LRL files

Comdb2 configuration files have an .lrl extension for historic reasons. No configuration file is required. If no file is specified, the database will pick reasonable defaults. On startup, the database will look for the following files, and read them, in order:

  1. $COMDB2_ROOT/etc/cdb2/config/comdb2.lrl
  2. $COMDB2_ROOT/etc/cdb2/config/comdb2_local.lrl
  3. $COMDB2_ROOT/etc/cdb2/config.d/*.lrl
  4. dbname.lrl (for your database’s name)

COMDB2_ROOT is set at compile time (defaults to /opt/bb/). Setting a $COMDB2_ROOT environment variable overrides the default value.

The intent behind multiple config files is to make deployment of settings easier. comdb2.lrl is meant to contain settings that are identical across many databases in your application. comdb2_local.lrl is for settings that are local to this machine. Files under config.d are useful for organizing settings in multiple files (the ‘include’ directive in .lrl files can also accomplish this).

The last file read is the database specific lrl file. This contains settings specific to a given database. Comdb2 will look for this file in one of these locations, in this order:

  1. Current directory
  2. In database directory if it’s specified with --dir /path/to/db on command line
  3. In the default database location, if the database directory isn’t specified
  4. In the location specified with ‘–lrl /path/to/dbname.lrl` on command line

Lines beginning with ‘#’ are treated as comments and skipped. Other lines should consist of a directive and its value.

Database tunables

Cache size

Cache size can be set with the the ‘cache’ tunable. It takes a cache size and a unit (kb, mb, gb). For example

cache 64 mb

This gets you 64 megabytes of cache. The database will print its cache size when starting up:

Cache:64MB  Segments:1  Segment-size:64MB

The default cache size is 64MB. You can set policies on a machine by capping the min and max settings for cachesize (putting these in global comdb2.lrl or comdb2_local.lrl is a good idea. For example to set the minimum cache size at 8MB, and restrict the maximum at 1GB (say, for a shared machine), one can have:

cachekbmin 8192
cachekbmax 1048576

Maximum and minimum values are given in KB.

Thread Pools

There are various threadpools in Comdb2 responsible for specific work. They all take a common set of options.

Name Function Default size Default max queue depth
appsockpool Pool for application connections Unlimited 0
sqlenginepool Pool for sql runner threads 48 500
iopool Cache flusher threads 4 8000

The following options are available for configuring thread pool parameters:

Parameters Function
dump_on_full If set, argument is on) will dump the current state of the threadpool when the queue is full
exit_on_error If set (argument is on), database will exit if it can’t spin up new threads for this threadpool.
linger How long threads above mint will hang around (in seconds) before exiting.
maxagems Max age of an item on a queue in ms. Items older than given will be dropped.
maxq Maximum queue depth. If maxt threads are active and none are available, items are enqueued. If the queue reaches this depth, requests to enqueue further are dropped.
maxqover Maximum queue override depth. Queued items below this limit won’t generate warnings.
maxt Maximum number of threads to keep around. Lower this you don’t get gains from additional concurrency for the specific subsystem.
mint Minimum number of threads to keep around. Threads above this value will exit after linger seconds. Raise this if the thread pool reports lots of thread creates.


To limit the number of concurrent SQL threads for this node to 12:

sqlenginepool maxt 12

To dump the SQL thread pool every time the queue is full:

sqlenginepool maxq dump_on_error on

Parallel sql execution

A subset of sql queries can run in parallel, using multiple sql engines and scaling up the numbers of rows per second returned to the client. The statements that can be run in parallel are decomposed in a set of sql statements, which run in parallel in dedicated sql engines.
The sql engine initiating the parallel execution becomes the coordinator, which does row aggregation and final computations before sending the rows back to the client. A trivial case is the UNION ALL query. Each SELECT query that is part of a UNION ALL statement runs in parallel with the rest.
This feature makes possible to scale up the throughput of sql queries, proportional with the amount of allocated resources. Additionally, this feature can also benefit cases where per row retrieval cost is high, either due to I/O latency or the computation required.


Option Default Description
dohsql_disable 0 Disable parallel sql execution (the SQL decomposition is still performed)
dohast_disable 0 Disable SQL decomposition phase, required to distribute the sql query (in effect, disables the parallel execution mode).
dohast_verbose 0 Enable debug information for parallel execution phase
dohsql_max_queued_kb_highwm 10000 Maximum shard queue size, in KB; throttles amount of cached rows by each parallel component
dohsql_max_threads 8 Allow only up to 8 parallel components. If more are required, statement runs sequential
dohsql_pool_thread_slack 1 Reserve a number of sql engines to run only non-parallel load (including parallel components).
dohsql_sc_max_threads 8 Allow only up to 8 parallel schema changes. If more are required, they runs sequential


There are a few references to various “networks” in the descriptions below. All machines specified by the cluster nodes tunable (or added dynamically) form connections. There is 2 dedicated threads for each machine for reading and writing messages. There’s 3 “networks” formed for each database (so 3 sets of connections). Each network has its own set of tunables. Messages are queued for each destination, and are flushed when necessary. All nodes periodically send heartbeats. Lack of a heartbeat is treated like a network drop. Network tunables for controlling heartbeat parameters, queue sizes, etc. are listed below. The following sections describe each network’s uses.

Option Default Description
heartbeat_check_time 10 (seconds) Consider an error if no heartbeat for this many seconds
nax_max_mem 0 (not set) Maximum size (in MB) of items keep on replication network queue before dropping (per replicant)
noudp   Disables udp.
osql_bkoff_netsend 100 ms On a full offload net queue, attempt to wait this long before attempting to resend
osql_bkoff_netsend_lmt 300000 Wait a total of this many ms attempting to send on the offload net
osql_heartbeat_send_time 5 (sec) Like heartbeat_send_time for the offload network
udp set Transaction acks are sent back to master via UDP. Since UDP is potentially lossy, replicants will inject the current LSN ack into their TCP channel to the master every 500 ms. On a lossy network, if you see lots of 500ms transactions, you may want to disable UDP. Such cases aren’t typical.


The replication network handles replication-specific traffic between database nodes. This includes election messages, log messages (ie: normal replication), requests for re-transmits, etc. Steps 3 and 4 in Transaction Life cycle go over the replication network.


The offload net is used by replicants to send work to the master to apply. Replicants run SQL and assemble a set of record modifications to be applied. Steps 2 and 5 in Transaction Life cycle go over the offload net.


The signal net is reserved for future use.

Sync commands

These tunables control how often the database flushes its log to disk, and what nodes are required to acknowledge a log entry before control is returned to the user. All these tunables start with the ‘sync’ command, and the following word determine which option is being set. The default mode is to NOT flush logs on every transaction, and to wait for all nodes to acknowledge a transaction before returning success.

Option Default Description
full not set Logs are flushed on every commit
log-delete on on enables log deletion, off disables it
log-delete-age-set   Takes epoch time in seconds, log files older than the given time are eligible for deletion when not needed
log-delete-before not set Make all log files older than current time are eligible for deletion when not needed
log-delete-now set Make all log files eligible for deletion when not needed
log-sync-time 10 (seconds) Sets how often we flush the logs to disk.
none not set Asynchronous replication, don’t wait for any replication acknowledgments before returning success.
normal set Logs are NOT flushed on every commit (ie: you can lose transactions if all the nodes in the cluster crash). This is the default. This option also implies fully synchronous replication - ie: wait for all nodes to ack before returning success.
rep_always_wait not set Wait for all nodes, including those that aren’t connected (not recommended)
room not set Wait for acknowledgments only from nodes in the same availability zone/data center (see room affinity).

Machine class configuration overrides

By default, the risk machine class names are, from the least risky deployment to the highest risk: ‘dev’/’test’, ‘alpha’, ‘uat’, ‘prod’. The following lrl option overrides this hierarchy to a client custom configuration that matches a different deployment stage scheme.

classes <lowest_risk_name> <higher_risk_name> ... <highest_risk_name>

The machine specific, as perceived by the server using the involved lrl file, can be overridden using the following lrl option:

machine_class <name>

NOTE: the overriding name should match one of the existing class names, otherwise the client access will be denied.

Allow/Disallow commands

These commands control machine class permissions. For every incoming connection, Comdb2 will try to read its class from comdb2db once. allow and disallow can be used to set up policies for which classes of machines are allowed to access databases. For example, you may have a blanket rule that production databases can only be accessed by production machines, etc. Commands have this syntax:

allow|disallow writes|cluster|broadcast [from] class|machine

Class should be one of ‘dev’, ‘alpha’, ‘beta’, ‘prod’. Any other value is assumed to be a machine name.

writes allows/disallows transactions that change the state of the database from the given source. cluster allows/disallows forming clusters with machines from the given source. broadcast allows/disallows consumer connections from the given source.


Switches are simple on/off settings that generally control debugging or experimental features. They can be enabled with the on option, and disabled with off. Unless debugging/developing Comdb2, toggling these is generally not advised.

Option Default Description
abort_on_ufid_mismatch on Abort on open if the on-disk ufid doesn’t match the ufid in the transaction log.
accept_on_child_nets off listen on separate port for osql/signal nets
allow_broken_datetimes on Allow broken datetimes
allow_parallel_rep_on_pagesplit on allow parallel rep on pgsplit
allow_parallel_rep_on_prefix on allow parallel rep on bam_prefix
already_aborted_trace off Print trace when dd_abort skips an ‘already-aborted’ locker
bad_lrl_fatal off Unrecognized lrl options are fatal errors
broadcast_check_rmtpol on Check rmtpol before sending triggers
cache_sockpool_tran on Cache sent rows for an sql transaction, and survive a master swing
catch_response_on_retry on print trace when we try to send replies on a retry
check_page_in_recovery off verify that a page has or hasn’t gotten corrupt
check_sparse_files off When allocating a page, check that we aren’t creating a sparse file
check_sql_source off Check sql source
check_sqlite_numeric_types on Report if our numeric conversion disagrees with SQLite’s
check_wrong_db on Return error if connecting to wrong database
comptxn_inherit_locks on Compensating transactions inherit pagelocks
consumer_rtcpu on Don’t send update broadcasts to machines that are marked offline
core_on_sparse_file off Generate a core if we catch berkeley creating a sparse file
dbglog_use_sockpool on Use sockpool for connections opened for dbglog
debug_mpalloc_size off Alarm on suspicious allocation requests;
debug_temp_tables off Debug temp tables
dflt_livesc on Use live schema change by default
dflt_plansc on Use planned schema change by default
disable_blob_check off return immediately in check_blob_buffers
disable_sql_table_replacement off Disable SQL table replacement
disable_etc_services_lookup off When on, disables using /etc/services first to resolve ports
disable_exit_on_thread_error off don’t exit on thread errors
disable_new_si_overhead off return immediately in several new snapisol functions
disable_rowlocks_logging off Don’t add logical logging for rowlocks
disable_rowlocks off Follow rowlocks codepath but don’t lock
disable_stable_for_ipu on For inplace update tables, disable stable find-next cursors
disable_update_shadows off stub out update shadows code
dump_after_byteswap off dump page after byteswap
dump_locks_on_repwait off Dump locks on repwaits
dump_page_on_byteswap_error off fsnap a malformed page from byteswap
emptystrnum on Empty strings don’t convert to numbers
enable_osql_logging off Log every osql packet and operation
enable_osql_longreq_logging off Log untruncated osql strings
fix_cstr on Fix validation of cstrings
flush_check_active_peer on Check if still have active connection when trying to flush
force_old_cursors off Replicant will use old cursors
gather_rowlocks_on_replicant on Replicant will gather rowlocks
key_updates on Update non-dupe keys instead of delete/add
lightweight_rename off When enabled, rename will add an alias instead of completely changing the table name
lock_timing on Berkeley DB will keep stats on time spent waiting for locks
locks_check_waiters off Light a flag if a lockid has waiters
mask_internal_tunables on When enabled, comdb2_tunables system table would not list INTERNAL tunables
memp_pg_timing on Berkeley DB will keep stats on time spent in __memp_pg
memp_timing off Berkeley DB will keep stats on time spent in __memp_fget
no_timeouts_on_release_locks on Disable client-timeouts if we’re releasing locks
only_match_on_commit off Only rep_verify_match on commit records
parallel_sync on Run checkpoint/memptrickle code with parallel writes
pflt_toblock_lcl on Prefault toblock operations locally
pflt_toblock_rep on Prefault toblock operations on replicants
pfltverbose on Verbose errors in prefaulting code
plannedsc on Use planned schema change by default
prefix_foreign_keys on Allow foreign key to be a prefix of your key
print_blockp_stats off print thread-count in block processor
private_blkseq on Keep a private blkseq
random_rowlocks off Grab random, guaranteed non-conflicting rowlocks
release_locks_trace off Print trace if we release locks
rep_printlock off Print locks in rep commit
replicate_rowlocks on Replicate rowlocks
repverifyrecs off Verify every berkeley log record received
requeue_on_tran_dispatch on Requeue transactional statement if not enough threads
reset_queue_cursor_mode on Reset queue consumeer read cursor after each consume
rl_retry_on_deadlock on retry micro commit on deadlock
rowlocks_commit_on_waiters off Don’t commit a physical transaction unless there are lock waiters
rowlocks_deadlock_trace off Prints deadlock trace in phys.c
schemachange_perms on Check if schema change allowed from source machines
scpushlogs on Push to next log after a schema changes
shalloc_timing on Berkeley DB will keep stats on time
sql_release_locks_in_update_shadows on Release sql locks in update_shadows on lockwait
sql_release_locks_on_emit_row_lockwait off Release sql locks when we are about to emit a row
sql_release_locks_on_si_lockwait on Release sql locks from si if the rep thread is waiting
sql_release_locks_on_slow_reader on Release sql locks if a tcp write to the client blocks
sqlclient_use_random_readnode off Sql client will use random sql allocation by default
sqlite3openserial on Serialize calls to sqlite3_open to prevent excess CPU
superset_foreign_keys on Allow foreign key to be a superset of your key
support_datetime_in_triggers on Enable support for datetime/interval types in triggers
t2t off New tag->tag conversion code
thread_stats on Berkeley DB will keep stats on what its threads are doing
track_curtran_locks off Print curtran lockinfo
track_queue_time on Track time sql requests spend on queue
update_startlsn_printstep off Print steps walked in update_startlsn code
use_blkseq on Enable blkseq
use_fastseed_for_comdb2_seqno off Use fastseed instead of context for comdb2_seqno unique values
utxnid_log on When enabled, 8-byte transaction IDs will be written to log records.
verbose_net off Net prints lots of messages
verbose_toblock_backouts off print verbose toblock backout trace
verbose_waiter_flag off Print trace setting the waiter flag in lock code
verify_all_pools off verify objects are returned to the correct pools
verify_dbreg off Periodically check if dbreg entries are correct
verify_directio off Run expensive checks on directio calls
verifycheckpoints off Highly paranoid checkpoint validity checks
verifylsn on Verify if LSN written before writing page
warn_cstr on Warn on validation of cstrings

sqllogger commands

There’s a detailed SQL logging system in place. It allows fine-grained data collection on queries. This can be controlled with the sqllogger commands. Logs themselves are binary files that are dumped into the database directory with the name $DBNAME.sqllog. When rolled, they before $DBNAME.sqllog.1, $DBNAME.sqllog.2, etc.

SQL logger command Defaul Description
sqllogger on   Enables sql logging
sqllogger asyncsize 4194304 For async logging, the max size of unflushed query data
sqllogger async 1 Log asynchronously - don’t write to file in the same thread as SQL query
sqllogger every 1 Log every Nth statement (1 means every), occasionally good for sampling queries
sqllogger keep 2 Keep this many copies of rolled logs
sqllogger rollat not set Automatically roll logs when they get to this size (in bytes)
sqllogger sync 1 Log synchronously - write to file in the same thread as SQL query

Incoherent nodes overview

One problem with synchronous replication is that commit time is dominated by the slowest node. What’s worse, a node that stops responding altogether can hold up replication forever. To avoid these problems, the master may choose to mark nodes incoherent. Incoherent nodes continue to operate as before with 2 exceptions:

  • They will no longer service any requests - any new queries/transactions that come in are rejected and will go to another node.
  • The master will no longer wait for replication acknowledgments from incoherent nodes.

There’s 2 ways for a node to be marked incoherent. The first catches outright broken nodes. If any nodes have acknowledged a transaction, and any other node takes longer than a configured threshold to respond, it’s considered broken and marked incoherent. The second option captures nodes that are statistically slower than other nodes. A node where the running average of acknowledgment times over the last minute twice as bad as the second bad node (withing some minimum threshold) is considered slow, and will become incoherent.

Incoherent nodes are self-healing. If a node marked incoherent catches up to the master, the master will mark it coherent again, will resume waiting for replication, and the node will be free to service requests. If a node was marked slow (second method, listed above), it will become coherent once its running average is back within the configured threshold.

The tunables in this section control the various tunables used to decide when nodes are to be considered incoherent

DB layer tunables:

Option Default Description
incoherent_alarm_time 120 (seconds) Warn about incoherent nodes this often.
incoherent_msg_freq 3600 (seconds) Drop a warning file if a node is incoherent (see incoherent nodes overview) for more information.
max_incoherent_nodes 1 Number of incoherent nodes before an alarm triggers.

BDB layer tunables (see bdbattr tunables)

Option Default Description
REPMETHODMAXSLEEP 300 (SECS) Delay commits by at most this much if forced to delay by incoherent nodes
REPTIMEOUT_LAG 50 (PERCENT) Used in replication. Once a node has received our update, we will wait REPTIMEOUT_LAG% of the time that took for all other nodes.
REPTIMEOUT_MAXMS 5 * 60 * 1000 (MSECS) We should wait this long for one node to acknowledge replication. If after this time we have failed to replicate anywhere then the entire cluster is incoherent!
REPTIMEOUT_MINMS 10000 (MSECS) Even if the first node comes back quickly, wait at least this many ms to replicate to other nodes.
REP_DEBUG_DELAY 0 (MSECS) For debugging - set an artificial replication delay
SKIPDELAYBASE 100 (MSECS) Delay commits by at least this much if forced to delay by incoherent nodes
TOOMANYSKIPPED 2 (QUANTITY) Call for election again and delay commits if more than this many nodes are incoherent

sql_tranlevel_default options

These options allow you to set the default SQL transaction level across the database. Any setting here can be overwritten by running ‘SET TRANSACTION …’ after connecting to the database. See Isolation Levels for available transaction levels.

sql_tranlevel option Description
sql_tranlevel_default default Set to default isolation level
sql_tranlevel_default recom Set to READ COMMITTED isolation level
sql_tranlevel_default snapshot Set to SNAPSHOT isolation level
sql_tranlevel_default serial Set to SERIALIZABLE isolation level

Query limit commands

Queries running in the database can be limited in cost. The database can optionally warn when a query reaches a certain cost, or prevent it from running further.

querylimit option Description
querylimit maxcost N Set the maximum cost the database will allow for a query to N
querylimit maxcost off Turn off returning errors for queries over a cost limit
querylimit warn maxcost N Warn if a query has a cost > N
querylimit warn maxcost off Turn off warnings for queries over a cost limit

Transaction limit settings

These options limit a transaction on the master node.

Option Default Description
max_cascaded_rows_per_txn 0 Set the max allowed cascaded rows written (updated) per transaction
max_time_per_txn_ms 0 Set the max time allowed for a transaction to complete
max_wr_rows_per_txn 0 Set the max written rows per transaction – inludes all rows written by a transaction, including cascaded operations

Decimal rounding options

The rounding policy for rounding for columns of decimal types can be controlled with the decimal_rounding option. Available options are:

decimal_rounding option Description
decimal_rounding DEC_ROUND_NONE Don’t round
decimal_rounding DEC_ROUND_05UP Round for reround
decimal_rounding DEC_ROUND_CEILING Round towards +infinity
decimal_rounding DEC_ROUND_DOWN Round towards 0 (truncate)
decimal_rounding DEC_ROUND_FLOOR Round towards -infinity
decimal_rounding DEC_ROUND_HALF_DOWN 0.5 rounds down
decimal_rounding DEC_ROUND_HALF_EVEN 0.5 rounds to nearest even (default)
decimal_rounding DEC_ROUND_HALF_UP 0.5 rounds up
decimal_rounding DEC_ROUND_UP Round away from 0

berkattr tunables

There’s a few low-level tunables that control options in BerkeleyDB subsystems present in Comdb2.

All options below are preceded with “berkattr” in the configuration file.

Option Default Description
abort_on_replicant_log_write 0 Abort if replicant is writing to logs
abort_zero_lsn_memp_put 0 Abort on memp_fput pages with zero headers
abort_zero_lsn_writes 0 Abort on writing pages with zero headers
always_run_recovery 1 Replicant always runs recovery after rep_verify
apprec_track_lsn_ranges 1 During recovery track lsn ranges
blocking_latches 0 Block on latch rather than deadlock
btpf_cu_gap 5 How close a cursor should be (pages) to the prefaulted limit before prefaulting again
btpf_enabled 0 Enables index pages read ahead
btpf_min_th 1 Preload pages only if the tree has height less than this parameter
btpf_pg_gap 0 Min. number of records to the page limit before read ahead
btpf_wndw_inc 1 Increment factor for the number of pages read ahead
btpf_wndw_max 1000 Maximum number of pages read ahead
btpf_wndw_min 100 Minimum number of pages read ahead
cache_lc_check 0 Check LC cache system on every transaction
cache_lc_debug 0 Lots of verbose messages out of LC cache system
cache_lc_max 16 Keep this many transactions around in LC cache
cache_lc_memlimit_tran 1048576 Limit per transaction memory used by LC cache
cache_lc_memlimit 2097152 Limit total memory used by LC cache (0 = unlimited).
cache_lc_trace_evictions 0 Print a message at the point of eviction
cache_lc_trace_misses 0 Print a message on cache miss
cache_lc 0 Collect logs into LSN_COLLECTIONs as they come in
check_applied_lsns_debug 0 Lots of verbose trace for debugging applied LSNs
check_applied_lsns_fatal 0 Abort if check_applied_lsns fails
check_applied_lsns 0 Check transaction that its LSNs have been applied
check_pwrites_debug 0 Read page after direct pwrite, check that it matches
check_pwrites 0 Read page after direct pwrite, check that it matches
check_zero_lsn_writes 1 Warn on writing pages with zero LSNs
commit_map_debug 0 Produce debug output in commit lsn map
consolidate_dbreg_ranges 1 Combine adjacent dbreg ranges for same file
db_lock_lsn_step 1024 Stepup for preallocated db_lock_lsns
dbreg_errors_fatal 0 dbreg errors fatal
debug_addrem_dbregs 0 Generate debug records for addrems
debug_deadlock_replicant_percent 0 Percent of replicant events getting deadlocks
debug_enospc_chance 0 DEBUG %% random ENOSPC on writes
flush_scan_dbs_first 0 Don’t hold bufpool mutex while opening files for flush
ilock_step 2048 Stepup for preallocated ilock-latches
iomap_enabled 1 Map file that tells comdb2ar to pause while we fsync
latch_max_poll 5 Poll latch this many times before returning deadlock
latch_max_wait 5000 Block at most this many microseconds before returning deadlock
latch_poll_us 1000 Poll latch this many microseconds before retrying
latch_timed_mutex 1 Use a timed mutex
lockerid_node_step 128 Stepup for preallocated lids
log_applied_lsns 0 Log applied LSNs to log
log_cursor_cache 0 Cache log cursors
lsnerr_logflush 1 Flush log on lsn error
lsnerr_pgdump_all 0 Dump page on LSN errors on all nodes
lsnerr_pgdump 1 Dump page on LSN errors
max_latch_lockerid 10000 Size of latch lockerid array
max_latch 200000 Size of latch array
num_write_retries 8 number of times to retry writes on ENOSPC
preallocate_max 256 * MEGABYTE Pre-allocation size
preallocate_on_writes 0 Pre-allocate on writes
recovery_processor_poll_interval_us 1000 Recovery processor wakes this often to check workers
recovery_verify_fatal 0 Abort if recovery_verify is set, and fails.
recovery_verify 0 After recovery, run a full pass to make sure everything is applied
sgio_enabled 0 Do scatter gather I/O
sgio_max 10 * MEGABYTE Max scatter gather I/O to do at one time
skip_sync_if_direct 1 Don’t fsync files if directio enabled
start_recovery_at_dbregs 1 Start recovery at dbregs
tracked_locklist_init 10 Initial allocation count for tracked locks
warn_nondbreg_records 0 warn on non-dbreg records before checkpoint
warn_on_replicant_log_write 1 Warn if replicant is writing to logs

bdbattr tunables

These tunables control the ‘BDB’ layer of the db. Its main responsibility is setting tunables that control lower-level functions like replication, various timeouts, etc. These are set with the ‘setattr’ tunable. The next word determines which option to set, and the following word determines its value.

Option Default (type) Description
ALLOW_OFFLINE_UPGRADES 0 (BOOLEAN) Allow machines marked offline to become master.
AUTODEADLOCKDETECT 1 (BOOLEAN) When enabled, deadlock detection will run on every lock conflict. When disabled, it’ll run periodically (every DEADLOCKDETECTMS ms)
BLOBSTRIPE 0 (BOOLEAN) Settable at ONLY at database creation time. Create stripes for every variable length field (eg: blobs)
BULK_SQL_MODE 1 (BOOLEAN) Enable reading data in bulk when performing a scan (alternative is single-stepping a cursor)
BULK_SQL_THRESHOLD 2 (QUANTITY) Use bulk retrieval of data on scan after this many next operations
CHECKPOINTRAND 30 (SECS) Stagger scheduled checkpoints by this random amount within this many seconds (to prevent multiple databases from checkpointing at the same time)
CHECKPOINTTIMEPOLL 100 (MSECS) Poll a random amount of time < this before writing a checkpoint (attempting to prevent multiple databases from checkpointing at the same exact time)
CHECKPOINTTIME 60 (SECS) Write a checkpoint at this interval.
CHECK_LOCKER_LOCKS 0 (BOOLEAN) Sanity check locks at end of transaction
COMMITDELAYMAX 0 (QUANTITY) Caps the max transaction delay time. COMMITDELAY won’t set above this value, unless set manually.
COMMITDELAY 0 (MSECS) Add a delay after every commit. This is occasionally useful to throttle the transaction rate.
DEADLOCKDETECTMS 100 (MSECS) When automatic deadlock detection is disabled, run the deadlock detector this often.
DEADLOCK_LEAST_WRITES_EVER 1 (BOOLEAN) If AUTODEADLOCKDETECT is off, prefer transaction with least write as deadlock victim
DEADLOCK_MOST_WRITES 0 (BOOLEAN) If AUTODEADLOCKDETECT is off, prefer transaction with most write as deadlock victim
DEADLOCK_WRITERS_WITH_LEAST_WRITES 1 (BOOLEAN) If AUTODEADLOCKDETECT is off, prefer transaction with least write as deadlock victim
DEADLOCK_YOUNGEST_EVER 0 (BOOLEAN) If AUTODEADLOCKDETECT is off, prefer youngest transaction as deadlock victim
DEF_MIN_KEEP_LOGS 5 (QUANTITY) Keep at least this many logs around, even if they are eligible for deletion (unless disk space is very low)
DELAYED_OLDFILE_CLEANUP 1 (BOOLEAN) If set, don’t delete unused data/index files in the critical path of schema change - schedule them for deletion later.
DISABLE_PAGEORDER_RECSZ_CHK 0 (BOOLEAN) If set, allow page-order table scans even for larger record sizes where they don’t necessarily lead to improvement.
DISABLE_PGORDER_MIN_NEXTS 1000 (QUANTITY) Don’t disable page order table scans for tables less than this many pages.
DISABLE_PGORDER_THRESHOLD 60 (PERCENT) Disable page order table scans if skipping this percentage of pages on a scan
DISABLE_UPDATE_STRIPE_CHANGE 1 (BOOLEAN) Enable to move records between stripes on an update.
DISABLE_WRITER_PENALTY_DEADLOCK 0 (BOOLEAN) If set, won’t shrink max #writers on deadlock
DTASTRIPE 8 (QUANTITY) Partition each table’s data into this many stripes. Note that this is ONLY settable at database creation time.
ELECTTIMEBASE 50 (MSECS) Master election timeout base value
ELECT_DISABLE_NETSPLIT_PATCH 0 (BOOLEAN) When false - on a net split, the side with the master keeps it instead of downgrading. New masters still can’t be elected without a quorum.
ENABLE_TEMPTABLE_CLEAN_EXIT 0 (BOOLEAN) On exit, clean up temp tables (they are deleted on next startup regardless).
FULLRECOVERY 0 (BOOLEAN) Instead of recovering from the last checkpoint, run recover from the start of the available logs.
GENID_COMP_THRESHOLD 60 (QUANTITY) Try to compress rowids if the record data is smaller than this size.
HOSTILE_TAKEOVER_RETRIES 0 (QUANTITY) Attempt to take over mastership if the master machine is marked offline, and the current machine is online.
INDEX_PRIORITY_BOOST 1 (BOOLEAN) Treat index pages as higher priority in the buffer pool.
KEEP_REFERENCED_FILES 1 (BOOLEAN) Don’t remove any files that may still be referenced by the logs.
LITTLE_ENDIAN_BTREES 1 (BOOLEAN) Enabling this sets byte ordering for pages to little endian
LOGSEGMENTS 1 (QUANTITY) Changing this can create multiple logfile segments. Multiple segments can allow the log to be written while other segments are being flushed.
LOG_DEBUG_CTRACE_THRESHOLD 20 (QUANTITY) Limit trace about log file deletion to this many events
LOWDISKTHRESHOLD 95 (PERCENT) Sets the low headroom threshold (percent of filesystem full) above which Comdb2 will start removing logs against set policy.
MASTER_REJECT_REQUESTS 1 (BOOLEAN) Master will reject SQL requests - they’ll be routed to a replicant. The master can serve SQL requests, but it’s better to avoid it for better workload balancing.
MASTER_REJECT_SQL_IGNORE_SANC 0 (BOOLEAN) If MASTER_REJECT_REQUESTS is set, reject if no other connected nodes are available.
MAX_SQL_IDLE_TIME 3600 (QUANTITY) Warn when an SQL connection remains idle for this long.
MAX_VLOG_LSNS 10000000 (QUANTITY) Apply up to this many replication record trying to maintain a snapshot transaction.
MEMPTRICKLEMSECS 1000 (MSECS) Pause for this many ms between runs of the cache flusher.
MEMPTRICKLEPERCENT 99 (PERCENT) Try to keep at least this percentage of the buffer pool clean. Write pages periodically until that’s achieved.
MINREPTIMEOUT 10000 (MSECS) Wait at leas this long for a replication event before marking a node incoherent (see incoherent nodes overview)
MIN_KEEP_LOGS_AGE 0 (SECS) Keep logs that are at least this old (0 - do not keep logs based on time)
NEW_MASTER_DUMMY_ADD_DELAY 5 (SECS) Force a transaction after this delay, after becoming master.
NOMASTER_ALERT_SECONDS 60 (QUANTITY) Replicants will alarm there’s no master for this many seconds.
NUMBERKDBCACHES 0 (QUANTITY) Split the cache into this many segments.
OSYNC 0 (BOOLEAN) Enable O_SYNC on writes. Reads will still use filesystem cache.
PAGEDEADLOCK_MAXPOLL 5 (QUANTITY) If retrying on deadlock (see PAGEDEADLOCK_RETRIES), poll up to this many ms on each retry.
PAGEDEADLOCK_RETRIES 500 (QUANTITY) On a page deadlock, retry the page operation up to this many times.
PAGE_EXTENT_SIZE 0 (QUANTITY) If set, allocate pages in blocks of this many (extents)
PAGE_ORDER_TABLESCAN 1 (BOOLEAN) Scan tables in order of pages, not in order of rowids (faster for non-sparse tables)
PRINT_FLUSH_LOG_MSG 0 (BOOLEAN) Produce trace when flushing log files.
RECOVERY_PAGES 0 (QUANTITY) Disabled if set to 0. Othersize, number of pages to write in addition to writing datapages. This works around corner recovery cases on questionable filesystems.
REPLIMIT 256 * 1024 (BYTES) Replication messages will be limited to this size
REPSLEEP 0 (MSECS) Add a delay on replicants before completing processing a log record.
REPTIMEOUT 20 (SECS) Replication timeout.
REP_DB_PAGESIZE 0 (QUANTITY) Page size for BerkeleyDB’s replication cache db.
REP_LONGREQ 1 (SECS) Warn if replication events are taking this long to process.
REP_LSN_CHAINING 0 (BOOLEAN) If set, will force transactions on replicant to always release locks in LSN order.
REP_MEMSIZE 524288 (QUANTITY) Maximum size for a local copy of log records for transaction processors on replicants. Larger transactions will read from the log directly.
REP_PROCESSORS 4 (QUANTITY) Try to apply this many transactions in parallel in the replication stream
REP_WORKERS 16 (QUANTITY) Size of worker pool for applying page changes on behalf of transactions (only has effect when REP_PROCESSORS is set
ROWLOCKS_PAGELOCK_OPTIMIZATION 1 (BOOLEAN) Upgrade rowlocks to pagelocks if possible on cursor traversals.
SEQNUM_WAIT_INTERVAL 500 (QUANTITY) Wake up to check the state of the world this often while waiting for replication acks.
SOSQL_DDL_MAX_COMMIT_WAIT_SEC 259200 (SECS) Wait for the master to commit a DDL transaction for up to this long
SOSQL_MAX_COMMIT_WAIT_SEC 600 (SECS) Wait for the master to commit a transaction for up to this long
SOSQL_POKE_FREQ_SEC 5 (QUANTITY) On replicants, check this often for transaction status.
SOSQL_POKE_TIMEOUT_SEC 12 (QUANTITY) On replicants, when checking on master for transaction status, retry the check after this many seconds.
SQLBULKSZ 2097152 (BYTES) For index/data scans, the database will retrieve data in bulk instead of singlestepping a cursor. This set the buffer size for the bulk retrieval.
SQLITE_SORTER_TEMPDIR_REQFREE 6 (PERCENT) Refuse to create a sorter for queries if less than this percent of disk space is available (and return an error to the application)
SQL_QUERY_IGNORE_NEWER_UPDATES 0 (BOOLEAN) In transaction modes below SNAPSHOT, skip records updated after the current transaction started.
SQL_QUEUEING_CRITICAL_TRACE 100 (QUANTITY) Produce trace when SQL request queue is this deep.
SQL_QUEUEING_DISABLE_TRACE 0 (BOOLEAN) Disable trace when SQL requests are starting to queue.
TABLESCAN_CACHE_UTILIZATION 20 (PERCENT) Attempt to keep no more than this percentage of the buffer pool of table scans.
TEMPTABLE_CACHESZ 262144 (BYTES) Cache size for temporary tables. Temp tables do not share the database’s main buffer pool.
TEMPTABLE_MEM_THRESHOLD 512 (QUANTITY) If in-memory temp tables contain more than this many entries, spill them to disk.
ZLIBLEVEL 6 (QUANTITY) If zlib compression is enabled, this determines the compression level.

Auto analyze options

These options control when the database kicks off analyze automatically. Auto-analyze will be run by the database when the database does some fixed count of inserts/deletes. Various counters can be queried with the stat autonalyze command.

Option Default (type) Description
AUTOANALYZE 0 (BOOLEAN) Set to enable auto-analyze
AA_COUNT_UPD 0 (BOOLEAN) Also consider updates towards the count of operations
AA_LLMETA_SAVE_FREQ 1 (QUANTITY) Persist change counters per table on every N’th iteration (called every CHK_AA_TIME seconds)
AA_MIN_PERCENT_JITTER 300 (QUANTITY) Additional jitter factor for determining percent change.
AA_MIN_PERCENT 20 (QUANTITY) Percent change above which we kick off analyze
CHK_AA_TIME 180 (SECS) Check whether we should start analyze this often
MIN_AA_OPS 100000 (QUANTITY) Start analyze after this many operations
MIN_AA_TIME 7200 (SECS) Don’t re-run auto-analyze if already ran within this many seconds

SQL planner tunables

Option Default (type) Description
PLANNER_EFFORT 1 (QUANTITY) Planner effort (try harder) levels, default is 1
PLANNER_SHOW_SCANSTATS 0 (BOOLEAN) After each query, display statistics about index/data paths taken.
PLANNER_WARN_ON_DISCREPANCY 0 (BOOLEAN) After each query warn if the estimate and actual cost are significantly different
SHOW_COST_IN_LONGREQ 1 (BOOLEAN) Show query cost in the database long requests log (see logs.html#long-requests-log)

Schema change tunables

Option Default (type) Description
SC_RESTART_SEC 60 (QUANTITY) Delay restarting schema change for this many seconds after startup/new master election
INDEXREBUILD_SAVE_EVERY_N 10 (QUANTITY) Save schema change state to every n-th row for index only rebuilds
SC_CHECK_LOCKWAITS_SEC 1 (QUANTITY) Frequency of checking lockwaits during schemachange in seconds
SC_DECREASE_THRDS_ON_DEADLOCK 1 (BOOLEAN) Decrease number of schema change threads on deadlock – way to have schema change backoff
SC_FORCE_DELAY 0 (BOOLEAN) Force schemachange to delay after every record inserted – to have sc backoff
SC_NO_REBUILD_THR_SLEEP 10 (QUANTITY) Sleep this many microsec when conversion threads count is at max
SC_PAUSE_REDO 0 (BOOLEAN) Pauses the newsc asynchronous redo-thread for testing
SC_USE_NUM_THREADS 0 (QUANTITY) Start up to this many threads for parallel rebuilding durin schema change. 0 means use one per dtastripe. Setting is capped at dtastripe.

UDP tunables

UDP option description  
RAND_UDP_FAILS 0 (QUANTITY) For testing, rate of drop of UDP packets
UDP_AVERAGE_OVER_EPOCHS 4 (QUANTITY) Average over these many TCP epochs
UDP_DROP_DELTA_THRESHOLD 10 (QUANTITY) Warn if delta of dropped packets exceeds this threshold
UDP_DROP_WARN_PERCENT 10 (PERCENT) Warn only if percentage of dropped packets exceeds this
UDP_DROP_WARN_TIME 300 (SECS) No more than one warning per UDP_DROP_WARN_TIME seconds

2PC tunables

2PC option Default Description
ENABLE_2PC 1 (BOOLEAN) Uses 2-phased commits for fdb-distributed transactions
ALLOW_COORDINATOR n/a (DB/TIER) Allow this db/tier to act as a coordinator
COORDINATOR_SYNC_ON_COMMIT 1 (BOOLEAN) Coordinator syncs log and waits for replicants on distributed commit
COORDINATOR_BLOCK_UNTIL_DURABLE 1 (BOOLEAN) Coordinator blocks until commit is durable
COORDINATOR_WAIT_PROPAGATE 1 (BOOLEAN) Coordinator blocks until participants complete distributed commit
FLUSH_ON_PREPARE 1 (BOOLEAN) Master flushes log on prepare
FLUSH_REPLICANT_ON_PREPARE 1 (BOOLEAN) Replicants flush log on prepare
WAIT_FOR_PREPARE_SEQNUM 1 (BOOLEAN) Participants fail on prepare if replicated to less than quorum
DISTTXN_ASYNC_MESSAGE 1 (BOOLEAN) Send 2-pc messages asynchronously
DISTTXN_RANDOM_RETRY_POLL 500 (MSECS) Coordinator replicant random max poll time on distributed deadlock
DISTTXN_HANDLE_CACHE 1 (BOOLEAN) Disttxn caches handles to peers
DISTTXN_HANDLE_LINGER_TIME 60 (SECS) Time an unused disttxn-handle persists

Rowlock tunables

Rowlocks option Description  
ACK_ON_REPLAG_THRESHOLD 0 Drop the undo interval to 1 after this many deadlocks
MAX_ROWLOCKS_REPOSITION 10 Release a physical cursor an re-establish
PHYSICAL_ACK_INTERVAL 0 For logical transactions, have the slave send an ‘ack’ after this many physical operations
PHYSICAL_COMMIT_INTERVAL 512 Force a physical commit after this many physical operations
ROWLOCKS_MICRO_COMMIT 1 Commit on every btree operation

Misc tunables

Misc option Default Description
ASOF_THREAD_DRAIN_LIMIT 0 How many entries at maximum should the BEGIN TRANSACTION AS OF thread drain per run
ASOF_THREAD_POLL_INTERVAL_MS 500 For how long should the BEGIN TRANSACTION AS OF thread sleep after draining its work queue
DELETE_OLD_FILE_DEBUG 0 Spew debug info about deleting old files during schema change.
DISABLE_CACHING_STMT_WITH_FDB 1 Don’t cache query plans for statements with foreign table references
DISABLE_SELECTVONLY_TRAN_NOP 0 Disable verifying rows selected via SELECTV if there’s no other actions done by the same transaction
DONT_BLOCK_DELETE_FILES_THREAD 0 Don’t delete any files that would cause delete files thread to block
GENID48_WARN_THRESHOLD 500000000 Print a warning when there are only a few genids remaining */
NET_INORDER_LOGPUTS 1 Attempt to order messages to ensure they go out in LSN order
RCACHE_COUNT 257 Number of entries in root page cache
RCACHE_PGSZ 4096 Size of pages in root page cache
REP_VERIFY_LIMIT_ENABLED 1 Enable aborting replicant if it doesn’t make sufficient progress while rolling back logs to sync up to master.
REP_VERIFY_MAX_TIME 300 Maximum amount of time we allow a replicant to roll back its logs in an attempt to sync up to the master.
REP_VERIFY_MIN_PROGRESS 10485760 Abort replicant if it doesn’t make this much progress while rolling back logs to sync up to master.
RLLIST_STEP 10 Reallocate rowlock lists in steps of this size.
SC_VIA_DDL_ONLY 0 If DDL_ONLY is set, we don’t do checks needed for comdb2sc
file_permissions 0660 Default filesystem permissions for database files.

Log configuration

Log option Default Description
DEBUG_LOG_DELETION 0 Enable to see when/why database log files are being deleted
LOGDELETELOWFILENUM -1 (QUANTITY) Set to set the lowest deleteable log file number.
LOGFILEDELTA 4096 (BYTES) Treat lsn differences less than this as “close enough” for the purpose of determining if a new node is in sync
LOGFILESIZE 41943040 (BYTES) Attempt to keep each log file around this size.
LOGMEMSIZE 10485760 (BYTES) Use this much memory for a log file in-memory buffer.
LOG_DELETE_LOW_HEADROOM_BREAKTIME 10 Try to delete logs this many times if the filesystem is getting full before giving up

Replay detection tunables

Comdb2 databases allow the client APIs to replay a transaction if its outcome is uncertain (ie: client issues commit, but the database drops a connection, so uncertain whether it committed). This system is internally called “blkseq” (block sequence). Tunables to control it are below

BLKSEQ option Default Description
DISABLE_SERVER_SOCKPOOL 1 Don’t get connections to other databases from sockpool.
PRIVATE_BLKSEQ_CACHESZ 4194304 Cache size of the blkseq table
PRIVATE_BLKSEQ_CLOSE_WARN_TIME 100 Warn when it takes longer than this many MS to roll a blkseq table
PRIVATE_BLKSEQ_ENABLED 1 Sets whether dupe detection is enabled
PRIVATE_BLKSEQ_MAXAGE 20 Maximum time in seconds to let “old” transactions live
PRIVATE_BLKSEQ_STRIPES 8 Number of stripes for the blkseq table
TIMEOUT_SERVER_SOCKPOOL 10 Timeout for getting a connection to another database from sockpool.

Coherency options

Comdb2 will mark nodes that are non-responsive “incoherent”. Incoherent nodes will not respond to new queries and replication will not wait for them acknowledge events. Nodes stay incoherent until the are caught up to the rest of the cluster. The master node will send replicants a coherency lease to allow them to stay coherent. It’ll withhold the lease if a node is either not responding or is significantly slower than the other nodes.

Coherency option Default(type) Description
ADDITIONAL_DEFERMS 0 Wait-fudge to ensure that a replicant has gone incoherent
ADD_RECORD_INTERVAL 1 Add a record every seconds while there are incoherent_wait replicants
CATCHUP_ON_COMMIT 1 Replicant to INCOHERENT_WAIT rather than INCOHERENT on commit if within CATCHUP_WINDOW
CATCHUP_WINDOW 1000000 Start waiting in waitforseqnum if replicant is within this many bytes of master
COHERENCY_LEASE 200 A coherency lease grants a replicant the right to be coherent for this many MS.
COHERENCY_LEASE_UDP 1 Use udp to issue leases
COMMITDELAYBEHINDTHRESH 1048576 (BYTES) Call for election again and ask the master to delay commits if we’re further than this far behind on startup.
DOWNGRADE_PENALTY 10000 Prevent upgrades for at least this many ms after a downgrade
LEASE_RENEW_INTERVAL 50 How often we renew leases
MAKE_SLOW_REPLICANTS_INCOHERENT 1 (BOOLEAN) Make slow replicants incoherent.
REMOVE_COMMITDELAY_ON_COHERENT_CLUSTER 1 Stop delaying commits when the all the nodes in the cluster are coherent.
SLOWREP_INACTIVE_TIMEOUT 5000 (SECS) If a “slow” replicant hasn’t responded in this long, mark him incoherent.
SLOWREP_INCOHERENT_FACTOR 2 (QUANTITY) Make replicants that are this many times worse than the second worst replicant incoherent. This is the threshold for WARN_SLOW_REPLICANTS and MAKE_SLOW_REPLICANTS_INCOHERENT.
SLOWREP_INCOHERENT_MINTIME 2 (MSECS) Ignore replicantion events faster than this.
TRACK_REPLICATION_TIMES_MAX_LSNS 50 (QUANTITY) Track replication times for up to this many transactions
TRACK_REPLICATION_TIMES 1 (BOOLEAN) Track how long each replicant takes to ack all transactions.
WARN_SLOW_REPLICANTS 1 (BOOLEAN) Warn if any replicant’s average response times over the last 10 seconds are significantly worse than the second worst replicant’s.

Init time options

These options apply only at database creation time. Use -create -lrl /path/to/lrlfile.lrl with the pre-populated options to create the database

Option Default Description
blobstripe 1 Also stripe blob files (several physical files per blob field)
dtastripe 1 Stripe each table across this many files (several physical files per table)
init_with_bthash 0 (off) Turn on a root page lookaside cache for tables
init_with_compr On Turns out compression on table data.
init_with_compr_blobs On Turns out compression on blob/vutf8 columns.
init_with_genid48 Off Use incrementing numbers for rowids instead of timestamps
init_with_inplace_update On Do record inplace inplace instead of a delete/add. This is far more efficient.
init_with_instant_schema_change On When possible (eg: when just adding fields) schema change will not rebuild the underlying tables.
init_with_ondisk_header On Add an extra header to records for versioning and compression information. This can be enabled on tables individually with ALTER TABLE. This controls the default for new tables. Prerequisite for other init_with_* options below.
init_with_rowlocks Off Use rowlocks instead of pagelocks for short-term transaction locks
init_with_rowlocks_master_only Off Alternate rowlocks scheme that only requires short-term rowlocks on the master
table   Multiple table options can be added to an lrl file to add tables at database init time. Arguments are table name and path to .csc2 file.

Start time options

These options are toggable at start time of the server.

Option Default Description
archive_on_init ON Archive preexisting database files on init.
cache 64 mb Database cache size, see cache size
cachekb   see cache size
cachekbmax   see cache size
cachekbmin   see cache size
checksums On Checksum data pages. Turning this off is highly discouraged.
cluster nodes   List of nodes that comprise the cluster for this database. See setting up clusters
dedicated_network_suffixes   Suffix to append to node name when server has extra network interfaces that comdb2 is able to use to ensure resiliency when losing one network, example: if eth1 and eth2 are extra network cards on the server and the dns hostnames assigned to the ips of the respective cards are node1_eth1 and node1_eth2, then the option here should be set as: dedicated_network_suffixes _eth1 _eth2
dir $COMDB2_ROOT/var/cdb2/$DBNAME Database directory
directio On Bypass filesystem cache for page I/O
fullrecovery Off, recovery runs from previous checkpoint Attempt to run database recovery from the beginning of available logs
largepages 0 Enables large pages.
nonames Off Use database name for some environment files (older setting, should remain off)
remsql_whitelist databases   If this option is set, when another DB makes a connection to this DB, we will only allown processing of that request if that other DB’s name is in the whitelist, otherwise it will receive an error, example: remsql_whitelist databases db1 db2 db3.

Runtime options

These options are toggle-able at runtime.

Option Default Description
ack_trace not set Every second, produce trace for ack messages
allow   See permissioning commands
allow_lua_print 0 Enable to allow stored procedures to print trace on DB’s stdout
allow_user_schema 0 Enable to allow per-user schemas
analyze_comp_threads 10 Number of thread to use when generating samples for computing index statistics
analyze_comp_threshold 104857600 Index file size above which we’ll do sampling, rather than scan the entire index.
analyze_tbl_threads 5 Number of threads to go through generated samples when generating index statistics
appsockpool   See thread pools
appsockslimit 500 Start warning on this many connections to the database
berkattr   See BerkeleyDB attributes
blob_mem_mb not set Blob allocator - sets the max memory limit to allow for blob values (in MB).
blobmem_sz_thresh_kb not set Sets the threshold (in kb) above which blobs are allocated by the blob allocator.
cache_flush_interval 30 (s) Flushes buffer-cache page numbers to logs/pagelist on this interval. The database pre-heats the buffercache with these pages when it starts. Setting to 0 disables.
chkpoint_alarm_time 60 (sec) Warn if checkpoints are taking more than this many seconds.
clean_exit_on_sigterm 1 When enabled, SIGTERM will cause database to do an orderly shutdown. When disabled follows system SIGTERM default (terminate, no core)
clrpol   See permissioning commands
commit_delay_on_copy_ms 0 Amount of time each commit will be delayed if a copy is ongoing
commit_delay_timeout_seconds 10 Period of time a master will delay-commits if a copy is ongoing
commitdelaymax 0 Introduce a delay after each transaction before returning control to the application. Occasionally useful to allow replicants to catch up on startup with a very busy system.
crc32c set Use crc32c (alternate faster implementation of CRC32, different checksums) for page checksums
crypto   See Authentication and Encryption
ctrace_dbdir not set If set, debug trace files will go to the data directory instead of `$COMDB2_ROOT/var/log/cdb2/)
ctrace_nlogs 7 When rolling trace files, keep this many. The older files will have incrementing number suffixes (.1, .2, etc.)
ctrace_rollat 0 Roll database debug trace file ($COMDB2_ROOT/var/log/cdb2/$dbname.trc.c) at specified size. Set to 0 to never roll.
deadlock_rep_retry_max not set If set, will reset the deadlock mode after this many deadlocks on the replicant while applying the log stream.
debugthreads off If set to ‘on’ enables trace on thread events.
decimal_rounding DEC_ROUND_HALF_EVEN See decimal rounding options
default_sql_mspace_kbsz 1024 Default size of memory regions owned by SQL threads, in KB
delay_sql_lock_release 1 Delay release locks in cursor move if bdb lock desired but client sends rows back
disable_cache_internal_nodes   Disable enable_cache_internal_nodes
disable_inplace_blob_optimization   Disables enable_inplace_blob_optimization
disable_inplace_blobs   Disables enable_inplace_blobs (needs enable_inplace_blob_optimization, and enable_osql_blob_optimization also enabled - which they are by default)
disable_new_snapshot   Disables alternate snapshot implementation
disable_osql_blob_optimization   Disables disable_osql_blob_optimization
disable_overflow_page_trace 1 If set, warn when a page order table scan encounters an overflow page.
disable_page_latches   Turns off page latches
disable_pageorder_recsz_check 0 If set, allow page order table scans even for pages with overflows.
disable_partial_indexes   Disables partial indices
disable_prefault_udp   Disable enable_prefault_udp
disable_replicant_latches   Turns off page latches on replicants
disable_sparse_lockerid_map   Disables enable_sparse_lockerid_map
disable_sql_dlmalloc not set If set, will use default system malloc for SQL state machines. By default, each thread running SQL gets a dedicated memory pool.
disable_temptable_pool   Disables the pool of temp tables set by temptable_limit, temp tables are created as needed.
disable_upgrade_ahead   Disables enable_upgrade_ahead
disallow   See permissioning commands
do   At the end of processing config files, execute the rest of this line as an operational command, see operational Commands
dump_cache_max_pages 0 Maximum number of pages that will be written into the default pagelist
dumpthreadonexit off If set to ‘on’ dump resources held by a thread on exit
early set When set, replicants will ack a transaction as soon as they acquire locks - not that replication must succeed at that point, and reads on that node will either see the records or block.
enable_bulk_import 0 Enable API to quickly bring in tables from another database
enable_bulk_import_different_tables 0 Enable API to bring in tables from another databases that are not present in the current database
enable_cache_internal_nodes set Btree internal nodes have a higher cache priority.
enable_inplace_blob_optimization   Enables inplace blob updates (blobs are updated in place in their b-tree when possible, not deleted/added)
enable_inplace_blobs set Don’t update the rowid of a blob entry on an update
enable_lowpri_snapisol 0 Give lower priority to locks acquired when updating snapshot state
enable_new_snapshot 0 Experimental Enable new SNAPSHOT implementation
enable_new_snapshot_asof 0 Experimental Enable new BEGIN TRANSACTION AS OF implementation
enable_new_snapshot_logging 0 Experimental Enable alternate logging scheme
enable_osql_blob_optimization set Replicant tracks which columns are modified in a transaction to allow blob updates to be omitted if possible
enable_overflow_page_trace   If set, don’t warn when a page order table scan encounters an overflow page.
enable_pageorder_recsz_check   Disables enable_pageorder_recsz_check
enable_partial_indexes not set If set, allows partial index definitions in table schema. See partial indices
enable_prefault_udp not set Send lossy prefault requests to replicants
enable_selectv_range_check not set Experimental If set, SELECTV will send ranges for verification, not every touched record.
enable_serial_isolation 0 Enable to allow SERIALIZABLE level transactions to run against the database
enable_snapshot_isolation 0 Enable to allow SNAPSHOT level transactions to run against the database
enable_sparse_lockerid_map set If set, allocates a sparse map of lockers for deadlock resolution
enable_sql_stmt_caching not set Enable caching of query plans. If followed by “all” will cache all queries, including those without parameters.
enable_tagged_api 0  
enable_upgrade_ahead not set Occasionally update read records to the newest schema version (saves some processing when reading them later)
externalauth off Enable use of external auth plugin
forbid_remote_admin set Disallow admin SQL sessions unless it is on the same machine as the database
gbl_exit_on_pthread_create_fail 1 If set, database will exit if thread pools aren’t able to create threads.
heartbeat_send_time 5 (seconds) Send heartbeats this often.
include   Include file given as argument. Named file will be processed before continuing processing the current file.
ioqueue 0 Max depth of the I/O prefaulting queue
iothreads 0 Number of threads to use for I/O prefaulting
keycompr   Enable index compression (applies to newly allocated index pages, rebuild table to force for all pages, see REBUILD
load_cache_max_pages 0 Maximum number of pages that will be prefaulted into the bufferpool cache.
load_cache_threads 8 Number of threads that will prefault a pagelist into the bufferpool cache.
location   Sets up default file locations - see file locations
lock_conflict_trace Off Dump count of lock conflicts every second
log_delete_after_backup 0 Set log deletion policy to disable log deletion (can be set by backups, thought the default backups provided by copycomdb2 use a different mechanism)
log_delete_before_startup 0 Set log deletion policy to disable logs older than database startup time.
log_delete_now 1 Set log deletion policy to delete logs as soon as possible.
logmsg   Controls the database logging level - accepts logging commands.
master_retry_poll_ms 100 Have a node wait this long after a master swing before retrying a transaction
master_swing_osql_verbose not set Produce verbose trace for SQL handlers detecting a master change
max_lua_instructions 10000 Max lua opcodes to execute before we assume the stored procedure is looping and kill it
max_sqlcache_hints 100 Max number of “hinted” query plans to keep (global) - see cdb2_use_hints()
max_sqlcache_per_thread 10 Max number of plans to cache per sql thread (statement cache is per-thread, but see hints below)
maxappsockslimit 1400 Start dropping new connections on this many connections to the database
maxcolumns 255 Raise the maximum permitted number of columns per table. There’s a hard limit of 1024.
maxlockers 256 Initial size of the lockers table (there’s no current maximum)
maxosqltransfer 50000 Maximum number of records modifications allowed per transaction
maxq 192 Maximum queue depth for write requests
maxretries 500 Maximum number of times a transactions will be retried on a deadlock
maxsockcached 500 After this many connections, start requesting that further connections are no longer pooled.
maxtxn 128 Maximum concurrent transactions.
maxwt 8 Maximum number of threads processing write requests
memp_dump_cache_threshold 20 Don’t flush the bufferpool pagelist until at least this percentage of pages has been modified.
mempget_timeout 60 (seconds)  
memstat_autoreport_freq 180 (sec) Dump memory usage to trace files at this frequency
nice not set If set, will call nice() with this value to set the database nice level
no_ack_trace   Turns off ack trace
no_lock_conflict_trace On Turns off lock_conflict_trace
no_rep_process_txn_trace   Unsets rep_process_txn_trace
nocrc32c   Disables crc32c, fall back to CRC32
noearly   Disables early. With noearly replicant will wait to commit a transaction locally and release locks before acking. The only advantage is that subsequent reads won’t block on this transaction’s lock - the replication semantics don’t change.
nokeycompr   Disable index compression (applies to newly allocated index pages, just like keycompr)
norcache   Disables rcache
noreallearly   Disables reallyearly
notimeout not set Turns off SQL timeouts
nowatch not set Disable watchdog. Watchdog aborts the database if basic things like creating threads, allocating memory, etc. doesn’t work.
nullfkey Constraints are enforced for all key values Do not enforce foreign key constraints for null keys.
num_record_converts 100 During schema changes, pack this many records into a transaction.
on/off   Enable/disable various switches - see switches
osql_verify_ext_chk 1 For block transaction mode only - after this many verify errors, see if transaction is non-commitable - see default isolation level
osql_verify_retry_max 499 Retry a transaction on a verify error this many times - see optimistic concurrency control
osqlprefaultthreads 0 If set, send prefaulting hints to nodes.
osync Off Enables O_SYNC on data files (reads still go through FS cache) if directio isn’t set
page_latches not set Experimental If set, in rowlocks mode, will acquire fast latches on pages instead of full locks.
pagedeadlock_maxpoll 5 (ms) Randomly poll for this many ms and retry a deadlocked component of a rowlocks transaction
pagedeadlock_retries 500 Retry a deadlocked component of a rowlock transaction this many times before reporting deadlock for the transaction.
pageordertablescan set Table scans read the table in page order, not row order.
pbkdf2_iterations 4096 Number of PBKDF2 iterations. PBKDF2 is used for password hashing. The higher the value, the more secure and the more computationally expensive. The mininum number of iterations is 4096.
prefaulthelperthreads 0 Max number of prefault helper threads.
print_deadlock_cycles 100 Print deadlock cycle every n-th time a transaction encounters a deadlock. Set to 1 to turn off, set to 1 to print all deadlock cycles.
print_syntax_err not set Trace all SQL with syntax errors.
query_plan_percentage 50 Alarm if the average cost per row of current query plan is n percent above the cost for different query plan.
querylimit   See query limit commands
queuepoll 0 Occasionally wake up and poll consumer queues even when no events require it
rcache set Keep a lookaside cache of root pages for b-trees
reallearly not set Ack as soon as a commit record is seen by the replicant (before it’s applied). This effectively makes replication asynchronous, so reads may not see the effects of a committed transaction yet.
rep_process_txn_trace not set If set, report processing time on replicant for all transactions
repchecksum 0 Enable to do additional check-summing of replication stream (log records in replication stream already have checksums)
replicant_latches not set Experimental Also acquire latches on replicants
replicate_local 0 When enabled, record all database events to a comdb2_oplog table. This can be used to set clusters/instances that are fed data from a database cluster. Alternate ways of doing this are planned, so enabling this option should not be needed in the near future.
report_deadlock_verbose 0 If set, dump the current thread’s stack for every deadlock.
reqldiffstat 60 (sec) Set how often the database will dump various usage statistics (each entry will include changes in the last interval)
reqltruncate 1 Disable to always log full SQL queries in request logs (they are truncated by default to save space)
resource not set Registers a file with the databases. Can be referred to from stored procedures.
round_robin_stripes 0 Alternate to which table stripe new records are written. The default is to keep stripe affinity by writer.
sbuftimeout not set Set a timeout on client connections, connections drop if they
setattr   Change bdb tunables - see bdb tunables
setclass   See permissioning commands
set_snapshot_impl “modsnap” Set the implementation to be used for snapshot isolation. Can be one of “original”, “new”, or “modsnap”.
setsqlattr   See (SQL tunables)[#sql-tunables]
sockbplog_sockpool off Osql bplog sent over sockets is using local sockpool
sockbplog off Osql bplog is sent from replicants to master on their own socket
sql_time_threshold 5000 (ms) Sets the threshold time in ms after which queries are reported as running a long time.
sql_tranlevel_default   Sets the default SQL transaction level for the database, see (SQL transaction levels)[#sql-transaction-levels]
sqlenginepool   See thread pools
sqlflush not set Force flushing the current record stream to client every specified number of records
sqllogger   See request logging
sqlsortermaxmmapsize 2147418112 maximum amount of file-backed mmap size in bytes to give the sqlite sorter
sqlsortermem 314572800 maximum amount of memory to give the sqlite sorter
stack_at_lock_get not set Collect comdb2_stack for every lock
stack_at_lock_handle not set Collect comdb2_stack for every handle-lock
stack_at_write_lock not set Collect comdb2_stack for every write-lock
survive_n_master_swings 600 Have a node retry applying a transaction against a new master this many times before giving up.
sync   See sync command
tablescan_cache_utilization 20 Percent of cache to allow to be used for table scans.
temptable_limit 8192 Set the maximum number of temporary tables the database can create
throttle_txn_chunks_msec 0 Wait that many milliseconds before starting a new transaction chunk
throttlesqloverlog 5 (sec) On a full queue of SQL requests, dump the current thread pool this often
update_shadows_interval 0 Set to higher than 0 to update snaphots on every Nth operation (default is for every operation)
use_parallel_schema_change 1 Scan stripes for a table in parallel during schema change.
use_planned_schema_change 1 Only change entities that need to change on a schema change. Disable to always rebuild all data files and indices for the changing table.


In order to allow seamless migration between older and newer Comdb2 versions, some tunables are introduced to disable incompatible features introduced in newer versions.

legacy_tunables (introduced in 7.0)

This tunable disables all new features/behaviours that, if used, would have prevented downgrading to older versions. It implicitly enables following configurations:

    berkattr elect_highest_committed_gen 0
    clean_exit_on_sigterm off
    ddl_cascade_drop 0
    decoupled_logputs off
    disallow write from beta if prod
    enable_sql_stmt_caching none
    legacy_schema on
    logmsg level info
    logmsg notimestamp
    logmsg skiplevel
    logput window 1
    nullfkey off
    nullsort high
    off fix_cstr
    off osql_odh_blob
    off return_long_column_names
    on accept_on_child_nets
    on disable_etc_services_lookup
    online_recovery off
    osql_send_startgen off
    queuedb_genid_filename off
    reorder_socksql_no_deadlock off
    setattr DIRECTIO 0
    setattr MASTER_LEASE 0
    unnatural_types 1

legacy_schema (introduced in 7.0)

Turning it off would enable support for newer (backwards incompatible) CSC2 constructs introduced in 7.0. The features include: uniqnulls (UNIQUE/PRIMARY KEY in DDL), partial index, index on expression and non-null default value for datetime fields. This list could grow in future.

noenv_messages (introduced in 7.0)

Turing it on would enable support for upsert and partial index, both introduced in 7.0.