Public Member Functions

blpapi::MessageIterator Class Reference

#include <blpapi_event.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 MessageIterator (const Event &event)
 ~MessageIterator ()
bool next ()
bool isValid () const
Message message (bool createClonable=false) const

Detailed Description

An iterator over the Message objects within an Event.

MessageIterator objects are used to process the individual Message objects in an Event received in an EventHandler, from EventQueue::nextEvent() or from Session::nextEvent().

This class is used to iterate over each message in an Event. The user must ensure that the Event this iterator is created for is not destroyed before the iterator.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

blpapi::MessageIterator::MessageIterator ( const Event event  ) 

Construct a forward iterator to iterate over the message in the specified event object. The MessageIterator is created in a state where next() must be called to advance it to the first item.

blpapi::MessageIterator::~MessageIterator (  ) 


Member Function Documentation

bool blpapi::MessageIterator::next (  ) 

Attempts to advance this MessageIterator to the next Message in this Event. Returns true on success, and false if there are no more messages. After next() returns true, isValid() will return true until the subsequent call to next(). After next() returns false, isValid() will always returns false.

bool blpapi::MessageIterator::isValid (  )  const

Returns true if this iterator is currently positioned on a valid Message. Returns false otherwise.

Message blpapi::MessageIterator::message ( bool  createClonable = false  )  const

Returns the Message at the current position of this iterator. If the specified createClonable flag is set, the internal handle of the message returned is added a reference and the message can outlive the call to next(). If the createClonable flag is set to false, the use of message outside the scope of the iterator or after the next() call is undefined. The behavior is undefined if isValid() returns false.

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