Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions

blpapi::TlsOptions Class Reference

#include <blpapi_tlsoptions.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TlsOptions ()
 TlsOptions (const TlsOptions &)
 ~TlsOptions ()
TlsOptionsoperator= (const TlsOptions &)
void setTlsHandshakeTimeoutMs (int tlsHandshakeTimeoutMs)
void setCrlFetchTimeoutMs (int crlFetchTimeoutMs)
blpapi_TlsOptions_thandle () const

Static Public Member Functions

static TlsOptions createFromFiles (const char *clientCredentialsFileName, const char *clientCredentialsPassword, const char *trustedCertificatesFileName)
static TlsOptions createFromBlobs (const char *clientCredentialsRawData, int clientCredentialsRawDataLength, const char *clientCredentialsPassword, const char *trustedCertificatesRawData, int trustedCertificatesRawDataLength)

Detailed Description

Contains the user specified TLS options.

To enable SSL connections, create a TlsOptions object using the methods TlsOptions::createFromBlobs and TlsOptions::createFromFiles.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

blpapi::TlsOptions::TlsOptions (  ) 

Create a TlsOptions with all TLS options with no certificate information.

blpapi::TlsOptions::TlsOptions ( const TlsOptions  ) 

Copy constructor

blpapi::TlsOptions::~TlsOptions (  ) 

Destroy this TlsOptions.

Member Function Documentation

TlsOptions& blpapi::TlsOptions::operator= ( const TlsOptions  ) 

Assign to this object the value of the specified rhs object.

static TlsOptions blpapi::TlsOptions::createFromFiles ( const char *  clientCredentialsFileName,
const char *  clientCredentialsPassword,
const char *  trustedCertificatesFileName 
) [static]

Creates a TlsOptions using a DER encoded client credentials in PKCS#12 format and DER encoded trust material in PKCS#7 format from the specified files.

static TlsOptions blpapi::TlsOptions::createFromBlobs ( const char *  clientCredentialsRawData,
int  clientCredentialsRawDataLength,
const char *  clientCredentialsPassword,
const char *  trustedCertificatesRawData,
int  trustedCertificatesRawDataLength 
) [static]

Create a TlsOptions using DER encoded client credentials in PKCS#12 format and DER encoded trust material in PKCS#7 format from the specified raw data.

void blpapi::TlsOptions::setTlsHandshakeTimeoutMs ( int  tlsHandshakeTimeoutMs  ) 

Set the TLS handshake timeout to the specified tlsHandshakeTimeoutMs. The default is 10,000 milliseconds. The TLS handshake timeout will be set to the default if the specified tlsHandshakeTimeoutMs is not positive.

void blpapi::TlsOptions::setCrlFetchTimeoutMs ( int  crlFetchTimeoutMs  ) 

Set the CRL fetch timeout to the specified crlFetchTimeoutMs. The default is 20,000 milliseconds. The TLS handshake timeout will be set to the default if the specified crlFetchTimeoutMs is not positive.

blpapi_TlsOptions_t* blpapi::TlsOptions::handle (  )  const

Return the handle of the current TLS options.

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