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Bloomberglp.Blpapi Namespace
The Bloomberg API provides developers with 24x7 programmatic access to data from the Bloomberg Data Center for use in customer applications. The Bloomberg API lets you integrate streaming real-time and delayed data, reference data, historical data, intraday data, and Bloomberg derived data into custom and thirdparty applications. You can choose which data you require down to the individual field level. The Bloomberg API supports run-time downloadable schemas for the services it provides and provides methods to query these schemas at runtime. This means the Bloomberg API can support additional services without additions to the interface. It also makes writing applications that can adapt to changes in services or entirely new services simple. The Bloomberg API object model contains a small number of key objects which applications use to request, receive and interpret data. An application creates a Session object to manage its connection with the Bloomberg infrastructure. (Some applications may choose to create multiple Session objects for redundancy). Using the Session object, an application creates a Service object and then "opens' each Bloomberg service that it will use. For example, Bloomberg provides streaming market data and reference data as services. There are two programming paradigms that can be used with the Service object. The client can make individual requests (via a Request object) for data or the client can start a subscription (managed via a Subscription object) with the service for ongoing data updates. Depending on the services being used, a customer application may be written to handle both paradigms. Whichever paradigm or paradigms are used, the Bloomberg infrastructure replies with events (received at the client as Event objects) which the client must handle asynchronously. Programmatically, the customer application obtains Event objects for the Session and then extracts from those Event objects one or more Message objects containing the Bloomberg data.
Public classAbstractSession
This class provides an abstract session for sharing interfaces between Session and ProviderSession.
Public classConstant
Represents a constant value in the schema.
Public classConstraint
Contains a single constraint.
Public classCorrelationID
A key used to identify individual subscriptions or requests.
Public classDatetime
Represents a date and/or time.
Public classDuplicateCorrelationIDException
The exception that is thrown when the correlation IDs associated with subscriptions are the same(with equal value).
Public classElement
Elements are used to represent all data sent to/received from API services.
Public classEvent
All data resulting from subscriptions or requests and administrative messages are delivered as Events.
Public classEventDispatcher
Dispatches events from one or more sessions through callbacks.
Public classEventDispatcherStopOption
Enumerations for controlled shutdown of the EventDispatcher.
Public classEventFormatter
EventFormatter is used to format publisher events or responses to certain ProviderSession requests.
Public classEventQueue
Returns the number of definitions of events that can be published by this Service.
Public classInvalidConversionException
The exception that is thrown when a value is converted into a non-compatible data type.
Public classInvalidRequestException
This exception is thrown when an API client attempts to send a request which is not valid by the request schema.
Public classLogging
Provides a way to register a call back for logging
Public classMessage
Message objects are used to represent all outputs from the API.
Public className
Name objects are used to identify and access the classes which define the schema.
Public classNameEnumerationTable Obsolete.
Public classNotFoundException
The exception that is thrown when the required entity doesn't exist.
Public classOperation
Operation objects are obtained from a Service object and it represents an Operation that can be executed on a Service.
Public classProviderSession
This class provides a session that can be used for providing services.
Public classRequestQueueOverflowException
The exception that is thrown when the number of queued sending requests is over the limit.
Public classResolutionList
Public classSchema
Contains constants used in the classes which represent the data model.
Public classSchemaElementDefinition
The definition of an item in a data schema.
Public classSchemaTypeDefinition
The definition of a type in the schema.
Public classService
Defines a service which provides access to API data.
Public classServiceRegistrationOptions
Contains the options which the user can specify when registering a service.
Public classServiceRegistrationOptionsRegistrationParts
Constants for specifying which part(s) of a service should be registered
Public classSession
This class provides a session for making requests and subscriptions to services.
Public classSessionOptions
To use non-default options on a Session, create a SessionOptions instance and set the required options and then supply it when creating a Session.
Public classSessionOptionsServerAddress
Public classSubscription
A Subscription object holds information about a subscription for topic updates and comprises of two primary fields: a 'CorrelationId' associated with the subscription, and a string, called a subscription string, describing the data to be delivered as a part of the subscription.
Public classTlsOptions
TlsOptions instances are sources of client credentials and trust material used by a session to establish secure mutually authenticated connections to endpoints. The client credentials comprise an encrypted private key and a client certificate. Client credentials are in DER encoded PKCS12 format. They are provided by Bloomberg L.P. These credentials can be provided to a BLPAPI application in 3 ways: - file, - byte array(for situations where the BLPAPI application is not able to access a filesystem), - X509Certificate2. The trust material comprises certificates in DER encoded PKCS7 format, provided by Bloomberg L.P. These may be provided in 3 ways: - file, - byte array(for situations where the BLPAPI application is not able to access a filesystem), - X509Certificate2Collection
Public classTopicList
Public classVersionInfo
This class provides a basic primitive version information for the BLPAPI SDK library. It provides a simple way to access the following version information as 4 integers: Major, Minor, Patch, and Build.
Public interfaceConstantsList
Represents a list of Constant objects in the schema. Implements generic IDictionary interface.
Public interfaceConstraintsList
Represents a list of Constraint objects. Implements generic IDictionary interface.
Public interfaceIdentity
Provides access to the entitlements for a specific user.
Public interfaceLoggingCallback
An interface for a callback that can been registered to get the log messages
Public interfaceNameEnumeration Obsolete.
Public interfaceRequest
This class represents a single request to a particular service.
Public interfaceRequestTemplate
This class provides a handle for a request template.
Public interfaceTopic
Public interfaceUserHandle Obsolete.
Provides access to the entitlements for a specific user.
Public delegateEventHandler
The delegate to receive Session Events.
Public delegateProviderEventHandler
The delegate to receive Provider Session Events.
Public enumerationAbstractSessionStopOption
Enumerations for controlled shutdown of the session.
Public enumerationEventEventType
Enumeration of the type of events that can be delivered from Bloomberg services.
Public enumerationMessageFragment
Fragment type of a Message.
Public enumerationMessageRecap
Recap type of a Message.
Public enumerationResolutionStatus
Public enumerationResolveMode
Public enumerationSchemaDatatype
Enumerations for various data types supported in the schema.
Public enumerationSchemaStatus
Enumeration describing the status of various elements in the schema.
Public enumerationSeatType
Seat type enumeration defines seat type values such as whether this identity is a Bloomberg Professional Service user.
Public enumerationServiceRegistrationOptionsServiceRegistrationPriority
Constants for specifying the priority of registered service.
Public enumerationSessionSubscriptionStatus
SubscriptionStatus lists the possible statuses a Subscription may be in.
Public enumerationSessionOptionsClientModeType
Client mode enumeration.
Public enumerationTopicListTopicStatus