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bdlma::AligningAllocator Class Reference

#include <bdlma_aligningallocator.h>

Inheritance diagram for bdlma::AligningAllocator:

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef bsls::Types::size_type size_type

Public Member Functions

 AligningAllocator (bsls::Types::size_type alignment, bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator=0)
void * allocate (bsls::Types::size_type size) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
void deallocate (void *address) BSLS_KEYWORD_OVERRIDE
virtual void * allocate (size_type size)=0
template<class TYPE >
void deleteObject (const TYPE *object)
void deleteObject (bsl::nullptr_t)
template<class TYPE >
void deleteObjectRaw (const TYPE *object)
void deleteObjectRaw (bsl::nullptr_t)

Static Public Member Functions

static void throwBadAlloc ()

Detailed Description

This class provides a mechanism that serves as a wrapper around another allocator, passed at construction. The mechanism guarantees that all allocations passed to the underlying allocator will be aligned by the alignment specified at construction.

See Component bdlma_aligningallocator

Member Typedef Documentation

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

bdlma::AligningAllocator::AligningAllocator ( bsls::Types::size_type  alignment,
bslma::Allocator basicAllocator = 0 
) [explicit]

Create an AligningAllocator object that guarantees alignment by the specified alignment (in bytes) of memory allocated. Optionally specify a basicAllocator used to supply memory. If basicAllocator is 0 or not supplied, the currently installed default allocator is used. The behavior is undefined unless alignment is a power of 2, and the alignment strategy of the alocator used to supply memory is BSLS_MAXIMUM or BSLS_NATURAL.

Member Function Documentation

void* bdlma::AligningAllocator::allocate ( bsls::Types::size_type  size  ) 

Return a newly allocated block of memory of (at least) the specified positive size (in bytes). If size is 0, a null pointer is returned with no other effect. If this allocator cannot return the requested number of bytes, then it will throw a std::bad_alloc exception in an exception-enabled build, or else will abort the program in a non-exception build. Note that the alignment of the address returned conforms to the platform requirement for any object of size size and is also guaranteed to be at least the alignment passed to the constructor.

void bdlma::AligningAllocator::deallocate ( void *  address  )  [virtual]

Return the memory block at the specified address back to this allocator. If address is 0, this function has no effect. The behavior is undefined unless address was allocated using this allocator object and has not already been deallocated.

Implements bslma::Allocator.

static void bslma::Allocator::throwBadAlloc (  )  [static, inherited]

DEPRECATED: Use bsls::BslExceptionUtil::throwBadAlloc instead.

Throw std::bad_alloc if exceptions are enabled or abort the program otherwise. Derived classes and helper functions will typically call this function when they are unable to satisfy an allocation request. This function never returns.

virtual void* bslma::Allocator::allocate ( size_type  size  )  [pure virtual, inherited]

Return a newly allocated block of memory of (at least) the specified positive size (in bytes). If size is 0, a null pointer is returned with no other effect. If this allocator cannot return the requested number of bytes, then it will throw a std::bad_alloc exception in an exception-enabled build, or else will abort the program in a non-exception build. The behavior is undefined unless 0 <= size. Note that the alignment of the address returned conforms to the platform requirement for any object of the specified size.

Implemented in ball::CountingAllocator, balst::StackTraceTestAllocator, bdlma::BufferedSequentialAllocator, bslma::AllocatorAdaptor_Imp< STL_ALLOC >, bslma::BufferAllocator, bslma::MallocFreeAllocator, bslma::NewDeleteAllocator, bslma::SequentialAllocator, bslma::TestAllocator, and bslma::AllocatorAdaptor_Imp< STL_ALLOC::template rebind< char >::other >.

template<class TYPE >
void bslma::Allocator::deleteObject ( const TYPE *  object  )  [inherited]

Destroy the specified object based on its dynamic type and then use this allocator to deallocate its memory footprint. Do nothing if object is a null pointer. The behavior is undefined unless object, when cast appropriately to void *, was allocated using this allocator and has not already been deallocated. Note that dynamic_cast<void *>(object) is applied if TYPE is polymorphic, and static_cast<void *>(object) is applied otherwise.

void bslma::Allocator::deleteObject ( bsl::nullptr_t   )  [inherited]

This function has no effect. Note that it exists to support calling deleteObject will a null pointer literal, that would otherwise not deduce to a pointer type for the method above. As calls to deleteObject with (typed) null pointer values have well-defined behavior, it should also support calls with a null pointer literal.

template<class TYPE >
void bslma::Allocator::deleteObjectRaw ( const TYPE *  object  )  [inherited]

Destroy the specified object and then use this allocator to deallocate its memory footprint. Do nothing if object is a null pointer. The behavior is undefined unless object was allocated using this allocator, is not a secondary base class pointer -- i.e., the address is (numerically) the same as when it was originally dispensed by this allocator, and has not already been deallocated.

void bslma::Allocator::deleteObjectRaw ( bsl::nullptr_t   )  [inherited]

This function has no effect. Note that it exists to support calling deleteObjectRaw will a null pointer literal, that would otherwise not deduce to a pointer type for the method above. As calls to deleteObjectRaw with (typed) null pointer values have well-defined behavior, it should also support calls with a null pointer literal.

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