:

Name Description Notes
rc non zero is failure failed to set number of columns


Name Description
num number of columns


db:column_type(type, index)


This method specifies the data type of a single column identified by numeric position to be output to the calling SQL client when either the “emit” method is invoked, or a table is returned from the stored procedure. The first position is 1. It is an optional method - The stored procedure will determine the datatypes of each column in the output stream at runtime if not given this information. Best practices suggest using this method to rigidly enforce the output format of a stored procedure. The type is specified as a string, being one of real, int, text, blob or date.

Return Values:

Name Description Notes
rc non zero is failure failed to set data type for column


Name Description Notes
type name of the data type real, int, text, blob, date
index which column is being defined Columns start at 1


rc = db:column_name(name, index)


This method specifies the name of a single column identified by numeric position to be output to the calling SQL client when either the “emit” method is invoked, or a table is returned from the stored procedure. The first position is 1. It is an optional method - The stored procedure will name the columns “column1” “column2” etc by default if this information is not given. Best practices suggest using this method to rigidly enforce the output format of a stored procedure. Defining the name of a column explicitly offers a level of decoupling from the underlying database.

Return Values:

Name Description Notes
rc non zero is failure failed to set name for column


Name Description Notes
name name of the column  
index which column is being defined 1 based


db:emit(dbtable | dbrow)


This method emits an item to the calling SQL client. When invoked with a dbtable (the result of the “db:exec” method) it will send each dbrow contained in the dbtable (the Lua table corresponding to each row returned by the query) to the client using the format specified by optional calls to db:column_type, db:column_name, db:num_columns. When invoked with a dbrow (the result of the dbtable:fetch method) the corresponding database “row” (Lua “table”) will be sent to the client.

Lua return statement


The stored procedure can pass back data to the invoking SQL session by simply returning data from the Lua function. Following types can be returned:

  • dbtable – The entire dbtable will be sent back to the invoking SQL session, 1 row at a time.
  • dbstmt – All rows produced by sql statement will be sent back to the invoking SQL session, 1 row at a time.
  • number – The namespace for return codes is -200 to -299 and 0.
  • string – Calling application can access error message by calling cdb2_errstr()

Limiting runtime




Stored procedure execution is halted after its quota of instructions is exhausted. By default the quota is set to 10000 Lua instruction. This can be changed to any number in the range [100, 1000000000]. Use db:getinstructioncount to determine how many instructions are used by your procedure and tune this number accordingly. This can be set to 20000 by calling db:setmaxinstructions(20000)

This can also be changed for all procedures in a database by adding the following to the lrl file

max_lua_instructions 20000


Name Description Notes
num Set the quota of instructions to num Must be in the range [100, 1000000000]


num = db:getinstructioncount()


Returns the number of instructions executed by the stored procedure.

Return Values:

Name Description
num See above

Datetime functions


db:now() is a function to obtain current datetime from the system. Result is equivalent to running select now() in SQL.


db:settimezone('America/New_York') has the effect of running SET TIMEZONE America/New_York in SQL. Example:

local function now_in_london()
    return db:now()

local function main()

This stored procedure will output:

2013-11-13T112434.628 America/New_York
2013-11-13T162434.628 Europe/London

Error information


errstr = db:error()

Obtain error string if any. Error may have been produced by running SQL or by other SP operations.

Return Values:

Name Description
errstr string error message

Reserved Keywords

In addition to all Lua reserved keywords, all comdb2 type names are reserved keywords and cannot be used as identifiers.

  • blob
  • cstring
  • datetime
  • decimal
  • declare
  • int
  • intervalds
  • intervalym
  • real

Convenience methods to pass objects/arrays to and from Stored Procedure

Database can parse JSON/CSV strings and produce corresponding Lua tables. This may be useful when passing JSON serialized objects or array of values as CSV.


lua-array = db:csv_to_table(csv-string)

Parses input csv string and produces a Lua array (Lua table indexed by integers). The default separator is ‘,’. Parsing is compatible with RFC 4180 ( Consider following pseudo-code:

string csv_str = a,b,"hello, world!","is ""quoted"" back there"
bind(@csv, csv_str)
run_statement("exec procedure csvdemo(@csv)")


local function main(c)
    local array = db:csv_to_table(c)
    print(#array) -- array length
    print(array[1]) -- customary in Lua to start arrays with index 1

This will output:

is "quoted" back there

Per the RFC, each record is located on a separate line. Input string above was a single record (row). Following is another example showing Lua array for input with multiple records:

string csv_str =
bind(@csv, csv_str)
run_statement("exec procedure csvdemo2(@csv)")


local function main(c)
    local array = db:csv_to_table(c)

This will output:


In all examples above, the resulting Lua array contain strings.


json-string, rc = db:table_to_json(x, y)
    x: Lua table to convert to JSON string
    y: Optional Lua table to govern conversion
   rc: 0 if conversion was successful without truncation or hex-encoding of strings
       non-zero otherwise

Converts input Lua table to a UTF-8 encoded JSON string. Blobs convert to hex encoded strings. Datetime, interval and decimal types convert to strings. To distinguish between strings derived from different types, enable type annotation.

y.type_annotate = true | false (default)

true: Every element is replaced with an object which has type and value attributes. type can be can be one of: object, array, bool, number, string, integer, double, decimal, cstring, hexstring, datetime, intervalym, intervalds, blob

false: All non-numeric types are converted to respective string forms

Lua string and cstring may be not always be convertible into UTF-8 as they are simply null terminated byte arrays. To convert such input, use one of the following options:

y.invalid_utf8 = 'fail' | 'truncate' | 'hex' | nil (default)

'fail': Return nil if any input cstring contains invalid UTF-8

'truncate': Truncate cstring at first invalid UTF-8 byte

'hex': Encode cstring as hex (including terminating null)

nil: Invalid UTF-8 in cstring will cause SP to fail


local function main()
    local t = {}
    t.ans = 42
    t.pi = 3.14
    t.arr = {"first", "second"}
    t.obj = {firstName="John", lastName="Doe"} = db:now()
    t.greeting = "hello, world"
    local json = db:table_to_json(t)


{"arr":["first","second"],"now":"2016-03-14T165305.197 America/New_York","obj":{"firstName":"John","lastName":"Doe"},"greeting":"hello, world","pi":3.14,"ans":42}
local function main()
    local x = {a = hello, world, b = x'deadbeef'}
    local json0 = db:table_to_json(x)
    local json1 = db:table_to_json(x, {type_annotate=true})


      "a": "hello, world",
      "b": "deadbeef"

      "type": "object",
      "value": {
        "a": {
          "type": "string",
          "value": "hello, world"
        "b": {
          "type": "blob",
          "value": "deadbeef"


lua-table = db:csv_to_table(json-string, optional lua-table)

Parse input json string and produce corresponding Lua table. Supports objects, arrays, null, bool, integer, double and string. There is no representation for undefined, NaN or Infinity. Additionally, JSON does not have encoding for datetime, interval or decimal values. If required, these types can be encoded as strings or numbers and converted to desired type in the procedure. Pass in a lua-table with type_annotate=true to process JSON string which has type hints (as produced by db:table_to_json) Example pseudo-code:

string json_str =
        {"firstName":"John", "lastName":"Doe"},
        {"firstName":"Anna", "lastName":"Smith"},
        {"firstName":"Peter", "lastName":"Jones"}
bind(@json, json_str)
run_statement("exec procedure jsondemo(@json)")


local function main(j)
    local tbl = db:json_to_table(j)

This will output:



lua-func = db:sp("spname")
lua-func = db:sp("spname", spversion)

It is possible to call one stored procedure from another. db:sp() returns a Lua function which is a reference to main in the target stored procedure. When spversion is omitted, the default version is used. The stored procedure is loaded in a new Lua chunk and has its own local variables and functions. Names will not clash with the calling stored procedure as shown in the following example:


local function func()
local function main()


local function func()
local function main()
    local sp1 = db:sp("sp1")

exec procedure sp2() will output:


SQL Lua Functions

Custom SQL functions can be implemented as stored procedures.

Couple of limitations when using stored procedures as lua functions:

  1. Lua functions cannot start threads.
  2. Lua functions cannot explicitly control transactions (by calling db:begin, db:commit and db:rollback).

Two categories of functions can be defined:

Scalar function

The CREATE LUA SCALAR FUNCTION func-name statement exposes the named stored procedure as a scalar function in SQL. The stored procedure should already have been added to the database before running this statement.

These functions return a single value on every call, for example upper, round. Any number of arguments can be passed to the stored procedure and this depends on the business logic it implements.

The stored procedure name must match the SQL function name. Additionally, it must implement a function which matches the SQL function name. The stored procedure is not required to have a main. This is convenient during development; stored procedure can be executed as usual and main can be used to simulate calls SQL engine would have performed.

local function greet_name(s, f, l)
    if s == 'm' then
        return "Mr. " .. f .. " " .. l
    elseif s == 'f' then
        return "Ms. " .. f ..  " " ..l
        return f ..  " " ..l

Example runs:

cdb2sql> insert into persons values("m", "John", "Doe"),("f", "Jane", "Roe")
(rows inserted=2)
cdb2sql> select greet_name(sex, firstName, lastName) as hi from persons
[select greet_name(sex, firstName, lastName) as hi from persons] failed with rc -3 no such function: greet_name
cdb2sql> create lua scalar function greet_name
cdb2sql> select greet_name(sex, firstName, lastName) as hi from persons`
(hi="Mr. John Doe")
(hi="Ms. Jane Roe")

The DROP LUA SCALAR FUNCTION func-name statement disassociates the stored procedure from SQL function. The stored procedure still exists, but it’s not callable as a function from SQL.

Aggregate function

The CREATE LUA AGGREGATE FUNCTION func-name statement exposes the named stored procedure as an aggregate function in SQL. The stored procedure should already have been added to the database before running this statement.

These functions return a single value after performing computation on a set of values, for example avg, max. Any number of arguments can be passed to the stored procedure and this depends on the business logic it implements.

The stored procedure name must match the SQL function name. Additionally, it must implement two functions named step and final. SQL engine will call step once per matching row and final at the end of processing all rows. final returns a single value which is the result of aggregate logic. Any return value from step is ignored. Stored procedure doesn’t need to have main. Stored procedure will need to maintain state during calls to step and final. The sever will ensure that same Lua VM is provided during these calls so state can be maintained. This is illustrated in the example below where we provide a simplistic implementation for median.

// Table definition
schema {
    int i
local nums = {} -- to save state during various step, final calls

local function step(num)
    table.insert(nums, num)

local function final()
    local total = #nums
    if total % 2 ~= 0 then
        total = total + 1
        return nums[total/2]
    local a = total / 2
    local b = a + 1
    return (nums[a] + nums[b]) / 2

Example runs:

cdb2sql> select median(i) from t;
[select median(i) from t] failed with rc -3 no such function: median
cdb2sql> create lua aggregate function median
[create lua aggregate function median] rc 0
cdb2sql> insert into t values(1)
(rows inserted=1)
cdb2sql> select median(i) from t;
cdb2sql> insert into t values(4),(3),(2);
(rows inserted=3)
cdb2sql> select median(i) from t;
cdb2sql> insert into t values(5);
(rows inserted=1)
cdb2sql> select median(i) from t;

The DROP LUA AGGREGATE FUNCTION func-name statement disassociates the stored procedure from SQL function. The stored procedure still exists, but it’s not callable as a function from SQL.