// bslma_exceptionguard.h                                             -*-C++-*-

#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide a check that objects throwing exceptions do not change.
//  bslma::ExceptionGuard: guard to check an object state has not changed
//@SEE_ALSO: bslma_testallocator
//@DESCRIPTION: This component provides a class, 'bslma::ExceptionGuard', that
// can be used to ASSERT if an object changes state when a method fails by
// throwing an exception.  This is often used to validate the strong exception
// safety guarantee in a test driver, usually with the test support macros
// provided by the component 'bslma_testallocator', such as
// 'BSLMA_TESTALLOCATOR_EXCEPTION_TEST_BEGIN'.  The object under test must be
// CopyConstructible, and support the extended copy constructor taking an
// allocator.  Note that this may be a generalised STL allocator, conforming to
// the Allocator requirements of the C++ standard, rather than just a
// 'bslma::Allocator'.  This allows for testing standard library components
// such as those in 'bsl'.
// As the constructor must make a copy of the object under test, this class
// should not be used in a test driver until after the extended copy
// constructor has been proven tested.  Similarly, the destructor asserts that
// the value has not changed using 'operator==', which should also be confirmed
// as correct before relying on this class in a test driver.  Finally, the
// 'resetvalue' method should not be used prior to validating the copy-
// assignment operator.
// TBD ...

#include <bslscm_version.h>

#include <bsls_assert.h>

namespace BloombergLP {

namespace bslma {

class Allocator;

                            // ====================
                            // class ExceptionGuard
                            // ====================

template <class OBJECT>
class ExceptionGuard {
    // This class provide a mechanism to verify the strong exception guarantee
    // in exception-throwing code.  On construction, this class stores the a
    // copy of an object of the parameterized type 'OBJECT' and the address of
    // that object.  On destruction, if 'release' was not invoked, it will
    // verify the value of the object is the same as the value of the copy
    // create on construction.  This class requires the copy constructor and
    // 'operator ==' to be tested before use.

    // DATA
    int           d_line;      // the line number at construction
    OBJECT        d_copy;      // copy of the object being tested
    const OBJECT *d_object_p;  // address of the original object

    ExceptionGuard(const OBJECT *object,
                   int           line,
                   Allocator    *basicAllocator = 0);
        // Create the exception guard for the specified 'object' at the
        // specified 'line' number.  Optionally, specify 'basicAllocator' used
        // to supply memory.

    template <class ALLOCATOR>
    ExceptionGuard(const OBJECT     *object,
                   int               line,
                   const ALLOCATOR&  basicAllocator);
        // Create the exception guard for the specified 'object' at the
        // specified 'line' number.  Optionally, specify 'basicAllocator' used
        // to supply memory.

        // Destroy the exception guard.  If the guard was not released, verify
        // that the state of the object supplied at construction has not
        // change.

    void release();
        // Release the guard from verifying the state of the object.

    void resetValue(const OBJECT& value, int line);
        // Reset the expected state of the guarded object, if an exception
        // should propagate past this guard, to the specified 'value', which is
        // set from the specified 'line'.

// ============================================================================
//                          INLINE DEFINITIONS
// ============================================================================

                       // --------------------
                       // class ExceptionGuard
                       // --------------------

template <class OBJECT>
ExceptionGuard<OBJECT>::ExceptionGuard(const OBJECT *object,
                                       int           line,
                                       Allocator    *basicAllocator)
: d_line(line)
, d_copy(*object, basicAllocator)
, d_object_p(object)

template <class OBJECT>
template <class ALLOCATOR>
ExceptionGuard<OBJECT>::ExceptionGuard(const OBJECT     *object,
                                       int               line,
                                       const ALLOCATOR&  basicAllocator)
: d_line(line)
, d_copy(*object, basicAllocator)
, d_object_p(object)

template <class OBJECT>
    if (d_object_p) {
        // This test is tricky, as it is typically triggered while an exception
        // is active, and so should not have an assert handler that in turn
        // throws an exception.  Note that as this assertion is the whole
        // purpose of the class, we use 'BSLS_ASSERT_OPT' so that it is active
        // in most build modes.
        BSLS_ASSERT_OPT(d_copy == *d_object_p);

template <class OBJECT>
void ExceptionGuard<OBJECT>::release()
    d_object_p = 0;

template <class OBJECT>
void ExceptionGuard<OBJECT>::resetValue(const OBJECT& value, int line)
    d_copy = value;
    d_line = line;

}  // close package namespace

}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2013 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------