This section defines the syntax of SQL as accepted by Comdb2. Anyone familiar with SQLite will find the syntax diagrams familiar. Comdb2 uses SQLite as the query parser and query planner. The SQL dialects in Comdb2 and SQLite are not identical however. Some things have been taken away and some have been added (stored procedures, table partitions).




Begin a transaction. The impact of this changes somewhat based on the sessions transaction level (SET TRANSACTION). See the transaction model section for lots of details about available isolation levels. Quick summary follows.

In the default level (when no SET TRANSACTION statement has been run, and no defaults set in the database configuration file) this statement has the effect of beginning a transaction which will block all write operations together transactionally. Read operations will not run transactionally, and thus will not see the results of intermediate operations within a transaction (prior to commit.)

In Read Committed level (SET TRANSACTION READ COMMITTED) this statement has the effect of beginning a transaction that will group all read and write operations into a transaction. “Reads” will see results of intermediate operations within a transaction. Long term read locks will not be held, and reads are not “repeatable.”

In Snapshot Isolation level (SET TRANSACTION SNAPSHOT ISOLATION) this statement has the effect of beginning a transaction that will group all read and write operations into a transaction. Reads will see results of intermediate operations within a transaction. Reads are repeatable in this mode without the use of long term read locks through the use of Multi Version Concurrency Control. This level also guarantees lack of phantoms. Before using snapshot isolation, you must add enable_snapshot_isolation to your lrl file.

The optional AS OF DATETIME clause begins a transaction with a snapshot of the database as it existed as of the given time. The snapshot only has the effects of transactions that committed before that time. Using AS OF DATETIME requires the transaction being in SNAPSHOT ISOLATION mode (set with SET TRANSACTION SNAPSHOT ISOLATION). Note that enabling SNAPSHOT ISOLATION requires the enable_snapshot_isolation lrl tunable. Snapshots requested from before snapshot isolation was enabled will not work. A snapshot is only available if enough transaction logs are online to find commits before the specified time. The time provided must unquoted date in ISO 8601 format or Unix time. If the provided timestamp is higher than the highest timestamp in the database’s transaction log, then the database will run the snapshot transaction as of the highest timestamp in its log.

NOTE: If any SQL statements inside the transaction fail, excluding COMMIT, the application needs to run ROLLBACK before it’s able to reuse the same connection for other requests. A transaction that calls COMMIT or ROLLBACK is considered complete, regardless of any errors returned. The next statement that runs on the same connection will be in a new transaction.



Commits a transaction previously started with BEGIN. The effect of this call will be to submit all “write” operations that were part of the transaction to the db engine to be performed as a transaction. At this point all constraints will be verified, and cascade operations will be performed if required. Any errors in deferred statements will be returned at this point. Any transaction where COMMIT returns an error is considered rolled back. It is an error to call COMMIT on a connection where no transaction has been started with BEGIN.



Rolls back (aka aborts) the current transaction. Any effects of previous statements in the current transaction are undone.

Changing data






The INSERT statement comes in three basic forms. The first form (with the “VALUES” keyword) creates a single new row in an existing table. If no column-list is specified then the number of values must be the same as the number of columns in the table. If a column-list is specified, then the number of values must match the number of specified columns. Columns of the table that do not appear in the column list are filled with the default value (which may be an AUTOINCREMENT for longlong fields), or with NULL if no default value is specified.

The second form of the INSERT statement takes its data from a SELECT statement. The number of columns in the result of the SELECT must exactly match the number of columns in the table if no column list is specified, or it must match the number of columns named in the column list. A new entry is made in the table for every row of the SELECT result. The SELECT may be simple or compound.

The third form of the INSERT statement is with DEFAULT VALUES. This inserts a single new row in the named table populated with default values for columns, or with a NULL if no default value is specified as part of column definition.

Note that if wrapped in a BEGIN/COMMIT pair, the INSERT is considered a deferred statement, and will not return an error (except in the rare case of a connection failure) until COMMIT time.

See also:








The UPDATE statement is used to change the value of columns in selected rows of a table. Each assignment in an UPDATE specifies a column name to the left of the equals sign and an arbitrary expression to the right. The expressions may use the values of other columns. All expressions are evaluated before any assignments are made. A WHERE clause can be used to restrict which rows are updated.

See also:






The DELETE command is used to remove records from a table. The command consists of the DELETE FROM keywords followed by the name of the table from which records are to be removed.

If the WHERE clause is omitted, all rows will be deleted. Note that in this case, the DELETE statement will traverse all rows and remove them individually. This makes it a less efficient option than the TRUNCATE statement, but has the advantage that it will work on tables with foreign key constraints.

See also:




Querying data

SELECT statement


Select syntax overview

The SELECT statement is used to query the database. The result of a SELECT is zero or more rows of data where each row has a fixed number of columns. The number of columns in the result is specified by the expression list in between the SELECT and FROM keywords. Any arbitrary expression can be used as a result. If a result expression is * then all columns of all tables are substituted for that one expression. If the expression is the name of a table followed by .* then the result is all columns in that one table.

The SELECTV variant of SELECT operates exactly the same as SELECT and supports exactly the same syntax. The difference is SELECTV causes Comdb2 to assert that the rows visited during the SELECTV remain unchanged at the time of a COMMIT. It can be used in a similar manner to the SELECT FOR UPDATE construct provided by other systems. Note that SELECTV can only be used in the following transactional modes: default, READ COMMITTED and SNAPSHOT ISOLATION. READ COMMITTED is the recommended mode for running SELECTV; we allow SELECTV in the default mode, but there are corner cases inherent to this isolation level in which the transactions will fail, therefore SELECTV in the default mode is not recommended. SELECTV works properly in SNAPSHOT ISOLATION, but use READ COMMITTED unless your transactions are already running in SNAPSHOT ISOLATION (it is slightly more expensive to run in SNAPSHOT ISOLATION than READ COMMITTED transactions).

The DISTINCT keyword causes a subset of result rows to be returned, in which each result row is different. NULL values are not treated as distinct from each other. The default behavior is that all result rows be returned, which can be made explicit with the keyword ALL.

The query is executed against one or more tables specified after the FROM keyword. If multiple tables names are separated by commas, then the query is against the cross join of the various tables. The full SQL-92 join syntax can also be used to specify joins. A sub-query in parentheses may be substituted for any table name in the FROM clause. The entire FROM clause may be omitted, in which case the result is a single row consisting of the values of the expression list.

The WHERE clause can be used to limit the number of rows over which the query operates.

The GROUP BY clause causes one or more rows of the result to be combined into a single row of output. This is especially useful when the result contains aggregate functions. The expressions in the GROUP BY clause do not have to be expressions that appear in the result. The HAVING clause is similar to WHERE except that HAVING applies after grouping has occurred. The HAVING expression may refer to values, even aggregate functions, that are not in the result.

The ORDER BY clause causes the output rows to be sorted. The argument to ORDER BY is a list of expressions that are used as the key for the sort. The expressions do not have to be part of the result for a simple SELECT, but in a compound SELECT each sort expression must exactly match one of the result columns. Each sort expression may be optionally followed by a COLLATE keyword and the name of a collating function used for ordering text and/or keywords ASC or DESC to specify the sort order. Note that in the absence of an ORDER BY clause the order in which rows are returned is not defined.

Each term of an ORDER BY BY expression is processed as follows:

If the ORDER BY expression is a constant integer K then the output is ordered by the K-th column of the result set.

If the ORDER BY expression is an identifier and one of the output columns as an alias by the same name, then the output is ordered by the identified column.

Otherwise, the ORDER BY expression is evaluated and the output is ordered by the value of that expression.

In a compound SELECT statement, the third ORDER BY matching rule requires that the expression be identical to one of the columns in the result set. The three rules are first applied to the left-most SELECT in the compound. If a match is found, the search stops. Otherwise, the next SELECT to the right is tried. This continues until a match is found. Each term of the ORDER BY clause is processed separately and may come from different SELECT statements in the compound.

The LIMIT clause places an upper bound on the number of rows returned in the result. A negative LIMIT indicates no upper bound. The optional OFFSET following LIMIT specifies how many rows to skip at the beginning of the result set. In a compound query, the LIMIT clause may only appear on the final SELECT statement. The limit is applied to the entire query not to the individual SELECT statement to which it is attached. Note that if the OFFSET keyword is used in the LIMIT clause, then the limit is the first number and the offset is the second number. If a comma is used instead of the OFFSET keyword, then the offset is the first number and the limit is the second number. This seeming contradiction is intentional - it maximizes compatibility with legacy SQL database systems.

A compound SELECT is formed from two or more simple SELECT statements connected by one of the operators UNION, UNION ALL , INTERSECT, or EXCEPT. In a compound SELECT, all the constituent SELECT statements must specify the same number of result columns. There may be only a single ORDER BY clause at the end of the compound SELECT. The UNION and UNION ALL operators combine the results of the SELECT statements to the right and left into a single big table. The difference is that in UNION all result rows are distinct where in UNION ALL there may be duplicates. The INTERSECT operator takes the intersection of the results of the left and right SELECT statements. EXCEPT takes the result of left SELECT after removing the results of the right SELECT. When three or more SELECT statements are connected into a compound statement, they group from left to right.

Foreign tables

Tables specified in table-or-subquery clause may refer to tables in other databases. The syntax is simply database.tablename. Being able to locate the database requires setting up comdb2db. For simple setups/testing the application can specify LOCAL_database.tablename to refer to a table in a database that’s running on the same machine as the database receiving the query. One can create an alias to a foreign table and refer to it as if it’s in a local database, see the PUT ALIAS statement. This has the advantage of being able to move tables between databases without changing SQL statements used to query them.

See also:









Stored procedures



The CREATE PROCEDURE statement defines a new procedure. Procedures can be run directly with the EXEC PROCEDURE or EXECUTE PROCEDURE statements. Defined procedures can also be registered as new SQL functions with the CREATE LUA FUNCTION statement, or as triggers with CREATE LUA TRIGGER/ CREATE LUA CONSUMER statements.

Procedures can be given versions. Version names are to be supplied by the user. Versioning allows a more compartmentalized development model. For instance, users may have “beta” and “prod” versions of a procedure to be run from different deployment stages. The SET SPVERSION statement can specify the version to use for the current connection. The first version added for a new procedure automatically becomes a default. Adding a new version does not make it the default - it must be made the new default version with with the PUT DEFAULT PROCEDURE statement.

For detailed information on writing stored procedures, see the stored procedures section.


exec procedure

Runs the stored procedure named by procedure-name. Procedures can take literal or bound parameter arguments. Stored procedure calls are immediate statements.

Creating and altering entities


















The CREATE TABLE statement creates a new table. If the table already exists, the statement returns an error unless the IF NOT EXISTS clause is present.

Comdb2 supports two variants of CREATE TABLE syntax. In the first approach, the schema definition defines all keys and constraints (more information can be found on the table schema page).

The second approach, added in version 7.0, follows the usual standard data definition language syntax supported by other relational database systems. A primary key created using this syntax implicitly creates a UNIQUE index named COMDB2_PK with all key columns marked NOT NULL.

Comdb2 allows creation of indexes only on fields with fixed-sized types. For instance, an attempt to create index on a blob or vutf8 field would result in error. In terms of syntax, indexes on expressions need a little extra care in Comdb2. The expression must be casted to a fixed-sized type.

CREATE TABLE t1(`json` VUTF8(128),
                UNIQUE (CAST(JSON_EXTRACT(`json`, '$.a') AS INT)),
                UNIQUE (CAST(JSON_EXTRACT(`json`, '$.b') AS CSTRING(10))))

The list of allowed types that the expression in an index be casted to as well as the syntax required to define an index on expression using CSC2 schema, can be found here.

The table can be partitioned, if PARTITIONED BY option is present. This semantic was added in version 8.0. A partitioned table is a union of table shards that are accessed as a whole no different that a regular table. Currently Comdb2 supports a time-based retention and manual retention partitioning. For more details, see also: Table partitioning language and design

See also: Schema definition language (CSC2)



Creates a new trigger or consumer to be called for specified table events. See the Triggers section for a full explanation and examples. Briefly, triggers are run by the database when a matching table event occurs. They do not return data to the client, but may create/modify records. A common application of triggers is to create an audit table that logs record changes. Consumers register with the database the intent to listen for matching table changes. Consumers may then call the stored procedure with the given name to block and receive matching events when they occur.

Procedure-name must be a name of an existing Lua procedure created with a CREATE PROCEDURE statement.

See also:




This registers a stored procedure with the list of functions known by the SQL engine. This allows the function to be called from running SQL statements like built-in SQL functions. The SCALAR keyword specifies that the function will return a single value given a set of arguments, eg: like the built-in function UPPER. The AGGREGATE keyword specifies that the function will return a single value from a subset of rows, like the built-in function SUM.



DROP will delete the specified entity from the database.

DROP TABLE will drop the specified table. If the table doesn’t exist, the statement will return an error, unless IF EXISTS is specified. If the table is partitioned, the partition and its shard tables are both removed.

DROP PROCEDURE will drop the specified version on a procedure. See the stored procedure section for details.

DROP LUA TRIGGER, DROP LUA CONSUMER, DROP LUA SCALAR FUNCTION and DROP LUA AGGREGATE FUNCTION will drop the association between a stored procedure and the trigger/consumer/function that it maps to. The trigger will no longer fire. All SQL connections running the consumer procedure will stop with an error. The named functions will no longer be callable from SQL.






Schema changes in Comdb2 are live by default. The database will not acquire long duration table locks during the change and may be freely read from and written to. If the schema change adds a new field, or grows the size of an existing field, and doesn’t modify the table keys, the change is “*instant*” (unless the ISC table option is set to OFF). No table rebuild will take place (unless the table option REBUILD is specified) if it’s not needed. If fields are removed or the size of an existing field is reduced, the schema change will need to rebuild the existing table. If any key is modified, it’ll be rebuilt.

The ALTER TABLE statement will change the definition of the named table to the one provided. Note that Comdb2 supports two variants of ALTER TABLE syntax.

The first approach uses a declarative language and is not incremental like SQL. In this approach there is no need to alter the table multiple times to add several indices. The ALTER TABLE statement will try to form the most efficient to change the old table definition to the new one. Any fields present in the new schema but absent from the old will be added to the table definition. Any fields absent in the new schema but present int the old will be dropped. Keys will be added, renamed or changed. Constraints will be added or removed. See the Schema definition section for details on the table schema definition syntax. See the table options section a list of options that may be set for a table.

The second approach, added in version 7.0, supports the usual standard data definition language, like other relational database systems. This syntax can be used to ADD a new column or DROP an existing column from the table. Multiple ADD/DROP operations can be used in the same command. In case of DROP operation, the references to the column being dropped will be silently removed from the referring keys and constraints definitions. RENAME TO option renames a table. This option cannot be combined with other ALTER TABLE options. The rename option also cannot be used on the parent table in a foreign key constraint.

An existing table can be partitioned live by using the PARTITIONED BY option. An existing partition can be collapsed live to a standalone table by using PARTITIONED BY NONE option. See also: Table partitioning language and design

SET COMMIT PENDING detaches the schema change from the current transaction and schema changes that use this option will keep running until an explicit commit/abort command is issued. Also see SCHEMACHANGE.

See also:








The TRUNCATE statement deletes all the data in a give table. It does this very efficiently by creating a brand new table and telling the database to use it instead of the old table. For anything but very small tables this is much more efficient than using the DELETE statement. However TRUNCATE will refuse to operate on tables that have foreign key constraints, or are referred to by tables with foreign key constraints. This restriction is necessary since it’s not possible to quickly verify that no constraints are violated. If all records need to be deleted from a table with/referenced by foreign key constrains, please use the DELETE statement instead.



The CREATE INDEX statement can be used to create an index on an existing table. The support for CREATE INDEX was added in version 7.0.

CREATE INDEX idx ON t1(CAST(UPPER(c) AS cstring(100)));



The DROP INDEX statement can be used to drop an existing index. A DROP INDEX command without ON will drop an index with the specified name. It, however, would fail if there are multiple indexes in the database with the same name. The support for DROP INDEX was added in version 7.0.



The CREATE VIEW statement can be used to create a view, which is essentially an alias of a SELECT statement. Views cannot be used to modify records. Thus, an attempt to INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE on a view would fail. One may think of views as READ-ONLY tables. A list of views can be obtained by querying comdb2_views system table.

Access control




GRANT lets the named user have read or write access to the given table. REVOKE takes away that access. Note that the access checks aren’t enforced until authentication is enabled on the database as a whole with the PUT AUTHENTICATION statement.

GRANT OP TO gives superuser privileges to a given user. That user can create/drop tables and grant/revoke privileges to other users.

Database settings



GET allows access to persistent database settings that are changed/enabled with the PUT statement. Not all settings are gettable - passwords aren’t for example, for obvious reasons. There are many other database settings that are not exposed to the GET/PUT statement yet, but should be over time.

The settings currently available to GET are:

  • ALIAS - fetch the local alias name for a table in another database, see foreign tables
  • ANALYZE COVERAGE and ANALYZE THRESHOLD - fetch tunables used to configure index statistics gathering, see the ANALYZE statement.



This is the counterpart to the GET statement. PUT changes persistent database settings. If authentication is enabled with PUT AUTHENTICATION ON, only superusers can run PUT commands.

The settings currently available to PUT are:

  • ANALYZE COVERAGE and ANALYZE THRESHOLD - set tunables used to configure index statistics gathering, see the ANALYZE statement.
  • DEFAULT PROCEDURE - sets the default version for a given stored procedure. Calls to the stored procedure without a SET SPDEFAULT statement will run this version. See stored procedures for and overview.
  • ALIAS - creates local alias for a foreign table
  • PASSWORD - sets a password for a given user. PUT PASSWORD OFF disables the user.
  • AUTHENTICATION - enables/disables authentication on the database. If enabled, access checks are performed. Note that a user must be designated as a superuser before enabling authentication.
  • COUNTER - changes the counter “counter-name” value, either incrementing it or setting it; incrementing a counter without setting it first generate a zero valued counter; a counter with the same name as a logical partition serves as the logical clock for rolling out that partition.

Operational commands



ANALYZE scans indices to gather statistics used in forming query plans. It’s important that ANALYZE runs every time there are index changes or large data changes. If the current data disagrees with statistics gathered from the last ANALYZE run, the database may form sub-optimal (or outright poor) query plans.

ANALYZE can run on all the tables if ALL is specified, or on a single given table. The latter makes sense when rebuilding statistics after index/data changes to a single table. Analyze runs in 2 stages

  1. Database scans each index and builds a “summary” - it saves a percentage of the original data to compute statistics for. percent-coverage (integer from 1-100) configures the percentage of data to be analyzed. The default value can be configured with PUT ANALYZE COVERAGE.
  2. Database scans the generated summary and computes
    • The selectivity of each index
    • A histogram of values

Running ANALYZE on a large table is relatively expensive. There are some cost/time trade-offs that can be set. For the most accurate data, set percent-coverage to 100 (default is 10). To speed up the process, increase the number threads. OPTIONS THREAD configures how many tables to run in parallel (if ALL) is specified. OPTIONS SUMMARIZE configures how many threads to use for running the first stage described above.



REBUILD will recreate an existing index, data, or blob, preserving old data. There are a couple of reasons run ever run REBUILD:

  • Lots of data has been deleted, and we don’t anticipate adding a similar amount back. Run REBUILD to reclaim disk space.
  • A table option (like compression) has been set, and we’d like to apply it to existing records immediately.
  • A table/index/blob is found to be corrupt.

The READONLY and PAGEORDER options are intended for the rare cases that a table is found to be corrupt. Setting the READONLY option will cause the cluster to drop to READONLY mode for the duration of the rebuild. Traversing a B-Tree in PAGEORDER requires that the READONLY flag is set.



SCHEMACHANGE is an operational command to preempt ongoing schema changes:

  • PAUSE ongoing schema changes.
  • RESUME already paused schema changes. NOTE: Resumed schema changes will not commit until an explicit commit is issued.
  • COMMIT ongoing schema changes. This command also resumes paused schema changes and commits after all records are converted.
  • ABORT ongoing schema changes.

Built-in functions

Most of these functions come straight from SQLite. Not all SQLite functions are available - datetime functions are different, for example. Consult the table below for a list. New functions may be created with CREATE LUA FUNCTION.

Available functions

Function Description
abs(X) Return the absolute value of the numeric argument X. Return NULL if X is NULL. Return 0.0 if X is not a numeric value.
char(X1,X2,…,XN) Return a string composed of characters having the unicode code point values of integers X1 through XN, respectively.
coalesce(X,Y,…) Return a copy of the first non-NULL argument. If all arguments are NULL then NULL is returned. There must be at least 2 arguments.
comdb2_version() Return a string that describes the version of the software. It has a format “release (version)”, eg: “R5 (v97966)” Supported in R5 since v93297 and R4 since v95511. If your database is running versions older than this, the function won’t be available.
comdb2_prevquerycost() Return a string that describes the cost of the last query run on this connection. Requires a SET GETCOST ON is run on the connection first.
ifnull(X,Y) Return a copy of the first non-NULL argument. If both arguments are NULL then NULL is returned. This behaves the same as coalesce(X, Y)
instr(X,Y) Find the first occurrence of string Y within string X and returns the number of prior characters plus 1, or 0 if Y is nowhere found within X. Or, if X and Y are both BLOBs, then return one more than the number bytes prior to the first occurrence of Y, or 0 if Y does not occur anywhere within X. If both arguments X and Y are non-NULL and are not BLOBs then both are interpreted as strings. If either X or Y are NULL then the result is NULL.
glob(X,Y) Equivalent to the expression “Y GLOB X”.
hex(X) The argument is interpreted as a BLOB. The result is a hexadecimal rendering of the content of that blob.
length(X) Return the string length of X in characters. If configured to support UTF-8, then the number of UTF-8 characters is returned, not the number of bytes.
like(X, Y)
Equivalent to the expression “Y LIKE X”, or “Y LIKE X ESCAPE Z”.
lower(X) Return a copy of input string X converted to all lower-case letters. The implementation of this function uses the C library routine tolower() which means it may not work correctly on non-ASCII UTF-8 strings.
ltrim(X, Y)
Return a string formed by removing any and all characters that appear in Y from the left side of X. If the Y argument is omitted, removes spaces from the left side of X.
max(X,Y,…) Return the argument with the maximum value. Arguments may be strings in addition to numbers. The maximum value is determined by the usual sort order. Note that max() is a simple function when it has 2 or more arguments but converts to an aggregate function if given only a single argument.
min(X,Y,…) Return the argument with the minimum value. Arguments may be strings in addition to numbers. The minimum value is determined by the usual sort order. Note that min() is a simple function when it has 2 or more arguments but converts to an aggregate function if given only a single argument.
nextsequence Available as a default value of a longlong column. If the column is unspecified in an insert, it will be filled with one larger than the largest value which the column has ever contained. AUTOINCREMENT is an alias for ‘DEFAULT NEXTSEQUENCE’.
nullif(X,Y) Return the first argument if the arguments are different, otherwise return NULL.
printf(FORMAT,…) Works like the printf() function from the standard C library. The first argument is a format string that specifies how to construct the output string using values taken from subsequent arguments. If the FORMAT argument is missing or NULL then the result is NULL. The %n format is silently ignored and does not consume an argument. The %p format is an alias for %X. The %z format is interchangeable with %s. If there are too few arguments in the argument list, missing arguments are assumed to have a NULL value, which is translated into 0 or 0.0 for numeric formats or an empty string for %s.
quote(X) This routine returns a string which is the value of its argument suitable for inclusion into another SQL statement. Strings are surrounded by single-quotes with escapes on interior quotes as needed. BLOBs are encoded as hexadecimal literals.
random() Return a pseudo-random integer between -9223372036854775808 and +9223372036854775807.
randomblob(N) Return an N-byte blob containing pseudo-random bytes. If N is less than 1 then a 1-byte random blob is returned. Hint: applications can generate globally unique identifiers using this function together with hex() and/or lower() like this: hex(randomblob(16)) OR: lower(hex(randomblob(16)))
B regexp A
Returns 1 if string B matches the regular expression A. 0 is returned otherwise.
replace(X,Y,Z) Return a string formed by substituting string Z for every occurrence of string Y in string X. If Y is an empty string then return X unchanged. If Z is not initially a string, it is cast to a UTF-8 string prior to processing.
Round off the number X to Y digits to the right of the decimal point. If the Y argument is omitted, 0 is assumed.
Return a string formed by removing any and all characters that appear in Y from the right side of X. If the Y argument is omitted, removes spaces from the right side of X.
soundex(X) Compute the soundex encoding of the string X. The string “?000” is returned if the argument is NULL.
sqlite_source_id() Returns a string that identifies the specific version of the SQLite library source code that was used: the date and time that the source code was checked in followed by the SHA1 hash for that check-in.
sqlite_version() Return the version string for the SQLite library the software is based upon.
substr(X, Y, Z>
Return a substring of input string X that begins with the Y-th character and which is Z characters long. If Z is omitted then all character through the end of the string are returned. The left-most character of X is number 1. If Y is negative the the first character of the substring is found by counting from the right rather than the left. If X is string then characters indices refer to actual UTF-8 characters. If X is a BLOB then the indices refer to bytes.
Return a string formed by removing any and all characters that appear in Y from both ends of X. If the Y argument is omitted, removes spaces from both ends of X.
typeof(X) Return the type of the expression X. The only return values are “null”, “integer”, “real”, “text”, “datetime” and “blob”.
unicode(X) Returns the numeric unicode code point corresponding to the first character of the string X. If the argument is not a string then the result is undefined.
upper(X) Return a copy of input string X converted to all upper-case letters. The implementation of this function uses the C library routine toupper() which means it may not work correctly on non-ASCII UTF-8 strings.
comdb2_version(X) Return a string that describes the version of the software. It has a format “release (version)”, eg: “R5 (v97966)” Supported in R5 since v93297 and R4 since v95511. If your database is running versions older than this, the function won’t be available.
zeroblob(N) Return a BLOB consisting of N bytes of 0x00.

Aggregate functions

In any aggregate function that takes a single argument, that argument can be preceded by the keyword DISTINCT. In such cases, duplicate elements are filtered before being passed into the aggregate function. For example, the function “count(distinct X)” will return the number of distinct values of column X instead of the total number of non-null values in column X.

Function Description
avg(X) Return the average value of all non-NULL X within a group. String and BLOB values that do not look like numbers are interpreted as 0. The result of avg() is always a floating point value even if all inputs are integers.
The first form return a count of the number of times that X is not NULL in a group. The second form (with no argument) returns the total number of rows in the group.
max(X) Return the maximum value of all values in the group. The usual sort order is used to determine the maximum.
min(X) Return the minimum non-NULL value of all values in the group. The usual sort order is used to determine the minimum. NULL is only returned if all values in the group are NULL.
Return the numeric sum of all non-NULL values in the group. If there are no non-NULL input rows then sum() returns NULL but total() returns 0.0. NULL is not normally a helpful result for the sum of no rows but the SQL standard requires it and most other SQL database engines implement sum() that way so Comdb2 does it in the same way in order to be compatible. The non-standard total() function is provided as a convenient way to work around this design problem in the SQL language. The result of total() is always a floating point value. The result of sum() is an integer value if all non-NULL inputs are integers. If any input to sum() is neither an integer or a NULL then sum() returns a floating point value which might be an approximation to the true sum. Sum() will throw an “integer overflow” exception if all inputs are integers or NULL and an integer overflow occurs at any point during the computation. Total() never throws an exception.
The group_concat() function returns a string which is the concatenation of all non-NULL values of X. If parameter Y is present then it is used as the separator between instances of X. A comma (“,”) is used as the separator if Y is omitted. The order of the concatenated elements is arbitrary.

REGEXP function

The REGEXP function in Comdb2 is implemented as a SQLite extention. The function can be invoked either by REGEXP(A,B) or B REGEXP A, where A is the regular expression and B is the string to be matched. Note that the order of string and regular expression is flipped in both syntaxes.

The following regular expression syntax is supported:

    X*      zero or more occurrences of X
    X+      one or more occurrences of X
    X?      zero or one occurrences of X
    X{p,q}  between p and q occurrences of X
    (X)     match X
    X|Y     X or Y
    ^X      X occurring at the beginning of the string
    X$      X occurring at the end of the string
    .       Match any single character
    \c      Character c where c is one of \{}()[]|*+?.
    \c      C-language escapes for c in afnrtv.  ex: \t or \n
    \uXXXX  Where XXXX is exactly 4 hex digits, unicode value XXXX
    \xXX    Where XX is exactly 2 hex digits, unicode value XX
    [abc]   Any single character from the set abc
    [^abc]  Any single character not in the set abc
    [a-z]   Any single character in the range a-z
    [^a-z]  Any single character not in the range a-z
    \b      Word boundary
    \w      Word character.  [A-Za-z0-9_]
    \W      Non-word character
    \d      Digit
    \D      Non-digit
    \s      Whitespace character
    \S      Non-whitespace character

SET statements

SET statements set an option that remains in place for the current SQL connection. They have no effect on other existing or new connections. All SET statements are deferred, even when not in a transaction. Any error from specifying an option incorrectly will be returned on the next statement that runs on this connection. All arguments to SET following the keywords is treated as a string and is not parsed further. String arguments do not need to be quoted. For example, SET USER mike is correct. SET USER 'mike' is not correct.



This sets the current connection’s transaction level. See transaction levels for more details


This allows bulk data processing to be automatically split into smaller size chunks, freeing the client from the responsibility of spliting up the data. Jobs like INSERT INTO 't' SELECT * FROM 't2' are trivially handled as a sequence of small lock-footprint transactions. Another common use-case is periodic data-set clean-up, replacing the legacy comdb2del tool. This mode currently requires the statements to be enclosed inside a BEGIN ... COMMIT block. Also, in this mode transactions are executed with VERIFYRETRY implicitly disabled.


Sets the timezone for the current connection. All datetime values are returned in this timezone. All timezone values received from the application without an explicit timezone specified are taken to be from this timezone. Please see datetime types for more information.


Sets the default precision of datetime times. All datetime values are returned with this precision. There are two options:

  1. M - sets the precision to milliseconds. Datetime values are returned with cdb2_client_datetime_t type.
  2. U - sets the precision to microseconds. Datetime values are returned with cdb2_client_datetimeus_t type.


Sets the username for the current connection. Must be set if authentication is enabled (see PUT.


Sets the password for the current connection. Must be set if authentication is enabled (see PUT. Password check is done against the user specified by SET USER.


Sets the version for a given stored procedure name. This overrides the default version set globally by SET DEFAULT PROCEDURE


Sets the connection in readonly mode - it will not be able to issue any statements that modify the database.


Turns transaction retries on or off. See the section on optimistic concurrency control for lots of details. The short version is that turning this ON makes the database retry transactions on conflict. Turning it OFF makes the user retry.


Turns on “high availability” mode for SQL. Normally, if a connections is in a transaction, or is receiving rows from a query, the failure of the current database node will result in an error returned to the user. If HASQL is on, the client will keep track of the snapshot start point, of all queries run, and of the current position in the result set for the latest query. On node failure, the snapshot will be re-established on a different node, all statements will be replayed, and the current query will resume where it left off. This is only available in SNAPSHOT or SERIALIZABLE transaction isolation levels.


This restricts access to foreign tables on the current connection. This is useful for tools that can control the level of access a user has to databases other than the current database.


This allows the application to call comdb2_getprevquerycost() on a connection after running a query. This function returns a text description of the paths taken by the query, and the associated cost. Useful for tooling.


This sets the maximum number of operations a transaction will do. The default limit is 50000. Every record added by INSERT, updated by UPDATE, or deleted by DELETE counts towards this total. Transactions that pass the limit are rejected.


Sets a tunable that determines how hard the query planner will work to estimate the cost of possible query plans. The setting is a number from 1 (least effort, quickly formed plans) to 10 (most effort, possibly better plans). The default setting is 1.


Configures row-buffering. The default is ON, where a server writes a row into a buffer and does not flush the buffer immediately. When off, a server flushes on every single row and hence it may reduce latency.


Sets client-side SSL mode. See SSL Mode Summary for details.


Sets SSL certificate path. See Client SSL Configuration Summary for details.


Sets path to the SSL certificate. See Client SSL Configuration Summary for details.


Sets path to the SSL key. See Client SSL Configuration Summary for details.


Sets path to the trusted CA. See Client SSL Configuration Summary for details.


Sets path to the CRL. See Client SSL Configuration Summary for details.


Sets the mininum server TLS version. See Client SSL Configuration Summary for details.


Toggle on or off. If on, can return column names longer than 31 characters without it being truncated (except if using fastsql). If off, will rely on tunable return_long_column_names.

Common syntax rules





Comdb2 understands the following binary operators, in order from highest to lowest precedence:

*    /    %
+    -
<<   >>   &    |
<    <=   >    >=
=    ==   !=   <>   IN

Supported unary prefix operators are these:

-    +    ~    NOT

The COLLATE operator can be thought of as a unary postfix operator. The COLLATE operator has the highest precedence. It always binds more tightly than any prefix unary operator or any binary operator.

The unary operator + is a no-op. It can be applied to strings, numbers, or blobs and it always gives as its result the value of the operand.

Note that there are two variations of the equals and not equals operators. Equals can be either = or ==. The non-equals operator can be either != or <>. The || operator is “concatenate” - it joins together the two strings of its operands. The operator % outputs the remainder of its left operand modulo its right operand.

The result of any binary operator is a numeric value, except for the || concatenation operator which gives a string result.

A literal value is an integer number or a floating point number. Scientific notation is supported. The . character is always used as the decimal point. A string constant is formed by enclosing the string in single quotes ('). A single quote within the string can be encoded by putting two single quotes in a row. C-style escapes using the backslash character are not supported because they are not standard SQL. BLOB literals are string literals containing hexadecimal data and preceded by a single “x” or “X” character, for example X'53514C697465'

A literal value can also be the token NULL.

The LIKE operator does a pattern matching comparison. The operand to the right contains the pattern, the left hand operand contains the string to match against the pattern. A percent symbol % in the pattern matches any sequence of zero or more characters in the string. An underscore _ in the pattern matches any single character in the string. Any other character matches itself or its equivalent (i.e. case-sensitive matching). The LIKE operator is case sensitive in Comdb2.

The GLOB operator is similar to LIKE but uses the Unix file globbing syntax for its wildcards. GLOB is case sensitive. Both GLOB and LIKE may be preceded by the NOT keyword to invert the sense of the test.

A column name can be any of the names of the columns defined in the table.

SELECT statements can appear in expressions as either the right-hand operand of the IN operator, as a scalar quantity, or as the operand of an EXISTS operator. As a scalar quantity or the operand of an IN operator, the SELECT should have only a single column in its result. Compound SELECT expressions (connected with keywords like UNION or EXCEPT) are allowed. With the EXISTS operator, the columns in the result set of the SELECT are ignored and the expression returns TRUE if one or more rows exist and FALSE if the result set is empty. If no terms in the SELECT expression refer to value in the containing query, then the expression is evaluated once prior to any other processing and the result is reused as necessary. If the SELECT expression does contain variables from the outer query, then the SELECT is reevaluated every time it is needed.

When a SELECT is the right operand of the IN operator, the IN operator returns TRUE if the result of the left operand is any of the values generated by the select. The IN operator may be preceded by the NOT keyword to invert the sense of the test.

When a SELECT appears within an expression but is not the right operand of an IN operator, then the first row of the result of the SELECT becomes the value used in the expression. If the SELECT yields more than one result row, all rows after the first are ignored. If the SELECT yields no rows, then the value of the SELECT is NULL.

A CAST expression changes the datatype of the into the type specified by inside the database engine. It has no guarantee of influencing types that cross the boundary to the client. If you want to change the type of the data being returned, you're better off setting the output type in the database call instead of using ```CAST```. Supported values for are:

  • TEXT - convert to a string.
  • REAL - convert to a real.
  • INTEGER - convert to an integer.
  • NUMERIC - convert to a real first, then convert to an integer if doing that is lossless and reversible.
  • DATETIME - convert to a datetime.
  • BLOB - convert to a blob.

Unknown types default to NUMERIC.

Both simple and aggregate functions are supported. A simple function can be used in any expression. Simple functions return a result immediately based on their inputs. Aggregate functions may only be used in a SELECT statement. Aggregate functions compute their result across all rows of the result set.

Common terms


common table expression



















Built-in SQL functions

Note that much of this documentation comes from SQLite.

Function Description
ltrim (X [, Y]) The ltrim(X,Y) function returns a string formed by removing any and all characters that appear in Y from the left side of X. If the Y argument is omitted, ltrim(X) removes spaces from the left side of X.
rtrim (X [, Y]) The rtrim(X,Y) function returns a string formed by removing any and all characters that appear in Y from the right side of X. If the Y argument is omitted, rtrim(X) removes spaces from the right side of X.
trim (X [, Y]) The trim(X,Y) function returns a string formed by removing any and all characters that appear in Y from both ends of X. If the Y argument is omitted, trim(X) removes spaces from both ends of X.
min (X [, Y, …) The multi-argument min() function returns the argument with the minimum value. The multi-argument min() function searches its arguments from left to right for an argument that defines a collating function and uses that collating function for all string comparisons. If none of the arguments to min() define a collating function, then the BINARY collating function is used. Note that min() is a simple function when it has 2 or more arguments but operates as an aggregate function if given only a single argument.
max (X [, Y, …) The multi-argument max() function returns the argument with the maximum value, or return NULL if any argument is NULL. The multi-argument max() function searches its arguments from left to right for an argument that defines a collating function and uses that collating function for all string comparisons. If none of the arguments to max() define a collating function, then the BINARY collating function is used. Note that max() is a simple function when it has 2 or more arguments but operates as an aggregate function if given only a single argument.
typeof (X) The typeof(X) function returns a string that indicates the datatype of the expression X: “null”, “integer”, “real”, “text”, “datetime”, “interval_ym”, “interval_ds”, “decimal”, or “blob”.
length (X) For a string value X, the length(X) function returns the number of characters (not bytes) in X prior to the first NUL character. Since SQLite strings do not normally contain NUL characters, the length(X) function will usually return the total number of characters in the string X. For a blob value X, length(X) returns the number of bytes in the blob. If X is NULL then length(X) is NULL. If X is numeric then length(X) returns the length of a string representation of X.
instr (X, Y) The instr(X,Y) function finds the first occurrence of string Y within string X and returns the number of prior characters plus 1, or 0 if Y is nowhere found within X. Or, if X and Y are both BLOBs, then instr(X,Y) returns one more than the number bytes prior to the first occurrence of Y, or 0 if Y does not occur anywhere within X. If both arguments X and Y to instr(X,Y) are non-NULL and are not BLOBs then both are interpreted as strings. If either X or Y are NULL in instr(X,Y) then the result is NULL.
sleep (X) Causes the query to sleep for X seconds. Returns X.
printf (FORMAT, …) printf(FORMAT,…) The printf(FORMAT,…) SQL function works like the sqlite3_mprintf() C-language function and the printf() function from the standard C library. The first argument is a format string that specifies how to construct the output string using values taken from subsequent arguments. If the FORMAT argument is missing or NULL then the result is NULL. The %n format is silently ignored and does not consume an argument. The %p format is an alias for %X. The %z format is interchangeable with %s. If there are too few arguments in the argument list, missing arguments are assumed to have a NULL value, which is translated into 0 or 0.0 for numeric formats or an empty string for %s.
unicode (X) The unicode(X) function returns the numeric unicode code point corresponding to the first character of the string X. If the argument to unicode(X) is not a string then the result is undefined.
char (X1,X2,…,XN) The char(X1,X2,…,XN) function returns a string composed of characters having the unicode code point values of integers X1 through XN, respectively.
abs (X) The abs(X) function returns the absolute value of the numeric argument X. Abs(X) returns NULL if X is NULL. Abs(X) returns 0.0 if X is a string or blob that cannot be converted to a numeric value. If X is the integer -9223372036854775808 then abs(X) throws an integer overflow error since there is no equivalent positive 64-bit two complement value.
round (X [, Y]) The round(X,Y) function returns a floating-point value X rounded to Y digits to the right of the decimal point. If the Y argument is omitted, it is assumed to be 0.
upper (X) The upper(X) function returns a copy of input string X in which all lower-case ASCII characters are converted to their upper-case equivalent.
lower (X) The lower(X) function returns a copy of string X with all ASCII characters converted to lower case. The default built-in lower() function works for ASCII characters only. To do case conversions on non-ASCII characters, load the ICU extension.
hex (X) The hex() function interprets its argument as a BLOB and returns a string which is the upper-case hexadecimal rendering of the content of that blob.
ifnull (X, Y) The ifnull() function returns a copy of its first non-NULL argument, or NULL if both arguments are NULL. Ifnull() must have exactly 2 arguments. The ifnull() function is equivalent to coalesce() with two arguments.
random The random() function returns a pseudo-random integer between -9223372036854775808 and +9223372036854775807.
randomblob (N) The randomblob(N) function return an N-byte blob containing pseudo-random bytes. If N is less than 1 then a 1-byte random blob is returned. Hint: applications can generate globally unique identifiers using this function together with hex() and/or lower() like this: hex(randomblob(16)), lower(hex(randomblob(16)))
guid Returns a 16-byte blob unique identifier.
guid_str Returns a UUID formatted a string in the standard XXXXXXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ-AAAA-BBBBBBBBBBBB notation
guid Returns a 16-byte blob unique identifier.
guid (X) X should be a string representing a UUID. Returns an equivalent UUID as a blob.
guid_str (X) Converts a blob X into a string UUID representation.
nullif (X, Y) The nullif(X,Y) function returns its first argument if the arguments are different and NULL if the arguments are the same. The nullif(X,Y) function searches its arguments from left to right for an argument that defines a collating function and uses that collating function for all string comparisons. If neither argument to nullif() defines a collating function then the BINARY is used.
quote (X) The quote(X) function returns the text of an SQL literal which is the value of its argument suitable for inclusion into an SQL statement. Strings are surrounded by single-quotes with escapes on interior quotes as needed. BLOBs are encoded as hexadecimal literals. Strings with embedded NUL characters cannot be represented as string literals in SQL and hence the returned string literal is truncated prior to the first NUL.
replace (X, Y, Z) The replace(X,Y,Z) function returns a string formed by substituting string Z for every occurrence of string Y in string X. The BINARY collating sequence is used for comparisons. If Y is an empty string then return X unchanged. If Z is not initially a string, it is cast to a UTF-8 string prior to processing.
zeroblob (N) The zeroblob(N) function returns a BLOB consisting of N bytes of 0x00.
substr (X, Y [, Z]) The substr(X,Y,Z) function returns a substring of input string X that begins with the Y-th character and which is Z characters long. If Z is omitted then substr(X,Y) returns all characters through the end of the string X beginning with the Y-th. The left-most character of X is number 1. If Y is negative then the first character of the substring is found by counting from the right rather than the left. If Z is negative then the abs(Z) characters preceding the Y-th character are returned. If X is a string then characters indices refer to actual UTF-8 characters. If X is a BLOB then the indices refer to bytes.
sum(X), total(X) The sum() and total() aggregate functions return sum of all non-NULL values in the group. If there are no non-NULL input rows then sum() returns NULL but total() returns 0.0. NULL is not normally a helpful result for the sum of no rows but the SQL standard requires it and most other SQL database engines implement sum() that way so SQLite does it in the same way in order to be compatible. The non-standard total() function is provided as a convenient way to work around this design problem in the SQL language. The result of total() is always a floating point value. The result of sum() is an integer value if all non-NULL inputs are integers. If any input to sum() is neither an integer or a NULL then sum() returns a floating point value which might be an approximation to the true sum. Sum() will throw an “integer overflow” exception if all inputs are integers or NULL and an integer overflow occurs at any point during the computation. Total() never throws an integer overflow.
avg(X) The avg() function returns the average value of all non-NULL X within a group. String and BLOB values that do not look like numbers are interpreted as 0. The result of avg() is always a floating point value as long as at there is at least one non-NULL input even if all inputs are integers. The result of avg() is NULL if and only if there are no non-NULL inputs.
count(X), count(*) The count(X) function returns a count of the number of times that X is not NULL in a group. The count(*) function (with no arguments) returns the total number of rows in the group.
group_concat(X [, Y]) The group_concat() function returns a string which is the concatenation of all non-NULL values of X. If parameter Y is present then it is used as the separator between instances of X. A comma (“,”) is used as the separator if Y is omitted. The order of the concatenated elements is arbitrary.
glob(X, Y) The glob(X,Y) function is equivalent to the expression “Y GLOB X”. Note that the X and Y arguments are reversed in the glob() function relative to the infix GLOB operator. If the sqlite3_create_function() interface is used to override the glob(X,Y) function with an alternative implementation then the GLOB operator will invoke the alternative implementation.
like(X, Y [, Z]) The like() function is used to implement the “Y LIKE X [ESCAPE Z]” expression. If the optional ESCAPE clause is present, then the like() function is invoked with three arguments. Otherwise, it is invoked with two arguments only. Note that the X and Y parameters are reversed in the like() function relative to the infix LIKE operator. The sqlite3_create_function() interface can be used to override the like() function and thereby change the operation of the LIKE operator. When overriding the like() function, it may be important to override both the two and three argument versions of the like() function. Otherwise, different code may be called to implement the LIKE operator depending on whether or not an ESCAPE clause was specified.
comdb2_version Returns a string corresponding to the current version of Comdb2.
comdb2_host Returns the hostname on which this query is executing.
comdb2_dbname Returns the name of the connected database.
comdb2_prevquerycost Returns the cost of the previously executed query, when possible.
comdb2_user() Returns the name of the current authenticated user for the session.
compress()/compress_zlib() Uses zlib compression algorithm to compress the payload.
uncompress()/uncompress_zlib() Uncompresses the payload compressed using compress() function.
compress_gzip() Uses gzip compression algorithm to compress the payload.
uncompress_gzip() Uncompresses the payload compressed using compress_gzip() function.