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balst::StackTracePrinter Class Reference

#include <balst_stacktraceprinter.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 StackTracePrinter (int maxFrames=-1, bool demanglingPreferredFlag=true, int additionalIgnoreFrames=0)


bsl::ostream & operator<< (bsl::ostream &, const StackTracePrinter &)

Detailed Description

This class defines an object that, if streamed to a bsl::ostream, will output a stack trace to that stream.

See Component balst_stacktraceprinter

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

balst::StackTracePrinter::StackTracePrinter ( int  maxFrames = -1,
bool  demanglingPreferredFlag = true,
int  additionalIgnoreFrames = 0 
) [explicit]

Create a StackTracePrinter object that will, if streamed, render a description of the current call stack to the stream. Optionally specify maxFrames indicating maximum number of frames to dispay. If maxFrames is -1 or unspecified, use a value of at least 1024. The optionally specified demanglingPreferredFlag determines whether demangling occurs, on platforms where demangling is available and optional. Optionally specify additionalIgnoreFrames which is added to bsls::StackAddressUtil::k_IGNORE_FRAMES to ignore the topmost frames of the caller. Return a reference to stream. The behavior is undefined unless -1 == maxFrames or 0 <= maxFrames, and unless 0 <= additionalIgnoreFrames. Create a copy of the specified original. Default the copy constructor to work around a bug on the Aix compiler that generates warnings every time an object of this type is passed to operator<< if this constructor is deleted or private.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

bsl::ostream& operator<< ( bsl::ostream &  ,
const StackTracePrinter  
) [friend]

Stream a newline followed by a multiline stack trace according to the parameters passed to the specified object at its creation to the specified stream.

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