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EventFormatterAppendResponse Method (String)
Append an (empty) response message that will be sent in response to the previously received operation request.

After a message for this operation has been appended, its elements can be set using the various SetElement methods.

Only one response can be appended to an Event. The behavior is undefined unless the Event is currently empty.

Note that using Name overloads is preferable, as the Name objects have better performance if they are re-used after being created.

Namespace:  Bloomberglp.Blpapi
Assembly:  Bloomberglp.Blpapi (in Bloomberglp.Blpapi.dll) Version:
public void AppendResponse(
	string operationName


Type: SystemString
Name of the operation whose response type is to be used (e.g. "ReferenceDataRequest"). For "PermissionRequest" messages, use "PermissionResponse".
NotFoundException Thrown when operationName is not found in the publish schema.
InvalidOperationException Thrown when the operating stack is not empty.
ArgumentException Thrown when the specified Event is not a response Event
See Also