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TlsOptions Class
TlsOptions instances are sources of client credentials and trust material used by a session to establish secure mutually authenticated connections to endpoints. The client credentials comprise an encrypted private key and a client certificate. Client credentials are in DER encoded PKCS12 format. They are provided by Bloomberg L.P. These credentials can be provided to a BLPAPI application in 3 ways: - file, - byte array(for situations where the BLPAPI application is not able to access a filesystem), - X509Certificate2. The trust material comprises certificates in DER encoded PKCS7 format, provided by Bloomberg L.P. These may be provided in 3 ways: - file, - byte array(for situations where the BLPAPI application is not able to access a filesystem), - X509Certificate2Collection
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Bloomberglp.Blpapi
Assembly:  Bloomberglp.Blpapi (in Bloomberglp.Blpapi.dll) Version:
public class TlsOptions

The TlsOptions type exposes the following members.

Public propertyCheckRevocation
Enables or disables CRL checking. By default it is disabled.
Public propertyClientCredentials
Gets client credentials
Public propertyCrlFetchTimeout
Gets or sets timeout of fetching CRL from the CRL distribution point. Default value is 20 seconds.
Public propertyTlsHandshakeTimeout
Gets or sets TLS handshake timeout. Default value is 10 seconds.
Public propertyTrustedCertificates
Gets trusted certificates collection
Public methodStatic memberCreate
Creates TlsOptions with client-provided client credentials and trusted certificates
Public methodStatic memberCreateFromBlobs
Read the specified byte arrays to obtain client credentials and trust material that a Session created with session options with property TlsOptions set to the return value of this function will use to establish secure connections.
Public methodStatic memberCreateFromFiles
Read the specified files to obtain client credentials and trust material that a Session created with session options with property TlsOptions set to the return value of this function will use to establish secure connections.
Public methodToString
Outputs client certificate and trusted certificates. Client's private key isn't printed.
(Overrides ObjectToString.)
See Also