// bslmt_latch.h                                                      -*-C++-*-

#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide a single-use mechanism for synchronizing on an event count.
//  bslmt::Latch: single-use synchronization mechanism on a count of events
//@SEE_ALSO: bslmt_barrier
//@DESCRIPTION: This component defines a mechanism, 'bslmt::Latch', that allows
// one or more threads to wait until a certain number of operations have been
// performed by other threads.
// A latch maintains a 'currentCount' of operations that must be performed
// before threads waiting on the latch are released.  The initial operation
// count for the latch is supplied at construction, and is decremented by calls
// to either 'arrive', 'arriveAndWait', or 'countDown'.  Threads may wait on a
// latch to be released by calling either 'wait' or 'arriveAndWait', and
// threads calling those methods will block until the 'currentCount' is 0.
// *WARNING*: 'bslmt::Latch' is *not* a reusable synchronization mechanism.
// The behavior is undefined when calling 'countDown', 'arrive', and
// 'arriveAndWait' after the 'currentCount' becomes 0 (the latch has been
// released).
///Comparison to 'bslmt::Barrier'
// A latch provides a basic synchronization tool, similar to a barrier.  A
// latch is distinct from a barrier in that:
//: o A latch is single-use only, whereas a barrier can be used multiple times.
//: o Threads waiting on a barrier are blocked, whereas threads that 'arrive'
//:   at a latch are not blocked (only waiting threads are blocked).
//: o 'wait' on a barrier always decrements the count of waiting threads by 1,
//:   whereas 'countDown' on a latch can indicate multiple events.
// An example use of a barrier is to coordinate a set of threads working in
// lock-step to complete a multi-step operation.  An example use of a latch is
// for one thread to coordinate the completion of a multi-step operation being
// performed by a set of "child" threads.
///Comparison to 'bslmt::Semaphore'
// A latch is conceptually similar to a semaphore with a negative count.
// However, typically semaphore implementations (including 'bslmt::Semaphore'
// and POSIX) do not allow for negative counts.  Waiting on a latch configured
// for 'N' events is cleaner than one thread calling 'wait' on a semaphore 'N'
// times in a loop.  Furthermore, if the use case involves multiple threads
// waiting on a set of events, using a latch is cleaner than each thread
// waiting on a semaphore and then immediately calling 'post' (to release the
// next waiting thread).
///Undefined Behavior When Decrementing the Event Count
// The methods 'arrive', 'arriveAndWait', and 'countDown' all document that it
// is undefined behavior to decrement the event count below 0.  Note that it
// isn't possible to use a latch's visible state to determine whether it is
// safe (i.e., not undefined behavior) to call 'arrive', 'arriveAndWait', or
// 'countDown'.  A limit on the number of times the event count is decremented
// must be imposed by the logic of the program.  For example, in the usage
// example below a latch is created with an event count that matches the number
// of threads that will call 'arrive' on that latch.
///Supported Clock-Types
// 'bsls::SystemClockType' supplies the enumeration indicating the system clock
// on which timeouts supplied to other methods should be based.  If the clock
// type indicated at construction is 'bsls::SystemClockType::e_REALTIME', the
// 'absTime' argument passed to the 'timedWait' method should be expressed as
// an *absolute* offset since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970 (which matches the
// epoch used in 'bsls::SystemTime::now(bsls::SystemClockType::e_REALTIME)'.
// If the clock type indicated at construction is
// 'bsls::SystemClockType::e_MONOTONIC', the 'absTime' argument passed to the
// 'timedWait' method should be expressed as an *absolute* offset since the
// epoch of this clock (which matches the epoch used in
// 'bsls::SystemTime::now(bsls::SystemClockType::e_MONOTONIC)'.
// This section illustrates intended use of this component.
///Example 1: Implementing a Parallelizable Algorithm
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// In the following example we use a 'bslmt::Latch' object to help implement an
// operation that can be parallelized across a series of sub-tasks (or "jobs").
// The "parent" operation enqueue's the jobs and blocks on a thread pool, and
// uses the latch as a signaling mechanism to indicate when all of the jobs
// have been completed and return to the caller.
// The use of a 'bslmt::Latch', rather than a 'bslmt::Barrier', is important to
// ensure that jobs in the thread pool do not block until the entire task is
// completed (preventing the thread pool from processing additional work).
// Suppose, for example, we want to provide a C++ type for computing a vector
// sum (vector in the mathematical sense).  That is, for two input vectors, 'A'
// and 'B', each of length 'N', the result is a vector, 'R', of length 'N',
// where each element at index 'i' has the value:
//  R[i] = A[i] + B[i];
// This function can easily be computed in parallel because the value for each
// result index only depends on the input vectors.
// First, assume we have a class, 'FixedThreadPool', providing the following
// public interface (for brevity, the details have been elided; see
// 'bdlmt_fixedthreadpool' or 'bdlmt_threadpool' for examples of thread pools):
//  class FixedThreadPool {
//    public:
//      // ...
//      void enqueueJob(const bsl::function<void()>& job);
//          // Enqueue the specified 'job' to be executed by the next available
//          // thread.
//  };
// Next, we declare the signature for our vector sum function,
// 'parallelVectorSum':
//  void parallelVectorSum(double          *result,
//                         const double    *inputA,
//                         const double    *inputB,
//                         int              numElements,
//                         FixedThreadPool *threadPool,
//                         int              numJobs);
//      // Load the specified 'result' array with the vector sum of the
//      // specified 'inputA' and 'inputB', each having at least the specified
//      // 'numElements', using the specified 'threadPool' to perform the
//      // operation in parallel using the specified 'numJobs' parallel jobs.
//      // The behavior is undefined unless 'numElements > 0', 'numJobs > 0',
//      // and 'result', 'inputA', and 'inputB' each contain at least
//      // 'numElements'.
// Now, we declare a helper function, 'vectorSumJob', that will be used as a
// sub-task by 'parallelVectorSum'.  'vectorSumJob' computes a single-threaded
// vector sum and uses a 'bslmt::Latch' object, 'completionSignal', to indicate
// to the parent task that the computation has been completed:
//  void vectorSumJob(double       *result,
//                    bslmt::Latch *completionSignal,
//                    const double *inputA,
//                    const double *inputB,
//                    int           numElements)
//      // Load the specified 'result' array with the vector sum of the
//      // specified 'inputA' and 'inputB', each having at least the specified
//      // 'numElements', and when the operation is complete signal the
//      // specified 'completionSignal'.  The behavior is undefined unless
//      // 'numElements > 0' and 'result', 'inputA', and 'inputB' each contain
//      // at least 'numElements'.
//  {
//      for (int i = 0; i < numElements; ++i) {
//          result[i] = inputA[i] + inputB[i];
//      }
//      completionSignal->arrive();
//  }
// Note that 'bslmt::Latch::arrive' does not block the current thread (unlike
// 'bslmt::Barrier::wait'), and within the context of a thread pool, this job
// will complete and the thread will be returned to the pool to accept more
// work.
// Next, we provide a rudimentary function argument binder (specific to this
// usage example) in view of the fact that such a facility is not available at
// this level in the BDE hierarchy:
//  class UsageBinder {
//      // This class provides an invokable that is tailored to bind the
//      // 'vectorSumJob' (defined above) to its requisite five arguments.
//    public:
//      // TYPES
//      typedef void FREE_FUNCTION(double       *,
//                                 bslmt::Latch *,
//                                 const double *,
//                                 const double *,
//                                 int           );
//    private:
//      // DATA
//      FREE_FUNCTION *d_func_p;
//      double        *d_arg1_p;
//      bslmt::Latch  *d_arg2_p;
//      const double  *d_arg3_p;
//      const double  *d_arg4_p;
//      int            d_arg5;
//    public:
//      // CREATORS
//      UsageBinder(FREE_FUNCTION *functionPtr,
//                  double        *arg1Ptr,
//                  bslmt::Latch  *arg2Ptr,
//                  const double  *arg3Ptr,
//                  const double  *arg4Ptr,
//                  int            arg5)
//          // Create a 'UsageBinder' object that binds the specified
//          // 'functionPtr' to the specified 'arg1Ptr', 'arg2Ptr', 'arg3Ptr',
//          // 'arg4Ptr', and 'arg5' arguments.
//      : d_func_p(functionPtr)
//      , d_arg1_p(arg1Ptr)
//      , d_arg2_p(arg2Ptr)
//      , d_arg3_p(arg3Ptr)
//      , d_arg4_p(arg4Ptr)
//      , d_arg5(arg5)
//      {
//      }
//      void operator()()
//          // Invoke the function that was supplied at construction on the
//          // arguments that were supplied at construction.
//      {
//          (*d_func_p)(d_arg1_p, d_arg2_p, d_arg3_p, d_arg4_p, d_arg5);
//      }
//  };
// Then, we define 'parallelVectorSum':
//  void parallelVectorSum(double          *result,
//                         const double    *inputA,
//                         const double    *inputB,
//                         int              numElements,
//                         FixedThreadPool *threadPool,
//                         int              numJobs)
//  {
//      // Ensure that there is at least 1 element per job.
//      if (numElements < numJobs) {
//          numJobs = numElements;
//      }
//      const int jobSize = numElements / numJobs;
// Now, we define a 'bslmt::Latch' object, 'completionSignal', that we will
// use to track the completion of this work:
//      bslmt::Latch completionSignal(numJobs);
//      for (int i = 0; i < numJobs; ++i) {
//          // If 'numJobs' doesn't evenly divide 'numElements', the last job
//          // will process the remaining elements.  For simplicity, we have
//          // chosen not distribute the elements between jobs as evenly as is
//          // possible.
//          int offset = i * jobSize;
//          int size   = (i == numJobs - 1) ? jobSize + numElements % numJobs
//                                          : jobSize;
//          assert(0 != size);
//          threadPool->enqueueJob(UsageBinder(vectorSumJob,
//                                             result + offset,
//                                             &completionSignal,
//                                             inputA + offset,
//                                             inputB + offset,
//                                             size));
//      }
// Finally, calling 'wait' on the latch will block this function from returning
// until all the queued jobs computing the vector sum have been completed:
//      completionSignal.wait();
//  }

#include <bslscm_version.h>

#include <bslmt_condition.h>
#include <bslmt_mutex.h>

#include <bsls_assert.h>
#include <bsls_atomic.h>
#include <bsls_libraryfeatures.h>
#include <bsls_systemclocktype.h>

#include <bslmt_chronoutil.h>

#include <bsl_chrono.h>

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace bslmt {

                             // ===========
                             // class Latch
                             // ===========

class Latch {
    // This class defines a thread synchronization mechanism that allows one or
    // more threads to wait until a certain number of operations have been
    // performed by other threads.

    // DATA
    Mutex           d_mutex;     // mutex used to synchronize threads waiting
                                 // for the latch to release

    Condition       d_cond;      // condition variable used for signaling
                                 // waiting threads

    bsls::AtomicInt d_sigCount;  // count of number of times this latch has
                                 // been "signaled"

    Latch(const Latch&);
    Latch& operator=(const Latch&);

    // TYPES
    enum { e_TIMED_OUT = Condition::e_TIMED_OUT };
        // The value 'timedWait' returns when a timeout occurs.

    explicit Latch(int                         count,
                   bsls::SystemClockType::Enum clockType
                                          = bsls::SystemClockType::e_REALTIME);
        // Create a latch that will synchronize on the specified 'count'
        // number of events, and when 'count' events have been recorded will
        // release any waiting threads.  Optionally specify a 'clockType'
        // indicating the type of the system clock against which the
        // 'bsls::TimeInterval' 'absTime' timeouts passed to the 'timedWait'
        // method are to be interpreted.  If 'clockType' is not specified then
        // the realtime system clock is used.  The behavior is undefined unless
        // '0 <= count'.

    Latch(int count, const bsl::chrono::system_clock&);
        // Create a latch that will synchronize on the specified 'count' number
        // of events, and when 'count' events have been recorded will release
        // any waiting threads.  Use the realtime system clock as the clock
        // against which the 'absTime' timeouts passed to the 'timedWait'
        // methods are interpreted (see {Supported Clock-Types} in the
        // component-level documentation).  The behavior is undefined unless
        // '0 <= count'.

    Latch(int count, const bsl::chrono::steady_clock&);
        // Create a latch that will synchronize on the specified 'count' number
        // of events, and when 'count' events have been recorded will release
        // any waiting threads.  Use the monotonic system clock as the clock
        // against which the 'absTime' timeouts passed to the 'timedWait'
        // methods are interpreted (see {Supported Clock-Types} in the
        // component-level documentation).  The behavior is undefined unless
        // '0 <= count'.

        // Destroy this latch.  The behavior is undefined if any threads are
        // waiting on this latch.

    void arrive();
        // Decrement the number of events that this latch is waiting for by 1,
        // and if the resulting number of events is 0 release any waiting
        // threads.  The behavior is undefined unless the sum of all events
        // that have arrived at this latch does not exceed the count with which
        // it was initialized.  Note that the initial count of events is
        // supplied at construction.

    void arriveAndWait();
        // Decrement the number of events that this latch is waiting for by 1,
        // and if the resulting number of events is 0 release any waiting
        // threads; otherwise, block until the required number of events has
        // been reached.  The behavior is undefined unless the sum of all
        // events that have arrived at this latch does not exceed the count
        // with which it was initialized.  Note that the initial count of
        // events is supplied at construction.  Also note that this method is
        // equivalent to the following sequence:
        //  arrive();
        //  wait();

    void countDown(int numEvents);
        // Decrement the number of events that this latch is waiting for by the
        // specified 'numEvents', and if the resulting number of events is 0
        // release any waiting threads.  The behavior is undefined unless
        // 'numEvents > 0' and the sum of all events that have arrived at this
        // latch does not exceed the count with which it was initialized.  Note
        // that the initial count of events is supplied at construction.

    int timedWait(const bsls::TimeInterval& absTime);
        // Block until the number of events that this latch is waiting for
        // reaches 0, or until the specified 'absTime' timeout expires.  Return
        // 0 on success, 'e_TIMED_OUT' on timeout, and a non-zero value
        // different from 'e_TIMED_OUT' if an error occurs.  Errors are
        // unrecoverable.  After an error, the latch may be destroyed, but any
        // other use has undefined behavior.  'absTime' is an *absolute* time
        // represented as an interval from some epoch as determined by the
        // clock specified at construction (see {Supported Clock-Types} in the
        // component-level documentation).

    template <class CLOCK, class DURATION>
    int timedWait(const bsl::chrono::time_point<CLOCK, DURATION>& absTime);
        // Block until the number of events that this latch is waiting for
        // reaches 0, or until the specified 'absTime' timeout expires.  Return
        // 0 on success, 'e_TIMED_OUT' on timeout, and a non-zero value
        // different from 'e_TIMED_OUT' if an error occurs.  Errors are
        // unrecoverable.  After an error, the latch may be destroyed, but any
        // other use has undefined behavior.  'absTime' is an *absolute* time
        // represented as an interval from some epoch, which is determined by
        // the clock associated with the time point.

    void wait();
        // Block until the number of events that this latch is waiting for
        // reaches 0.

    bsls::SystemClockType::Enum clockType() const;
        // Return the clock type used for timeouts.

    int currentCount() const;
        // Return the current number of events for which this latch is waiting.
        // Note that this method is provided primarily for debugging purposes
        // (i.e., its intended use is not as a synchronization mechanism), and
        // can be used only as an upper bound for the current count without
        // other external state information.

    bool tryWait() const;
        // Return 'true' if this latch has already been released (i.e., the
        // number of events the latch is waiting on is 0), and 'false'
        // otherwise.  This method does not block.  Note that a return value
        // of 'true' indicates a permanent state change (the latch has released
        // and will never be un-released), but a return value of 'false' is
        // ephemeral and cannot typically be acted upon without additional
        // external state information.

// ============================================================================
//                              INLINE DEFINITIONS
// ============================================================================

                             // -----------
                             // class Latch
                             // -----------

Latch::Latch(int count, bsls::SystemClockType::Enum clockType)
: d_mutex()
, d_cond(clockType)
, d_sigCount(count)
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(0 <= count);

Latch::Latch(int count, const bsl::chrono::system_clock&)
: d_mutex()
, d_cond(bsls::SystemClockType::e_REALTIME)
, d_sigCount(count)
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(0 <= count);

Latch::Latch(int count, const bsl::chrono::steady_clock&)
: d_mutex()
, d_cond(bsls::SystemClockType::e_MONOTONIC)
, d_sigCount(count)
    BSLS_ASSERT_SAFE(0 <= count);

template <class CLOCK, class DURATION>
int Latch::timedWait(const bsl::chrono::time_point<CLOCK, DURATION>& absTime)
    return bslmt::ChronoUtil::timedWait(this, absTime);

bsls::SystemClockType::Enum Latch::clockType() const
    return d_cond.clockType();

}  // close package namespace
}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2015 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------