// bslmt_threadutil.h                                                 -*-C++-*-

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                                   NOTICE
// This component is not up to date with current BDE coding standards, and
// should not be used as an example for new development.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide platform-independent utilities related to threading.
//  bslmt::ThreadUtil: namespace for portable thread management utilities
//@SEE_ALSO: bslmt_threadattributes, bslmt_configuration
//@DESCRIPTION: This component defines a utility 'struct', 'bslmt::ThreadUtil',
// that serves as a name space for a suite of pure functions to create threads,
// join them (make one thread block and wait for another thread to exit),
// manipulate thread handles, manipulate the current thread, and (on some
// platforms) access thread-local storage.
///Creating a Simple Thread with Default Attributes
// Clients call 'bslmt::ThreadUtil::create()' to create threads.  Threads may
// be started using a "C" linkage function pointer (of a type defined by
// 'bslmt::ThreadUtil::ThreadFunction') and a 'void' pointer to 'userData' to
// be passed to the function; or an "invokable" object of parameterized type
// (any copy-constructible type on which 'operator()' may be invoked).  The
// invoked function becomes the main driver for the new thread; when it
// returns, the thread terminates.
///Thread Identity
// A thread is identified by an object of the opaque type
// 'bslmt::ThreadUtil::Handle'.  A handle of this type is returned when a
// thread is created (using 'bslmt::ThreadUtil::create').  A client can also
// retrieve a 'Handle' for the "current" thread via the 'self' method:
//  bslmt::ThreadUtil::Handle myHandle = bslmt::ThreadUtil::self();
// Several thread manipulation functions in 'bslmt::ThreadUtil' take a thread
// handle, or pointer to a thread handle, as an argument.  To facilitate
// compatibility with existing systems and allow for non-portable operations,
// clients also have access to the 'bslmt::ThreadUtil::NativeHandle' type,
// which exposes the underlying, platform-specific thread identifier type:
//  bslmt::ThreadUtil::NativeHandle myNativeHandle;
//  myNativeHandle = bslmt::ThreadUtil::nativeHandle();
// Note that the returned native handle may not be a globally unique identifier
// for the thread, and, e.g., should not be converted to an integer identifier,
// or used as a key in a map.
///Setting Thread Priorities
// 'bslmt::ThreadUtil' allows clients to configure the priority of newly
// created threads by setting the 'inheritSchedule', 'schedulingPolicy', and
// 'schedulingPriority' of a thread attributes object supplied to the 'create'
// method.  The range of legal values for 'schedulingPriority' depends on both
// the platform and the value of 'schedulingPolicy', and can be obtained from
// the 'getMinSchedulingPriority' and 'getMaxSchedulingPriority' methods.  Both
// 'schedulingPolicy' and 'schedulingPriority' are ignored unless
// 'inheritSchedule' is 'false' (the default value is 'true').  Note that not
// only is effective setting of thread priorities workable on only some
// combinations of platforms and user privileges, but setting the thread policy
// and priority appropriately for one platform may cause thread creation to
// fail on another platform.  Also note that an unset thread priority may be
// interpreted as being outside the valid range defined by
// '[ getMinSchedulingPriority(policy), getMaxSchedulingPriority(policy) ]'.
// Platform      Restrictions
// ------------  --------------------------------------------------------------
// Solaris 5.10  None.
// Solaris 5.11  Spawning of threads fails if 'schedulingPolicy' is
//               'BSLMT_SCHED_FIFO' or 'BSLMT_SCHED_RR'.  Thread priorities
//               should not be used on Solaris 5.11 as it is not clear that
//               they have any detectable effect.  Note that
//               'getMinSchedulingPriority' and 'getMaxSchedulingPriority'
//               return different values than on Solaris 5.10.
// AIX           For non-privileged clients, spawning of threads fails if
//               'schedulingPolicy' is 'BSLMT_SCHED_FIFO' or 'BSLMT_SCHED_RR'.
// Linux         Non-privileged clients *can* *not* make effective use of
//               thread priorities -- spawning of threads fails if
//               'schedulingPolicy' is 'BSLMT_SCHED_FIFO' or 'BSLMT_SCHED_RR',
//               and 'getMinSchedulingPriority == getMaxSchedulingPriority' if
//               the policy has any other value.
// Darwin        Non-privileged clients *can* *not* make effective use of
//               thread priorities -- there is no observable difference in
//               urgency between high priority and low priority threads.
//               Spawning of threads does succeed, however, for all scheduling
//               policies.
// Windows       Clients *can* *not* make effective use of thread priorities --
//               'schedulingPolicy', 'schedulingPriority', and
//               'inheritSchedule' are ignored for all clients.
///Supported Clock-Types
// 'bsls::SystemClockType' supplies the enumeration indicating the system clock
// on which timeouts supplied to other methods should be based.  If the clock
// type indicated at construction is 'bsls::SystemClockType::e_REALTIME', the
// 'absTime' argument passed to the 'timedWait' method of the various
// synchronization primitives offered in 'bslmt' should be expressed as an
// *absolute* offset since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970 (which matches the
// epoch used in 'bsls::SystemTime::now(bsls::SystemClockType::e_REALTIME)'.
// If the clock type indicated at construction is
// 'bsls::SystemClockType::e_MONOTONIC', the 'absTime' argument passed to the
// 'timedWait' method of the various synchronization primitives offered in
// 'bslmt' should be expressed as an *absolute* offset since the epoch of this
// clock (which matches the epoch used in
// 'bsls::SystemTime::now(bsls::SystemClockType::e_MONOTONIC)'.
// This section illustrates the intended use of this component.
///Example 1: Creating a Simple Thread with Default Attributes
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// In this example, we create a thread using the default attribute settings.
// Upon creation, the thread executes the user-supplied C-linkage function
// 'myThreadFunction' that counts 5 seconds before terminating:
// First, we create a function that will run in the spawned thread:
//  extern "C" void *myThreadFunction(void *)
//      // Print to standard output "Another second has passed" every second
//      // for five seconds, and return 0.
//  {
//      for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
//          bslmt::ThreadUtil::microSleep(0, 1);
//          bsl::cout << "Another second has passed." << bsl::endl;
//      }
//      return 0;
//  }
// Now, we show how to create and join the thread.
// After creating the thread, the 'main' routine *joins* the thread, which, in
// effect, causes 'main' to wait for execution of 'myThreadFunction' to
// complete, and guarantees that the output from 'main' will follow the last
// output from the user-supplied function:
//  int main()
//  {
//      bslmt::Configuration::setDefaultThreadStackSize(
//                  bslmt::Configuration::recommendedDefaultThreadStackSize());
//      bslmt::ThreadUtil::Handle handle;
//      bslmt::ThreadAttributes attr;
//      attr.setStackSize(1024 * 1024);
//      int rc = bslmt::ThreadUtil::create(&handle, attr, myThreadFunction, 0);
//      assert(0 == rc);
//      bslmt::ThreadUtil::yield();
//      rc = bslmt::ThreadUtil::join(handle);
//      assert(0 == rc);
//      bsl::cout << "A three second interval has elapsed\n";
//      return 0;
//  }
// Finally, the output of this program is:
//  Another second has passed.
//  Another second has passed.
//  Another second has passed.
//  A three second interval has elapsed.
///Example 2: Creating a Simple Thread with User-Specified Attributes
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// In this example, we will choose to override the default thread attribute
// values.
// The attributes of a thread can be specified explicitly by supplying a
// 'bslmt::ThreadAttributes' object to the 'create' method.  For instance, we
// could specify a smaller stack size for a thread to conserve system resources
// if we know that we will require not require the platform's default stack
// size.
// First, we define our thread function, noting that it doesn't need much stack
// space:
//  extern "C" void *mySmallStackThreadFunction(void *threadArg)
//      // Initialize a small object on the stack and do some work.
//  {
//      char *initValue = (char *)threadArg;
//      char Small[8];
//      bsl::memset(&Small[0], *initValue, 8);
//      // do some work ...
//      return 0;
//  }
// Finally, we show how to create a detached thread running the function just
// created with a small stack size:
//  void createSmallStackSizeThread()
//      // Create a detached thread with a small stack size and perform some
//      // work.
//  {
//      enum { k_STACK_SIZE = 16384 };
//      bslmt::ThreadAttributes attributes;
//      attributes.setDetachedState(
//                             bslmt::ThreadAttributes::e_CREATE_DETACHED);
//      attributes.setStackSize(k_STACK_SIZE);
//      char initValue = 1;
//      bslmt::ThreadUtil::Handle handle;
//      int status = bslmt::ThreadUtil::create(&handle,
//                                            attributes,
//                                            mySmallStackThreadFunction,
//                                            &initValue);
//  }
///Example 3: Setting Thread Priorities
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// In this example we demonstrate creating 3 threads with different priorities.
// We use the 'convertToSchedulingPriority' function to translate a normalized,
// floating-point priority in the range '[ 0.0, 1.0 ]' to an integer priority
// in the range '[ getMinSchedulingPriority, getMaxSchedulingPriority ]' to set
// the 'schedulingPriority' attribute.
//  void runSeveralThreads()
//      // Create 3 threads with different priorities and then wait for them
//      // all to finish.
//  {
//      enum { k_NUM_THREADS = 3 };
//      bslmt::ThreadUtil::Handle handles[k_NUM_THREADS];
//      bslmt_ThreadFunction functions[k_NUM_THREADS] = {
//                                                MostUrgentThreadFunctor,
//                                                FairlyUrgentThreadFunctor,
//                                                LeastUrgentThreadFunctor };
//      double priorities[k_NUM_THREADS] = { 1.0, 0.5, 0.0 };
//      bslmt::ThreadAttributes attributes;
//      attributes.setInheritSchedule(false);
//      const bslmt::ThreadAttributes::SchedulingPolicy policy =
//                                  bslmt::ThreadAttributes::e_SCHED_OTHER;
//      attributes.setSchedulingPolicy(policy);
//      for (int i = 0; i < k_NUM_THREADS; ++i) {
//          attributes.setSchedulingPriority(
//               bslmt::ThreadUtil::convertToSchedulingPriority(policy,
//                                                             priorities[i]));
//          int rc = bslmt::ThreadUtil::create(&handles[i],
//                                             attributes,
//                                             functions[i], 0);
//          assert(0 == rc);
//      }
//      for (int i = 0; i < k_NUM_THREADS; ++i) {
//          int rc = bslmt::ThreadUtil::join(handles[i]);
//          assert(0 == rc);
//      }
//  }

#include <bslscm_version.h>

#include <bslmt_entrypointfunctoradapter.h>
#include <bslmt_platform.h>
#include <bslmt_threadattributes.h>
#include <bslmt_threadutilimpl_pthread.h>
#include <bslmt_threadutilimpl_win32.h>

#include <bsla_maybeunused.h>

#include <bslma_allocator.h>
#include <bslma_default.h>

#include <bsls_assert.h>
#include <bsls_libraryfeatures.h>
#include <bsls_systemclocktype.h>
#include <bsls_systemtime.h>
#include <bsls_timeinterval.h>
#include <bsls_types.h>

#include <bsl_string.h>

#include <bslmt_chronoutil.h>

#include <bsl_chrono.h>

namespace BloombergLP {

extern "C" {
    typedef void *(*bslmt_ThreadFunction)(void *);
        // 'bslmt_ThreadFunction' is an alias for a function type taking a
        // single 'void' pointer argument and returning 'void *'.  Such
        // functions are suitable to be specified as thread entry-point
        // functions to 'bslmt::ThreadUtil::create'.  Note that 'create' also
        // accepts any invokable C++ "functor" object.

    typedef void (*bslmt_KeyDestructorFunction)(void *);
        // 'bslmt_KeyDestructorFunction' is an alias for a function type taking
        // a single 'void' pointer argument and returning 'void'.  Such
        // functions are suitable to be specified as thread-specific key
        // destructor functions to 'bslmt::ThreadUtil::createKey'.
}  // extern "C"

namespace bslmt {

template <class THREAD_POLICY>
struct ThreadUtilImpl;

                            // =================
                            // struct ThreadUtil
                            // =================

struct ThreadUtil {
    // This 'struct' provides a suite of portable utility functions for
    // managing threads.

    typedef ThreadUtilImpl<Platform::ThreadPolicy> Imp;
        // Platform-specific implementation type.

    typedef Imp::Handle                            Handle;
        // Thread handle type.  Use this type to refer to a thread in a
        // platform-independent way.

    typedef Imp::NativeHandle                      NativeHandle;
        // Platform-specific thread handle type.

    typedef Imp::Id                                Id;
        // Thread identifier type - distinguished from a 'Handle' in that it
        // does not have any resources associated with it, whereas 'Handle'
        // may, depending on platform.

    typedef bslmt_ThreadFunction                   ThreadFunction;
        // Prototype for thread entry-point functions.

    typedef Imp::Key                               Key;
        // Thread-specific key type, used to refer to thread-specific storage.

    typedef bslmt_KeyDestructorFunction            Destructor;
        // Prototype for thread-specific key destructors.

                // *** Thread Management ***

    static int convertToSchedulingPriority(
              ThreadAttributes::SchedulingPolicy policy,
              double                             normalizedSchedulingPriority);
        // Return an integer scheduling priority appropriate for the specified
        // 'normalizedSchedulingPriority' and the specified 'policy'.  If
        // either the minimum or maximum priority for this platform cannot be
        // determined, return 'ThreadAttributes::e_UNSET_PRIORITY'.  Higher
        // values of 'normalizedSchedulingPriority' are considered to represent
        // more urgent priorities.  The behavior is undefined unless 'policy'
        // is a valid 'ThreadAttributes::SchedulingPolicy' and
        // 'normalizedSchedulingPriority' is in the range '[ 0.0, 1.0 ]'.

    static int create(Handle                  *handle,
                      ThreadFunction           function,
                      void                    *userData);
    static int create(Handle                  *handle,
                      const ThreadAttributes&  attributes,
                      ThreadFunction           function,
                      void                    *userData);
        // Create a new thread of program control whose entry point will be the
        // specified 'function', and which will be passed the specified
        // 'userData' as its sole argument, and load into the specified
        // 'handle' an identifier that may be used to refer to this thread in
        // calls to other 'ThreadUtil' methods.  Optionally specify
        // 'attributes' describing the properties for the new thread.  If
        // 'attributes' is not supplied, a default 'ThreadAttributes' object is
        // used.  Use the global allocator to supply memory.  Return 0 on
        // success, and a non-zero value otherwise.  'bslmt::Configuration' is
        // used to determine the created thread's default stack-size if either
        // 'attributes' is not supplied or if 'attributes.stackSize()' has the
        // unset value.  The behavior is undefined unless 'attributes', if
        // specified, has a 'stackSize' that is either greater than 0 or
        // 'e_UNSET_STACK_SIZE'.  Note that unless the created thread is
        // explicitly "detached" (by invoking the 'detach' class method with
        // 'handle') or the 'k_CREATE_DETACHED' attribute is specified, a call
        // to 'join' must be made to reclaim any system resources associated
        // with the newly-created thread.  Also note that users are encouraged
        // to either explicitly provide a stack size attribute, or configure a
        // 'bslmt'-wide default using 'bslmt::Configuration', because the
        // default stack size is surprisingly small on some platforms.

    template <class INVOKABLE>
    static int create(Handle                  *handle,
                      const INVOKABLE&         function);
    template <class INVOKABLE>
    static int create(Handle                  *handle,
                      const ThreadAttributes&  attributes,
                      const INVOKABLE&         function);
        // Create a new thread of program control whose entry point will invoke
        // the specified 'function' object, and load into the specified
        // 'handle' an identifier that may be used to refer to this thread in
        // calls to other 'ThreadUtil' methods.  Optionally specify
        // 'attributes' describing the properties for the new thread.  If
        // 'attributes' is not supplied, a default 'ThreadAttributes' object is
        // used.  Use the global allocator to supply memory.  Return 0 on
        // success, and a non-zero value otherwise.  'function' shall be a
        // reference to a type, 'INVOKABLE', that can be copy-constructed, and
        // where the expression '(void)function()' will execute a function call
        // (i.e., either a 'void()()' function, or a functor object
        // implementing 'void operator()()').  'bslmt::Configuration' is used
        // to determine the created thread's default stack-size if either
        // 'attributes' is not supplied or if 'attributes.stackSize()' has the
        // unset value.  The behavior is undefined unless 'attributes', if
        // specified, has a 'stackSize' that is either greater than 0 or
        // 'e_UNSET_STACK_SIZE'.  Note that unless the created thread is
        // explicitly "detached" (by invoking the 'detach' class method with
        // 'handle') or the 'k_CREATE_DETACHED' attribute is specified, a call
        // to 'join' must be made to reclaim any system resources associated
        // with the newly-created thread.  Also note that users are encouraged
        // to either explicitly provide a stack size attribute, or configure a
        // 'bslmt'-wide default using 'bslmt::Configuration', because the
        // default stack size is surprisingly small on some platforms.

    static int createWithAllocator(Handle                  *handle,
                                   ThreadFunction           function,
                                   void                    *userData,
                                   bslma::Allocator        *allocator);
    static int createWithAllocator(Handle                  *handle,
                                   const ThreadAttributes&  attributes,
                                   ThreadFunction           function,
                                   void                    *userData,
                                   bslma::Allocator        *allocator);
        // Create a new thread of program control whose entry point will be the
        // specified 'function', and which will be passed the specified
        // 'userData' as its sole argument, and load into the specified
        // 'handle' an identifier that may be used to refer to this thread in
        // calls to other 'ThreadUtil' methods.  Optionally specify
        // 'attributes' describing the properties for the new thread.  If
        // 'attributes' is not supplied, a default 'ThreadAttributes' object is
        // used.  Use the specified 'allocator' to supply memory.  Return 0 on
        // success, and a non-zero value otherwise.  'bslmt::Configuration' is
        // used to determine the created thread's default stack-size if either
        // 'attributes' is not supplied or if 'attributes.stackSize()' has the
        // unset value.  The behavior is undefined unless 'attributes', if
        // specified, has a 'stackSize' that is either greater than 0 or
        // 'e_UNSET_STACK_SIZE'.  Note that unless the created thread is
        // explicitly "detached" (by invoking the 'detach' class method with
        // 'handle') or the 'k_CREATE_DETACHED' attribute is specified, a call
        // to 'join' must be made to reclaim any system resources associated
        // with the newly-created thread.  Also note that users are encouraged
        // to either explicitly provide a stack size attribute, or configure a
        // 'bslmt'-wide default using 'bslmt::Configuration', because the
        // default stack size is surprisingly small on some platforms.

    template <class INVOKABLE>
    static int createWithAllocator(Handle                  *handle,
                                   const INVOKABLE&         function,
                                   bslma::Allocator        *allocator);
    template <class INVOKABLE>
    static int createWithAllocator(Handle                  *handle,
                                   const ThreadAttributes&  attributes,
                                   const INVOKABLE&         function,
                                   bslma::Allocator        *allocator);
        // Create a new thread of program control whose entry point will invoke
        // the specified 'function' object (using the specified 'allocator' to
        // supply memory to copy 'function'), and load into the specified
        // 'handle' an identifier that may be used to refer to this thread in
        // calls to other 'ThreadUtil' methods.  Optionally specify
        // 'attributes' describing the properties for the new thread.  If
        // 'attributes' is not supplied, a default 'ThreadAttributes' object is
        // used.  Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value otherwise.
        // 'function' shall be a reference to a type, 'INVOKABLE', that can be
        // copy-constructed, and where the expression '(void)function()' will
        // execute a function call (i.e., either a 'void()()' function, or a
        // functor object implementing 'void operator()()').
        // 'bslmt::Configuration' is used to determine the created thread's
        // default stack-size if either 'attributes' is not supplied or if
        // 'attributes.stackSize()' has the unset value.  The behavior is
        // undefined unless 'attributes', if specified, has a 'stackSize' that
        // is either greater than 0 or 'e_UNSET_STACK_SIZE'.  Note that unless
        // the created thread is explicitly "detached" (by invoking the
        // 'detach' class method with 'handle') or the 'k_CREATE_DETACHED'
        // attribute is specified, a call to 'join' must be made to reclaim any
        // system resources associated with the newly-created thread.  Also
        // note that the lifetime of 'allocator' must exceed the lifetime of
        // the thread.  Also note that users are encouraged to either
        // explicitly provide a stack size attribute, or configure a
        // 'bslmt'-wide default using 'bslmt::Configuration', because the
        // default stack size is surprisingly small on some platforms.

    static int detach(Handle& handle);
        // "Detach" the thread identified by the specified 'handle' such that
        // when it terminates, the resources associated with that thread will
        // automatically be reclaimed.  The behavior is undefined unless
        // 'handle' was obtained by a call to 'create' or 'self'.  Note that
        // once a thread is "detached", it is no longer possible to 'join' the
        // thread to retrieve its exit status.

    static void exit(void *status);
        // Exit the current thread and return the specified 'status'.  If the
        // current thread is not "detached", then a call to 'join' must be made
        // to reclaim any resources used by the thread, and to retrieve the
        // exit status.  Note that the preferred method of exiting a thread is
        // to return from the entry point function.

    static int getMinSchedulingPriority(
                                    ThreadAttributes::SchedulingPolicy policy);
        // Return the minimum available priority for the specified 'policy',
        // where 'policy' is of type 'ThreadAttributes::SchedulingPolicy'.
        // Return 'ThreadAttributes::e_UNSET_PRIORITY' if the minimum
        // scheduling priority cannot be determined.  Note that, for some
        // platform / policy combinations, 'getMinSchedulingPriority(policy)'
        // and 'getMaxSchedulingPriority(policy)' return the same value.

    static int getMaxSchedulingPriority(
                                    ThreadAttributes::SchedulingPolicy policy);
        // Return the maximum available priority for the specified 'policy',
        // where 'policy' is of type 'ThreadAttributes::SchedulingPolicy'.
        // Return 'ThreadAttributes::e_UNSET_PRIORITY' if the maximum
        // scheduling priority cannot be determined.  Note that, for some
        // platform / policy combinations, 'getMinSchedulingPriority(policy)'
        // and 'getMaxSchedulingPriority(policy)' return the same value.

    static void getThreadName(bsl::string *threadName);
        // Load the name of the current thread into the specified
        // '*threadName'.  Note that this method clears '*threadName' on
        // platforms other than Linux, Solaris, Darwin, and Windows.

    static int join(Handle& threadHandle, void **status = 0);
        // Suspend execution of the current thread until the thread referred to
        // by the specified 'threadHandle' terminates, and reclaim any system
        // resources associated with 'threadHandle'.  Return 0 on success, and
        // a non-zero value otherwise.  If the optionally specified 'status' is
        // not 0, load into '*status' the value returned by the function
        // supplied at the creation of the thread identified by 'threadHandle'.
        // The behavior is undefined unless 'threadHandle' was obtained by a
        // call to 'create'.

    static void microSleep(int microseconds, int seconds = 0);
        // Suspend execution of the current thread for a period of at least the
        // specified 'microseconds' and the optionally specified 'seconds'
        // (relative time), or an interrupting signal is received.  Note that
        // the actual time suspended depends on many factors including system
        // scheduling and system timer resolution, and may be significantly
        // longer than the time requested.

    static void setThreadName(const bslstl::StringRef& threadName);
        // Set the name of the current thread to the specified 'threadName'.
        // On platforms other than Linux, Solaris, Darwin and Windows this
        // method has no effect.  Note that on those two platforms 'threadName'
        // will be truncated to a length of 15 bytes, not including the
        // terminating '\0'.

    static void sleep(const bsls::TimeInterval& sleepTime);
        // Suspend execution of the current thread for a period of at least the
        // specified (relative) 'sleepTime', or an interrupting signal is
        // received.  Note that the actual time suspended depends on many
        // factors including system scheduling and system timer resolution.

    template <class REP_TYPE, class PERIOD_TYPE>
    static void sleep(
                const bsl::chrono::duration<REP_TYPE, PERIOD_TYPE>& sleepTime);
        // Suspend execution of the current thread for a period of at least the
        // specified (relative) 'sleepTime', or an interrupting signal is
        // received.  Note that the actual time suspended depends on many
        // factors including system scheduling and system timer resolution.

    static void sleepUntil(const bsls::TimeInterval&   absoluteTime,
                           bsls::SystemClockType::Enum clockType
                                          = bsls::SystemClockType::e_REALTIME);
        // Suspend execution of the current thread until the specified
        // 'absoluteTime', or an interrupting signal is received.  Optionally
        // specify 'clockType' which determines the epoch from which the
        // interval 'absoluteTime' is measured (see {Supported Clock-Types} in
        // the component documentation).  The behavior is undefined unless
        // 'absoluteTime' represents a time after January 1, 1970 and before
        // the end of December 31, 9999 (i.e., a time interval greater than or
        // equal to 0, and less than 253,402,300,800 seconds).  Note that the
        // actual time suspended depends on many factors including system
        // scheduling and system timer resolution.

    template <class CLOCK, class DURATION>
    static void sleepUntil(
                 const bsl::chrono::time_point<CLOCK, DURATION>& absoluteTime);
        // Suspend execution of the current thread until the specified
        // 'absoluteTime', which is an *absolute* time represented as an
        // interval from some epoch, determined by the clock associated with
        // the time point.  The behavior is undefined unless 'absoluteTime'
        // represents a time after January 1, 1970 and before the end of
        // December 31, 9999.  Note that the actual time suspended depends on
        // many factors including system scheduling and system timer
        // resolution.

    static void yield();
        // Move the current thread to the end of the scheduler's queue and
        // schedule another thread to run.  Note that this allows cooperating
        // threads of the same priority to share CPU resources equally.

                       // *** Thread Identification ***

    static bool areEqual(const Handle& a, const Handle& b);
        // Return 'true' if the specified 'a' and 'b' thread handles identify
        // the same thread, or if both 'a' and 'b' are invalid handles, and
        // 'false' otherwise.  Note that if *either* of 'a' or 'b' is an
        // invalid handle, but not both, this method returns 'false'.

    static bool areEqualId(const Id& a, const Id& b);
        // Return 'true' if the specified 'a' thread identifier is associated
        // with the same thread as the specified 'b' thread identifier, and
        // 'false' otherwise.

    static Id handleToId(const Handle& threadHandle);
        // Return the unique identifier of the thread having the specified
        // 'threadHandle' within the current process.  The behavior is
        // undefined unless 'handle' was obtained by a call to 'create' or
        // 'self'.  Note that this value is valid only until the thread
        // terminates, and may be reused thereafter.

    static bsls::Types::Uint64 idAsUint64(const Id& threadId);
        // Return the unique integral identifier of a thread uniquely
        // identified by the specified 'threadId' within the current process.
        // Note that this representation is particularly useful for logging
        // purposes.  Also note that this value is only valid until the thread
        // terminates and may be reused thereafter.

    static int idAsInt(const Id& threadId);
        // Return the unique integral identifier of a thread uniquely
        // identified by the specified 'threadId' within the current process.
        // Note that this representation is particularly useful for logging
        // purposes.  Also note that this value is only valid until the thread
        // terminates and may be reused thereafter.
        // DEPRECATED: use 'idAsUint64'.

    static const Handle& invalidHandle();
        // Return a reference to the non-modifiable 'Handle' object that is
        // guaranteed never to be a valid thread handle.

    static bool isEqual(const Handle& a, const Handle& b);
        // Return 'true' if the specified 'a' and 'b' thread handles identify
        // the same thread, or if both 'a' and 'b' are invalid handles, and
        // 'false' otherwise.  Note that if *either* of 'a' or 'b' is an
        // invalid handle, but not both, this method returns 'false'.
        // DEPRECATED: use 'areEqual' instead.

    static bool isEqualId(const Id& a, const Id& b);
        // Return 'true' if the specified 'lhs' thread identifier is associated
        // with the same thread as the specified 'rhs' thread identifier, and
        // 'false' otherwise.
        // DEPRECATED: use 'areEqualId' instead.

    static NativeHandle nativeHandle(const Handle& handle);
        // Return the platform-specific identifier associated with the thread
        // referred to by the specified 'handle'.  The behavior is undefined
        // unless 'handle' was obtained by a call to 'create' or 'self'.  Note
        // that the returned native handle may not be a globally unique
        // identifier for the thread (see 'selfIdAsUint').

    static Handle self();
        // Return an opaque thread identifier that can be used to refer to the
        // current thread in calls to other 'ThreadUtil' methods.  Note that
        // identifier may only be used to refer to the current thread from the
        // current thread (the handle returned is not valid in other threads).

    static Id selfId();
        // Return an identifier that can be used to uniquely identify the
        // current thread within the current process.  Note that the identifier
        // is only valid until the thread terminates and may be reused
        // thereafter.

    static bsls::Types::Uint64 selfIdAsInt();
        // Return an integral identifier that can be used to uniquely identify
        // the current thread within the current process.  Note that this
        // representation is particularly useful for logging purposes.  Also
        // note that this value is only valid until the thread terminates and
        // may be reused thereafter.
        // DEPRECATED: use 'selfIdAsUint64' instead.

    static bsls::Types::Uint64 selfIdAsUint64();
        // Return an integral identifier that can be used to uniquely identify
        // the current thread within the current process.  Note that this
        // representation is particularly useful for logging purposes.  Also
        // note that this value is valid only until the thread terminates, and
        // may be reused thereafter.

                // *** Thread-Specific (Local) Storage (TSS or TLS) ***

    static int createKey(Key *key, Destructor threadKeyCleanupFunction);
        // Load into the specified 'key' a new process-wide identifier that can
        // be used to store (via 'setSpecific') and retrieve (via
        // 'getSpecific') a pointer value local to each thread, and associate
        // with the new key the specified 'threadKeyCleanupFunction', which
        // will be called by each thread, if 'threadKeyCleanupFunction' is
        // non-zero and the value associated with 'key' for that thread is
        // non-zero, with the associated value as an argument, after the
        // function passed to 'create' has returned and before the thread
        // terminates.  Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value otherwise.
        // Note that multiple keys can be defined, which can result in multiple
        // thread key cleanup functions being called for a given thread.

    static int deleteKey(Key& key);
        // Delete the specified 'key' from the calling process, and
        // disassociate all threads from the thread key cleanup function
        // supplied when 'key' was created (see 'createKey').  Return 0 on
        // success, and a non-zero value otherwise.  The behavior is undefined
        // unless 'key' was obtained from a successful call to 'createKey' and
        // has not already been deleted.  Note that deleting a key does not
        // delete any data referred to by the pointer values associated with
        // that key in any thread.

    static void *getSpecific(const Key& key);
        // Return the thread-local value associated with the specified 'key'.
        // A 'key' is shared among all threads and the value associated with
        // 'key' for each thread is 0 until it is set by that thread using
        // 'setSpecific'.  The behavior is undefined unless this method is
        // called outside any thread key cleanup function associated with any
        // key by 'createKey', 'key' was obtained from a successful call to
        // 'createKey', and 'key' has not been deleted.

    static int setSpecific(const Key& key, const void *value);
        // Associate the specified thread-local 'value' with the specified
        // process-wide 'key'.  Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value
        // otherwise.  The value associated with a thread for a given key is 0
        // until it has been set by that thread using 'setSpecific'.  The
        // behavior is undefined unless this method is called outside any
        // thread key cleanup function associated with any key by 'createKey',
        // 'key' was obtained from a successful call to 'createKey', and 'key'
        // has not been deleted.

    static unsigned int hardwareConcurrency();
        // Return a *hint* at the number of concurrent threads supported by
        // this platform on success, and 0 otherwise.

}  // close package namespace

// ============================================================================
//                             INLINE DEFINITIONS
// ============================================================================

                            // -----------------
                            // struct ThreadUtil
                            // -----------------

                    // *** Thread Management ***

int bslmt::ThreadUtil::create(Handle         *handle,
                              ThreadFunction  function,
                              void           *userData)

    return Imp::create(handle, function, userData);

template <class INVOKABLE>
int bslmt::ThreadUtil::create(Handle           *handle,
                              const INVOKABLE&  function)

    return createWithAllocator(handle,

template <class INVOKABLE>
int bslmt::ThreadUtil::create(Handle                  *handle,
                              const ThreadAttributes&  attributes,
                              const INVOKABLE&         function)

    return createWithAllocator(handle,

int bslmt::ThreadUtil::createWithAllocator(
                                 Handle                             *handle,
                                 ThreadFunction                      function,
                                 void                               *userData,
                                 BSLA_MAYBE_UNUSED bslma::Allocator *allocator)

    // 'allocator' is unused in this function, which is provided for symmetry
    // and in case this function comes to need an allocator at sometime in the
    // future.

    return Imp::create(handle, function, userData);

template <class INVOKABLE>
int bslmt::ThreadUtil::createWithAllocator(Handle                  *handle,
                                           const ThreadAttributes&  attributes,
                                           const INVOKABLE&         function,
                                           bslma::Allocator        *allocator)

    bslma::ManagedPtr<EntryPointFunctorAdapter<INVOKABLE> > threadData;

    int rc = Imp::create(handle,
    if (0 == rc) {
    return rc;

template <class INVOKABLE>
int bslmt::ThreadUtil::createWithAllocator(Handle           *handle,
                                           const INVOKABLE&  function,
                                           bslma::Allocator *allocator)

    bslma::ManagedPtr<EntryPointFunctorAdapter<INVOKABLE> > threadData;

    int rc = Imp::create(handle, bslmt_EntryPointFunctorAdapter_invoker,
    if (0 == rc) {
    return rc;

int bslmt::ThreadUtil::detach(Handle& handle)
    return Imp::detach(handle);

void bslmt::ThreadUtil::exit(void *status)

int bslmt::ThreadUtil::getMinSchedulingPriority(
                                     ThreadAttributes::SchedulingPolicy policy)
    return Imp::getMinSchedulingPriority(policy);

int bslmt::ThreadUtil::getMaxSchedulingPriority(
                                     ThreadAttributes::SchedulingPolicy policy)
    return Imp::getMaxSchedulingPriority(policy);

void bslmt::ThreadUtil::getThreadName(bsl::string *threadName)

    return Imp::getThreadName(threadName);

int bslmt::ThreadUtil::join(Handle& threadHandle, void **status)
    return Imp::join(threadHandle, status);

void bslmt::ThreadUtil::microSleep(int microseconds, int seconds)
    Imp::microSleep(microseconds, seconds);

void bslmt::ThreadUtil::setThreadName(const bslstl::StringRef& threadName)

void bslmt::ThreadUtil::sleep(const bsls::TimeInterval& sleepTime)

template <class REP_TYPE, class PERIOD_TYPE>
void bslmt::ThreadUtil::sleep(
                 const bsl::chrono::duration<REP_TYPE, PERIOD_TYPE>& sleepTime)

void bslmt::ThreadUtil::sleepUntil(const bsls::TimeInterval&   absoluteTime,
                                   bsls::SystemClockType::Enum clockType)
    int status = Imp::sleepUntil(absoluteTime, clockType);
    (void) status;  // Suppress an unused variable error.
    BSLS_ASSERT(0 == status);

template <class CLOCK, class DURATION>
void bslmt::ThreadUtil::sleepUntil(
                  const bsl::chrono::time_point<CLOCK, DURATION>& absoluteTime)
    typename CLOCK::time_point        now = CLOCK::now();
    const bsls::SystemClockType::Enum bslsClockType
                                          = bsls::SystemClockType::e_REALTIME;

    // Iteration is necessary because the specified 'CLOCK' type may not
    // progress at the same rate as the realtime system clock.

    while (absoluteTime > now) {
        bsls::TimeInterval ti = bsls::SystemTime::now(bslsClockType)
                                              .addDuration(absoluteTime - now);
        now = CLOCK::now();

void bslmt::ThreadUtil::yield()

                    // *** Thread Identification ***

bool bslmt::ThreadUtil::areEqual(const Handle& a, const Handle& b)
    // Some implementations (notably pthreads) do not define the result of
    // comparing invalid handles.  We avoid undefined behavior by explicitly
    // checking for invalid handles.

    return Imp::INVALID_HANDLE == a
           ? (Imp::INVALID_HANDLE == b)
           : (Imp::INVALID_HANDLE == b ? false : Imp::areEqual(a, b));

bool bslmt::ThreadUtil::areEqualId(const Id& a, const Id& b)
    return Imp::areEqualId(a, b);

bslmt::ThreadUtil::Id bslmt::ThreadUtil::handleToId(const Handle& threadHandle)
    return Imp::handleToId(threadHandle);

bsls::Types::Uint64 bslmt::ThreadUtil::idAsUint64(const Id& threadId)
    return Imp::idAsUint64(threadId);

int bslmt::ThreadUtil::idAsInt(const Id& threadId)
    return Imp::idAsInt(threadId);

const bslmt::ThreadUtil::Handle& bslmt::ThreadUtil::invalidHandle()
    return Imp::INVALID_HANDLE;

bool bslmt::ThreadUtil::isEqual(const Handle& a, const Handle& b)
    return Imp::areEqual(a, b);

bool bslmt::ThreadUtil::isEqualId(const Id& a, const Id& b)
    return Imp::areEqualId(a, b);

bslmt::ThreadUtil::nativeHandle(const Handle& handle)
    return Imp::nativeHandle(handle);

bslmt::ThreadUtil::Handle bslmt::ThreadUtil::self()
    return Imp::self();

bslmt::ThreadUtil::Id bslmt::ThreadUtil::selfId()
    return Imp::selfId();

bsls::Types::Uint64 bslmt::ThreadUtil::selfIdAsInt()
    return Imp::selfIdAsInt();

bsls::Types::Uint64 bslmt::ThreadUtil::selfIdAsUint64()
    return Imp::selfIdAsUint64();

            // *** Thread-Specific (Local) Storage (TSS or TLS) ***

int bslmt::ThreadUtil::createKey(Key *key, Destructor threadKeyCleanupFunction)
    return Imp::createKey(key, threadKeyCleanupFunction);

int bslmt::ThreadUtil::deleteKey(Key& key)
    return Imp::deleteKey(key);

void *bslmt::ThreadUtil::getSpecific(const Key& key)
    return Imp::getSpecific(key);

int bslmt::ThreadUtil::setSpecific(const Key& key, const void *value)
    return Imp::setSpecific(key, value);

unsigned int bslmt::ThreadUtil::hardwareConcurrency()
    return Imp::hardwareConcurrency();

}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2015 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------