Public Member Functions

blpapi::Exception Class Reference

#include <blpapi_exception.h>

Inheritance diagram for blpapi::Exception:
blpapi::DuplicateCorrelationIdException blpapi::FieldNotFoundException blpapi::IndexOutOfRangeException blpapi::InvalidArgumentException blpapi::InvalidConversionException blpapi::InvalidStateException blpapi::NotFoundException blpapi::UnknownErrorException blpapi::UnsupportedOperationException

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Exception (const std::string &description)
const std::string & description () const throw ()
virtual const char * what () const throw ()
virtual ~Exception () throw ()

Detailed Description

This class defines a base exception for blpapi operations. Objects of this class contain the error description for the exception.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

blpapi::Exception::Exception ( const std::string &  description  )  [explicit]

Create an exception object initialized with the specified description.

virtual blpapi::Exception::~Exception (  )  throw () [virtual]

Destroy this object.

Member Function Documentation

const std::string& blpapi::Exception::description (  )  const throw ()

Return the error description supplied at construction.

virtual const char* blpapi::Exception::what (  )  const throw () [virtual]

Return the error description supplied at construction as a null-terminated character sequence.

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