// balxml_formatter.h                                                 -*-C++-*-

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                                   NOTICE
// This component is not up to date with current BDE coding standards, and
// should not be used as an example for new development.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide a simple interface for writing formatted XML.
//  balxml::Formatter: provides formatted XML
//@DESCRIPTION: The 'balxml::Formatter' class provides methods to write a
// formatted XML to an underlining output stream.  These methods generate
// header, tags, data, attributes, comments in a human-readable, indented
// format.
// XML documents use a self-describing and simple syntax that consists of
// nested XML elements.  Each element is bounded by a pair of opening and
// closing tags.  Within the pair of tags, there can be more nested elements,
// or just plain text or numeric data in text format.  The opening tag of an
// element can also contain attributes in the form of name="value" pairs.
// This component provides methods to generate these XML ingredients and takes
// care of proper indentation and line wrapping.  Visit
// http://www.w3schools.com/xml/xml_syntax.asp for a complete tutorial.
// Here is a basic example showing ten steps of how to create an XML document
// using this component's major manipulators:
//  // 1. Create a formatter:
//  balxml::Formatter formatter(bsl::cout);
//  // 2. Add a header:
//  formatter.addHeader("UTF-8");
//  // 3. Open the root element,
//  //    Add attributes if there are any:
//  formatter.openElement("Fruits");
//  // 4. Open an element,
//  //    Add attributes if there are any:
//  formatter.openElement("Oranges");
//  formatter.addAttribute("farm", "Francis' Orchard"); // ' is escaped
//  formatter.addAttribute("size", 3.5);
//  // 5. If there are nested elements, recursively do steps 4 - 8:
//  // 6. Else, there are no more nested elements, add data:
//  formatter.openElement("pickDate");               // step 4
//  formatter.addData(bdlt::Date(2004, 8, 31));       // step 6
//  formatter.closeElement("pickDate");              // step 7
//  formatter.addElementAndData("Quantity", 12);     // step 8
//            // element "Quantity" has no attributes, can use
//            // shortcut 'addElementAndData' to complete steps
//            // 4, 6 and 7 in one shot.
//  // 7. Close the element:
//  formatter.closeElement("Oranges");
//  // 8. If there are more elements, repeat steps 4 - 8
//  formatter.openElement("Apples");                 // step 4
//  formatter.addAttribute("farm", "Fuji & Sons");   // '&' is escaped
//  formatter.addAttribute("size", 3);
//  formatter.closeElement("Apples");                // step 7
//  // 9. Close the root element:
//  formatter.closeElement("Fruits");
// Indentation is correctly taken care of and the user need only concern
// her/himself with the correct ordering of the XML elements s/he's trying to
// write.  The output of the above example is:
//  +--bsl::cout--------------------------------------------------------------+
//  |<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>                                  |
//  |<Fruits>                                                                 |
//  |    <Oranges farm="Francis&apos; Orchard" size="3.5">                    |
//  |        <pickDate>2004-08-31</pickDate>                                  |
//  |        <Quantity>12</Quantity>                                          |
//  |    </Oranges>                                                           |
//  |    <Apples farm="Fuji &amp; Sons" size="3"/>                            |
//  |</Fruits>                                                                |
//  +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Following is a more complete usage example that uses most of the
// manipulators provided by balxml::Formatter:
//  balxml::Formatter formatter(bsl::cout, 0, 4, 40);
//  formatter.addHeader("UTF-8");
//  formatter.openElement("Fruits");
//  formatter.openElement("Oranges");
//  formatter.addAttribute("farm", "Francis' Orchard");
//      // notice that the apostrophe in the string will be escaped
//  formatter.addAttribute("size", 3.5);
//  formatter.addElementAndData("Quantity", 12);
//  formatter.openElement("pickDate");
//  formatter.addData(bdlt::Date(2004, 8, 31));
//  formatter.closeElement("pickDate");
//  formatter.openElement("Feature");
//  formatter.addAttribute("shape", "round");
//  formatter.closeElement("Feature");
//  formatter.addComment("No wrapping for long comments");
//  formatter.closeElement("Oranges");
//  formatter.addBlankLine();
//  formatter.openElement("Apples");
//  formatter.addAttribute("farm", "Fuji & Sons");
//  formatter.addAttribute("size", 3);
//  formatter.openElement("pickDates",
//                        balxml::Formatter::BAEXML_NEWLINE_INDENT);
//  formatter.addListData(bdlt::Date(2005, 1, 17));
//  formatter.addListData(bdlt::Date(2005, 2, 21));
//  formatter.addListData(bdlt::Date(2005, 3, 25));
//  formatter.addListData(bdlt::Date(2005, 5, 30));
//  formatter.addListData(bdlt::Date(2005, 7, 4));
//  formatter.addListData(bdlt::Date(2005, 9, 5));
//  formatter.addListData(bdlt::Date(2005, 11, 24));
//  formatter.addListData(bdlt::Date(2005, 12, 25));
//  formatter.closeElement("pickDates");
//  formatter.openElement("Feature");
//  formatter.addAttribute("color", "red");
//  formatter.addAttribute("taste", "juicy");
//  formatter.closeElement("Feature");
//  formatter.closeElement("Apples");
//  formatter.closeElement("Fruits");
//  formatter.reset();
//  // reset the formatter for a new document in the same stream
//  formatter.addHeader();
//  formatter.openElement("Grains");
//  bsl::ostream& os = formatter.rawOutputStream();
//  os << "<free>anything that can mess up the XML doc</free>";
//  // Now coming back to the formatter, but can't do the following:
//  // formatter.addAttribute("country", "USA");
//  formatter.addData("Corn, Wheat, Oat");
//  formatter.closeElement("Grains");
// Following are the two resulting documents, as separated by the call to
// reset(),
//  +--bsl::cout-----------------------------+
//  |<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> |
//  |<Fruits>                                |
//  |    <Oranges                            |
//  |         farm="Francis&apos; Orchard"   |
//  |         size="3.5">                    |
//  |        <Quantity>12</Quantity>         |
//  |        <pickDate>2004-08-31</pickDate> |
//  |        <Feature shape="round"/>        |
//  |        <!-- No wrapping for long comments --> |
//  |    </Oranges>                          |
//  |                                        |
//  |    <Apples farm="Fuji &amp; Sons"      |
//  |         size="3">                      |
//  |        <pickDates>                     |
//  |            2005-01-17 2005-02-21       |
//  |            2005-03-25 2005-05-30       |
//  |            2005-07-04 2005-09-05       |
//  |            2005-11-24 2005-12-25       |
//  |        </pickDates>                    |
//  |        <Feature color="red"            |
//  |             taste="juicy"/>            |
//  |    </Apples>                           |
//  |</Fruits>                               |
//  +----------------------------------------+
//  +--bsl::cout-----------------------------+
//  |<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> |
//  |<Grains><free>anything that can mess up the XML doc</free>
//  |              Corn, Wheat, Oat</Grains> |
//  +----------------------------------------+

#include <balscm_version.h>

#include <balxml_encoderoptions.h>
#include <balxml_formatter_compactimpl.h>
#include <balxml_formatter_prettyimpl.h>
#include <balxml_formatterwhitespacetype.h>

#include <bslma_allocator.h>
#include <bslma_stdallocator.h>
#include <bslma_usesbslmaallocator.h>

#include <bslmf_nestedtraitdeclaration.h>

#include <bsls_assert.h>
#include <bsls_keyword.h>
#include <bsls_objectbuffer.h>

#include <bslstl_inplace.h>

#include <bsl_optional.h>
#include <bsl_ostream.h>
#include <bsl_streambuf.h>
#include <bsl_string.h>

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace balxml {

class Formatter;

                        // ============================
                        // class Formatter_StreamHolder
                        // ============================

class Formatter_StreamHolder {
    // This component-private class provides a mechanism for holding the
    // 'bsl::ostream' used by the 'Formatter' to emit XML documents.  Objects
    // of 'Formatter_StreamHolder' type can be constructed with either a
    // 'bsl::streambuf *' or a 'bsl::ostream *'.  If a stream holder is
    // constructed with a 'bsl::streambuf *', then it owns its held
    // 'bsl::ostream', which is constructed with the supplied stream buffer.
    // If a stream holder is constructed with a 'bsl::ostream *', its held
    // 'bsl::ostream' is the supplied stream.

    // DATA
    bsl::optional<bsl::ostream>  d_ownStream;
        // 'bsl::ostream' if constructed with a 'bsl::streambuf *', and
        // disengaged otherwise

    bsl::ostream                *d_stream_p;
        // the held 'bsl::ostream', which is equal to '&d_ownStream.value()' if
        // 'd_ownStream' is engaged, and the 'bsl::ostream *' supplied on
        // construction otherwise

    Formatter_StreamHolder(const Formatter_StreamHolder&) BSLS_KEYWORD_DELETED;
    Formatter_StreamHolder& operator=(
                           const Formatter_StreamHolder&) BSLS_KEYWORD_DELETED;

    explicit Formatter_StreamHolder(bsl::streambuf *streamBuffer);
        // Create a 'Formatter_StreamHolder' object that holds a 'bsl::ostream'
        // constructed from the specified 'streamBuffer'.

    explicit Formatter_StreamHolder(bsl::ostream *stream);
        // Create a 'Formatter_StreamHolder' that holds the specified 'stream'.

    bsl::ostream *stream();
        // Return the address that provides modifiable access to this object's
        // held 'bsl::ostream'.

    const bsl::ostream *stream() const;
        // Return the address that provides non-modifiable access to this
        // object's held 'bsl::ostream'.

                           // =====================
                           // struct Formatter_Mode
                           // =====================

struct Formatter_Mode {
    // This component-private utility 'struct' provides a namespace for
    // enumerating the set of formatting modes that the 'Formatter' can take.

    // TYPES
    enum Enum {

                           // =====================
                           // class Formatter_State
                           // =====================

class Formatter_State {
    // This component-private, in-core, value-semantic class provides a variant
    // that can be inhabited by an object of either the component-private
    // 'Formatter_CompactImplState' type or the component-private
    // 'Formatter_PrettyImplState' type.

    // TYPES
    typedef bsl::allocator<char> allocator_type;
    typedef Formatter_Mode       Mode;

    typedef Formatter_CompactImplState Compact;
    typedef Formatter_PrettyImplState  Pretty;
    typedef FormatterWhitespaceType    WhitespaceType;

    enum { k_COMPACT_MODE_WRAP_COLUMN = -1 };

    // DATA
    Mode::Enum d_mode;
    union {
        bsls::ObjectBuffer<Compact> d_compact;
        bsls::ObjectBuffer<Pretty>  d_pretty;
    allocator_type d_allocator;

    Formatter_State(int                   indentLevel,
                    int                   spacesPerLevel,
                    int                   wrapColumn,
                    const allocator_type& allocator = allocator_type());
        // If the specified 'wrapColumn' is -1, create a 'Formatter_State'
        // object having a 'compact' selection, which is a
        // 'Formatter_CompactImplState' constructed with the specified
        // 'indentLevel' and 'spacesPerLevel'.  Otherwise, create a
        // 'Formatter_State' object having a 'pretty' selection, which is a
        // 'Formatter_PrettyImplState' constructed with the 'indentLevel',
        // 'spacesPerLevel', and 'wrapColumn'.  Optionally specify an
        // 'allocator' (e.g., the address of a 'bslma::Allocator' object) to
        // supply memory; otherwise, the default allocator is used.

    Compact& compact();
        // Return a reference providing modifiable access to the 'compact'
        // selection of this object.  The behavior is undefined unless the
        // current selection of this object is 'compact'.

    Pretty& pretty();
        // Return a reference providing modifiable access to the 'pretty'
        // selection of this object.  The behavior is undefined unless the
        // current selection of this object is 'pretty'.

    const Compact& compact() const;
        // Return a reference providing non-modifiable access to the 'compact'
        // selection of this object.  The behavior is undefined unless the
        // current selection of this object is 'compact'.

    Mode::Enum mode() const;
        // Return 'Mode::e_COMPACT' if the current selection of this object is
        // 'compact', and return 'Mode::e_PRETTY' otherwise.

    const Pretty& pretty() const;
        // Return a reference providing non-modifiable access to the 'pretty'
        // selection of this object.  The behavior is undefined unless the
        // current selection of this object is 'pretty'.

    // FRIENDS
    friend class balxml::Formatter;

    // TRAITS
    BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION(Formatter_State, bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator);

    explicit Formatter_State(const allocator_type& allocator);
        // Create a 'Formatter_State' with a 'compact' selection having the
        // default value.  Optionally specify an 'allocator' (e.g., the address
        // of a 'bslma::Allocator' object) to supply memory; otherwise, the
        // default allocator is used.

    Formatter_State(const Formatter_State& original,
                    const allocator_type&  allocator = allocator_type());
        // Create a 'Formatter_State' object having the same value as the
        // specified 'original' object.  Optionally specify an 'allocator'
        // (e.g., the address of a 'bslma::Allocator' object) to supply memory;
        // otherwise, the default allocator is used.

        // Destroy this object.

    Formatter_State& operator=(const Formatter_State& rhs);
        // Assign to this object the value of the specified 'rhs' and return a
        // reference to this object.

    allocator_type get_allocator() const;
        // Return the allocator associated with this object.

                              // ===============
                              // class Formatter
                              // ===============

class Formatter {
    // This class provides a set of XML-style formatting utilities that enable
    // transparent indentation and wrapping for users attempting to format data
    // with XML tags and attributes.  A formatter object is instantiated with a
    // pointer to an output stream or streambuf.  Users can then use the
    // provided utilities to write element tags, attributes, data in a valid
    // XML sequence into the underlying stream.
    // This class has no features that would impair thread safety.  However, it
    // does not mediate between two threads attempting to access the same
    // stream.

    // TYPES
    typedef FormatterWhitespaceType::Enum WhitespaceType;
        // 'WhitespaceType' describes options available when outputting textual
        // data of an element between its pair of opening and closing tags.

#pragma bde_verify push
#pragma bde_verify -MN03
#pragma bde_verify -UC01

    static const WhitespaceType e_PRESERVE_WHITESPACE =
    // data is output as is

    static const WhitespaceType e_WORDWRAP =
    // data may be wrapped if output otherwise exceeds the wrap column

    static const WhitespaceType e_WORDWRAP_INDENT =
    // in addition to allowing wrapping, indent properly before continuing to
    // output on the next line after wrapping

    static const WhitespaceType e_NEWLINE_INDENT =
    // in addition to allowing wrapping and indentation, the tags do not share
    // their respective lines with data

    static const WhitespaceType BAEXML_NEWLINE_INDENT =
    // !DEPRECATED!: Use 'e_NEWLINE_INDENT' instead.

#pragma bde_verify pop

    typedef Formatter_CompactImplUtil CompactUtil;
    typedef Formatter_PrettyImplUtil  PrettyUtil;
    typedef Formatter_StreamHolder    StreamHolder;
    typedef Formatter_Mode            Mode;
    typedef Formatter_State           State;

    // DATA
    StreamHolder   d_streamHolder;
    State          d_state;
    EncoderOptions d_encoderOptions;

    Formatter(const Formatter&);
    Formatter& operator=(const Formatter&);

    Formatter(bsl::streambuf   *output,
              int               indentLevel    = 0,
              int               spacesPerLevel = 4,
              int               wrapColumn     = 80,
              bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator = 0);  // IMPLICIT
    Formatter(bsl::ostream&     output,
              int               indentLevel    = 0,
              int               spacesPerLevel = 4,
              int               wrapColumn     = 80,
              bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator = 0);  // IMPLICIT
    Formatter(bsl::streambuf        *output,
              const EncoderOptions&  encoderOptions,
              int                    indentLevel    = 0,
              int                    spacesPerLevel = 4,
              int                    wrapColumn     = 80,
              bslma::Allocator      *basicAllocator = 0);
    Formatter(bsl::ostream&          output,
              const EncoderOptions&  encoderOptions,
              int                    indentLevel    = 0,
              int                    spacesPerLevel = 4,
              int                    wrapColumn     = 80,
              bslma::Allocator      *basicAllocator = 0);
        // Construct an object to format XML data into the specified 'output'
        // stream or streambuf.  Optionally specify 'encoderOptions', initial
        // 'indentLevel', 'spacesPerLevel', and 'wrapColumn' for formatting.
        // An 'indentLevel' of 0 (the default) indicates the root element will
        // have no indentation.  A 'wrapColumn' of 0 will cause the formatter
        // to behave as though the line length were infinite, but will still
        // insert newlines and indent when starting a new element.  A
        // 'wrapColumn' of -1 will cause output to be formatted in "compact"
        // mode -- with no added newlines or indentation.  Optionally specify a
        // 'basicAllocator' used to supply memory.  If 'basicAllocator' is 0,
        // the currently install default allocator is used.  The behavior is
        // undefined if the 'output' stream or streambuf is destroyed before

    template <class TYPE>
    void addAttribute(const bsl::string_view& name,
                      const TYPE&             value,
                      int                     formattingMode = 0);
        // Add an attribute of the specified 'name' and specified 'value' to
        // the currently open element.  'value' can be of the following types:
        // 'char', 'short', 'int', 'bsls::Types::Int64', 'float', 'double',
        // 'bsl::string', 'bdlt::Datetime', 'bdlt::Date', and 'bdlt::Time'.
        // Precede this name="value" pair with a single space.  Wrap line
        // (write the attribute on next line with proper indentation), if the
        // length of name="value" is too long.  Optionally specify a
        // 'formattingMode' used to control the formatting of the 'value'.  If
        // 'value' is of type 'bsl::string', it is truncated at any invalid
        // UTF-8 byte-sequence or any control character.  The list of invalid
        // control characters includes characters in the range '[0x00, 0x20)'
        // and '0x7F' (DEL) but does not include '0x9', '0xA', and '0x0D'.  The
        // five special characters: apostrophe, double quote, ampersand, less
        // than, and greater than are escaped in the output XML.  If 'value' is
        // of type 'char', it is cast to a signed byte value with a range '[
        // -128 .. 127 ]'.  The behavior is undefined unless the last
        // manipulator was 'openElement' or 'addAttribute'.

    void addBlankLine();
        // Insert one or two newline characters into the output stream such
        // that a blank line results.  If the last output was a newline, then
        // only one newline is added, otherwise two newlines are added.  If
        // following a call to 'openElement', or 'addAttribute', add a closing
        // '>' to the opened tag.

    void addComment(const bsl::string_view& comment, bool forceNewline = true);
        // [!DEPRECATED!] Use 'addValidComment' instead.
        // Write the specified 'comment' into the stream.  The optionally
        // specified 'forceNewline', if true, forces to start a new line solely
        // for the comment if it's not on a new line already.  Otherwise,
        // comments continue on current line.  If an element-opening tag is not
        // completed with a '>', 'addComment' will add '>'.

    template <class TYPE>
    void addData(const TYPE& value, int formattingMode = 0);
        // Add the specified 'value' as the data content, where 'value' can be
        // of the following types: 'char', 'short', 'int',
        // 'bsls::Types::Int64', 'float', 'double', 'bsl::string',
        // 'bdlt::Datetime', 'bdlt::Date', and 'bdlt::Time'.  Perform no
        // line-wrapping or indentation as if the whitespace constraint were
        // always 'BAEXML_PRESERVE_WHITESPACE' in 'openElement', with the only
        // exception that an initial newline and an initial indent is added
        // when 'openElement' specifies 'BAEXML_NEWLINE_INDENT' option.  If
        // 'value' is of type 'bsl::string', it is truncated at any invalid
        // UTF-8 byte-sequence or any control character.  The list of invalid
        // control characters includes characters in the range '[0x00, 0x20)'
        // and '0x7F' (DEL) but does not include '0x9', '0xA', and '0x0D'.  The
        // five special characters: apostrophe, double quote, ampersand, less
        // than, and greater than are escaped in the output XML.  If 'value' is
        // of type 'char', it is cast to a signed byte value with a range of '[
        // -128 .. 127 ]'.  Optionally specify the 'formattingMode' to specify
        // the format used to encode 'value'.  The behavior is undefined if the
        // call is made when there are no opened elements.

    template <class TYPE>
    void addElementAndData(const bsl::string_view& name,
                           const TYPE&             value,
                           int                     formattingMode = 0);
        // Add element of the specified 'name' and the specified 'value' as the
        // data content.  This has the same effect as calling the following
        // sequence: 'openElement(name); addData(value), closeElement(name);'.
        // Optionally specify the 'formattingMode'.

    void addHeader(const bsl::string_view& encoding = "UTF-8");
        // Add XML header with optionally specified 'encoding'.  Version is
        // always "1.0".  The behavior is undefined unless 'addHeader' is the
        // first manipulator (with the exception of 'rawOutputStream') after
        // construction or 'reset'.

    template <class TYPE>
    void addListData(const TYPE& value, int formattingMode = 0);
        // Add the specified 'value' as the data content, where 'value' can be
        // of the following types: 'char', 'short', 'int',
        // 'bsls::Types::Int64', 'float', 'double', 'bsl::string',
        // 'bdlt::Datetime', 'bdlt::Date', and 'bdlt::Time'.  Prefix the
        // 'value' with a space('0x20') unless the data being added is the
        // first data on a line.  When adding the data makes the line too long,
        // perform line-wrapping and indentation as determined by the
        // whitespace constraint used when the current element is opened with
        // 'openElement'.  If 'value' is of type 'bsl::string', it is truncated
        // at any invalid UTF-8 byte-sequence or any control character.  The
        // list of invalid control characters includes characters in the range
        // '[0x00, 0x20)' and '0x7F' (DEL) but does not include '0x9', '0xA',
        // and '0x0D'.  The five special characters: apostrophe, double quote,
        // ampersand, less than, and greater than are escaped in the output
        // XML.  If 'value' is of type 'char', it is cast to a signed byte
        // value with a range of '[ -128 .. 127 ]'.  Optionally specify the
        // 'formattingMode' to specify the format used to encode 'value'.  The
        // behavior is undefined if the call is made when there are no opened
        // elements.

    void addNewline();
        // Insert a literal newline into the XML output.  If following a call
        // to 'openElement', or 'addAttribute', add a closing '>' to the opened
        // tag.

    int addValidComment(
                      const bsl::string_view& comment,
                      bool                    forceNewline            = true,
                      bool                    omitEnclosingWhitespace = false);
        // Write the specified 'comment' into the stream.  Optionally specify
        // 'forceNewline' that specifies if a new line should be added before
        // the comment if it is not already on a new line.  If 'forceNewline'
        // is not specified then a new line is inserted for comments not
        // already on a new line.  Also optionally specify an
        // 'omitEnclosingWhitespace' that specifies if a space character should
        // be omitted before and after 'comment'.  If 'omitEnclosingWhitespace'
        // is not specified then a space character is inserted before and after
        // 'comment'.  Return 0 on success, and non-zero value otherwise.  Note
        // that a non-zero return value is returned if either 'comment'
        // contains '--' or if 'omitEnclosingWhitespace' is 'true' and
        // 'comment' ends with '-'.  Also note that if an element-opening tag
        // is not completed with a '>', 'addValidComment' will add '>'.

    void closeElement(const bsl::string_view& name);
        // Decrement the indent level and add the closing tag for the element
        // of the specified 'name'.  If the element does not have content,
        // write '/>' and a newline into stream.  Otherwise, write '</name>'
        // and a newline.  If this '</name>' does not share the same line with
        // data, or it follows another element's closing tag, indent properly
        // before writing '</name>' and the newline.  If 'name' is root
        // element, flush the output stream.  The behavior is undefined if
        // 'name' is not the most recently opened element that's yet to be
        // closed.

    void flush();
        // Insert the closing '>' if there is an incomplete tag, and flush the
        // output stream.

    void openElement(
               const bsl::string_view& name,
               WhitespaceType          whitespaceMode = e_PRESERVE_WHITESPACE);
        // Open an element of the specified 'name' at current indent level with
        // the optionally specified whitespace constraint 'whitespaceMode' for
        // its textual data and increment indent level.  'whitespaceMode'
        // constrains how textual data is written with 'addListData' for the
        // current element, but not its nested elements.  The behavior is
        // undefined if 'openElement' is called after the root element is
        // closed and there is no subsequent call to 'reset'.

    bsl::ostream& rawOutputStream();
        // Return a reference to the underlining output stream.  This method is
        // provided in order to enable user to temporarily jump out of the
        // formatter and write user's own free-lance content directly to the
        // stream.

    void reset();
        // Reset the formatter such that it can be used to format a new XML
        // document as if the formatter were just constructed

    const EncoderOptions& encoderOptions() const;
        // Return the encoder options being used.

    int indentLevel() const;
        // Return the current level of indentation.

    int outputColumn() const;
        // Return the current column position at a line where next output
        // starts.  This is unreliable if called after free-lance information
        // is written onto the stream returned by 'rawOutputStream'

    int spacesPerLevel() const;
        // Return the number of spaces per indentation level.

    int status() const;
        // Return 0 if no errors have been detected since construction or
        // since the last call to 'reset', otherwise return a negative value.

    int wrapColumn() const;
        // Return the line width where line-wrapping takes place.

// ============================================================================
//                            INLINE DEFINITIONS
// ============================================================================

                        // ----------------------------
                        // class Formatter_StreamHolder
                        // ----------------------------

Formatter_StreamHolder::Formatter_StreamHolder(bsl::streambuf *streamBuffer)
: d_ownStream(bsl::in_place_t(), streamBuffer)
, d_stream_p(&d_ownStream.value())

Formatter_StreamHolder::Formatter_StreamHolder(bsl::ostream *stream)
: d_ownStream()
, d_stream_p(stream)

bsl::ostream *Formatter_StreamHolder::stream()
    return d_stream_p;

const bsl::ostream *Formatter_StreamHolder::stream() const
    return d_stream_p;

                           // ---------------------
                           // class Formatter_State
                           // ---------------------

Formatter_CompactImplState& Formatter_State::compact()
    BSLS_ASSERT(Mode::e_COMPACT == d_mode);

    return d_compact.object();

Formatter_PrettyImplState& Formatter_State::pretty()
    BSLS_ASSERT(Mode::e_PRETTY == d_mode);

    return d_pretty.object();

const Formatter_CompactImplState& Formatter_State::compact() const
    BSLS_ASSERT(Mode::e_COMPACT == d_mode);

    return d_compact.object();

Formatter_Mode::Enum Formatter_State::mode() const
    return d_mode;

const Formatter_PrettyImplState& Formatter_State::pretty() const
    BSLS_ASSERT(Mode::e_PRETTY == d_mode);

    return d_pretty.object();

: d_mode(Mode::e_COMPACT)
, d_allocator()
    new (d_compact.buffer()) Compact();

Formatter_State::Formatter_State(const allocator_type& allocator)
: d_mode(Mode::e_COMPACT)
, d_allocator(allocator)
    new (d_compact.buffer()) Compact();

Formatter_State::allocator_type Formatter_State::get_allocator() const
    return d_allocator;

                              // ---------------
                              // class Formatter
                              // ---------------

template <class TYPE>
void Formatter::addAttribute(const bsl::string_view& name,
                             const TYPE&             value,
                             int                     formattingMode)
    switch (d_state.mode()) {
      case Mode::e_COMPACT: {
      } break;
      case Mode::e_PRETTY: {
      } break;

void Formatter::addBlankLine()
    switch (d_state.mode()) {
      case Mode::e_COMPACT: {
      } break;
      case Mode::e_PRETTY: {
        PrettyUtil::addBlankLine(*d_streamHolder.stream(), &d_state.pretty());
      } break;

template <class TYPE>
void Formatter::addData(const TYPE& value, int formattingMode)
    switch (d_state.mode()) {
      case Mode::e_COMPACT: {
      } break;
      case Mode::e_PRETTY: {
      } break;

template <class TYPE>
void Formatter::addElementAndData(const bsl::string_view& name,
                                  const TYPE&             value,
                                  int                     formattingMode)
    switch (d_state.mode()) {
      case Mode::e_COMPACT: {
      } break;
      case Mode::e_PRETTY: {
      } break;

template <class TYPE>
void Formatter::addListData(const TYPE& value, int formattingMode)
    switch (d_state.mode()) {
      case Mode::e_COMPACT: {
      } break;
      case Mode::e_PRETTY: {
      } break;

void Formatter::addNewline()
    switch (d_state.mode()) {
      case Mode::e_COMPACT: {
        CompactUtil::addNewline(*d_streamHolder.stream(), &d_state.compact());
      } break;
      case Mode::e_PRETTY: {
        PrettyUtil::addNewline(*d_streamHolder.stream(), &d_state.pretty());
      } break;

void Formatter::flush()
    switch (d_state.mode()) {
      case Mode::e_COMPACT: {
        CompactUtil::flush(*d_streamHolder.stream(), &d_state.compact());
      } break;
      case Mode::e_PRETTY: {
        PrettyUtil::flush(*d_streamHolder.stream(), &d_state.pretty());
      } break;

bsl::ostream& Formatter::rawOutputStream()
    switch (d_state.mode()) {
      case Mode::e_COMPACT: {
        CompactUtil::flush(*d_streamHolder.stream(), &d_state.compact());
      } break;
      case Mode::e_PRETTY: {
        PrettyUtil::flush(*d_streamHolder.stream(), &d_state.pretty());
      } break;

    return *d_streamHolder.stream();

const EncoderOptions& Formatter::encoderOptions() const
    return d_encoderOptions;

int Formatter::indentLevel() const
    int result = 0;

    switch (d_state.mode()) {
      case Mode::e_COMPACT: {
        result = d_state.compact().indentLevel();
      } break;
      case Mode::e_PRETTY: {
        result = d_state.pretty().indentLevel();
      } break;

    return result;

int Formatter::outputColumn() const
    int result = 0;

    switch (d_state.mode()) {
      case Mode::e_COMPACT: {
        result = d_state.compact().column();
      } break;
      case Mode::e_PRETTY: {
        result = d_state.pretty().column();
      } break;

    return result;

int Formatter::spacesPerLevel() const
    int result = 0;

    switch (d_state.mode()) {
      case Mode::e_COMPACT: {
        result = d_state.compact().spacesPerLevel();
      } break;
      case Mode::e_PRETTY: {
        result = d_state.pretty().spacesPerLevel();
      } break;

    return result;

int Formatter::status() const
    return d_streamHolder.stream()->good() ? 0 : -1;

int Formatter::wrapColumn() const
    int result = 0;

    switch (d_state.mode()) {
      case Mode::e_COMPACT: {
        result = State::k_COMPACT_MODE_WRAP_COLUMN;
      } break;
      case Mode::e_PRETTY: {
        result = d_state.pretty().wrapColumn();
      } break;

    return result;

}  // close package namespace
}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2015 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------