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SessionSubscribe Method (IListSubscription, Identity, String)
Initiates a request to receive asynchronous updates to the specified topics in the subscriptionList.

Namespace:  Bloomberglp.Blpapi
Assembly:  Bloomberglp.Blpapi (in Bloomberglp.Blpapi.dll) Version:
public void Subscribe(
	IList<Subscription> subscriptionList,
	Identity identity,
	string requestLabel


Type: System.Collections.GenericIListSubscription
A list of subscription strings to subscribe.
Type: Bloomberglp.BlpapiIdentity
The handle to the user for whom this subscription is being initiated.
Type: SystemString
A label that defines a string which will be recorded along with any diagnostics for this operation.
InvalidOperationException The session is not started.
DuplicateCorrelationIDException The specified correlationId is not unique.
ArgumentException The specified Identity was not created through this Session. The specified 'subscriptionList' is null or empty.

Once this has method has returned any subscriptions in the specified subscriptionList which were not given a application generated CorrelationID will have a session generated CorrelationID set. Multiple subscriptions to the same subscriptionString are valid and each will have their own, unique CorrelationID. This method should only be called after the Session has successfully started up. If an exception is thrown none of the subscriptions in the list would have been processed.

If a identity is specified then the subscribe request is issued on behalf of the user represented by the handle. Use the SendAuthorizationRequest to authorize an user for accessing the specified service.

Upon completion of this request a SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS event will be published for each topic in the subscription list containing a message with the result for one topic. A "SubscriptionStarted" message will be generated if the subscription was successfully initiated. If the subscription fails for any topic a "SubscriptionFailure" message containing the failure reason will be generated.

See Also