
Package blpapi

Bloomberg API C/C++ SDK. More...


 Component blpapi_abstractsession

A common interface shared between publish and consumer sessions.

 Component blpapi_call

Provide functions for dispatchtbl.

 Component blpapi_constant

Provide a representation for schema-level enumeration constants.

 Component blpapi_correlationid

Provide a key to identify individual subscriptions or requests.

 Component blpapi_datetime

Represents a date and/or time.

 Component blpapi_defs

Common definitions used by the library.

 Component blpapi_diagnosticsutil

Provide api to access diagnostics information on the blpapi library.

 Component blpapi_dispatchtbl

Work with dispatch table.

 Component blpapi_element

Provide a representation of an item in a message.

 Component blpapi_error

Provide a collection of errors that library can return.

 Component blpapi_event

A component which defines events related operations.

 Component blpapi_eventdispatcher

Provide a dispatcher to dispatch events.

 Component blpapi_eventformatter

Add messages to an Event for publishing.

 Component blpapi_exception

Defines Exceptions that can be thrown by the blpapi library.

 Component blpapi_highresolutionclock

Provide a high resolution clock.

 Component blpapi_identity

Provide access to the entitlements for a user.

 Component blpapi_logging

Provide a C call to register a call back for logging.

 Component blpapi_message

Defines a message containing elements.

 Component blpapi_name

Provide a representation of strings for use as container keys.

 Component blpapi_providersession

Provide a session that can be used for providing services.

 Component blpapi_request

Defines a request which can be sent for a service.

 Component blpapi_requesttemplate

Provide a handle for a request template.

 Component blpapi_resolutionlist

Provide a representation of a list of topics.

 Component blpapi_schema

Provide a representation of a schema describing structured messages.

 Component blpapi_service

A service which provides access to API data (provide or consume).

 Component blpapi_session

Provide consumer session to get Bloomberg Service.

 Component blpapi_sessionoptions

A common interface shared between publish and consumer sessions.

 Component blpapi_streamproxy

A signature for callback on print and default C++ implementation.

 Component blpapi_subscriptionlist

Provide a list of subscriptions.

 Component blpapi_timepoint

Provide a time point with respect to an epoch.

 Component blpapi_tlsoptions

Maintain client credentials and trust material.

 Component blpapi_topic

Provide representation of a Topic.

 Component blpapi_topiclist

Provide a representation of a list of topics.

 Component blpapi_types

Provide BLPAPI types.

 Component blpapi_versioninfo

Provide BLPAPI SDK library version information.

 Component blpapi_versionmacros

Provide preprocessor macros for BLPAPI library version information.

Detailed Description

Bloomberg API C/C++ SDK.

Bloomberg API C/C++ SDK
The Bloomberg API provides developers with 24x7 programmatic access to data from the Bloomberg Data Center for use in customer applications.
The Bloomberg API lets you integrate streaming real-time and delayed data, reference data, historical data, intraday data, and Bloomberg derived data into your own custom and thirdparty applications. You can choose which data you require down to the individual field level.
The Bloomberg API uses an event-driven model. The interface is thread-safe and threadaware, giving applications the ability to utilize multiple processors efficiently. The Bloomberg API automatically breaks large results into smaller chunks and can provide conflated streaming data to improve the bandwidth usage and the latency of applications.
The Bloomberg API supports run-time downloadable schemas for the services it provides and provides methods to query these schemas at runtime. This means the Bloomberg API can support additional services without additions to the interface. It also makes writing applications that can adapt to changes in services or entirely new services simple.
The Bloomberg API object model contains a small number of key objects which applications use to request, receive and interpret data.
An application creates a Session object to manage its connection with the Bloomberg infrastructure. (Some applications may choose to create multiple Session objects for redundancy).
Using the Session object, an application creates a Service object and then "opens' each Bloomberg service that it will use. For example, Bloomberg provides streaming market data and reference data as services.
There are two programming paradigms that can be used with the Service object. The client can make individual requests (via a Request object) for data or the client can start a subscription (managed via a Subscription object) with the service for ongoing data updates. Depending on the services being used, a customer application may be written to handle both paradigms. Whichever paradigm or paradigms are used, the Bloomberg infrastructure replies with events (received at the client as Event objects) which the client must handle asynchronously.
Programmatically, the customer application obtains Event objects for the Session and then extracts from those Event objects one or more Message objects containing the Bloomberg data.