// bdlb_topologicalsortutil.h                                         -*-C++-*-

#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide a utility to topologically sort a collection of inputs.
//  bdlb::TopologicalSortUtil: utility for topologically sorting inputs
//  bdlb::TopologicalSortUtilEdgeTraits: customization point for edge types
//@DESCRIPTION: This component provides a utility 'struct',
// 'bdlb::TopologicalSortUtil', to topologically sort a collection of inputs
// that describe a directed acyclic graph (also known as DAG).  A topological
// sort is useful for defining the order in which an input should be processed
// based on certain conditions.  As an example, consider two jobs B and C both
// of which have a dependency on job A, i.e., job A needs to be completed
// before B or C can be run.  Given such a requirement, a topological sort can
// provide an ordering of the three jobs such that A precedes B and C.  Note
// that there may be multiple orderings that might be correct (e.g.: A, B, then
// C or A, C then B; both are correct and satisfy the dependencies of A running
// before the B and C jobs; we don't care whether B precedes C or vice versa).
// The dependencies are specified in pairs (U,V) (read as U precedes V), which
// define the relations between U and V that the sort needs to maintain.  The
// elements in these pairs (e.g., U and V) make up a finite set S.  The output
// of the topological sort is an ordering of all elements of set S, such that
// all relations specified in the input (as pairs) are satisfied.  Note that
// such an ordering is only possible only if there are no cycles in the input
// dependencies.  For example, if A depends on B and B depends on A, then it is
// not possible to order A and B satisfying both the relations.  The routine
// 'sort' defined in this component returns 'false' if it detects a cycle while
// trying to sort the input.
// Complexity of the topological sort in this component is 'O(n+m)' where n is
// the number of input elements in the finite set S and m is the number of
// relations as specified by the input pairs.
// The 'sort' function is provided in two variants or flavors: simple and
// iterator-based.  The simple flavor is templated on the 'NODE_TYPE', and it
// provides topological sorting for the case where the input is a 'bsl::vector'
// of 'bsl::pair's, and the outputs are 'bsl::vector's.  The templated variant
// is highly customizable (templated) on both the input and the outputs.  The
// input may be any input iterator range that has a 'bsl::pair' 'value_type' or
// a 'value_type' with a 'bdlb::TopologicalSortUtilEdgeTraits' specialization.
// The 'value_type' is determined using 'bsl::iterator::traits'.  The two
// outputs are both defined as templated output iterators and they may have
// different types.  So (for example) the iterator based 'sort' may be used
// with Null 'OUTPUT_ITER' to answer the question "does this graph have
// cycles?" while not wasting memory in storing the sort results.
///Self-referencing Nodes
// Some graph representations may use self-referencing nodes to indicate nodes
// without any connection -- where a self referencing node in the context of
// this component is a input edge pair like (u, u).  The implementation of
// 'sort' in this component treats such input entries as cycles and fails
// sorting.
// You may still use this 'sort' implementation (to process your nodes in
// proper order) if your data structure contains such entries.  To process a
// graph having self-referencing nodes one may create a filtering iterator on
// top of the input that removes any self-referential edges from the input.
// Any filtered nodes could be treated as being sorted first.
// This component provides generic (templated) utilities.  This section
// describes the requirements of the type parameters (concepts) of these
// generic methods.
///'NODE_TYPE' Concept
///- - - - - - - - - -
// The input for a topological sort is supplied as pairs (though not
// necessarily 'bsl::pair's) of 'NODE_TYPE' values.  'NODE_TYPE' is aliased to
// 'NodeType' in 'TopologicalSortUtilEdgeTraits'.
// 'NODE_TYPE' shall be a value type that supports hashing using the
// 'bsl::hash<NODE_TYPE>' functor type and equality comparison using the
// 'bsl::equal_to<NODE_TYPE>' functor type.
// Notice that we have not provided a customization point for the hash functor
// type nor for the equality functor type because that would complicate the
// code greatly (esp. readability would suffer).
///'EdgeType' Concept
/// - - - - - - - - -
// The 'EdgeType' describes an edge as a (conceptual) pair of 'NODE_TYPE'
// values and is supplied as the input to the topological sort methods.
// 'EdgeType' is the 'value_type' of the 'INPUT_ITER' supplied to the 'sort'
// functions.  Conceptually it represents a pair (U,V) (where U and V are
// 'NodeType's) that means "U precedes V".  The 'EdgeType' supplied to a sort
// is typically a 'bsl::pair', but users may customize this by specializing the
// 'TopologicalSortUtilEdgeTraits' type.  'TopologicalSortUtil' determines the
// 'NodeType' and access operations on 'EdgeType' via the
// 'TopologicalSortUtilEdgeTraits' type.
// 'TopologicalSortUtilEdgeTraits' is specialized for 'bsl::pair<T,T>', the
// user needs to (partially or fully) specialize it for other types.  See the
// 'CustomEdge' specialization in the test driver for an example.
///'INPUT_ITER' Concept
/// - - - - - - - - - -
// 'INPUT_ITER' is an input iterator type used by the 'sort' functions, and its
// 'value_type' is 'EdgeType' .
///'OUTPUT_ITER' Concept
///- - - - - - - - - - -
// 'OUTPUT_ITER' is an output iterator for 'sort' functions, and its
// 'value_type' is 'NodeType'.
/// - - - - - - - - - - - -
// 'UNORDERED_ITER' is a (second) output iterator for 'sort' functions, and its
// 'value_type' is 'NodeType'.  Note that 'OUTPUT_ITERATOR' and
// 'UNORDERED_ITER' are distinct types allowing the sorted output nodes to be
// collected in a different way from the unsorted output nodes(e.g., into a
// different type of container).
// This section illustrates intended use of this component.
///Example 1: Using Topological Sort for Calculating Formulas
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Suppose we are evaluating formulas for a set of market data fields, where
// formulas can reference other fields as part of their calculation.  As an
// example, let's say we have a field 'k_bbgDefinedVwap' that is dependent on
// 'k_vwapTurnover' and 'k_vwapVolume'.  These fields in turn are dependent on
// 'k_tradeSize' and 'k_tradePrice' respectively.  So essentially the fields
// that are not dependent on any other field should be calculated first and
// then the dependent fields.  We can use the topological sort utility to
// provide us the order in which these fields should be calculated.
// First, we create the relations showcasing the above mentioned dependencies
// in the form of pairs (a,b) where b is dependent on a:
//  enum FieldIds {
//      k_bbgDefinedVwap  = 0,
//      k_vwapTurnover    = 1,
//      k_vwapVolume      = 2,
//      k_tradeSize       = 3,
//      k_tradePrice      = 4
//  };
//  bsl::vector<bsl::pair<int, int> > relations;
//  relations.push_back(bsl::make_pair(static_cast<int>(k_vwapTurnover),
//                                     static_cast<int>(k_bbgDefinedVwap)));
//  relations.push_back(bsl::make_pair(static_cast<int>(k_vwapVolume),
//                                     static_cast<int>(k_bbgDefinedVwap)));
//  relations.push_back(bsl::make_pair(static_cast<int>(k_tradeSize),
//                                     static_cast<int>(k_vwapVolume)));
//  relations.push_back(bsl::make_pair(static_cast<int>(k_tradeSize),
//                                     static_cast<int>(k_vwapTurnover)));
//  relations.push_back(bsl::make_pair(static_cast<int>(k_tradePrice),
//                                     static_cast<int>(k_vwapTurnover)));
// Now, we call the topological sort to get a topological order for the fields
// referenced in the relations:
//  bsl::vector<int> results;
//  bsl::vector<int> unsorted;
//  bool             sorted = TopologicalSortUtil::sort(&results,
//                                                      &unsorted,
//                                                      relations);
// Finally, we verify that the call to 'sort' populates the supplied 'results'
// with a sequence in sorted order (e.g.. 'k_tradeSize', 'k_tradePrice,
// 'k_vwapTurnover', 'k_vwapVolume', 'k_bbgDefinedVwap') and 'unsorted' will be
// empty because the input relationships do not contain a cycle.
//  bool calculated[5] = { 0 };
//  assert(sorted == true);
//  assert(unsorted.empty());
//  for (bsl::vector<int>::const_iterator iter = results.begin(),
//                                        end  = results.end();
//       iter != end; ++iter) {
//      switch (*iter) {
//        case k_bbgDefinedVwap: {
//          assert(calculated[k_vwapTurnover] == true);
//          assert(calculated[k_vwapVolume]   == true);
//          assert(calculated[k_bbgDefinedVwap] == false);
//          calculated[k_bbgDefinedVwap] = true;
//        } break;
//        case k_vwapTurnover: {
//          assert(calculated[k_tradeSize]  == true);
//          assert(calculated[k_tradePrice] == true);
//          assert(calculated[k_vwapTurnover] == false);
//          calculated[k_vwapTurnover] = true;
//        } break;
//        case k_vwapVolume: {
//          assert(calculated[k_tradeSize]  == true);
//          assert(calculated[k_vwapVolume] == false);
//          calculated[k_vwapVolume] = true;
//        } break;
//        case k_tradeSize: {
//          assert(calculated[k_vwapVolume]   == false);
//          assert(calculated[k_vwapTurnover] == false);
//          assert(calculated[k_tradeSize] == false);
//          calculated[k_tradeSize] = true;
//        } break;
//        case k_tradePrice: {
//          assert(calculated[k_vwapTurnover] == false);
//          assert(calculated[k_tradePrice] == false);
//          calculated[k_tradePrice] = true;
//        } break;
//        default:
//          assert(false);
//          break;
//      };
//  }
//  for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
//      assert(calculated[i] == true);
//  }
///Example 2: Using Topological Sort with Cycles in Input
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Suppose we have a set of inputs that contain a cycle.
// First, we define a set of inputs that have a cycle:
//  enum FieldIds2 {
//      k_FIELD1 = 0,
//      k_FIELD2 = 1,
//      k_FIELD3 = 2
//  };
//  bsl::vector<bsl::pair<int, int> > relations2;
//  relations2.push_back(bsl::make_pair(static_cast<int>(k_FIELD2),
//                                      static_cast<int>(k_FIELD1)));
//  relations2.push_back(bsl::make_pair(static_cast<int>(k_FIELD3),
//                                      static_cast<int>(k_FIELD2)));
//  relations2.push_back(bsl::make_pair(static_cast<int>(k_FIELD1),
//                                      static_cast<int>(k_FIELD3)));
// Now, we apply the topological sort routine on the input:
//  bsl::vector<int> results2;
//  bsl::vector<int> unordered2;
//  bool             sorted2 = TopologicalSortUtil::sort(&results2,
//                                                       &unordered2,
//                                                       relations2);
// Finally, we verify whether the routine recognizes that there is a cycle and
// returns false, and the 3 nodes comprising the cycle are reported in
// 'unordered2':
//  assert(sorted2           == false);
//  assert(unordered2.size() == 3);
///Example 3: Using Topological Sort with Self Relations
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Suppose we have a set of inputs that have input relations where predecessor
// and successor point to the same value, i.e. we have pairs of input like
// (u,u).  This example demonstrates that the 'sort' function handles such
// input as a cycle.  (See Example 6 for a way of processing such nodes and
// avoiding 'sort' reporting a cycle.)  First, we define such a set of inputs:
//  enum FieldIds3 {
//      k_FIELD4 = 3,
//      k_FIELD5 = 4,
//      k_FIELD6 = 5
//  };
//  bsl::vector<bsl::pair<int, int> > relations3;
//  relations3.push_back(bsl::make_pair(static_cast<int>(k_FIELD4),
//                                      static_cast<int>(k_FIELD6)));
//  relations3.push_back(bsl::make_pair(static_cast<int>(k_FIELD5),
//                                      static_cast<int>(k_FIELD4)));
//  relations3.push_back(bsl::make_pair(static_cast<int>(k_FIELD4),
//                                      static_cast<int>(k_FIELD4)));
// Now, we apply the topological sort routine on the input:
//  bsl::vector<int> results3;
//  bsl::vector<int> unordered3;
//  bool             sorted3 = TopologicalSortUtil::sort(&results3,
//                                                       &unordered3,
//                                                       relations3);
// Finally, we verify that the self relations causes the cycle:
//  assert(sorted3           == false);
//  assert(results3.size()   == 1);
//  assert(unordered3.size() == 2);
//  if (veryVeryVerbose) {
//      cout << "Size of results3 vector is "
//           << results3.size() << endl;
//      cout << "Size of unordered3 vector is "
//           << unordered3.size() << endl;
//  }
//  if (veryVeryVerbose)
//  {
//      for (bsl::size_t i = 0; i < results3.size(); ++i) {
//              cout << "results3[" << i << "] is " << results3[i] << "\n";
//      }
//      for (bsl::size_t i = 0; i < unordered3.size(); ++i) {
//              cout << "unordered3[" << i << "] is " << unordered3[i] << "\n";
//      }
//  }
///Example 4: Using Topological Sort with Iterators as Input
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Suppose we have a set of inputs that have input relations that conceptually
// follow the input requirements (of a listing of pairs of nodes) but are not
// physically stored in a 'bsl::vector' of 'bsl::pair' typed container.  Let's
// suppose the input is in a 'bsl::list' instead.  First, we define such a set
// of inputs:
//  bsl::list<bsl::pair<int, int> > relations4;
//  relations4.push_back(bsl::make_pair(1, 2));
//  relations4.push_back(bsl::make_pair(1, 3));
//  relations4.push_back(bsl::make_pair(2, 3));
// Now, we apply the topological sort routine on the input:
//  bsl::vector<int> results4;
//  bsl::vector<int> unordered4;
//  typedef bsl::back_insert_iterator<bsl::vector<int> > OutIter;
//  bool sorted4 = TopologicalSortUtil::sort(relations4.begin(),
//                                           relations4.end(),
//                                           OutIter(results4),
//                                           OutIter(unordered3));
// Finally, we verify that the sort is successful, there are no nodes in the
// 'unsorted' output (there is no cycle) and the nodes are listed in the
// proper order in 'results4':
//  assert(sorted4           == true);
//  assert(unordered4.size() == 0);
//  assert(results4.size()   == 3);
//  assert(results4[0] == 1);
//  assert(results4[1] == 2);
//  assert(results4[2] == 3);
///Example 5: Using Topological Sort with Iterators as Output
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Suppose we want our result in a 'bsl::list' instead of a 'bsl::vector' and
// we do not care about the unsorted elements so we do not want to pay for
// storing them if they exist.  First, we would define a Null Output Iterator
// that writes to nowhere:
//  class NullOutputIterator {
//    public:
//      typedef void container_type;
//      typedef void value_type;
//      typedef void difference_type;
//      typedef void pointer;
//      typedef void reference;
//      typedef bsl::output_iterator_tag iterator_category;
//      template <class T>
//      NullOutputIterator& operator=(const T&)
//      {
//          return *this;
//      }
//      NullOutputIterator& operator*()
//      {
//          return *this;
//      }
//      NullOutputIterator& operator++()
//      {
//          return *this;
//      }
//      NullOutputIterator& operator++(int)
//      {
//          return *this;
//      }
//  };
// Now, we apply the topological sort routine on the input:
//  bsl::list<int> results5;
//  typedef bsl::back_insert_iterator<bsl::list<int> > ListOutIter;
//  bool sorted5 = TopologicalSortUtil::sort(relations4.begin(),
//                                           relations4.end(),
//                                           ListOutIter(results5),
//                                           NullOutputIterator());
// Finally, we verify that the sort is successful, and the 3 nodes are listed
// in the proper order in the 'results5' list:
//  assert(sorted5           == true);
//  assert(results5.size()   == 3);
//  assert(results5[0] == 1);
//  assert(results5[1] == 2);
//  assert(results5[2] == 3);

#include <bdlscm_version.h>

#include <bslma_allocator.h>
#include <bslma_usesbslmaallocator.h>

#include <bslmf_nestedtraitdeclaration.h>
#include <bslmf_istriviallycopyable.h>
#include <bslmf_istriviallydefaultconstructible.h>

#include <bsls_assert.h>

#include <bsl_iterator.h>
#include <bsl_queue.h>
#include <bsl_unordered_map.h>
#include <bsl_utility.h>
#include <bsl_vector.h>

#include <utility>  // for 'std::pair'

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace bdlb {

                    // ===================================
                    // class TopologicalSortUtilEdgeTraits
                    // ===================================

template <class EDGE_TYPE>
struct TopologicalSortUtilEdgeTraits {
    // This 'struct' represents a customization point allowing clients to
    // supply input iterators to 'sort' having a 'value_types' other than a
    // 'bsl::pair'.  Clients may specialize 'TopologicalSortUtilEdgeTraits' to
    // supply the following:
    //  typedef EDGE_TYPE EdgeType;
    //      // The type of the directed connection from one node to another
    //      // 'bsl::pair<NodeType, NodeType>' and 'std::pair<NodeType>' work
    //      // without 'TopologicalSortUtilEdgeTraits' specialization.
    //  typedef user-defined NodeType;
    //      // Alias describing the output values from a sort, as well as the
    //      // results of the 'from' and 'to' functions of this edge traits
    //      // instance.  Or in other words, the node (or node identifier) type
    //      // of the directed acyclic graph.
    //  static const NodeType& from(const EDGE_TYPE& input);
    //      // Return a 'const' reference to the "from" attribute of the
    //      // specified 'input'.  Note that the template parameter type
    //      // 'EDGE_TYPE' is an element in the input range to 'sort'.
    //  static const NodeType& to(const EDGE_TYPE& input)
    //      // Return a 'const' reference to the "from" attribute of the
    //      // specified 'input'.  Note that the template parameter type
    //      // 'EDGE_TYPE' is an element in the input range to 'sort'.

template <class NODE_TYPE>
struct TopologicalSortUtilEdgeTraits<bsl::pair<NODE_TYPE, NODE_TYPE> > {
    // This 'struct' is a specialization (customization) of
    // 'TopologicalSortUtilEdgeTraits' for bsl::pair<T, T>.

    // TYPES
    typedef bsl::pair<NODE_TYPE, NODE_TYPE> EdgeType;
        // The type of the directed connection from one node to another

    typedef NODE_TYPE NodeType;
        // The type of values of the nodes of the directed acyclic graph

    static const NODE_TYPE& from(const EdgeType& edge);
        // Return a 'const' reference to the 'from' attribute of the specified
        // 'edge' object.

    static const NODE_TYPE& to(const EdgeType& edge);
        // Return a 'to' reference to the 'from' attribute of the specified
        // 'edge' object.

                        // ================================
                        // class TopologicalSortUtil_Helper
                        // ================================

template <class INPUT_ITER>
class TopologicalSortUtil_Helper {
    // This class template provides data structures required to sort the
    // partial unsorted edges into a total ordered set of nodes.  The value
    // type of the nodes(*) must be hashable and equality comparable by
    // 'bsl::hash', and 'bsl::equal_to' respectively.
    // (*) The value type is determined by first getting the iterator's value
    //     type using 'bsl::iterator_traits<INPUT_ITER>::ValueType' and then
    //     using 'TopologicalSortUtilEdgeTraits::ValueType' on that result.

    typedef bsl::iterator_traits<INPUT_ITER>        InIterTraits;
    typedef typename InIterTraits::value_type       EdgeType;
    typedef TopologicalSortUtilEdgeTraits<EdgeType> EdgeTraits;
    typedef typename EdgeTraits::NodeType           NodeType;
        // Get the traits type that corresponds to the incoming edge type, then
        // the types from it, with short names.

    typedef bsl::vector<NodeType>                    List;
    typedef typename List::iterator                  ListIter;
    typedef typename List::const_iterator            ListConstIter;
        // An ordered list of nodes and their iterators

    struct Links {
        // Relations information for a given node in the format necessary for
        // topological sorting.  The attributes are:
        //: * the predecessor count:
        //:   How many need to be sorted before this node comes in order?
        //: * the successor nodes:
        //:   All the nodes that must come after this node in the order

        // PUBLIC DATA
        int  d_predecessorCount;  // How many are before us?
        List d_successors;        // those that are after us

        // TRAITS
        BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION(Links, bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator);

        // CREATORS
        explicit Links(bslma::Allocator *allocator = 0);
            // Create a 'Links' which holds empty predecessor and successor
            // information.  Optionally, specify an 'allocator' for needed
            // memory.  If 'allocator' is 0, use the globally supply default
            // allocator instead.

        Links(const Links& original, bslma::Allocator *allocator = 0);
            // Create a 'Links' object having the same attribute values as the
            // specified 'original' object.  Optionally specify an 'allocator'
            // used to supply memory.  If 'allocator' is 0, the currently
            // installed default allocator is used.

    typedef bsl::unordered_map<NodeType, Links> LinksMap;
    typedef typename LinksMap::iterator         LinksMapIter;
    typedef typename LinksMap::const_iterator   LinksMapConstIter;
        // Mapping of nodes to their collected relations-information

    typedef bsl::queue<LinksMapIter> Fifo;
        // FIFO queue of nodes to process.  Note that it is safe to store
        // iterators into the work-set/mapping in the queue because
        // 'bsl::unordered_map' guarantees the stability of every iterator
        // after a delete, except the iterators pointing to the deleted entry
        // itself.

    // DATA
    LinksMap d_workSet;        // mapping from nodes to their relations
                               // information (predecessorCount, successors)

    Fifo     d_readyNodes;     // elements whose predecessors have all already
                               // been sorted (or never had predecessors) as
                               // iterators into the mapping ('d_workSet')

      TopologicalSortUtil_Helper(const TopologicalSortUtil_Helper&);
      TopologicalSortUtil_Helper& operator=(const TopologicalSortUtil_Helper&);

    // TRAITS
                        TopologicalSortUtil_Helper, bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator);

    explicit TopologicalSortUtil_Helper(INPUT_ITER        relationsBegin,
                                        INPUT_ITER        relationsEnd,
                                        bslma::Allocator *allocator = 0);
        // Create a helper class that holds the different data structures
        // required to sort in topological order the directed acyclic graph
        // described by the specified 'relationsBegin' and 'relationsEnd'.
        // Optionally, specify an 'allocator' for needed memory.  If
        // 'allocator' is 0, use the globally supply default allocator instead.

    template <class OUTPUT_ITER>
    bool processNextNodeInOrder(OUTPUT_ITER *resultOutIter_p);
        // Write the next element in order that doesn't have any predecessors
        // into the specified 'resultOutIter_p' output iterator then increment
        // it and return 'true'.  If there are still elements left but all of
        // them still have predecessors do nothing and return 'false'.  The
        // behavior is undefined unless '!d_workSet.empty()'.

    template <class OUTPUT_ITER, class UNSORTED_OUT_ITER>
    bool sortImpl(OUTPUT_ITER       resultOutIter,
                  UNSORTED_OUT_ITER unsortedOutIter);
        // Sort the input elements provided during construction in topological
        // order and write the resulting linear ordered set into the specified
        // 'resultOutIter' and return 'true'.  If the sort is unsuccessful (the
        // input is not an acyclic directed graph) write the nodes that have
        // not been sorted to the specified 'unsortedOutIter' output and return
        // 'false'.  See 'TopologicalSortUtil::sort' "iterators overload" for
        // more detailed specification.

                        // =====================
                        // class TopologicalSort
                        // =====================

struct TopologicalSortUtil {
    // This 'struct' 'TopologicalSortUtil' provides a namespace for topological
    // sorting functions.

    template <class INPUT_ITER,
              class OUTPUT_ITER,
              class UNSORTED_OUTPUT_ITER>
    static bool sort(INPUT_ITER           relationsBegin,
                     INPUT_ITER           relationsEnd,
                     OUTPUT_ITER          resultOutIter,
                     UNSORTED_OUTPUT_ITER unsortedOutIter);
        // Sort the input elements in topological order and write the resulting
        // linear ordered set into the specified 'resultOutIter'.  If the
        // sort is unsuccessful (the input is not an acyclic directed graph)
        // write the elements that have not been sorted to the specified
        // 'unsortedOutIter' output.  The input elements are provided as a
        // sequence of (conceptual or physical) pairs between the specified
        // 'relationsBegin' and 'relationsEnd' of the form (U, V), where U and
        // V are nodes, and U precedes V in the output.   Return 'true' on
        // success, and 'false' if the sort fails due to a cycle in the input.
        // The type 'bsl::iterator_traits<INPUT_ITER>::value_type' must either
        // be 'bsl' or 'std::pair' where the 'first_type' and 'second_type' are
        // the same as 'bsl::iterator_traits<OUTPUT_ITER>::value_type' or
        // 'TopologicalSortUtilEdgeTraits' must be specialized for the type,
        // i.e., the supplied 'bsl::iterator_traits<INPUT_ITER>::value_type'
        // must support the following syntax:
        //  typedef typename bsl::iterator_traits<INPUT_ITER>::value_type
        //                                                           IterValue;
        //  typedef typename bsl::iterator_traits<RESULT_ITER>::value_type
        //                                                         ResultValue;
        //  typedef typename TopologicalSortUtilEdgeTraits<IterValue>   Traits;
        //  typedef typename Traits::NodeType NodeType;
        //  for (INPUT_ITER it  = relationshipPairsBegin;
        //                  it != relationshipPairsEnd;
        //                  ++it) {
        //      *result++ = Traits::from(*it);  // U
        //      *result++ = Traits::to(*it);    // V
        //  }
        // Note that when the method returns 'false', 'resultOutIter' may
        // contain a subset of the elements in the right topological order,
        // essentially the elements that the routine was able to sort before
        // the cycle was discovered.  In that case, the elements that the
        // routine was unable to sort were written to the 'unsortedOutIter'
        // output iterator, in an unspecified order.

    template <class NODE_TYPE>
    static bool sort(
           bsl::vector<NODE_TYPE>                               *result,
           bsl::vector<NODE_TYPE>                               *unsorted,
           const bsl::vector<bsl::pair<NODE_TYPE, NODE_TYPE> >&  relations);
        // Sort the elements of 'NODE_TYPE' in topological order determined by
        // the specified 'relations' and load the resulting linear ordered set
        // to the specified 'result'.  If the sort is unsuccessful, load the
        // elements that have not been ordered to the specified 'unsorted'
        // list.  The input relations are provided as pairs of the form (U, V)
        // where U precedes V in the output.  Return 'false' if sort fails due
        // to a cycle in the input else return 'true' if sort successful.  Note
        // that even if the method returns 'false', 'result' may contain a
        // subset of elements in the right topological order, essentially
        // elements that the routine was able to sort before the cycle was
        // discovered and 'unsorted' will contain the elements that the
        // routine was unable to sort.

// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================

                   // -----------------------------------
                   // class TopologicalSortUtilEdgeTraits
                   // -----------------------------------

template <class NODE_TYPE>
const NODE_TYPE&
TopologicalSortUtilEdgeTraits<bsl::pair<NODE_TYPE, NODE_TYPE> >::
from(const EdgeType& edge)
    return edge.first;

template <class NODE_TYPE>
const NODE_TYPE&
TopologicalSortUtilEdgeTraits<bsl::pair<NODE_TYPE, NODE_TYPE> >::
to(const EdgeType& edge)
    return edge.second;

                 // ------------------------------------------
                 // class TopologicalSortUtil_Helper::NodeInfo
                 // ------------------------------------------

template <class INPUT_ITER>
                                                   bslma::Allocator *allocator)
: d_predecessorCount(0)
, d_successors(allocator)

template <class INPUT_ITER>
                                                   const Links&      original,
                                                   bslma::Allocator *allocator)
: d_predecessorCount(original.d_predecessorCount)
, d_successors(original.d_successors, allocator)
                      // --------------------------------
                      // class TopologicalSortUtil_Helper
                      // --------------------------------

template <class INPUT_ITER>
                                              INPUT_ITER        relationsBegin,
                                              INPUT_ITER        relationsEnd,
                                              bslma::Allocator *allocator)
: d_workSet(allocator)
, d_readyNodes(allocator)
    // Iterate through the input list of edges and iteratively fill in the
    // relations information needed for sorting.

    for (INPUT_ITER iter = relationsBegin; iter != relationsEnd; ++iter) {
        const NodeType& from = EdgeTraits::from(*iter);
        const NodeType& to   = EdgeTraits::to(*iter);

    // Now iterate through the set and find nodes that are roots, i.e. which
    // don't have any predecessors and hence are the first in order.  We put
    // these nodes into a queue that is ready to be written to the result.

    const LinksMapIter end = d_workSet.end();
    for (LinksMapIter iter = d_workSet.begin(); iter != end; ++iter) {
        if (0 == iter->second.d_predecessorCount) {

template <class INPUT_ITER>
template <class OUTPUT_ITER>
bool TopologicalSortUtil_Helper<INPUT_ITER>::processNextNodeInOrder(
                                                  OUTPUT_ITER *resultOutIter_p)
    if (d_readyNodes.empty()) {
        // If the queue is empty but the input set is not then we have at least
        // one cycle.  We know *here* that the input set is not empty because
        // it is a precondition for calling this function.
        return false;                                                 // RETURN

    // process the next element (in 'd_readyNodes' FIFO) with no predecessors
    const LinksMapIter mapIter = d_readyNodes.front();

    // move the processed node to the sorted output
    *(*resultOutIter_p) = mapIter->first;
    ++(*resultOutIter_p); // output iterator must be moved after a write

    // Iterate through the successor list of the node and reduce predecessor
    // count of each successor.  Further, if that count becomes zero add that
    // successor to 'd_readyNodes'.
    for (ListIter successorIter =  mapIter->second.d_successors.begin();
                  successorIter != mapIter->second.d_successors.end();
                ++successorIter) {

        LinksMapIter succMapIter = d_workSet.find((*successorIter));
        Links&       succLinks   = succMapIter->second;

        // One less predecessor now.
        if (--(succLinks.d_predecessorCount) == 0) { // No more predecessors?
            // This successor node is ready.

    d_readyNodes.pop();        // Drop the map iterator from the FIFO.
    d_workSet.erase(mapIter);  // Remove the processed node from the work set.

    return true;

template <class INPUT_ITER>
template <class OUTPUT_ITER, class UNSORTED_OUT_ITER>
bool TopologicalSortUtil_Helper<INPUT_ITER>::sortImpl(
                                             OUTPUT_ITER       resultOutIter,
                                             UNSORTED_OUT_ITER unsortedOutIter)
    while (!d_workSet.empty()) {
        if (!processNextNodeInOrder(&resultOutIter)) {
            // A cycle was detected.  Write all the nodes still present in the
            // work set to 'unsortedOutIter'.  The nodes in the work set may be
            // in more than one cycle, or interconnected cycles, but our
            // algorithm ensures that all nodes left here *are* part of at
            // least one cycle.

            const LinksMapConstIter end = d_workSet.end();
            for (LinksMapConstIter i = d_workSet.begin(); i != end; ++i) {
                *unsortedOutIter = i->first;
            return false;                                             // RETURN
    return true;

                        // -------------------------
                        // class TopologicalSortUtil
                        // -------------------------

template <class INPUT_ITER, class OUTPUT_ITER, class UNSORTED_OUT_ITER>
bool TopologicalSortUtil::sort(INPUT_ITER        relationsBegin,
                               INPUT_ITER        relationsEnd,
                               OUTPUT_ITER       resultOutIter,
                               UNSORTED_OUT_ITER unsortedOutIter)
    typedef TopologicalSortUtil_Helper<INPUT_ITER> MyHelper;

    return MyHelper(relationsBegin, relationsEnd).sortImpl(resultOutIter,

template <class NODE_TYPE>
bool TopologicalSortUtil::sort(
           bsl::vector<NODE_TYPE>                               *result,
           bsl::vector<NODE_TYPE>                               *unsorted,
           const bsl::vector<bsl::pair<NODE_TYPE, NODE_TYPE> >&  relations)
    typedef bsl::vector<NODE_TYPE> vector_type;

    return sort(relations.begin(),

}  // close package namespace
}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2018 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------