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EventFormatterAppendRecapMessage Method (Topic, NullableInt32, CorrelationID)
Appends a (empty) recap message that will be published under the specified 'topic' to the event referenced by this EventFormatter. Specifies the optional 'cid' if this recap message is added in response to a 'TopicRecap' message. After a message has been appended its elements can be set using the various 'SetElement' methods. It is an error to create append a recap message to an admin event. The behavior is undefined unless the 'sequenceNumber' is greater (unless the value wrapped) than the last value used in any previous message on this 'topic'.

Namespace:  Bloomberglp.Blpapi
Assembly:  Bloomberglp.Blpapi (in Bloomberglp.Blpapi.dll) Version:
public void AppendRecapMessage(
	Topic topic,
	Nullable<int> sequenceNumber,
	CorrelationID cid


Type: Bloomberglp.BlpapiTopic
the corresponding topic
Type: SystemNullableInt32
the sequence number for this message
Type: Bloomberglp.BlpapiCorrelationID
the correlationId of the 'TopicRecap' message if responding to a recap request or null if this is a recap message for all subscribers
NotFoundException There is no recap message in service.
InvalidOperationException The operating stack is not empty.
ArgumentException The specified event is not a publish event. The specified topic is not valid.
See Also