// Copyright 2014-2023 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

// bmqa_messageeventbuilder.h                                         -*-C++-*-

//@PURPOSE: Provide a builder for 'MessageEvent' objects.
//  bmqa::MessageEventBuilder: a builder for 'MessageEvent'.
//@DESCRIPTION: This component implements a mechanism,
// 'bmqa::MessageEventBuilder', that can be used for creating message events
// containing one or multiple messages.  The resulting MessageEvent can be sent
// to the BlazingMQ broker using the 'bmqa::Session' (refer to 'bmqa_session'
// for details).
// The builder holds a 'MessageEvent' under construction, and provides methods
// to return a reference to the current message (in order to set its various
// members), as well as to append a new message.  Once the application is done,
// the builder provides a method to get the message event that has been
// constructed.  See 'Usage' section for more details.
// Note that publishing events containing multiple messages may be more
// efficient than events limited to a single message for applications that send
// large volume of small messages.
//: o An instance of bmqa::MessageEventBuilder (the builder) can be used to
//:   create multiple bmqa::MessageEvent's, as long as the instance is reset in
//:   between.  This reset is preferably to do right after sending the event to
//:   guarantee that all user resources bound to the bmqa::MessageEvent (e.g.
//:   CorrelationIds with user's shared_ptr) are kept no longer than expected
//:   (e.g. until related ACK event is received).  The recommended approach is
//:   to create one instance of the builder and use that throughout the
//:   lifetime of the task (if the task is multi-threaded, an instance per
//:   thread must be created and maintained).
//:   See usage example #1 for an illustration.
//: o The lifetime of an instance of the builder is bound by the bmqa::Session
//:   from which it was created.  In other words, bmqa::Session instance must
//:   outlive the builder instance.
//: o If it is desired to post the same bmqa::Message to different queues,
//:   'packMessage' can be called multiple times in a row with different queue
//:   IDs.  The builder will append the previously packed message with the new
//:   queue ID to the underlying message event.  Note that after calling
//:   'packMessage', the message keeps all the attributes (payload, properties,
//:   etc) that were previously set (except for the 'correlationId' which must
//:   be set explicitly for each individual message).  If desired, any
//:   attribute can be tweaked before being packing the message again.  Refer
//:   to usage example #2 for an illustration.
///Example 1 - Basic Usage
//   // Note that error handling is omitted below for the sake of brevity
//   bmqa::Session session;
//       // Session start up logic omitted for brevity.
//   // Obtain a valid instance of message properties.
//   bmqt::MessageProperties properties;
//   session.loadMessageProperties(&properties);
//   // Set common properties that will be applicable to all messages sent by
//   // this application.
//   int rc = properties.setPropertyAsChar(
//                                   "encoding",
//                                   static_cast<char>(MyEncodingEnum::e_BER));
//   rc = properties.setPropertyAsString("producerId", "MyUniqueId");
//   // Obtain a valid instance of message event builder.
//   bmqa::MessageEventBuilder builder;
//   session.loadMessageEventBuilder(&builder);
//   // Create and post a message event containing 1 message.  Associate
//   // properties with this message.
//   bmqa::Message& msg = builder.startMessage();
//   msg.setCorrelationId(myCorrelationId);
//   // Set payload (where 'myPayload' is of type 'bdlbb::Blob')
//   msg.setDataRef(&myPayload);
//   // Set current timestamp as one of the properties.
//   rc = properties.setPropertyAsInt64(
//                "timestamp",
//                bdlt::EpochUtil::convertToTimeT64(bdlt::CurrentTime::now()));
//   // Set properties.
//   msg.setPropertiesRef(&properties);
//   // Pack the message.
//   rc = builder.packMessage(myQueueId);
//   // Post message event
//   rc = session.post(builder.messageEvent());
//   // Create and post another message event containing 1 message.
//   // bmqa::MessageEventBuilder must be reset before reuse.
//   builder.reset();
//   // Start a new message.
//   bmqa::Message& msg = builder.startMessage();
//   msg.setCorrelationId(myAnotherCorrelationId);
//   msg.setDataRef(&myAnotherPayload);
//   // It's okay (and recommended) to use same properties instance.
//   rc = properties.setPropertyAsInt64(
//                "timestamp",
//                bdlt::EpochUtil::convertToTimeT64(bdlt::CurrentTime::now()));
//   msg.setPropertiesRef(&properties);
//   rc = builder.packMessage(myAnotherQueueId);
//   // Post second message event
//   rc = session.post(builder.messageEvent());
//   // Reset the builder to free resources earlier.
//   builder.reset();
///Example 2 - Packing multiple messages in a message event
//   // Note that error handling is omitted below for the sake of brevity
//   bmqa::Session session;
//   // Session start up logic omitted for brevity.
//   // Obtain a valid instance of message properties.
//   bmqt::MessageProperties properties;
//   session.loadMessageProperties(&properties);
//   // Set common properties that will be applicable to all messages sent by
//   // this application.
//   int rc = properties.setPropertyAsChar(
//                                   "encoding",
//                                   static_cast<char>(MyEncodingEnum::e_BER));
//   rc = properties.setPropertyAsString("producerId", "MyUniqueId");
//   // Obtain a valid instance of message event builder.
//   bmqa::MessageEventBuilder builder;
//   session.loadMessageEventBuilder(&builder);
//   // Create and post a message event containing 4 messages.
//   bmqa::Message& msg = builder.startMessage();
//   // Pack message #1
//   msg.setCorrelationId(correlationId1);
//   msg.setDataRef(&payload1);  // where 'payload1' is of type 'bdlbb::Blob'
//   // Set current timestamp as one of the properties.
//   int rc = properties.setPropertyAsInt64(
//                "timestamp",
//                bdlt::EpochUtil::convertToTimeT64(bdlt::CurrentTime::now()));
//   // Pack the message.
//   rc = builder.packMessage(queueId1);
//   // Pack message #2
//   // We want to send message #1 to another queue.  In order to do so, we
//   // just update the correlation ID of message #1.  There is no need to set
//   // the payload or properties again.  Because 'payload1' and 'properties'
//   // objects are being reused for the second message, they should not be
//   // destroyed before packing the second message.
//   msg.setCorrelationId(correlationId2);
//   // Also note that the "timestamp" property for the second message will be
//   // updated for this message.  There is no need to invoke
//   // 'setPropertiesRef' on the message though.
//   rc = properties.setPropertyAsInt64(
//                "timestamp",
//                bdlt::EpochUtil::convertToTimeT64(bdlt::CurrentTime::now()));
//   rc = builder.packMessage(queueId2);
//   // 'payload1' can be safely destroyed at this point if it will not be
//   // reused again for another message.
//   // Pack message #3
//   // Message #3 has a different payload, no properties and destined to
//   // 'queueId1'.
//   msg.setCorrelationId(correlationId3);
//   msg.setDataRef(&payload2);  // where 'payload2' is of type 'bdlbb::Blob'
//   // We need to explicitly clear out the associated properties.
//   msg.clearProperties();
//   rc = builder.packMessage(queueId1);
//   // Pack message #4
//   // Message #4 has different payload and destined to 'queueId3'.
//   msg.setCorrelationId(correlationId4);
//   msg.setDataRef(&payload3);  // where 'payload3' is of type 'bdlbb::Blob'
//   // Update "timestamp" property.
//   rc = properties.setPropertyAsInt64(
//                "timestamp",
//                bdlt::EpochUtil::convertToTimeT64(bdlt::CurrentTime::now()));
//   // Need to associate properties with the message, since they were cleared
//   // out while packing message #3 above.
//   msg.setPropertiesRef(&properties);
//   rc = builder.packMessage(queueId3);
//   // Post second message event
//   rc = session.post(builder.messageEvent());
//   // Reset the builder to free resources earlier.
//   builder.reset();
///Thread Safety
// This component is *NOT* thread safe.

// BMQ
#include <bmqscm_version.h>
#include <bmqa_message.h>
#include <bmqa_messageevent.h>
#include <bmqt_resultcode.h>

// BDE
#include <bsl_memory.h>

namespace BloombergLP {

namespace bmqa { class QueueId; }
namespace bmqp { class MessageGUIDGenerator; }

namespace bmqa {

                       // ==============================
                       // struct MessageEventBuilderImpl
                       // ==============================

struct MessageEventBuilderImpl {
    // Struct containing the internal (private) members of MessageEventBuilder
    // (That is so that bmqa::Session::loadMessageEventBuilder can access
    // private members of MessageEventBuilder to initialize it, without having
    // to expose them publicly).

    MessageEvent d_msgEvent; // This is needed so that 'getMessageEvent()' can
                             // return a const ref.

    Message      d_msg;      // This is needed so that 'startMessage()' can
                             // return a ref.

                             // GUID generator object.

                         // =========================
                         // class MessageEventBuilder
                         // =========================

class MessageEventBuilder {
    // A builder for 'MessageEvent' objects.

    // DATA
    MessageEventBuilderImpl d_impl; // Impl

    explicit MessageEventBuilder();
        // Create an invalid instance.  Application should not create
        // 'MessageEventBuilder' themselves, but ask the 'bmqa::Session' to
        // give them one, by using 'bmqa::Session::loadMessageEventBuilder'.

    //! ~MessageEventBuilder() = default;
        // Destructor

    //! MessageEventBuilder(const MessageEventBuilder&) = default;
    //! MessageEventBuilder& operator=(const MessageEventBuilder&) = default;
        // Copy constructor and assignment operator

    Message& startMessage();
        // Reset the current message being built, and return a reference to the
        // current message.  Note that returned 'Message' is valid until this
        // builder is reset or destroyed.  Behavior is undefined if this
        // builder was earlier used to build an event *and* has not been reset
        // since then.

    bmqt::EventBuilderResult::Enum packMessage(const bmqa::QueueId& queueId);
        // Add the current message into the message event under construction,
        // setting the destination queue of the current message to match the
        // specified 'queueId'.  Return zero on success, non-zero value
        // otherwise.  In case of failure, this method has no effect on the
        // underlying message event being built.  The behavior is undefined
        // unless all mandatory attributes of the current Message have been
        // set, *and* 'queueId' is valid *and* has been opened in WRITE mode.
        // The result is one of the values from the
        // 'bmqt::EventBuilderResult::Enum' enum.  Note that this method can be
        // called multiple times in a row with different 'queueId' if the
        // application desires to post the same 'bmqa::Message' to multiple
        // queues: all attributes on the message are unchanged, exception for
        // the 'correlationId' which is cleared.

    void reset();
        // Reset the builder, effectively discarding the 'MessageEvent' under
        // construction.

    const MessageEvent& messageEvent();
        // Return the 'MessageEvent' that was built.  Note that returned
        // 'MessageEvent' is valid until this builder is reset or destroyed,
        // calling this method multiple times in a row will return the same
        // bmqa::MessageEvent instance.  Also note that this builder must be
        // reset before calling 'startMessage' again.

    Message& currentMessage();
        // Return a reference to the current message.

    int messageCount() const;
        // Return the number of messages currently in the MessageEvent being
        // built.

    int messageEventSize() const;
        // Return the size in bytes of the event built after last successful
        // call to 'packMessage()', otherwise return zero.  Note that returned
        // value represents the length of entire message event, *including*
        // BlazingMQ wire protocol overhead.

}  // close package namespace
}  // close enterprise namespace
