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ISessionSubscribe Method (IListSubscription, Identity, String, SubscriptionPreprocessMode)
Initiates a request to receive asynchronous updates to the specified topics.

Upon completion of this request a SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS event will be published for each topic in the subscription list containing a message with the result for one topic. A "SubscriptionStarted" message will be generated if the subscription was successfully initiated. If the subscription fails for any topic a "SubscriptionFailure" message containing the failure reason will be generated.

Any subscriptions in subscriptionList which were not given a application generated CorrelationID will have a session generated CorrelationID set.

Multiple subscriptions to the same subscription string are valid and each will have their own, unique CorrelationID.

Namespace:  Bloomberglp.Blpapi
Assembly:  Bloomberglp.Blpapi (in Bloomberglp.Blpapi.dll) Version:
IList<SubscriptionPreprocessError> Subscribe(
	IList<Subscription> subscriptionList,
	Identity identity,
	string requestLabel,
	SubscriptionPreprocessMode mode


Type: System.Collections.GenericIListSubscription
A list of Subscriptions to subscribe.

Must not be null or empty.

The CorrelationID objects in the subscriptions must be unique and not in use.

Type: Bloomberglp.BlpapiIdentity
The authorized user for whom this subscription is being initiated.

If null the session identity will be used if its been authorized.

Type: SystemString
A label which will be recorded along with any diagnostics for this operation.
Type: Bloomberglp.BlpapiSubscriptionPreprocessMode
Determines how to preprocess subscriptions. Refer to SubscriptionPreprocessMode for an explanation of the available modes.

Return Value

Type: IListSubscriptionPreprocessError
A list of SubscriptionPreprocessErrors or a null list depending on mode. Refer to SubscriptionPreprocessMode for more details.
See Also