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Component bmqa_messageproperties
[Package bmqa]

Provide a VST representing message properties. More...


namespace  bmqp
namespace  bmqa

Detailed Description

Provide a VST representing message properties.
bmqa::MessageProperties VST representing message properties.
bmqa::MessagePropertiesIterator Mechanism to iterate over properties.
See also:
bmqa::MessageProperties provides a VST representing message properties. Message properties are a collection of name-value pairs that producer can associate with a message, and consumer can retrieve from the corresponding message. In order to keep their usage flexible, no schema is enforced for the message properties, and their format (names and data types) should be negotiated by producers and consumers. Message properties can be used for routing, pipelining or filtering messages within the application. It can be efficient to specify such message attributes in the properties instead of the message payload, because application does not have to decode entire payload to retrieve these attributes. bmqa::MessagePropertiesIterator provides a mechanism to iterate over all the properties of a bmqa::MessageProperties object.
Restrictions on Property Names:
  • First character of the property name must be alpha-numeric.
Restrictions on Property Values: