Public Types | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions

blpapi::ResolutionList Class Reference

#include <blpapi_resolutionlist.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  Status {

Public Member Functions

 ResolutionList ()
 ResolutionList (const ResolutionList &original)
 ~ResolutionList ()
int add (const char *topic, const CorrelationId &correlationId=CorrelationId())
int add (Message const &subscriptionStartedMessage, const CorrelationId &correlationId=CorrelationId())
int addAttribute (const Name &attribute)
CorrelationId correlationIdAt (size_t index) const
const char * topicString (const CorrelationId &correlationId) const
const char * topicStringAt (size_t index) const
int status (const CorrelationId &correlationId) const
int statusAt (size_t index) const
Element const attribute (const Name &attribute, const CorrelationId &correlationId) const
Element const attributeAt (const Name &attribute, size_t index) const
Message const message (const CorrelationId &correlationId) const
Message const messageAt (size_t index) const
size_t size () const
const blpapi_ResolutionList_timpl () const
blpapi_ResolutionList_timpl ()

Static Public Member Functions

static Element extractAttributeFromResolutionSuccess (Message const &message, Name const &attribute)

Detailed Description

Contains a list of topics that require resolution.

Created from topic strings or from SUBSCRIPTION_STARTED messages. This is passed to a resolve() call or resolveAsync() call on a ProviderSession. It is updated and returned by the resolve() call.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

blpapi::ResolutionList::ResolutionList (  ) 

Create an empty ResolutionList.

blpapi::ResolutionList::ResolutionList ( const ResolutionList original  ) 

Copy constructor.

blpapi::ResolutionList::~ResolutionList (  ) 

Destroy this ResolutionList.

Member Function Documentation

static Element blpapi::ResolutionList::extractAttributeFromResolutionSuccess ( Message const &  message,
Name const &  attribute 
) [static]

Return the value of the value in the specified message which represents the specified attribute. The message must be a message of type "RESOLUTION_SUCCESS". The attribute should be an attribute that was requested using addAttribute() on the ResolutionList passed to the resolve() or resolveAsync() that caused this RESOLUTION_SUCCESS message. If the attribute is not present an empty Element is returned.

int blpapi::ResolutionList::add ( const char *  topic,
const CorrelationId correlationId = CorrelationId() 

Add the specified topic to this list, optionally specifying a correlationId. Returns 0 on success or negative number on failure. After a successful call to add() the status for this entry is UNRESOLVED_TOPIC.

int blpapi::ResolutionList::add ( Message const &  subscriptionStartedMessage,
const CorrelationId correlationId = CorrelationId() 

Add the topic contained in the specified subscriptionStartedMessage to this list, optionally specifying a correlationId. Returns 0 on success or a negative number on failure. After a successful call to add() the status for this entry is UNRESOLVED_TOPIC.

int blpapi::ResolutionList::addAttribute ( const Name attribute  ) 

Add the specified attribute to the list of attributes requested during resolution for each topic in this ResolutionList. Returns 0 on success or a negative number on failure.

CorrelationId blpapi::ResolutionList::correlationIdAt ( size_t  index  )  const

Returns the CorrelationId of the specified indexth entry in this ResolutionList. If index >= size() an exception is thrown.

const char* blpapi::ResolutionList::topicString ( const CorrelationId correlationId  )  const

Returns a pointer to the topic of the entry identified by the specified correlationId. If the correlationId does not identify an entry in this ResolutionList then an exception is thrown.

const char* blpapi::ResolutionList::topicStringAt ( size_t  index  )  const

Returns a pointer to the topic of the specified indexth entry. If index >= size() an exception is thrown.

int blpapi::ResolutionList::status ( const CorrelationId correlationId  )  const

Returns the status of the entry in this ResolutionList identified by the specified correlationId. This may be UNRESOLVED, RESOLVED, RESOLUTION_FAILURE_BAD_SERVICE, RESOLUTION_FAILURE_SERVICE_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED RESOLUTION_FAILURE_BAD_TOPIC, RESOLUTION_FAILURE_TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED. If the correlationId does not identify an entry in this ResolutionList then an exception is thrown.

int blpapi::ResolutionList::statusAt ( size_t  index  )  const


Element const blpapi::ResolutionList::attribute ( const Name attribute,
const CorrelationId correlationId 
) const

Returns the value for the specified attribute of the entry in this ResolutionList identified by the specified correlationId. The Element returned may be empty if the resolution service cannot provide the attribute. If correlationId does not identify an entry in this ResolutionList or if the status of the entry identified by correlationId is not RESOLVED an exception is thrown.

Element const blpapi::ResolutionList::attributeAt ( const Name attribute,
size_t  index 
) const

Returns the value for the specified attribute of the specified indexth entry in this ResolutionList. The Element returned may be empty if the resolution service cannot provide the attribute. If index >= size() or if the status of the indexth entry is not RESOLVED an exception is thrown.

Message const blpapi::ResolutionList::message ( const CorrelationId correlationId  )  const

Returns the value of the message received during resolution of the topic identified by the specified correlationId. If correlationId does not identify an entry in this ResolutionList or if the status of the entry identify by correlationId is not RESOLVED an exception is thrown.

The message returned can be used when creating an instance of Topic.

Message const blpapi::ResolutionList::messageAt ( size_t  index  )  const

Returns the value of the message received during resolution of the specified indexth entry in this ResolutionList. If index >= size() or if the status of the indexth entry is not RESOLVED an exception is thrown.

The message returned can be used when creating an instance of Topic.

size_t blpapi::ResolutionList::size (  )  const

Returns the number of entries in this list.

const blpapi_ResolutionList_t* blpapi::ResolutionList::impl (  )  const
blpapi_ResolutionList_t* blpapi::ResolutionList::impl (  ) 

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