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bdlde::Base64DecoderOptions Class Reference

#include <bdlde_base64decoderoptions.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void setAlphabet (Base64Alphabet::Enum value)
void setIgnoreMode (IgnoreMode::Enum value)
void setIsPadded (bool value)
bsl::ostream & print (bsl::ostream &stream, int level=0, int spacesPerLevel=4) const
Base64Alphabet::Enum alphabet () const
IgnoreMode::Enum ignoreMode () const
bool isPadded () const

Static Public Member Functions

static Base64DecoderOptions custom (IgnoreMode::Enum ignoreMode, Base64Alphabet::Enum alphabet, bool padded)
static Base64DecoderOptions mime (IgnoreMode::Enum ignoreMode=IgnoreMode::e_IGNORE_WHITESPACE)
static Base64DecoderOptions standard (IgnoreMode::Enum ignoreMode=IgnoreMode::e_IGNORE_NONE, bool padded=true)
static Base64DecoderOptions urlSafe (IgnoreMode::Enum ignoreMode=IgnoreMode::e_IGNORE_NONE, bool padded=false)

Detailed Description

This class stores the configuration of a Base64Decoder.

See Component bdlde_base64decoderoptions

Member Function Documentation

static Base64DecoderOptions bdlde::Base64DecoderOptions::custom ( IgnoreMode::Enum  ignoreMode,
Base64Alphabet::Enum  alphabet,
bool  padded 
) [static]

Return a Base64DecoderOptions object having the specified alphabet, padded, and ignoreMode attribute values. The behavior is unless ignoreMode is a defined value of IgnoreMode, and alphabet is a defined value of Base64Alphabet::Enum.

static Base64DecoderOptions bdlde::Base64DecoderOptions::mime ( IgnoreMode::Enum  ignoreMode = IgnoreMode::e_IGNORE_WHITESPACE  )  [static]

Return a Base64DecoderOptions object having the attributes alphabet == Base64Alphabet::e_BASIC, isPadded == true, and the specified ignoreMode. If ignoreMode is not specified, it defaults to e_IGNORE_WHITESPACE. This conforms to RFC 2045.

static Base64DecoderOptions bdlde::Base64DecoderOptions::standard ( IgnoreMode::Enum  ignoreMode = IgnoreMode::e_IGNORE_NONE,
bool  padded = true 
) [static]

Return a Base64DecoderOptions object having the specified ignoreMode and padded, and the attribute alphabet == Base64Alphabet::e_BASIC. If padded is not specified, it defaults to true. If ignoreMode is not specified, it defaults to e_IGNORE_NOTHING. This conforms to RFC 4648 section 4.

static Base64DecoderOptions bdlde::Base64DecoderOptions::urlSafe ( IgnoreMode::Enum  ignoreMode = IgnoreMode::e_IGNORE_NONE,
bool  padded = false 
) [static]

Return a Base64DecoderOptions object having the attributes alphabet == Base64Alphabet::e_URL, isPadded == false and the specified ignoreMode. If ignoreMode is not specified, it defaults to e_IGNORE_NOTHING. This conforms to RFC 4648 section 5.

void bdlde::Base64DecoderOptions::setAlphabet ( Base64Alphabet::Enum  value  ) 

Set the alphabet attribute to the specified value. The behavior is undefined unless value is either e_BASIC or e_UTL.

void bdlde::Base64DecoderOptions::setIgnoreMode ( IgnoreMode::Enum  value  ) 

Set the ignoreMode attribute to the specified value. The behavior is undefined unless value is valid value of the IgnoreMode enum.

void bdlde::Base64DecoderOptions::setIsPadded ( bool  value  ) 

Set the isPadded attribute to the specified value.

bsl::ostream& bdlde::Base64DecoderOptions::print ( bsl::ostream &  stream,
int  level = 0,
int  spacesPerLevel = 4 
) const

Format this object to the specified output stream at the optionally specified indentation level and return a reference to the modifiable stream. If level is specified, optionally specify spacesPerLevel, the number of spaces per indentation level for this and all of its nested objects. Each line is indented by the absolute value of level * spacesPerLevel. If level is negative, suppress indentation of the first line. If spacesPerLevel is negative, suppress line breaks and format the entire output on one line. If stream is initially invalid, this operation has no effect. Note that a trailing newline is provided in multiline mode only.

Base64Alphabet::Enum bdlde::Base64DecoderOptions::alphabet (  )  const

Return the value of the alphabet attribute.

IgnoreMode::Enum bdlde::Base64DecoderOptions::ignoreMode (  )  const

Return the value of the ignoreMode attribute.

bool bdlde::Base64DecoderOptions::isPadded (  )  const

Return the value of the isPadded attribute.

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