// balb_performancemonitor.h                                          -*-C++-*-

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                                   NOTICE
// This component is not up to date with current BDE coding standards, and
// should not be used as an example for new development.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide a mechanism to collect process performance measures.
//   balb::PerformanceMonitor: monitor process performance
//   balb::PerformanceMonitor::Statistics: performance stats
//   balb::PerformanceMonitor::ConstIterator: stats iteration
//@DESCRIPTION: This component provides an application developer the means to
// collect and report performance statistics for an arbitrary number of
// processes running on the local machine.  The 'balb::PerformanceMonitor'
// provides the mechanism for doing so, the
// 'balb::PerformanceMonitor::Statistics' class holds the data and the
// 'balb::PerformanceMonitor::ConstIterator' class is used to iterate over the
// data.  The following table describes the measures collecting by this
// component.  Note that all the collected measures are specific to the
// monitored process and do not refer to any system-wide measurement.
// Measure           Identifier           Description
// -------           ----------           -----------
// User CPU Time     e_CPU_TIME_USER      Total amount of time spent executing
//                                        instructions in user mode.
// System CPU Time   e_CPU_TIME_SYSTEM    Total amount of time spent executing
//                                        instructions in kernel mode.
// CPU Time          e_CPU_TIME           The sum of User and System CPU times.
// User CPU %        e_CPU_UTIL_USER      Percentage of elapsed CPU time this
//                                        process spent executing instructions
//                                        in user mode.
// System CPU %      e_CPU_UTIL_SYSTEM    Percentage of elapsed CPU time this
//                                        process spent executing instructions
//                                        in kernel mode.
// CPU %             e_CPU_UTIL           Sum of User CPU % and System CPU %.
// Resident Size     e_RESIDENT_SIZE      Number of mega-bytes of physical
//                                        memory used by the process.
// Virtual Size      e_VIRTUAL_SIZE       The size of the heap, in
//                                        mega-bytes. This value does not
//                                        include the size of the address
//                                        space mapped to files (anonymous or
//                                        otherwise.)
// Thread Count      e_NUM_THREADS        Number of threads executing in the
//                                        process.
// Page Faults       e_NUM_PAGEFAULTS     Total number of page faults incurred
//                                        throughout the lifetime of the
//                                        process.
///OS-Specific Permissions
// Various OSs might require specific permissions in order to inspect processes
// other than the current process.  For example, on Darwin, users other than
// root can only inspect processes running under the user with which the
// current process is running.  This error condition will be indicated by a
// non-zero return value from 'registerPid'.
///Unsupported Platform/Compiler mode - Solaris/g++/32-bits
// Note that this component is not supported when building in 32-bit mode
// with the g++ compiler on Solaris, due to Solaris's 'procfs.h' header not
// supporting that compiler in 32-bit mode. (DRQS 170291732)
///Iterator Invalidation
// Registration of new pids does not invalidate existing iterators.
// Unregistration of a pid invalidates only iterators pointing to the
// statistics for the pid being unregistered.  Additionally, unregistering a
// pid with a 'balb::PerformanceMonitor' object invalidates all references to
// 'Statistics' objects retrieved from those iterators.  All other iterators
// remain valid.
///Thread Safety
// The classes 'balb::PerformanceMonitor' and
// 'balb::PerformanceMonitory::Statistics', provided by this component, are
// both independently fully *thread-safe* (see 'bsldoc_glossary').  However,
// 'balb::PerformanceMonitor::ConstIterator' is only *const* *thread-safe*,
// meaning it is not safe to access or modify a 'ConstIterator' in one thread
// while another thread modifies the same object.  As unregistering a pid with
// a 'balb::PerformanceMonitor' object invalidates iterators (see {Iterator
// Invalidation}), external synchronization is needed if 'unregisterPid' is
// called concurrently to iterating over statistics.  Also, in a multi-threaded
// context, a 'Statistics' object accessed via a reference (or pointer) from
// a 'ConstIterator' object may have its statistics updated at any time by a
// call to 'collect' or 'resetStatistics' in another thread.   If consistent
// access is needed to multiple items in a set of statistics, then the user
// should copy the statistics object, and then inspect the copy at their
// leisure.
// Notice that this component was implemented with particular usage patterns in
// mind, which are captured in the usage examples.
// This section illustrates intended use of this component.
///Example 1: Basic Use of 'balb::PerformanceMonitor'
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// The following example shows how to monitor the currently executing process
// and produce a formatted report of the collected measures after a certain
// interval.
// First, we instantiate a scheduler used by the performance monitor to
// schedule collection events.
//  bdlmt::TimerEventScheduler scheduler;
//  scheduler.start();
// Then, we create the performance monitor, monitoring the current process and
// auto-collecting statistics every second.
//  balb::PerformanceMonitor perfmon(&scheduler, 1.0);
//  int                      rc  = perfmon.registerPid(0, "perfmon");
//  const int                pid = bdls::ProcessUtil::getProcessId();
//  assert(0 == rc);
//  assert(1 == perfmon.numRegisteredPids());
// Next, we print a formatted report of the performance statistics collected
// for each pid every 5 seconds for half a minute.  Note, that 'Statistics'
// object can be simultaneously modified by scheduler callback and accessed via
// a 'ConstIterator'.  To ensure that the call to 'Statistics::print' outputs
// consistent data from a single update of the statistics for this process, we
// create a local copy (copy construction is guaranteed to be thread-safe).
//  for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
//      bslmt::ThreadUtil::microSleep(0, 5);
//      balb::PerformanceMonitor::ConstIterator    it    = perfmon.begin();
//      const balb::PerformanceMonitor::Statistics stats = *it;
//      assert(pid == stats.pid());
//      bsl::cout << "PID = " << stats.pid() << ":\n";
//      stats.print(bsl::cout);
//  }
// Finally, we unregister the process and stop the scheduler to cease
// collecting statistics for this process.  It is safe to call 'unregisterPid'
// here, because we don't have any 'ConstIterators' objects or references to
// 'Statistics' objects.
//  rc  = perfmon.unregisterPid(pid);
//  assert(0 == rc);
//  assert(0 == perfmon.numRegisteredPids());
//  scheduler.stop();

#include <balscm_version.h>

#include <bslmt_readlockguard.h>
#include <bslmt_rwmutex.h>

#include <bdlmt_timereventscheduler.h>

#include <bsls_atomic.h>

#include <bdlt_datetime.h>

#include <bsls_timeinterval.h>

#include <bslma_allocator.h>
#include <bslma_usesbslmaallocator.h>

#include <bslmf_nestedtraitdeclaration.h>

#include <bsls_assert.h>
#include <bsls_platform.h>
#include <bsls_types.h>

#include <bsl_iosfwd.h>
#include <bsl_iterator.h>
#include <bsl_map.h>
#include <bsl_memory.h>
#include <bsl_string.h>

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace balb {

                          // ========================
                          // class PerformanceMonitor
                          // ========================

class PerformanceMonitor {
    // Provides a mechanism to collect performance statistics for an arbitrary
    // number of processes running on the local machine.

    // FRIENDS
    class Statistics;
    friend class Statistics;
        // Grant visibility of private types to 'Statistics'.

    class ConstIterator;
    friend class ConstIterator;
        // Grant visibility of private types to 'ConstIterator'.


    // Defines a type alias for the operating system type discovered by the
    // 'bsls::platform' component.  This type alias is used to specifically
    // select a particular template specialization of the 'Collector' template.

    typedef bsls::Platform::OsLinux   OsType;
    typedef bsls::Platform::OsFreeBsd OsType;
    typedef bsls::Platform::OsDarwin  OsType;
#elif defined(BSLS_PLATFORM_OS_UNIX)
    typedef bsls::Platform::OsUnix    OsType;
    typedef bsls::Platform::OsWindows OsType;

    template <class PLATFORM>
    class Collector;
        // Forward declares a class template for a performance measure
        // collector for a parameterized 'PLATFORM'.  This class template is
        // never defined.  Instead, we define explicit specializations for
        // supported platforms.  Any attempt to compile this component on
        // unsupported platforms will result in a compile-time error.

    typedef Collector<OsType> CollectorType;
        // Defines a type alias for the type that defines the private platform-
        // specific mechanism used to collect the performance measures for a
        // pid.

    typedef bsl::shared_ptr<CollectorType> CollectorPtr;
        // Defines a type alias for the shared pointer to the platform-specific
        // mechanism used to collect the performance measures for a pid.

    typedef bsl::shared_ptr<Statistics> StatisticsPtr;
        // Defines a type alias for the shared pointer to the platform-specific
        // mechanism used to collect the performance measures for a pid.

    typedef bsl::map<int, bsl::pair<StatisticsPtr, CollectorPtr> > PidMap;
        // Defines a type alias for the map of pids to their collected
        // statistics and associated platform-specific collector
        // implementation.

    // DATA
    PidMap                              d_pidMap;       // map of pid stats

    double                              d_interval;     // collection interval

    bdlmt::TimerEventScheduler         *d_scheduler_p;  // scheduler of
                                                        // collection events
                                                        // (held)

    bdlmt::TimerEventScheduler::Handle  d_clock;        // handle to collection
                                                        // timer

    mutable bslmt::RWMutex              d_mapGuard;     // serializes write
                                                        // access to 'd_pidMap'

    bslma::Allocator                   *d_allocator_p;  // supplies memory
                                                        // (held)

    PerformanceMonitor(const PerformanceMonitor&);
    PerformanceMonitor& operator=(const PerformanceMonitor&);

    // TYPES
    enum Measure {
        // Enumerates the set of performance measures this class is capable of
        // monitoring.

        e_CPU_TIME,          // CPU time (seconds)
        e_CPU_TIME_USER,     // user CPU time (seconds)
        e_CPU_TIME_SYSTEM,   // system CPU time (seconds)
        e_CPU_UTIL,          // weighted CPU % (user + system)
        e_CPU_UTIL_USER,     // weighted user CPU %
        e_CPU_UTIL_SYSTEM,   // weighted system CPU %
        e_RESIDENT_SIZE,     // number of MBs of physical memory
        e_NUM_THREADS,       // number of threads
        e_NUM_PAGEFAULTS,    // number of pagefaults (major + minor)
        e_VIRTUAL_SIZE,      // number of MBs in the heap
      , BAEA_CPU_TIME        = e_CPU_TIME
      , BAEA_CPU_UTIL        = e_CPU_UTIL
      , CPU_TIME        = e_CPU_TIME
      , CPU_UTIL        = e_CPU_UTIL

    class Statistics {
        // Defines the performance statistics collected for a monitored
        // process.  Note that this class is not fully value-semantic.  It is
        // intended to provide a read-only view of a set of collected
        // performance statistics.

        // FRIENDS
        friend class Collector<OsType>;
            // Grants write-access to the specific 'Collector' instantiation
            // for the current platform.

        // DATA
        int                    d_pid;
                                 // process identifier

        bsl::string            d_description;
                                 // process description

        bdlt::Datetime         d_startTimeUtc;
                                 // process start time, in UTC time

        bsls::TimeInterval     d_startTime;
                                 // process start time, since the system
                                 // epoch

        double                 d_elapsedTime;
                                 // time elapsed since process startup

        bsls::AtomicInt        d_numSamples;
                                 // num samples taken

        double                 d_lstData[e_NUM_MEASURES];
                                 // latest collected data

        double                 d_minData[e_NUM_MEASURES];
                                 // min

        double                 d_maxData[e_NUM_MEASURES];
                                 // max

        double                 d_totData[e_NUM_MEASURES];
                                 // cumulative

        mutable bslmt::RWMutex d_guard;
                                 // serialize write access

        Statistics& operator=(const Statistics&);

        // TRAITS

        // CREATORS
        explicit Statistics(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator = 0);
            // Create an instance of this class.  Optionally specify a
            // 'basicAllocator' used to supply memory.  If 'basicAllocator' is
            // 0, the currently installed default allocator is used.

        Statistics(const Statistics&  original,
                   bslma::Allocator  *basicAllocator = 0);
            // Create a 'Statistics' object aggregating the same statistics
            // values as the specified 'original' object.  Optionally specify a
            // 'basicAllocator' used to supply memory.  If 'basicAllocator' is
            // 0, the currently installed default allocator is used.

        void reset();
            // Reset the min, max, and average values collected for each
            // measure.

        // ACCESSORS
        double latestValue(Measure measure) const;
            // Return the latest collected value for the specified 'measure'.

        double minValue(Measure measure) const;
            // Return the minimum collected value for the specified 'measure'.

        double maxValue(Measure measure) const;
            // Return the maximum collected value for the specified 'measure'.

        double avgValue(Measure measure) const;
            // Return the average of the collected values for the specified
            // 'metric'.

        int pid() const;
            // Return the pid for which these statistics were collected.

        const bsl::string& description() const;
            // Return the user-supplied description of the process identified
            // by the result of the 'pid()' function.

        double elapsedTime() const;
            // Return the number of seconds (in wall time) that have elapsed
            // since the startup the process identified by the result of the
            // 'pid()' function.

        const bdlt::Datetime& startupTime() const;
            // Return the startup time in Coordinated Universal Time.

        void print(bsl::ostream& os) const;
            // Print all collected statistics to the specified 'os' stream.

        void print(bsl::ostream& os, Measure measure) const;
            // Print the specified 'measure' to the specified 'os' stream.

        void print(bsl::ostream& os, const char *measureIdentifier) const;
            // Print the specified 'measureIdentifier' to the specified 'os'
            // stream.  The value of 'measureIdentifier' should be a string
            // literal corresponding to the desired measure enumerator, e.g.,
            // 'e_CPU_TIME'.

    class ConstIterator {
        // Provide a mechanism that models the "Forward Iterator" concept over
        // a collection of non-modifiable performance statistics.

        // FRIENDS
        friend class PerformanceMonitor;  // grant access to the private
                                          // constructor

        // DATA
        PidMap::const_iterator  d_it;          // wrapped iterator
        bslmt::RWMutex         *d_mapGuard_p;  // serialize access to the map

        explicit ConstIterator(PidMap::const_iterator  it,
                               bslmt::RWMutex         *mapGuard);
            // Create an instance of this class that wraps the specified 'it'
            // iterator protected by the specified 'mapGuard'.

        // TYPES
        typedef bsl::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
            // Defines a type alias for the tag type that represents the
            // iterator concept this class models.

        typedef Statistics value_type;
            // Defines a type alias for the type of the result of dereferencing
            // this iterator.

        typedef bsl::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
            // Defines a type alias for the type of the result of the
            // difference between the addresses of two value types.

        typedef const Statistics* pointer;
            // Defines a type alias for a pointer to this iterator's value
            // type.

        typedef const Statistics& reference;
            // Defines a type alias for a reference to this iterator's value
            // type.

        // CREATORS
            // Create an instance of this class having an invalid value.

        ConstIterator& operator++();
            // Advance this iterator to refer to the next collection of
            // statistics for a monitored pid and return a reference to the
            // modifiable value type of this iterator.  If there is no next
            // collection of statistics, this iterator will be set equal to
            // 'end()'.  The behavior of this function is undefined unless this
            // iterator is dereferenceable.

        ConstIterator operator++(int);
            // Advance this iterator to refer to the next collection of
            // statistics for a monitored pid and return the iterator pointing
            // to the previous modifiable value type.  If there is no next
            // collection of statistics, this iterator will be set equal to
            // 'end()'.  The behavior of this function is undefined unless this
            // iterator is dereferenceable.

        // ACCESSORS
        reference operator*() const;
            // Return a reference to the non-modifiable value type of this
            // iterator.

        pointer operator->() const;
            // Return a reference to the non-modifiable value type of this
            // iterator.

        bool operator==(const ConstIterator& rhs) const;
            // Return 'true' if the specified 'rhs' iterator points to the
            // same instance of the iterator's value type as "this" iterator,
            // and 'false' otherwise.  The behavior of this function is
            // undefined unless the 'rhs' iterator and "this" iterator both
            // iterate over the same collection of Statistics.

        bool operator!=(const ConstIterator& rhs) const;
            // Return 'true' if the specified 'rhs' iterator does not point to
            // the same instance of the iterator's value type as "this"
            // iterator, and 'false' otherwise.  The behavior of this function
            // is undefined unless the 'rhs' iterator and "this" iterator both
            // iterate over the same collection of Statistics.

    // TRAITS

    PerformanceMonitor(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator = 0);
        // Create an instance of this class to collect performance statistics
        // on demand (via the 'collect' method).  Optionally specify a
        // 'basicAllocator' used to supply memory.  If 'basicAllocator' is 0,
        // the currently installed default allocator is used.

    PerformanceMonitor(bdlmt::TimerEventScheduler *scheduler,
                       double                      interval,
                       bslma::Allocator           *basicAllocator = 0);
        // Create an instance of this class that uses the specified 'scheduler'
        // to automatically collect performance statistics every specified
        // 'interval' (specified in seconds).  Optionally specify a
        // 'basicAllocator' used to supply memory.  If 'basicAllocator' is 0,
        // the currently installed default allocator is used.  Note that a
        // non-positive 'interval' value indicates that performance statistics
        // should *not* be automatically collected--in this case the user is
        // responsible for manually calling the 'collect' function.

        // Destroy this object.

    int registerPid(int pid, const bsl::string& description);
        // Register the specified process 'pid' having the specified
        // user-defined 'description' with this performance monitor.  After
        // registration, performance statistics will be collected for the
        // 'pid' upon invocation of the 'collect' function.  Note that a 'pid'
        // value of zero is interpreted as the 'pid' of the current process.
        // Return 0 on success or a non-zero value otherwise.

    int unregisterPid(int pid);
        // Unregister the specified process 'pid' from the performance monitor.
        // After unregistration, to statistics for the 'pid' will be no longer
        // be available unless the 'pid' is re-registered with the performance
        // monitor through calling 'registerPid'.  Note that a 'pid' value of
        // zero is interpreted as the 'pid' of the current process.  Return
        // 0 on success or a non-zero value otherwise.

    void setCollectionInterval(double interval);
        // Set the specified time 'interval', in seconds, after which
        // statistics for each registered pid are automatically collected.  The
        // behavior is undefined unless a scheduler was supplied at the
        // construction of this performance monitor.  Note that a non-positive
        // 'interval' value indicates that performance statistics should not be
        // automatically collected--in this case the user is responsible for
        // manually calling the 'collect' function.

    void collect();
        // Collect performance statistics for each registered pid.

    void resetStatistics();
        // Reset the collected min, max, and average values collected for each
        // measure for each monitored process.

    ConstIterator begin() const;
        // Return an iterator positioned at the first set of collected
        // performance statistics.

    ConstIterator end() const;
        // Return an iterator that represents the end of the sequence of sets
        // of collected performance statistics.

    ConstIterator find(int pid) const;
        // Return the iterator pointing to the set of collected performance
        // statistics for the specified 'pid' if 'pid' has been registered with
        // this performance monitor through the 'registerPid' function,
        // otherwise return 'end()'.

    int numRegisteredPids() const;
        // Return the number of processes registered for statistics collection.


struct PerformanceMonitor_LinuxProcStatistics {
    // Describes the fields present in /proc/<pid>/stat.  For a complete
    // description of each field, see 'man proc'.
    // Note that sizes of the data fields are defined in terms of scanf(3)
    // format specifiers, such as %d, %lu or %c.  There is no good way to know
    // if %lu is 32-bit wide or 64-bit, because the code can be built in the
    // -m32 mode making sizeof(unsigned long)==4 and executed on a 64bit
    // platform where the kernel thinks that %lu can represent 64-bit wide
    // integers.  Therefore we use 'Uint64' regardless of the build
    // configuration.

    typedef bsls::Types::Int64  LdType;
    typedef bsls::Types::Uint64 LuType;
    typedef bsls::Types::Uint64 LluType;

    int           d_pid;             // process pid
    bsl::string   d_comm;            // filename of executable
    char          d_state;           // process state
    int           d_ppid;            // process's parent pid
    int           d_pgrp;            // process group id
    int           d_session;         // process session id
    int           d_tty_nr;          // the tty used by the process
    int           d_tpgid;           // tty owner's group id
    unsigned int  d_flags;           // kernel flags
    LuType        d_minflt;          // num minor page faults
    LuType        d_cminflt;         // num minor page faults - children
    LuType        d_majflt;          // num major page faults
    LuType        d_cmajflt;         // num major page faults - children
    LuType        d_utime;           // num jiffies in user mode
    LuType        d_stime;           // num jiffies in kernel mode
    LdType        d_cutime;          // num jiffies, user mode, children
    LdType        d_cstime;          // num jiffies, kernel mode, children
    LdType        d_priority;        // standard nice value, plus fifteen
    LdType        d_nice;            // nice value
    LdType        d_numThreads;      // number of threads (since Linux 2.6)
    LdType        d_itrealvalue;     // num jiffies before next SIGALRM
    LluType       d_starttime;       // time in jiffies since system boot
    LuType        d_vsize;           // virtual memory size, in bytes
    LdType        d_rss;             // resident set size, in pages

    // Note that subsequent fields present in '/proc/<pid>/stat' are not
    // required for any collected measures.

    static int readProcStatString(bsl::string *buffer, int pid);
        // For the specified process id 'pid', load the contents of the file
        // '/proc/<pid>/stat' into the specified 'buffer'.  Return 0 on success
        // and a non-zero value otherwise.


        // Default construct all fields in this object.

    // PerformanceMonitor_LinuxProcStatistics(
    //                const PerformanceMonitor_LinuxProcStatistics&) = default;

    // PerformanceMonitor_LinuxProcStatistics& operator=(
    //            const PerformanceMonitor_LinuxProcStatistics& rhs) = default;
        // Copy all fields of the specified 'rhs' to this object, and return a
        // reference to it.

    int parseProcStatString(const bsl::string& procStatString, int pid);
        // Parse the specified 'procStatString' and populate all the fields in
        // this 'struct'.  Check that the specified 'pid' matches the 'pid'
        // field in the string.  Return 0 on success and a non-zero value
        // otherwise.


// ============================================================================
//                            INLINE DEFINITIONS
// ============================================================================

               // ---------------------------------------
               // class PerformanceMonitor::ConstIterator
               // ---------------------------------------

: d_it()

                          PerformanceMonitor::PidMap::const_iterator  it,
                          bslmt::RWMutex                             *mapGuard)
: d_it(it)
, d_mapGuard_p(mapGuard)

PerformanceMonitor::ConstIterator::operator*() const
    bslmt::ReadLockGuard<bslmt::RWMutex> guard(d_mapGuard_p);
    return *d_it->second.first;

PerformanceMonitor::ConstIterator::operator->() const
    bslmt::ReadLockGuard<bslmt::RWMutex> guard(d_mapGuard_p);
    return d_it->second.first.get();

    bslmt::ReadLockGuard<bslmt::RWMutex> guard(d_mapGuard_p);
    return *this;

    PerformanceMonitor::ConstIterator temp = *this;
    return temp;

bool PerformanceMonitor::ConstIterator::operator==(
                                                const ConstIterator& rhs) const
    return d_it == rhs.d_it;

bool PerformanceMonitor::ConstIterator::operator!=(
                                                const ConstIterator& rhs) const
    return d_it != rhs.d_it;

                 // ------------------------------------
                 // class PerformanceMonitor::Statistics
                 // ------------------------------------

double PerformanceMonitor::Statistics::latestValue(Measure measure) const
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(measure >= 0 && measure < e_NUM_MEASURES);

    bslmt::ReadLockGuard<bslmt::RWMutex> guard(&d_guard);
    return d_lstData[measure];

double PerformanceMonitor::Statistics::minValue(Measure measure) const
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(measure >= 0 && measure < e_NUM_MEASURES);

    bslmt::ReadLockGuard<bslmt::RWMutex> guard(&d_guard);
    return d_minData[measure];

double PerformanceMonitor::Statistics::maxValue(Measure measure) const
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(measure >= 0 && measure < e_NUM_MEASURES);

    bslmt::ReadLockGuard<bslmt::RWMutex> guard(&d_guard);
    return d_maxData[measure];

double PerformanceMonitor::Statistics::avgValue(Measure measure) const
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(measure >= 0 && measure < e_NUM_MEASURES);

    bslmt::ReadLockGuard<bslmt::RWMutex> guard(&d_guard);
    return d_totData[measure] / d_numSamples;

int PerformanceMonitor::Statistics::pid() const
    return d_pid;

const bsl::string& PerformanceMonitor::Statistics::description() const
    return d_description;

double PerformanceMonitor::Statistics::elapsedTime() const
    bslmt::ReadLockGuard<bslmt::RWMutex> guard(&d_guard);
    return d_elapsedTime;

const bdlt::Datetime& PerformanceMonitor::Statistics::startupTime() const
    return d_startTimeUtc;

                          // ------------------------
                          // class PerformanceMonitor
                          // ------------------------

PerformanceMonitor::begin() const
    bslmt::ReadLockGuard<bslmt::RWMutex> guard(&d_mapGuard);
    return ConstIterator(d_pidMap.begin(), &d_mapGuard);

PerformanceMonitor::end() const
    bslmt::ReadLockGuard<bslmt::RWMutex> guard(&d_mapGuard);
    return ConstIterator(d_pidMap.end(), &d_mapGuard);

PerformanceMonitor::find(int pid) const
    bslmt::ReadLockGuard<bslmt::RWMutex> guard(&d_mapGuard);
    return ConstIterator(d_pidMap.find(pid), &d_mapGuard);

PerformanceMonitor::numRegisteredPids() const
    bslmt::ReadLockGuard<bslmt::RWMutex> guard(&d_mapGuard);
    return static_cast<int>(d_pidMap.size());

}  // close package namespace
}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2018 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------