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IEventQueue Methods

The IEventQueue type exposes the following members.

Public methodNextEvent
Retrieves the next Event available for processing.

This method is the same as calling NextEvent(Int64) with 0 milliseconds.

Public methodNextEvent(Int64)
Retrieves the next Event available for processing.

If no event is available immediately, wait for timeoutMillis milliseconds for an event to arrive. If no event is received before the timeout expires returns a TIMEOUT event. If the timeout is specified as 0 then wait for an infinite amount of time for an event to be received.

Public methodPurge
Purges any Event objects in this queue which have not been processed and cancel any pending requests linked to this IEventQueue.

This queue can subsequently be re-used for a subsequent request.

Public methodTryNextEvent
Tries to retrieve the next Event available for processing.

This method never blocks.

See Also