
Component blpapi_providersession
[Package blpapi]

Provide a session that can be used for providing services. More...


namespace  blpapi

Detailed Description

Provide a session that can be used for providing services.

Provide a session that can be used for providing services
blpapi::ProviderSession Session with providing(publishing) services.
blpapi::ProviderEventHandler Event handler for ProviderSession
blpapi::ServiceRegistrationOptions Container holding registration options.
ProviderSession inherits from AbstractSession. In addition to AbstractSession functionality, ProviderSession provides functions that are needed to support publishing like registerService, createTopics and publish.
Topic Life Cycle ---------------- A provider wishing to publish subscription data must explicitly open each topic on which they publish using ProviderSession::createTopics (or ProviderSession::createTopicsAsync). Creating a topic prepares the distribution and caching infrastructure for new data associated with the topic's resolved identifier. (Note that several different topics could resolve to the same ID.) Independent of a topic's creation status is its subscription status, i.e. whether there are subscribers ready to receive the data published. A topic that is both created and subscribed is activated.
There are two models for managing topic creation: broadcast and interactive. Broadcast publishers proactively call ProviderSession::createTopic* for each topic on which they intend to publish, while interactive publishers wait to receive a TopicSubscribed message (within an Event of type Event::TOPIC_STATUS) before calling ProviderSession::createTopic* in response. Topics are resolved before they are created---it is possible that multiple different topic strings will map to the same underlying topic. See below for the behavior of the SDK when the same topic is created multiple times.
For applications using multiple broadcast publishers with the same priority for the same service in the same group, note that successfully calling createTopic* in a publisher does not mean that the topic will be subscribed or activated as the infrastructure can select a different publisher for the subscription. That is, there's no guarantee of TopicSubscribed and TopicActivated events following TopicCreated. All broadcast publisher instances in the same publisher group should call createTopic* for the same topics and be able to handle TopicSubscribed before TopicCreated is received.
After ProviderSession::createTopic* is called, the publisher will receive a TopicCreated message (within an Event::TOPIC_STATUS event), and when there is at least one subscriber to the topic the publisher will then receive a TopicActivated message (also within an Event::TOPIC_STATUS event). As subscribers come and go, additional TopicSubscribed, TopicActivated, TopicUnsubscribed, and TopicDeactivated messages may be received by the publisher. A Topic object can be retrieved from each of these messages using the ProviderSession::getTopic method, and this object can be used for subsequent calls to EventFormatter::appendMessage and ProviderSession::deleteTopic. In the case that the same resolved topic is created multiple times by a publisher using different names, it is unspecified which of those names will be returned by Message::topicName for these (or other) messages.
If a publisher no longer intends to publish data on a topic, it can call ProviderSession::deleteTopic* to free the internal caching and distribution resources associated with the topic. When a resolved topic has been deleted the same number of times that it has been created, a TopicDeleted message will be delivered, preceded by TopicDeactivated message. No further messages can be published on a deleted topic.
Deregistering a service forces unsubscribes and deletes all topics associated with that service.
Note that TopicActivated and TopicDeactivated messages are entirely redundant with TopicCreated, TopicSubscribed, TopicDeleted, and TopicUnsubscribed messages, and are provided only for the convenience of publishers that do not maintain per-topic state.