Uses of Class

Uses of ProviderSession.ResolveMode in com.bloomberglp.blpapi

Fields in com.bloomberglp.blpapi declared as ProviderSession.ResolveMode
static ProviderSession.ResolveMode ProviderSession.ResolveMode.AUTO_REGISTER_SERVICES
          Try to register services found in ResolutionList if necessary.
static ProviderSession.ResolveMode ProviderSession.ResolveMode.DONT_REGISTER_SERVICES
          Fail to resolve a topic if the service has not already been registered.

Methods in com.bloomberglp.blpapi with parameters of type ProviderSession.ResolveMode
 void ProviderSession.createTopics(TopicList topicList, ProviderSession.ResolveMode resolveMode)
          Create the topics in the specified 'topicList' and updates the 'topicList' with the results of the resolution process.
 void ProviderSession.createTopics(TopicList topicList, ProviderSession.ResolveMode resolveMode, Identity providerIdentity)
          Create the topics in the specified 'topicList' and updates the 'topicList' with the results of the resolution process.
 void ProviderSession.createTopicsAsync(TopicList topicList, ProviderSession.ResolveMode resolveMode)
          Begin the creation of the topics in the specified 'topicList'.
 void ProviderSession.createTopicsAsync(TopicList topicList, ProviderSession.ResolveMode resolveMode, Identity providerIdentity)
          Begin the creation of the topics in the specified 'topicList'.
 void ProviderSession.resolve(ResolutionList resolutionList, ProviderSession.ResolveMode resolveMode)
          Resolves the topics in the specified 'resolutionList' and updates the 'resolutionList' with the results of the resolution process.
 void ProviderSession.resolve(ResolutionList resolutionList, ProviderSession.ResolveMode resolveMode, Identity providerIdentity)
          Resolves the topics in the specified 'resolutionList' and updates the 'resolutionList' with the results of the resolution process.
 void ProviderSession.resolveAsync(ResolutionList resolutionList, ProviderSession.ResolveMode resolveMode)
          Begin the resolution of the topics in the specified 'resolutionList'.
 void ProviderSession.resolveAsync(ResolutionList resolutionList, ProviderSession.ResolveMode resolveMode, Identity providerIdentity)
          Begin the resolution of the topics in the specified 'resolutionList'.

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