// bslmf_functionpointertraits.h                                      -*-C++-*-

#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide a meta-function for determining function pointer traits.
//  bslmf::FunctionPointerTraits: meta-function for detecting function pointer
//                                traits
//  bslmf::IsFunctionPointer: meta-function to determine if a type is a
//                            function pointer
//@SEE_ALSO: bslmf_memberfunctionpointertraits
//@DESCRIPTION: This component provides meta-functions for determining whether
// a type is a pointer to either a free function or a class method (but not to
// a member function, see the component 'bslmf_memberfunctionpointertraits'
// component for that), and some information about this function type.  The
// meta-function 'bslmf::IsFunctionPointer' provides an enumerated 'value'
// which can be either 1 or 0 depending on whether or not the template argument
// 't_PROTOTYPE' is a pointer to a free function or class method.  In the
// affirmative, the class 'bslmf::FunctionPointerTraits' also provides
// information regarding the function type, such as its argument list type and
// its return type.
// Note that there is no reference-to-function traits class, since whether
// 'FUNC' is a reference to function type can be very easily obtained using the
// meta-function call 'bslmf::IsFunctionPointer<FUNC *>'.
// Define the following function types:
//  typedef int  (*IntFunctionIntIntPtr)(int, int);
//  typedef void (*VoidFunc0)();
// The following program should compile and run without errors:
//  int main()
//  {
//      assert(0 == bslmf::IsFunctionPointer<int>::value);
//      assert(0 == bslmf::IsFunctionPointer<void>::value);
//      assert(1 == bslmf::IsFunctionPointer<IntFunctionIntIntPtr>::value);
//      typedef bslmf::FunctionPointerTraits<IntFunctionIntIntPtr>::ResultType
//          ResultType1;
//      assert(1 == (bsl::is_same<ResultType1, int>::value));
//      assert(1 == bslmf::IsFunctionPointer<VoidFunc0>::value);
//      typedef bslmf::FunctionPointerTraits<VoidFunc0>::ResultType
//          ResultType0;
//      typedef bslmf::FunctionPointerTraits<VoidFunc0>::ArgumentList
//          ArgList0;
//      assert(1 == (bsl::is_same<ResultType0, void>::value));
//      assert(1 == (bsl::is_same<ArgList0, bslmf::TypeList0>::value));
//  }

#include <bslscm_version.h>

#include <bslmf_integralconstant.h>
#include <bslmf_typelist.h>

#include <bsls_compilerfeatures.h>
#include <bsls_platform.h>

// Include version that can be compiled with C++03
// Generated on Thu Oct 21 10:11:37 2021
// Command line: sim_cpp11_features.pl bslmf_functionpointertraits.h
# include <bslmf_functionpointertraits_cpp03.h>

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace bslmf {

struct FunctionPointerCPlusPlusLinkage {
    // C++ function pointer linkage tag.

struct FunctionPointerCLinkage {
    // C function pointer linkage tag.

                        // ===========================
                        // class FunctionPointerTraits
                        // ===========================

template <class t_PROTOTYPE>
struct FunctionPointerTraits {
    // This class gives information about the specified 't_PROTOTYPE'.  The
    // general definition gives no information, but specializations for
    // function pointers types define nested types 'ResultType',
    // 'ArgumentList', and 'Linkage'.

    enum { IS_FUNCTION_POINTER = 0 };

                          // =======================
                          // class IsFunctionPointer
                          // =======================

template <class t_PROTOTYPE>
struct IsFunctionPointer
: bsl::integral_constant<
      FunctionPointerTraits<t_PROTOTYPE>::IS_FUNCTION_POINTER> {
    // This template determines if the specified 't_PROTOTYPE' is a free (i.e.,
    // non-member) function pointer.  'value' is defined as 1 if the specified
    // 't_PROTOTYPE' is a function pointer type, and a zero value otherwise.

// ---- Anything below this line is implementation specific.  Do not use. ----

    // All of our compilers which identify 'noexcept' as part of the type
    // system (a C++17 piece of functionality) similarly also support variadic
    // templates, so we refrain from having the dead code to support this case.
#   error Feature not supported for compilers without variadic templates

                // ---------------------------
                // class FunctionPointerTraits
                // ---------------------------


// This pragma is not supported by older versions of Apple Clang
// {DRQS 169716845<GO>}
        || BSLS_PLATFORM_CMP_VER_MAJOR > 130000)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-volatile"

template <class t_BSLMF_RETURN, class... t_ARGS>
struct FunctionPointerTraits<t_BSLMF_RETURN (*)(t_ARGS...)> {
    // Specialization for function pointers that return 't_BSLMF_RETURN' and
    // accept a fixed number of arguments

    enum {
        IS_NOEXCEPT = 0
    enum { e_IS_VARARG = 0 };
    typedef t_BSLMF_RETURN                     ResultType;
    typedef typename TypeList<t_ARGS...>::Type ArgumentList;
    typedef t_BSLMF_RETURN                   FuncType(t_ARGS...);
    typedef FunctionPointerCPlusPlusLinkage  Linkage;

template <class t_BSLMF_RETURN, class... t_ARGS>
struct FunctionPointerTraits<t_BSLMF_RETURN (*)(t_ARGS...,...)> {
    // Specialization for function pointers that return 't_BSLMF_RETURN' and
    // accept variable (C-style varargs) number of arguments

    enum {
        IS_NOEXCEPT = 0
    enum { e_IS_VARARG = 1 };
    typedef t_BSLMF_RETURN                     ResultType;
    typedef typename TypeList<t_ARGS...>::Type ArgumentList;
    typedef t_BSLMF_RETURN                   FuncType(t_ARGS...,...);
    typedef FunctionPointerCPlusPlusLinkage  Linkage;

#pragma clang diagnostic pop


// Microsoft Visual C++ has a problem matching 'T * const' pointers to the
// appropriate partial specialization, whereas it will match a 'T const'
// specialization.  We could use the Microsoft fix on all platforms, but why
// instantiate more traits than necessary when testing pointer traits of
// cv-qualified types that are not function pointers?

template <class t_PROTOTYPE>
struct FunctionPointerTraits<t_PROTOTYPE const>
: FunctionPointerTraits<t_PROTOTYPE> {
    // This class gives information about the specified 't_PROTOTYPE'.  The
    // general definition gives no information, but specializations for
    // function pointers types define nested types 'ResultType',
    // 'ArgumentList', and 'Linkage'.

template <class t_PROTOTYPE>
struct FunctionPointerTraits<t_PROTOTYPE volatile>
: FunctionPointerTraits<t_PROTOTYPE> {
    // This class gives information about the specified 't_PROTOTYPE'.  The
    // general definition gives no information, but specializations for
    // function pointers types define nested types 'ResultType',
    // 'ArgumentList', and 'Linkage'.

template <class t_PROTOTYPE>
struct FunctionPointerTraits<t_PROTOTYPE const volatile>
: FunctionPointerTraits<t_PROTOTYPE> {
    // This class gives information about the specified 't_PROTOTYPE'.  The
    // general definition gives no information, but specializations for
    // function pointers types define nested types 'ResultType',
    // 'ArgumentList', and 'Linkage'.
template <class t_PROTOTYPE>
struct FunctionPointerTraits<t_PROTOTYPE *const>
: FunctionPointerTraits<t_PROTOTYPE *> {
    // This class gives information about the specified 't_PROTOTYPE'.  The
    // general definition gives no information, but specializations for
    // function pointers types define nested types 'ResultType',
    // 'ArgumentList', and 'Linkage'.

template <class t_PROTOTYPE>
struct FunctionPointerTraits<t_PROTOTYPE *volatile>
: FunctionPointerTraits<t_PROTOTYPE *> {
    // This class gives information about the specified 't_PROTOTYPE'.  The
    // general definition gives no information, but specializations for
    // function pointers types define nested types 'ResultType',
    // 'ArgumentList', and 'Linkage'.

template <class t_PROTOTYPE>
struct FunctionPointerTraits<t_PROTOTYPE *const volatile>
: FunctionPointerTraits<t_PROTOTYPE *> {
    // This class gives information about the specified 't_PROTOTYPE'.  The
    // general definition gives no information, but specializations for
    // function pointers types define nested types 'ResultType',
    // 'ArgumentList', and 'Linkage'.


#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-volatile"

template <class t_BSLMF_RETURN, class... t_ARGS>
struct FunctionPointerTraits<t_BSLMF_RETURN (*)(t_ARGS...) noexcept> {
    // Specialization for 'noexcept' function pointers that return
    // 't_BSLMF_RETURN' and accept a fixed number of arguments

    enum {
        IS_NOEXCEPT = 1
    enum { e_IS_VARARG = 0 };
    typedef t_BSLMF_RETURN                     ResultType;
    typedef typename TypeList<t_ARGS...>::Type ArgumentList;
    typedef t_BSLMF_RETURN                   FuncType(t_ARGS...) noexcept;
    typedef FunctionPointerCPlusPlusLinkage  Linkage;

template <class t_BSLMF_RETURN, class... t_ARGS>
struct FunctionPointerTraits<t_BSLMF_RETURN (*)(t_ARGS...,...) noexcept> {
    // Specialization for 'noexcept' function pointers that return
    // 't_BSLMF_RETURN' and accept variable (C-style varargs) number of
    // arguments

    enum {
        IS_NOEXCEPT = 1
    enum { e_IS_VARARG = 1 };
    typedef t_BSLMF_RETURN                     ResultType;
    typedef typename TypeList<t_ARGS...>::Type ArgumentList;
    typedef t_BSLMF_RETURN                   FuncType(t_ARGS...,...) noexcept;
    typedef FunctionPointerCPlusPlusLinkage  Linkage;

#pragma clang diagnostic pop


}  // close package namespace

// ============================================================================
//                           BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY
// ============================================================================

typedef bslmf::FunctionPointerCPlusPlusLinkage
    // This alias is defined for backward compatibility.

typedef bslmf::FunctionPointerCLinkage bslmf_FunctionPointerCLinkage;
    // This alias is defined for backward compatibility.

#ifdef bslmf_FunctionPointerTraits
#undef bslmf_FunctionPointerTraits
#define bslmf_FunctionPointerTraits bslmf::FunctionPointerTraits
    // This alias is defined for backward compatibility.

#ifdef bslmf_IsFunctionPointer
#undef bslmf_IsFunctionPointer
#define bslmf_IsFunctionPointer bslmf::IsFunctionPointer
    // This alias is defined for backward compatibility.

}  // close enterprise namespace

#endif // End C++11 code


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2013 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------