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bmqt::EncodingType Struct Reference

#include <bmqt_encodingtype.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Enum {
  e_UNDEFINED = 0, e_RAW = 1, e_BER = 2, e_BDEX = 3,
  e_XML = 4, e_JSON = 5, e_TEXT = 6, e_MULTIPARTS = 7

Static Public Member Functions

static bsl::ostream & print (bsl::ostream &stream, EncodingType::Enum value, int level=0, int spacesPerLevel=4)
static const char * toAscii (EncodingType::Enum value)
static bool fromAscii (EncodingType::Enum *out, const bslstl::StringRef &str)
static bool isValid (const bsl::string *string, bsl::ostream &stream)

Static Public Attributes


Detailed Description

Enumeration for message encoding types.

See Component bmqt_encodingtype

Member Enumeration Documentation


Member Function Documentation

static bsl::ostream& bmqt::EncodingType::print ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
EncodingType::Enum  value,
int  level = 0,
int  spacesPerLevel = 4 
) [static]

Write the string representation of the specified enumeration value to the specified output stream, and return a reference to stream. Optionally specify an initial indentation level, whose absolute value is incremented recursively for nested objects. If level is specified, optionally specify spacesPerLevel, whose absolute value indicates the number of spaces per indentation level for this and all of its nested objects. If level is negative, suppress indentation of the first line. If spacesPerLevel is negative, format the entire output on one line, suppressing all but the initial indentation (as governed by level). See toAscii for what constitutes the string representation of a EncodingType::Value value.

static const char* bmqt::EncodingType::toAscii ( EncodingType::Enum  value  )  [static]

Return the non-modifiable string representation corresponding to the specified enumeration value, if it exists, and a unique (error) string otherwise. The string representation of value matches its corresponding enumerator name with the BMQT_ prefix elided. Note that specifying a value that does not match any of the enumerators will result in a string representation that is distinct from any of those corresponding to the enumerators, but is otherwise unspecified.

static bool bmqt::EncodingType::fromAscii ( EncodingType::Enum out,
const bslstl::StringRef &  str 
) [static]

Return true and fills the specified out with the enum value corresponding to the specified str, if valid, or return false and leave out untouched if str doesn't correspond to any value of the enum.

static bool bmqt::EncodingType::isValid ( const bsl::string *  string,
bsl::ostream &  stream 
) [static]

Return true if the specified string is a valid representation of the EncodingType, otherwise return false and print a description of the error to the specified stream.

Member Data Documentation

const int bmqt::EncodingType::k_HIGHEST_SUPPORTED_ENCODING_TYPE = e_MULTIPARTS [static]

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