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Static Public Member Functions

bdlde::CharConvertUcs2 Struct Reference

#include <bdlde_charconvertucs2.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static int utf8ToUcs2 (unsigned short *dstBuffer, bsl::size_t dstCapacity, const char *srcString, bsl::size_t *numCharsWritten=0, unsigned short errorCharacter= '?')
static int utf8ToUcs2 (bsl::vector< unsigned short > *result, const char *srcString, unsigned short errorCharacter= '?')
static int utf8ToUcs2 (std::vector< unsigned short > *result, const char *srcString, unsigned short errorCharacter= '?')
static int ucs2ToUtf8 (char *dstBuffer, bsl::size_t dstCapacity, const unsigned short *srcString, bsl::size_t *numCharsWritten=0, bsl::size_t *numBytesWritten=0)
static int ucs2ToUtf8 (bsl::string *result, const unsigned short *srcString, bsl::size_t *numCharsWritten=0)
static int ucs2ToUtf8 (std::string *result, const unsigned short *srcString, bsl::size_t *numCharsWritten=0)

Detailed Description

This struct provides a namespace for a suite of pure procedures to convert character buffers between UTF-8 and UCS-2. UCS-2 conversions are performed to/from the full 2 ^ 16 bit space (the "UTF-16" hole U+D800-U+DFFF is not treated as a special case). Note that all C-style routines in this component honor strlcpy semantics, meaning that all returned C-style strings will be null-terminated as long as the return buffer size is positive (i.e., dstCapacity > 0). Note that since all UCS-2 operations take place as unsigned shorts, byte order is not taken into consideration, and Byte Order Mark (BOM) characters are not generated. If a BOM is present in the input, it will be translated into the output.

See Component bdlde_charconvertucs2

Member Function Documentation

static int bdlde::CharConvertUcs2::utf8ToUcs2 ( unsigned short *  dstBuffer,
bsl::size_t  dstCapacity,
const char *  srcString,
bsl::size_t *  numCharsWritten = 0,
unsigned short  errorCharacter = '?' 
) [static]

Load, into the specified dstBuffer of the specified dstCapacity, the result of converting the specified null-terminated UTF-8 srcString to its UCS-2 equivalent. Optionally specify numCharsWritten which (if non-zero) indicates the modifiable integer into which the number of characters written (including the null terminator) is to be loaded. Optionally specify errorCharacter to be substituted for invalid (i.e., not convertible to UCS-2) input characters. If errorCharacter is 0, invalid input characters are ignored (i.e., produce no corresponding output characters). Return 0 on success and a bitwise-or of the masks specified by CharConvertStatus::Enum otherwise, with CharConvertStatus::k_INVALID_INPUT_BIT set to indicate that at least one invalid input sequence was encountered, and CharConvertStatus::k_OUT_OF_SPACE_BIT set to indicate that dstCapacity was insufficient to accommodate the output. If dstCapacity was insufficient, the maximal null-terminated prefix of the properly converted result string is loaded into dstBuffer, and (unless null) *numCharsWritten is set to dstCapacity. The behavior is undefined unless 0 <= dstCapacity, dstBuffer refers to an array of at least dstCapacity elements, and srcString is null-terminated. Note that if dstCapacity is 0, this function returns exactly 2 and *numCharsWritten (if specified) is loaded with 0 (since there is insufficient space for the null terminator even for an empty input string).

static int bdlde::CharConvertUcs2::utf8ToUcs2 ( bsl::vector< unsigned short > *  result,
const char *  srcString,
unsigned short  errorCharacter = '?' 
) [static]
static int bdlde::CharConvertUcs2::utf8ToUcs2 ( std::vector< unsigned short > *  result,
const char *  srcString,
unsigned short  errorCharacter = '?' 
) [static]

Load into the specified result the conversion of the specified null-terminated UTF-8 srcString to its null-terminated UCS-2 equivalent. Optionally specify errorCharacter to be substituted for invalid (i.e., not convertible to UCS-2) input characters. If errorCharacter is 0, invalid input characters are ignored (i.e., produce no corresponding output characters). Return 0 on success and CharConvertStatus::k_INVALILD_CHARS_BIT otherwise, meaning that at least one sequence of characters was encountered that could not be translated to UCS-2. If result & 1 is non-zero, one or more input characters are invalid (in which case the conversion continues). The behavior is undefined unless srcString is null-terminated. Note that the null-terminating word counts towards result->size().

static int bdlde::CharConvertUcs2::ucs2ToUtf8 ( char *  dstBuffer,
bsl::size_t  dstCapacity,
const unsigned short *  srcString,
bsl::size_t *  numCharsWritten = 0,
bsl::size_t *  numBytesWritten = 0 
) [static]

Load, into the specified dstBuffer of the specified dstCapacity, the result of converting the specified null-terminated UCS-2 srcString to its UTF-8 equivalent. Optionally specify numCharsWritten which (if not 0) indicates the modifiable integer into which the number of UTF-8 characters written (including the null terminator) is to be loaded. Optionally specify numBytesWritten which (if not 0) indicates the modifiable integer into which the number of bytes written (including the null terminator) is to be loaded. Return 0 on success and a bitwise-or of the masks specified by CharConvertStatus::Enum otherwise, with CharConvertStatus::k_INVALID_INPUT_BIT set to indicate that at least one invalid input sequence was encountered, and CharConvertStatus::k_OUT_OF_SPACE_BIT set to indicate that dstCapacity was insufficient to accommodate the output. If dstCapacity was insufficient, the maximal null-terminated prefix of the properly converted result string is loaded into dstBuffer. The behavior is undefined unless 0 <= dstCapacity, dstBuffer refers to an array of at least dstCapacity elements, and srcString is null-terminated. Note that if dstCapacity is 0, this function returns exactly 2 and *numCharsWritten and *numBytesWritten (if not null) are loaded with 0 (since there is insufficient space for the null terminator even for an empty input string). Also note that since UTF-8 is a variable-length encoding, it is possible for numBytesWritten to be greater than numCharsWritten, and therefore that an input srcString of dstCapacity - 1 characters may not fit into dstBuffer.

static int bdlde::CharConvertUcs2::ucs2ToUtf8 ( bsl::string result,
const unsigned short *  srcString,
bsl::size_t *  numCharsWritten = 0 
) [static]
static int bdlde::CharConvertUcs2::ucs2ToUtf8 ( std::string *  result,
const unsigned short *  srcString,
bsl::size_t *  numCharsWritten = 0 
) [static]

Load, into the specified result, the conversion of the specified null-terminated UCS-2 srcString to its UTF-8 equivalent. Optionally specify numCharsWritten which (if not 0) indicates the modifiable integer into which the number of characters written (including the null terminator) is to be loaded. Return 0 on success and CharConvertStatus::k_INVALILD_CHARS_BIT otherwise, meaning that at least one sequence of characters was encountered that could not be translated to UTF-8. The behavior is undefined unless srcString is null-terminated. Note that the null-terminating character is not counted in result->length(). Also note that this function does not currently implement failure modes; however, this could change if UTF-8 input validation is added.

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