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EventEventType Enumeration
Enumeration of the type of events that can be delivered from Bloomberg services.

Namespace:  Bloomberglp.Blpapi
Assembly:  Bloomberglp.Blpapi (in Bloomberglp.Blpapi.dll) Version:
public enum EventType
  Member nameValueDescription
ADMIN1 Administrative events from Bloomberg Services.
SESSION_STATUS2 Changes in the state of the Session, such as Session successfully started or Session is terminated.
SUBSCRIPTION_STATUS3 Changes in state of a pending/active subscription request.
REQUEST_STATUS4 Changes in the state of a pending non-subscription request.
SERVICE_STATUS5 Changes to the status of an active open service request.
RESPONSE6 Final response received for a pending non-subscription request. Once this event is delivered the Request is considered to be complete.
PARTIAL_RESPONSE7 Non-final response received for a pending non-subscription request. The request is still pending after this event is received and is not considered to be complete until a RESPONSE event is delivered.
SUBSCRIPTION_DATA8 Streaming subscription data delivered for active Subscription requests.
TIMEOUT9 This Event indicates a user specified timeout interval has expired before any event was received.
AUTHORIZATION_STATUS10 Changes to the state of an active authorization, like entitlement changes.
RESOLUTION_STATUS11 switchable constant for {@link EventType#RESOLUTION_STATUS}
TOPIC_STATUS12 switchable constant for {@link EventType#TOPIC_STATUS}
TOKEN_STATUS13 switchable constant for {@link EventType#TOKEN_STATUS}
REQUEST14 switchable constant for {@link EventType#REQUEST}
See Also