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ProviderSessionResolve Method (ResolutionList, ResolveMode, Identity)
Resolves the topics in the specified 'resolutionList' and updates the 'resolutionList' with the results of the resolution process.

Namespace:  Bloomberglp.Blpapi
Assembly:  Bloomberglp.Blpapi (in Bloomberglp.Blpapi.dll) Version:
public void Resolve(
	ResolutionList resolutionList,
	ResolveMode resolveMode,
	Identity providerIdentity


Type: Bloomberglp.BlpapiResolutionList
Type: Bloomberglp.BlpapiResolveMode
Type: Bloomberglp.BlpapiIdentity
InvalidOperationException The session is not started.
DuplicateCorrelationIDException Any of the correlationIds specified in 'resolutionList' is not unique.
ThreadInterruptedException The current thread is interrupted while it is waiting for resolution response.
If the specified 'resolveMode' is DONT_REGISTER_SERVICES (the default) then all the services referenced in the topics in the 'resolutionList' must already have been registered using registerService(). If 'resolveMode' is AUTO_REGISTER_SERVICES then the specified 'providerIdentity' should be supplied and ProviderSession will automatically attempt to register any services reference in the topics in the 'resolutionList' that have not already been registered. Once resolveSync() returns each entry in the 'resolutionList' will have been updated with a new status.

Before resolve() returns one or more RESOLUTION_STATUS events and, if 'resolveMode' is AUTO_REGISTER_SERVICES, zero or more SERVICE_STATUS events are generated. If this is an asynchronous ProviderSession then these Events may be processed by the registered EventHandler before resolve() has returned.

See Also