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EventQueueNextEvent Method (Int64)
Retrieves the next event available for processing on this EventQueue.

Namespace:  Bloomberglp.Blpapi
Assembly:  Bloomberglp.Blpapi (in Bloomberglp.Blpapi.dll) Version:
public Event NextEvent(
	long timeoutMillis


Type: SystemInt64
A timeout in milliseconds to wait for an event to be available on the Session.

Return Value

Type: Event
The next event available on this session if available before timeout or Event.EventType.TIMEOUT event if timeout occurs.
ThreadInterruptedException The current thread is interrupted while it is waiting for an event.
Retrieve the next event available for processing on this EventQueue. If no event is available immediately wait for timeoutMillis milliseconds for an event to arrive. If no event is received before the timeout expires return a Event.EventType.TIMEOUT event. If the timeout is specified as 0 then wait for an infinite amount of time for an event to be received.
See Also