// bslalg_scalarprimitives.h                                          -*-C++-*-

#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide primitive algorithms that operate on single elements.
//  bslalg::ScalarPrimitives: namespace for algorithms
//@SEE_ALSO: bslalg_constructorproxy
//@DESCRIPTION: This component provides primitive algorithms that operate on
// single elements with a uniform interface but select a different
// implementation according to the various type traits possessed by the
// underlying type.  Such primitives are exceptionally useful for implementing
// generic components such as containers.  There are six families of
// algorithms, each with a collection of overloads:
//  Algorithm           Forwards to (depending on traits)
//  ----------------    ------------------------------------------------
//  defaultConstruct    Default constructor, with or without allocator
//  copyConstruct       Copy constructor, with or without allocator,
//                        or bitwise copy if appropriate
//  moveConstruct       Move constructor, with or without allocator,
//                        or bitwise copy if appropriate.  In C++03 mode,
//                        behavior is the same as 'copyConstruct'.
//  destructiveMove     Move construction followed by destruction of the
//                        original, with or without allocator,
//                        or bitwise copy if appropriate
//  construct           In-place construction (using variadic template
//                        arguments, simulated by overloads), with
//                        or without allocator
//  swap                Three way assignment, or bitwise swap
// The traits under consideration by this component are:
//  Trait                                         Description
//  --------------------------------------------  -----------------------------
//  bsl::is_trivially_default_constructible       "TYPE has the trivial default
//                                                constructor trait", or
//                                                "TYPE has a trivial default
//                                                constructor"
//  bsl::is_trivially_copyable                    "TYPE has the bit-wise
//                                                copyable trait", or
//                                                "TYPE is bit-wise copyable"
//                                                (implies that it has a
//                                                trivial destructor too)
//  bslmf::IsBitwiseMoveable                      "TYPE has the bit-wise
//                                                moveable trait", or
//                                                "TYPE is bit-wise moveable"
//  bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator                     "the 'TYPE' constructor takes
//                                                an allocator argument", or
//                                                "'TYPE' supports 'bslma'
//                                                allocators"
//  bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT                      "the 'TYPE' constructor takes
//                                                an allocator argument", and
//                                                optionally passes allocators
//                                                as the first two arguments to
//                                                each constructor, where the
//                                                tag type 'allocator_arg_t' is
//                                                first, and the allocator type
//                                                is second.
// This component is for use primarily by the 'bslstl' package.  Other clients
// should use the STL algorithms provided in '<algorithm>' and '<memory>'.

#include <bslscm_version.h>

#include <bslalg_autoscalardestructor.h>

#include <bslma_allocator.h>
#include <bslma_destructionutil.h>
#include <bslma_usesbslmaallocator.h>

#include <bslmf_allocatorargt.h>
#include <bslmf_integralconstant.h>
#include <bslmf_isbitwisemoveable.h>
#include <bslmf_isfundamental.h>
#include <bslmf_ispointer.h>
#include <bslmf_issame.h>
#include <bslmf_istriviallycopyable.h>
#include <bslmf_istriviallydefaultconstructible.h>
#include <bslmf_movableref.h>
#include <bslmf_usesallocatorargt.h>
#include <bslmf_util.h>

#include <bsls_assert.h>
#include <bsls_compilerfeatures.h>
#include <bsls_platform.h>
#include <bsls_util.h>

#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>

#include <new>          // placement 'new'

#include <bslmf_removecvq.h>

namespace BloombergLP {

namespace bslalg {

struct ScalarPrimitives_Imp;

                       // =======================
                       // struct ScalarPrimitives
                       // =======================

struct ScalarPrimitives {
    // This 'struct' provides a namespace for a suite of utility functions that
    // operate on elements of a parameterized type 'TARGET_TYPE'.  If any of
    // the '...Construct' methods throws, then its target 'address' is left
    // uninitialized and there are no effects, unless otherwise mentioned in
    // the documentation.

    typedef ScalarPrimitives_Imp Imp;

    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void defaultConstruct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                                 bslma::Allocator *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void defaultConstruct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                                 void        *allocator);
        // Build a default-initialized object of the parameterized
        // 'TARGET_TYPE' in the uninitialized memory at the specified
        // 'address', as if by using the 'TARGET_TYPE' default constructor.  If
        // the specified 'allocator' is based on 'bslma::Allocator' and
        // 'TARGET_TYPE' takes an allocator constructor argument, then
        // 'allocator' is passed to the default constructor.  If the
        // constructor throws, the 'address' is left in an uninitialized state.
        // Note that this operation may bypass the constructor and simply fill
        // memory with 0 if 'TARGET_TYPE' has the trivial default constructor
        // trait and does not use 'bslma::Allocator'.

    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void copyConstruct(TARGET_TYPE        *address,
                              const TARGET_TYPE&  original,
                              bslma::Allocator   *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void copyConstruct(TARGET_TYPE        *address,
                              const TARGET_TYPE&  original,
                              void               *allocator);
        // Build an object of the parameterized 'TARGET_TYPE' from the
        // specified 'original' object of the same 'TARGET_TYPE' in the
        // uninitialized memory at the specified 'address', as if by using the
        // copy constructor of 'TARGET_TYPE'.  If the specified 'allocator' is
        // based on 'bslma::Allocator' and 'TARGET_TYPE' takes an allocator
        // constructor argument, then 'allocator' is passed to the copy
        // constructor.  If the constructor throws, the 'address' is left in an
        // uninitialized state.  Note that bit-wise copy will be used if
        // 'TARGET_TYPE' has the bit-wise copyable trait.

    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void moveConstruct(TARGET_TYPE        *address,
                              TARGET_TYPE&        original,
                              bslma::Allocator   *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void moveConstruct(TARGET_TYPE        *address,
                              TARGET_TYPE&        original,
                              void               *allocator);
        // Build an object of the parameterized 'TARGET_TYPE' from the
        // specified 'original' object of the same 'TARGET_TYPE' in the
        // uninitialized memory at the specified 'address', as if by using the
        // move constructor of 'TARGET_TYPE'.  If the specified 'allocator' is
        // based on 'bslma::Allocator' and 'TARGET_TYPE' takes an allocator
        // constructor argument, then 'allocator' is passed to the move
        // constructor.  If the constructor throws, the 'address' is left in
        // an uninitialized state.  Note that bit-wise copy will be used if
        // 'TARGET_TYPE' has the bit-wise copyable trait (not the bit-wise
        // moveable trait, which indicates a destructive bit-wise move).  In
        // C++03 mode, 'moveConstruct' has the same effect as 'copyConstruct'.

    template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ALLOCATOR>
    static void destructiveMove(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                                TARGET_TYPE *original,
                                ALLOCATOR   *allocator);
        // Move the state of the object of the parameterized 'TARGET_TYPE' from
        // the object at the specified 'original' address to the uninitialized
        // memory at the specified 'address', as if by move constructing and
        // then destroying the original.  If the parameterized 'ALLOCATOR' is
        // based on 'bslma::Allocator' and 'TARGET_TYPE' takes an allocator
        // constructor argument, then the moved object uses the specified
        // 'allocator' to supply memory.  If the move constructor throws, the
        // 'address' is left in an uninitialized state and the 'original' is
        // left unchanged.  The behavior is undefined unless the 'original'
        // object also uses the 'allocator'.  Note that bit-wise copy will be
        // used and 'allocator' will be ignored if TARGET_TYPE' has the
        // bit-wise moveable trait.  Note that, if 'ALLOCATOR' is not based on
        // 'bslma::Allocator', then the 'allocator' argument is ignored; the
        // allocator used by the resulting object at 'address' might or might
        // not be the same as the allocator used by 'original', depending on
        // whether 'TARGET_TYPE' has a move constructor (C++11).

    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                          bslma::Allocator *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                          void        *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                          const ARG1&       a1,
                          bslma::Allocator *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                          const ARG1&  a1,
                          void        *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                          const ARG1&       a1,
                          const ARG2&       a2,
                          bslma::Allocator *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                          const ARG1&  a1,
                          const ARG2&  a2,
                          void        *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                          const ARG1&       a1,
                          const ARG2&       a2,
                          const ARG3&       a3,
                          bslma::Allocator *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                          const ARG1&  a1,
                          const ARG2&  a2,
                          const ARG3&  a3,
                          void        *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                          const ARG1&       a1,
                          const ARG2&       a2,
                          const ARG3&       a3,
                          const ARG4&       a4,
                          bslma::Allocator *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                          const ARG1&  a1,
                          const ARG2&  a2,
                          const ARG3&  a3,
                          const ARG4&  a4,
                          void        *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                          const ARG1&       a1,
                          const ARG2&       a2,
                          const ARG3&       a3,
                          const ARG4&       a4,
                          const ARG5&       a5,
                          bslma::Allocator *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                          const ARG1&  a1,
                          const ARG2&  a2,
                          const ARG3&  a3,
                          const ARG4&  a4,
                          const ARG5&  a5,
                          void        *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                          const ARG1&       a1,
                          const ARG2&       a2,
                          const ARG3&       a3,
                          const ARG4&       a4,
                          const ARG5&       a5,
                          const ARG6&       a6,
                          bslma::Allocator *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                          const ARG1&  a1,
                          const ARG2&  a2,
                          const ARG3&  a3,
                          const ARG4&  a4,
                          const ARG5&  a5,
                          const ARG6&  a6,
                          void        *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6, class ARG7>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                          const ARG1&       a1,
                          const ARG2&       a2,
                          const ARG3&       a3,
                          const ARG4&       a4,
                          const ARG5&       a5,
                          const ARG6&       a6,
                          const ARG7&       a7,
                          bslma::Allocator *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6, class ARG7>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                          const ARG1&  a1,
                          const ARG2&  a2,
                          const ARG3&  a3,
                          const ARG4&  a4,
                          const ARG5&  a5,
                          const ARG6&  a6,
                          const ARG7&  a7,
                          void        *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7, class ARG8>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                          const ARG1&       a1,
                          const ARG2&       a2,
                          const ARG3&       a3,
                          const ARG4&       a4,
                          const ARG5&       a5,
                          const ARG6&       a6,
                          const ARG7&       a7,
                          const ARG8&       a8,
                          bslma::Allocator *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6, class ARG7, class ARG8>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                          const ARG1&  a1,
                          const ARG2&  a2,
                          const ARG3&  a3,
                          const ARG4&  a4,
                          const ARG5&  a5,
                          const ARG6&  a6,
                          const ARG7&  a7,
                          const ARG8&  a8,
                          void        *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7, class ARG8,
              class ARG9>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                          const ARG1&       a1,
                          const ARG2&       a2,
                          const ARG3&       a3,
                          const ARG4&       a4,
                          const ARG5&       a5,
                          const ARG6&       a6,
                          const ARG7&       a7,
                          const ARG8&       a8,
                          const ARG9&       a9,
                          bslma::Allocator *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7, class ARG8,
              class ARG9>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                          const ARG1&  a1,
                          const ARG2&  a2,
                          const ARG3&  a3,
                          const ARG4&  a4,
                          const ARG5&  a5,
                          const ARG6&  a6,
                          const ARG7&  a7,
                          const ARG8&  a8,
                          const ARG9&  a9,
                          void        *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6, class ARG7, class ARG8,
              class ARG9, class ARG10>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                          const ARG1&       a1,
                          const ARG2&       a2,
                          const ARG3&       a3,
                          const ARG4&       a4,
                          const ARG5&       a5,
                          const ARG6&       a6,
                          const ARG7&       a7,
                          const ARG8&       a8,
                          const ARG9&       a9,
                          const ARG10&      a10,
                          bslma::Allocator *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6, class ARG7, class ARG8,
              class ARG9, class ARG10>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE  *address,
                          const ARG1&   a1,
                          const ARG2&   a2,
                          const ARG3&   a3,
                          const ARG4&   a4,
                          const ARG5&   a5,
                          const ARG6&   a6,
                          const ARG7&   a7,
                          const ARG8&   a8,
                          const ARG9&   a9,
                          const ARG10&  a10,
                          void         *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7, class ARG8,
              class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                          const ARG1&       a1,
                          const ARG2&       a2,
                          const ARG3&       a3,
                          const ARG4&       a4,
                          const ARG5&       a5,
                          const ARG6&       a6,
                          const ARG7&       a7,
                          const ARG8&       a8,
                          const ARG9&       a9,
                          const ARG10&      a10,
                          const ARG11&      a11,
                          bslma::Allocator *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7, class ARG8,
              class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE  *address,
                          const ARG1&   a1,
                          const ARG2&   a2,
                          const ARG3&   a3,
                          const ARG4&   a4,
                          const ARG5&   a5,
                          const ARG6&   a6,
                          const ARG7&   a7,
                          const ARG8&   a8,
                          const ARG9&   a9,
                          const ARG10&  a10,
                          const ARG11&  a11,
                          void         *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,  class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,  class ARG8,
              class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11, class ARG12>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                          const ARG1&       a1,
                          const ARG2&       a2,
                          const ARG3&       a3,
                          const ARG4&       a4,
                          const ARG5&       a5,
                          const ARG6&       a6,
                          const ARG7&       a7,
                          const ARG8&       a8,
                          const ARG9&       a9,
                          const ARG10&      a10,
                          const ARG11&      a11,
                          const ARG12&      a12,
                          bslma::Allocator *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,  class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,  class ARG8,
              class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11, class ARG12>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE  *address,
                          const ARG1&   a1,
                          const ARG2&   a2,
                          const ARG3&   a3,
                          const ARG4&   a4,
                          const ARG5&   a5,
                          const ARG6&   a6,
                          const ARG7&   a7,
                          const ARG8&   a8,
                          const ARG9&   a9,
                          const ARG10&  a10,
                          const ARG11&  a11,
                          const ARG12&  a12,
                          void         *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,  class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,  class ARG8,
              class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11, class ARG12,
              class ARG13>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                          const ARG1&       a1,
                          const ARG2&       a2,
                          const ARG3&       a3,
                          const ARG4&       a4,
                          const ARG5&       a5,
                          const ARG6&       a6,
                          const ARG7&       a7,
                          const ARG8&       a8,
                          const ARG9&       a9,
                          const ARG10&      a10,
                          const ARG11&      a11,
                          const ARG12&      a12,
                          const ARG13&      a13,
                          bslma::Allocator *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,  class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,  class ARG8,
              class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11, class ARG12,
              class ARG13>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE  *address,
                          const ARG1&   a1,
                          const ARG2&   a2,
                          const ARG3&   a3,
                          const ARG4&   a4,
                          const ARG5&   a5,
                          const ARG6&   a6,
                          const ARG7&   a7,
                          const ARG8&   a8,
                          const ARG9&   a9,
                          const ARG10&  a10,
                          const ARG11&  a11,
                          const ARG12&  a12,
                          const ARG13&  a13,
                          void         *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1,  class ARG2,  class ARG3,  class ARG4,
              class ARG5,  class ARG6,  class ARG7,  class ARG8,
              class ARG9,  class ARG10, class ARG11, class ARG12,
              class ARG13, class ARG14>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                          const ARG1&       a1,
                          const ARG2&       a2,
                          const ARG3&       a3,
                          const ARG4&       a4,
                          const ARG5&       a5,
                          const ARG6&       a6,
                          const ARG7&       a7,
                          const ARG8&       a8,
                          const ARG9&       a9,
                          const ARG10&      a10,
                          const ARG11&      a11,
                          const ARG12&      a12,
                          const ARG13&      a13,
                          const ARG14&      a14,
                          bslma::Allocator *allocator);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1,  class ARG2,  class ARG3,  class ARG4,
              class ARG5,  class ARG6,  class ARG7,  class ARG8,
              class ARG9,  class ARG10, class ARG11, class ARG12,
              class ARG13, class ARG14>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE  *address,
                          const ARG1&   a1,
                          const ARG2&   a2,
                          const ARG3&   a3,
                          const ARG4&   a4,
                          const ARG5&   a5,
                          const ARG6&   a6,
                          const ARG7&   a7,
                          const ARG8&   a8,
                          const ARG9&   a9,
                          const ARG10&  a10,
                          const ARG11&  a11,
                          const ARG12&  a12,
                          const ARG13&  a13,
                          const ARG14&  a14,
                          void         *allocator);
        // Build an object of the parameterized 'TARGET_TYPE' in the
        // uninitialized memory at the specified 'address'.  Use the
        // 'TARGET_TYPE' constructor 'TARGET_TYPE(ARG1 const&, ...)' taking the
        // specified 'a1' up to 'a14' arguments of the respective parameterized
        // 'ARG1' up to 'ARG14' types.  If the specified 'allocator' is based
        // on 'bslma::Allocator' and 'TARGET_TYPE' takes an allocator
        // constructor argument, then 'allocator' is passed to the
        // 'TARGET_TYPE' constructor in the manner appropriate to the traits
        // 'bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT' and 'blsma::UsesBslmaAllocator'.

    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void destruct(TARGET_TYPE *object,
                         void        *allocator);
        // !DEPRECATED!: Use 'bslma::DestructionUtil::destroy' without an
        // allocator argument instead.
        // Destroy the specified 'object' of the parameterized 'TARGET_TYPE',
        // as if by calling the 'TARGET_TYPE' destructor, but do not deallocate
        // the memory occupied by 'object'.  Note that the destructor may
        // deallocate other memory owned by 'object'.  Also note that this
        // function is a no-op if the 'TARGET_TYPE' has the trivial destructor
        // trait.  Further note that the specified 'allocator' is not used.

    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void destruct(TARGET_TYPE *object);
        // !DEPRECATED!: Use 'bslma::DestructionUtil::destroy' instead.
        // Destroy the specified 'object' of the parameterized 'TARGET_TYPE',
        // as if by calling the 'TARGET_TYPE' destructor, but do not deallocate
        // the memory occupied by 'object'.  Note that the destructor may
        // deallocate other memory owned by 'object'.  Also note that this
        // function is a no-op if the 'TARGET_TYPE' has the trivial destructor
        // trait.

    template <class LHS_TYPE, class RHS_TYPE>
    static void swap(LHS_TYPE& lhs, RHS_TYPE& rhs);
        // Swap the contents of the specified 'lhs' of the parameterized
        // 'LHS_TYPE' with those of the specified 'rhs' of the parameterized
        // 'RHS_TYPE'.  Note that, if 'LHS_TYPE' and 'RHS_TYPE' are the same
        // type and that type has the bit-wise moveable trait but does not use
        // 'bslma' allocators, the swap can be performed using a three-way
        // bit-wise move.

                     // ===========================
                     // struct ScalarPrimitives_Imp
                     // ===========================

struct ScalarPrimitives_Imp {
    // This 'struct' provides a namespace for a suite of utility functions that
    // operate on arrays of elements of a parameterized type 'TARGET_TYPE'.
    // These utility functions are only for the purpose of implementing those
    // in the 'ScalarPrimitives' utility, and should not be used outside this
    // component.

    enum {
        // These constants are used in the overloads below, when the last
        // argument is of type 'bsl::integral_constant<int, N> *', indicating
        // that 'TARGET_TYPE' has the traits for which the enumerator equal to
        // 'N' is named.

        e_BITWISE_COPYABLE_TRAITS         = 2,
        e_BITWISE_MOVEABLE_TRAITS         = 1,
        e_NIL_TRAITS                      = 0

    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static TARGET_TYPE *unconst(const TARGET_TYPE *pointer);
        // Return the 'const'-unqualified value of the specified 'pointer'.
        // This function resolves into a 'const_cast' and therefore has no
        // runtime cost, it exists only for template argument deduction.

    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void defaultConstruct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void defaultConstruct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void defaultConstruct(
             TARGET_TYPE                                            *address,
             bslma::Allocator                                       *allocator,
             bsl::integral_constant<int, e_HAS_TRIVIAL_DEFAULT_CTOR_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void defaultConstruct(TARGET_TYPE                        *address,
                                 bslma::Allocator                   *allocator,
                                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
        // Build a 'TARGET_TYPE' object in a default state in the uninitialized
        // memory at the specified 'address', using the specified 'allocator'
        // to supply memory if 'TARGET_TYPE' uses 'bslma' allocators.  Use the
        // default constructor of the parameterized 'TARGET_TYPE', or 'memset'
        // to 0 if 'TARGET_TYPE' has a trivial default constructor.  The last
        // argument is for traits overloading resolution only and its value is
        // ignored.

    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void defaultConstruct(
             TARGET_TYPE                                              *address,
             bsl::integral_constant<int, e_HAS_TRIVIAL_DEFAULT_CTOR_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void defaultConstruct(TARGET_TYPE                          *address,
                                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
        // Build a 'TARGET_TYPE' object in a default state in the uninitialized
        // memory at the specified 'address'.  Use the default constructor of
        // the parameterized 'TARGET_TYPE', or 'memset' to 0 if 'TARGET_TYPE'
        // has a trivial default constructor.  The last argument is for traits
        // overloading resolution only and its value is ignored.

    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void copyConstruct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const TARGET_TYPE&                                  original,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void copyConstruct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const TARGET_TYPE&                                  original,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void copyConstruct(
                     TARGET_TYPE                                    *address,
                     const TARGET_TYPE&                              original,
                     bslma::Allocator                               *allocator,
                     bsl::integral_constant<int, e_BITWISE_COPYABLE_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void copyConstruct(TARGET_TYPE                           *address,
                              const TARGET_TYPE&                     original,
                              bslma::Allocator                      *allocator,
                              bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
        // Build in the uninitialized memory at the specified 'address' an
        // object of the parameterized 'TARGET_TYPE' that is a copy of the
        // specified 'original' object of the same 'TARGET_TYPE', using the
        // specified 'allocator' to supply memory.  Use the copy constructor of
        // the 'TARGET_TYPE', or a bit-wise copy if 'TARGET_TYPE' is a bit-wise
        // copyable type.  The last argument is for traits overloading
        // resolution only and its value is ignored.  Note that a bit-wise copy
        // is appropriate only if 'TARGET_TYPE' does not take allocators.

    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void copyConstruct(
                     TARGET_TYPE                                     *address,
                     const TARGET_TYPE&                               original,
                     bsl::integral_constant<int, e_BITWISE_COPYABLE_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void copyConstruct(TARGET_TYPE                            *address,
                              const TARGET_TYPE&                      original,
                              bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
        // Build in the uninitialized memory at the specified 'address' an
        // object of the parameterized 'TARGET_TYPE' that is a copy of the
        // specified 'original' object of the same 'TARGET_TYPE'.  Use the copy
        // constructor of the 'TARGET_TYPE', or a bit-wise copy if
        // 'TARGET_TYPE' is a bit-wise copyable type.  The last argument is for
        // traits overloading resolution only and its value is ignored.  Note
        // that a bit-wise copy is appropriate only if 'TARGET_TYPE' does not
        // take allocators.

    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void moveConstruct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 TARGET_TYPE&                                        original,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void moveConstruct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 TARGET_TYPE&                                        original,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void moveConstruct(
                     TARGET_TYPE                                    *address,
                     TARGET_TYPE&                                    original,
                     bslma::Allocator                               *allocator,
                     bsl::integral_constant<int, e_BITWISE_COPYABLE_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void moveConstruct(TARGET_TYPE                           *address,
                              TARGET_TYPE&                           original,
                              bslma::Allocator                      *allocator,
                              bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
        // Build in the uninitialized memory at the specified 'address' an
        // object of the parameterized 'TARGET_TYPE' that is a move of the
        // specified 'original' object of the same 'TARGET_TYPE', using the
        // specified 'allocator' to supply memory.  Use the move constructor
        // of the 'TARGET_TYPE', or a bit-wise copy if 'TARGET_TYPE' is a
        // bit-wise copyable type (not a bit-wise moveable type, which
        // indicates a destructive bit-wise move).  The last argument is for
        // traits overloading resolution only and its value is ignored.  Note
        // that a bit-wise copy is used only if 'TARGET_TYPE' does not take
        // allocators.  In C++03 mode, 'moveConstruct' has the same effect as
        // 'copyConstruct'.

    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void moveConstruct(
                     TARGET_TYPE                                     *address,
                     TARGET_TYPE&                                     original,
                     bsl::integral_constant<int, e_BITWISE_COPYABLE_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void moveConstruct(TARGET_TYPE                            *address,
                              TARGET_TYPE&                            original,
                              bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
        // Build in the uninitialized memory at the specified 'address' an
        // object of the parameterized 'TARGET_TYPE' that is a move of the
        // specified 'original' object of the same 'TARGET_TYPE'.  Use the move
        // constructor of the 'TARGET_TYPE', or a bit-wise copy if
        // 'TARGET_TYPE' is a bit-wise copyable type (bit-wise copyable, NOT
        // bit-wise moveable, which relates to destructive bit-wise move).  The
        // last argument is for traits overloading resolution only and its
        // value is ignored.  In C++03 mode, 'moveConstruct' has the same
        // effect as 'copyConstruct'.

    template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ALLOCATOR>
    static void destructiveMove(
                     TARGET_TYPE                                    *address,
                     TARGET_TYPE                                    *original,
                     ALLOCATOR                                      *allocator,
                     bsl::integral_constant<int, e_BITWISE_MOVEABLE_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ALLOCATOR>
    static void destructiveMove(TARGET_TYPE                         *address,
                                TARGET_TYPE                         *original,
                                ALLOCATOR                           *allocator,
                                bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
        // Build a copy of the specified 'original' in the uninitialized memory
        // at the specified 'address'.  Use the copy constructor of the
        // parameterized 'TARGET_TYPE' (or a bit-wise copy if 'TARGET_TYPE' is
        // bit-wise moveable).  If 'TARGET_TYPE' is not bit-wise moveable, also
        // destroy the 'original'.  The last argument is for traits overloading
        // resolution only and its value is ignored.  Note that the specified
        // 'allocator' is not used.

    template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1>
    static void construct(
                     TARGET_TYPE                                    *address,
                     const ARG1&                                     a1,
                     bslma::Allocator                               *allocator,
                     bsl::integral_constant<int, e_BITWISE_COPYABLE_TRAITS> *);
        // Build an object from the specified 'a1' in the uninitialized memory
        // at the specified 'address'.  The specified 'allocator' is ignored.
        // Use the parameterized 'TARGET_TYPE' constructor with the signature
        // 'TARGET_TYPE(ARG1 const&)' or bitwise copy for non-fundamental
        // types.  The traits argument is for overloading resolution only and
        // is ignored.  Note that this function is called only when 'ARG1' is
        // the same as 'TARGET_TYPE'.

    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 const ARG5&                                         a5,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 const ARG5&                                         a5,
                 const ARG6&                                         a6,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6, class ARG7>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 const ARG5&                                         a5,
                 const ARG6&                                         a6,
                 const ARG7&                                         a7,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7, class ARG8>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 const ARG5&                                         a5,
                 const ARG6&                                         a6,
                 const ARG7&                                         a7,
                 const ARG8&                                         a8,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7, class ARG8,
              class ARG9>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 const ARG5&                                         a5,
                 const ARG6&                                         a6,
                 const ARG7&                                         a7,
                 const ARG8&                                         a8,
                 const ARG9&                                         a9,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7, class ARG8,
              class ARG9, class ARG10>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 const ARG5&                                         a5,
                 const ARG6&                                         a6,
                 const ARG7&                                         a7,
                 const ARG8&                                         a8,
                 const ARG9&                                         a9,
                 const ARG10&                                        a10,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7, class ARG8,
              class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 const ARG5&                                         a5,
                 const ARG6&                                         a6,
                 const ARG7&                                         a7,
                 const ARG8&                                         a8,
                 const ARG9&                                         a9,
                 const ARG10&                                        a10,
                 const ARG11&                                        a11,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,  class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,  class ARG8,
              class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11, class ARG12>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 const ARG5&                                         a5,
                 const ARG6&                                         a6,
                 const ARG7&                                         a7,
                 const ARG8&                                         a8,
                 const ARG9&                                         a9,
                 const ARG10&                                        a10,
                 const ARG11&                                        a11,
                 const ARG12&                                        a12,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,  class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,  class ARG8,
              class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11, class ARG12,
              class ARG13>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 const ARG5&                                         a5,
                 const ARG6&                                         a6,
                 const ARG7&                                         a7,
                 const ARG8&                                         a8,
                 const ARG9&                                         a9,
                 const ARG10&                                        a10,
                 const ARG11&                                        a11,
                 const ARG12&                                        a12,
                 const ARG13&                                        a13,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1,  class ARG2,  class ARG3,  class ARG4,
              class ARG5,  class ARG6,  class ARG7,  class ARG8,
              class ARG9,  class ARG10, class ARG11, class ARG12,
              class ARG13, class ARG14>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 const ARG5&                                         a5,
                 const ARG6&                                         a6,
                 const ARG7&                                         a7,
                 const ARG8&                                         a8,
                 const ARG9&                                         a9,
                 const ARG10&                                        a10,
                 const ARG11&                                        a11,
                 const ARG12&                                        a12,
                 const ARG13&                                        a13,
                 const ARG14&                                        a14,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *);
        // Build an object of the parameterized 'TARGET_TYPE' in the
        // uninitialized memory at the specified 'address', passing the
        // specified 'a1' up to 'a14' arguments of the corresponding
        // parameterized 'ARG1' up to 'ARG14' types to the 'TARGET_TYPE'
        // constructor with the signature 'TARGET_TYPE(bsl::allocator_arg_t,
        // bslma::Allocator *, const ARG1&, ...)', and pass the specified
        // 'allocator' as the second argument.  The last argument is for
        // overloading resolution only and its value is ignored.

    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 const ARG5&                                         a5,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 const ARG5&                                         a5,
                 const ARG6&                                         a6,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6, class ARG7>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 const ARG5&                                         a5,
                 const ARG6&                                         a6,
                 const ARG7&                                         a7,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7, class ARG8>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 const ARG5&                                         a5,
                 const ARG6&                                         a6,
                 const ARG7&                                         a7,
                 const ARG8&                                         a8,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7, class ARG8,
              class ARG9>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 const ARG5&                                         a5,
                 const ARG6&                                         a6,
                 const ARG7&                                         a7,
                 const ARG8&                                         a8,
                 const ARG9&                                         a9,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7, class ARG8,
              class ARG9, class ARG10>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 const ARG5&                                         a5,
                 const ARG6&                                         a6,
                 const ARG7&                                         a7,
                 const ARG8&                                         a8,
                 const ARG9&                                         a9,
                 const ARG10&                                        a10,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7, class ARG8,
              class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 const ARG5&                                         a5,
                 const ARG6&                                         a6,
                 const ARG7&                                         a7,
                 const ARG8&                                         a8,
                 const ARG9&                                         a9,
                 const ARG10&                                        a10,
                 const ARG11&                                        a11,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,  class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,  class ARG8,
              class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11, class ARG12>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 const ARG5&                                         a5,
                 const ARG6&                                         a6,
                 const ARG7&                                         a7,
                 const ARG8&                                         a8,
                 const ARG9&                                         a9,
                 const ARG10&                                        a10,
                 const ARG11&                                        a11,
                 const ARG12&                                        a12,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,  class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,  class ARG8,
              class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11, class ARG12,
              class ARG13>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 const ARG5&                                         a5,
                 const ARG6&                                         a6,
                 const ARG7&                                         a7,
                 const ARG8&                                         a8,
                 const ARG9&                                         a9,
                 const ARG10&                                        a10,
                 const ARG11&                                        a11,
                 const ARG12&                                        a12,
                 const ARG13&                                        a13,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1,  class ARG2,  class ARG3,  class ARG4,
              class ARG5,  class ARG6,  class ARG7,  class ARG8,
              class ARG9,  class ARG10, class ARG11, class ARG12,
              class ARG13, class ARG14>
    static void construct(
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 const ARG4&                                         a4,
                 const ARG5&                                         a5,
                 const ARG6&                                         a6,
                 const ARG7&                                         a7,
                 const ARG8&                                         a8,
                 const ARG9&                                         a9,
                 const ARG10&                                        a10,
                 const ARG11&                                        a11,
                 const ARG12&                                        a12,
                 const ARG13&                                        a13,
                 const ARG14&                                        a14,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *);
        // Build an object of the parameterized 'TARGET_TYPE' in the
        // uninitialized memory at the specified 'address', passing the
        // specified 'a1' up to 'a14' arguments of the corresponding
        // parameterized 'ARG1' up to 'ARG14' types to the 'TARGET_TYPE'
        // constructor with the signature
        // 'TARGET_TYPE(ARG1 const&, ..., bslma::Allocator *)', and pass the
        // specified 'allocator' in the last position.  The last argument is
        // for overloading resolution only and its value is ignored.

    template <class TARGET_TYPE>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE                               *address,
                          bslma::Allocator                          *allocator,
                          bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE                               *address,
                          const ARG1&                                a1,
                          bslma::Allocator                          *allocator,
                          bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE                               *address,
                          const ARG1&                                a1,
                          const ARG2&                                a2,
                          bslma::Allocator                          *allocator,
                          bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE                               *address,
                          const ARG1&                                a1,
                          const ARG2&                                a2,
                          const ARG3&                                a3,
                          bslma::Allocator                          *allocator,
                          bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE                               *address,
                          const ARG1&                                a1,
                          const ARG2&                                a2,
                          const ARG3&                                a3,
                          const ARG4&                                a4,
                          bslma::Allocator                          *allocator,
                          bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE                               *address,
                          const ARG1&                                a1,
                          const ARG2&                                a2,
                          const ARG3&                                a3,
                          const ARG4&                                a4,
                          const ARG5&                                a5,
                          bslma::Allocator                          *allocator,
                          bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE                               *address,
                          const ARG1&                                a1,
                          const ARG2&                                a2,
                          const ARG3&                                a3,
                          const ARG4&                                a4,
                          const ARG5&                                a5,
                          const ARG6&                                a6,
                          bslma::Allocator                          *allocator,
                          bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6, class ARG7>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE                               *address,
                          const ARG1&                                a1,
                          const ARG2&                                a2,
                          const ARG3&                                a3,
                          const ARG4&                                a4,
                          const ARG5&                                a5,
                          const ARG6&                                a6,
                          const ARG7&                                a7,
                          bslma::Allocator                          *allocator,
                          bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7, class ARG8>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE                               *address,
                          const ARG1&                                a1,
                          const ARG2&                                a2,
                          const ARG3&                                a3,
                          const ARG4&                                a4,
                          const ARG5&                                a5,
                          const ARG6&                                a6,
                          const ARG7&                                a7,
                          const ARG8&                                a8,
                          bslma::Allocator                          *allocator,
                          bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7, class ARG8,
              class ARG9>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE                               *address,
                          const ARG1&                                a1,
                          const ARG2&                                a2,
                          const ARG3&                                a3,
                          const ARG4&                                a4,
                          const ARG5&                                a5,
                          const ARG6&                                a6,
                          const ARG7&                                a7,
                          const ARG8&                                a8,
                          const ARG9&                                a9,
                          bslma::Allocator                          *allocator,
                          bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7, class ARG8,
              class ARG9, class ARG10>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE                               *address,
                          const ARG1&                                a1,
                          const ARG2&                                a2,
                          const ARG3&                                a3,
                          const ARG4&                                a4,
                          const ARG5&                                a5,
                          const ARG6&                                a6,
                          const ARG7&                                a7,
                          const ARG8&                                a8,
                          const ARG9&                                a9,
                          const ARG10&                               a10,
                          bslma::Allocator                          *allocator,
                          bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3, class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7, class ARG8,
              class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE                               *address,
                          const ARG1&                                a1,
                          const ARG2&                                a2,
                          const ARG3&                                a3,
                          const ARG4&                                a4,
                          const ARG5&                                a5,
                          const ARG6&                                a6,
                          const ARG7&                                a7,
                          const ARG8&                                a8,
                          const ARG9&                                a9,
                          const ARG10&                               a10,
                          const ARG11&                               a11,
                          bslma::Allocator                          *allocator,
                          bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,  class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,  class ARG8,
              class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11, class ARG12>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE                               *address,
                          const ARG1&                                a1,
                          const ARG2&                                a2,
                          const ARG3&                                a3,
                          const ARG4&                                a4,
                          const ARG5&                                a5,
                          const ARG6&                                a6,
                          const ARG7&                                a7,
                          const ARG8&                                a8,
                          const ARG9&                                a9,
                          const ARG10&                               a10,
                          const ARG11&                               a11,
                          const ARG12&                               a12,
                          bslma::Allocator                          *allocator,
                          bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,  class ARG4,
              class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,  class ARG8,
              class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11, class ARG12,
              class ARG13>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE                               *address,
                          const ARG1&                                a1,
                          const ARG2&                                a2,
                          const ARG3&                                a3,
                          const ARG4&                                a4,
                          const ARG5&                                a5,
                          const ARG6&                                a6,
                          const ARG7&                                a7,
                          const ARG8&                                a8,
                          const ARG9&                                a9,
                          const ARG10&                               a10,
                          const ARG11&                               a11,
                          const ARG12&                               a12,
                          const ARG13&                               a13,
                          bslma::Allocator                          *allocator,
                          bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
    template <class TARGET_TYPE,
              class ARG1,  class ARG2,  class ARG3,  class ARG4,
              class ARG5,  class ARG6,  class ARG7,  class ARG8,
              class ARG9,  class ARG10, class ARG11, class ARG12,
              class ARG13, class ARG14>
    static void construct(TARGET_TYPE                               *address,
                          const ARG1&                                a1,
                          const ARG2&                                a2,
                          const ARG3&                                a3,
                          const ARG4&                                a4,
                          const ARG5&                                a5,
                          const ARG6&                                a6,
                          const ARG7&                                a7,
                          const ARG8&                                a8,
                          const ARG9&                                a9,
                          const ARG10&                               a10,
                          const ARG11&                               a11,
                          const ARG12&                               a12,
                          const ARG13&                               a13,
                          const ARG14&                               a14,
                          bslma::Allocator                          *allocator,
                          bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
        // Build an object of the parameterized 'TARGET_TYPE' in the
        // uninitialized memory at the specified 'address', passing the
        // specified 'a1' up to 'a14' arguments of the corresponding
        // parameterized 'ARG1' up to 'ARG14' types to the 'TARGET_TYPE'
        // constructor with the signature 'TARGET_TYPE(ARG1 const&, ...)'.  The
        // specified 'allocator' is *not* passed through to the 'TARGET_TYPE'
        // constructor.  The last argument is for overloading resolution only
        // and is ignored.

    template <class LHS_TYPE, class RHS_TYPE>
    static void swap(LHS_TYPE&                                             lhs,
                     RHS_TYPE&                                             rhs,
                     bsl::integral_constant<int, e_BITWISE_MOVEABLE_TRAITS> *);
    template <class LHS_TYPE, class RHS_TYPE>
    static void swap(LHS_TYPE&                                  lhs,
                     RHS_TYPE&                                  rhs,
                     bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *);
        // Swap the contents of the specified 'lhs' object of the parameterized
        // 'LHS_TYPE' with the specified 'rhs' object of the parameterized
        // 'RHS_TYPE'.  Use a three-way bit-wise copy (with a temporary
        // uninitialized buffer), if 'LHS_TYPE' and 'RHS_TYPE' are the same
        // bit-wise moveable type, and a three-way assignment with a temporary
        // if not.  The last argument is for overloading resolution only and is
        // ignored.

// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================

// Workaround for optimization issue in xlC that mishandles pointer aliasing.
//   http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1IV56864
// Place this macro following each use of placement new.  Alternatively,
// compile with xlC_r -qalias=noansi, which reduces optimization opportunities
// across entire translation unit instead of simply across optimization fence.
// Update: issue is fixed in xlC 13.1 (__xlC__ >= 0x0d01).


                       // -----------------------
                       // struct ScalarPrimitives
                       // -----------------------

                    // *** defaultConstruct overloads: ***

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
ScalarPrimitives::defaultConstruct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                                   bslma::Allocator *allocator)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              ? (bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                 ? Imp::e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS
                 : Imp::e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS)
              : bsl::is_trivially_default_constructible<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                  ? Imp::e_HAS_TRIVIAL_DEFAULT_CTOR_TRAITS
                  : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
                          (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
ScalarPrimitives::defaultConstruct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                                   void        *)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bsl::is_trivially_default_constructible<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
    Imp::defaultConstruct(address, (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

                      // *** copyConstruct overloads: ***

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
ScalarPrimitives::copyConstruct(TARGET_TYPE        *address,
                                const TARGET_TYPE&  original,
                                bslma::Allocator   *allocator)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              ? (bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                 ? Imp::e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS
                 : Imp::e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS)
              : bsl::is_trivially_copyable<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                  ? Imp::e_BITWISE_COPYABLE_TRAITS
                  : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
    Imp::copyConstruct(address, original, allocator,
                       (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
ScalarPrimitives::copyConstruct(TARGET_TYPE        *address,
                                const TARGET_TYPE&  original,
                                void               *)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bsl::is_trivially_copyable<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              ? Imp::e_BITWISE_COPYABLE_TRAITS
              : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
                       (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

                      // *** moveConstruct overloads: ***

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
ScalarPrimitives::moveConstruct(TARGET_TYPE        *address,
                                TARGET_TYPE&        original,
                                bslma::Allocator   *allocator)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              ? (bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                 ? Imp::e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS
                 : Imp::e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS)
              : bsl::is_trivially_copyable<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                  ? Imp::e_BITWISE_COPYABLE_TRAITS
                  : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
    Imp::moveConstruct(address, original, allocator,
                       (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
ScalarPrimitives::moveConstruct(TARGET_TYPE        *address,
                                TARGET_TYPE&        original,
                                void               *)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bsl::is_trivially_copyable<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              ? Imp::e_BITWISE_COPYABLE_TRAITS
              : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
    Imp::moveConstruct(address, original,
                       (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

                     // *** destructiveMove overloads: ***

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ALLOCATOR>
ScalarPrimitives::destructiveMove(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                                  TARGET_TYPE *original,
                                  ALLOCATOR   *allocator)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bslmf::IsBitwiseMoveable<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              ? Imp::e_BITWISE_MOVEABLE_TRAITS
              : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
                         (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

                       // *** construct overloads: ****

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                            bslma::Allocator *allocator)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              ? (bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                 ? Imp::e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS
                 : Imp::e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS)
              : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
    Imp::construct(address, allocator,
                   (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                            void        *)

    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE();

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                            const ARG1&       a1,
                            bslma::Allocator *allocator)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              ? (bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                 ? Imp::e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS
                 : Imp::e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS)
              : bsl::is_same<ARG1, TARGET_TYPE>::value
                && bsl::is_trivially_copyable<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                  ? Imp::e_BITWISE_COPYABLE_TRAITS
                  : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
    Imp::construct(address, a1, allocator,
                   (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                            const ARG1&  a1,
                            void        *)

    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                            const ARG1&       a1,
                            const ARG2&       a2,
                            bslma::Allocator *allocator)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              ? (bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                 ? Imp::e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS
                 : Imp::e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS)
              : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
    Imp::construct(address, a1, a2, allocator,
                   (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                            const ARG1&  a1,
                            const ARG2&  a2,
                            void        *)

    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                            const ARG1&       a1,
                            const ARG2&       a2,
                            const ARG3&       a3,
                            bslma::Allocator *allocator)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              ? (bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                 ? Imp::e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS
                 : Imp::e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS)
              : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
                   a1, a2, a3,
                   (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                            const ARG1&  a1,
                            const ARG2&  a2,
                            const ARG3&  a3,
                            void        *)

    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3,
          class ARG4>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                            const ARG1&       a1,
                            const ARG2&       a2,
                            const ARG3&       a3,
                            const ARG4&       a4,
                            bslma::Allocator *allocator)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              ? (bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                 ? Imp::e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS
                 : Imp::e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS)
              : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
                   a1, a2, a3, a4,
                   (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3,
          class ARG4>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                            const ARG1&  a1,
                            const ARG2&  a2,
                            const ARG3&  a3,
                            const ARG4&  a4,
                            void        *)

    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                            const ARG1&       a1,
                            const ARG2&       a2,
                            const ARG3&       a3,
                            const ARG4&       a4,
                            const ARG5&       a5,
                            bslma::Allocator *allocator)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              ? (bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                 ? Imp::e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS
                 : Imp::e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS)
              : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
                   a1, a2, a3, a4, a5,
                   (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                            const ARG1&  a1,
                            const ARG2&  a2,
                            const ARG3&  a3,
                            const ARG4&  a4,
                            const ARG5&  a5,
                            void        *)

    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                            const ARG1&       a1,
                            const ARG2&       a2,
                            const ARG3&       a3,
                            const ARG4&       a4,
                            const ARG5&       a5,
                            const ARG6&       a6,
                            bslma::Allocator *allocator)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              ? (bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                 ? Imp::e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS
                 : Imp::e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS)
              : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
                   a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6,
                   (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                            const ARG1&  a1,
                            const ARG2&  a2,
                            const ARG3&  a3,
                            const ARG4&  a4,
                            const ARG5&  a5,
                            const ARG6&  a6,
                            void        *)

    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6, class ARG7>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                            const ARG1&       a1,
                            const ARG2&       a2,
                            const ARG3&       a3,
                            const ARG4&       a4,
                            const ARG5&       a5,
                            const ARG6&       a6,
                            const ARG7&       a7,
                            bslma::Allocator *allocator)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              ? (bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                 ? Imp::e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS
                 : Imp::e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS)
              : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
                   a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7,
                   (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6, class ARG7>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                            const ARG1&  a1,
                            const ARG2&  a2,
                            const ARG3&  a3,
                            const ARG4&  a4,
                            const ARG5&  a5,
                            const ARG6&  a6,
                            const ARG7&  a7,
                            void        *)

    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                            const ARG1&       a1,
                            const ARG2&       a2,
                            const ARG3&       a3,
                            const ARG4&       a4,
                            const ARG5&       a5,
                            const ARG6&       a6,
                            const ARG7&       a7,
                            const ARG8&       a8,
                            bslma::Allocator *allocator)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              ? (bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                 ? Imp::e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS
                 : Imp::e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS)
              : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
                   a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8,
                   (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                            const ARG1&  a1,
                            const ARG2&  a2,
                            const ARG3&  a3,
                            const ARG4&  a4,
                            const ARG5&  a5,
                            const ARG6&  a6,
                            const ARG7&  a7,
                            const ARG8&  a8,
                            void        *)

    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8, class ARG9>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                            const ARG1&       a1,
                            const ARG2&       a2,
                            const ARG3&       a3,
                            const ARG4&       a4,
                            const ARG5&       a5,
                            const ARG6&       a6,
                            const ARG7&       a7,
                            const ARG8&       a8,
                            const ARG9&       a9,
                            bslma::Allocator *allocator)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              ? (bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                 ? Imp::e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS
                 : Imp::e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS)
              : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
                   a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9,
                   (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8, class ARG9>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE *address,
                            const ARG1&  a1,
                            const ARG2&  a2,
                            const ARG3&  a3,
                            const ARG4&  a4,
                            const ARG5&  a5,
                            const ARG6&  a6,
                            const ARG7&  a7,
                            const ARG8&  a8,
                            const ARG9&  a9,
                            void        *)

    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8, class ARG9, class ARG10>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                            const ARG1&       a1,
                            const ARG2&       a2,
                            const ARG3&       a3,
                            const ARG4&       a4,
                            const ARG5&       a5,
                            const ARG6&       a6,
                            const ARG7&       a7,
                            const ARG8&       a8,
                            const ARG9&       a9,
                            const ARG10&      a10,
                            bslma::Allocator *allocator)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              ? (bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                 ? Imp::e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS
                 : Imp::e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS)
              : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
                   a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10,
                   (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8, class ARG9, class ARG10>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE  *address,
                            const ARG1&   a1,
                            const ARG2&   a2,
                            const ARG3&   a3,
                            const ARG4&   a4,
                            const ARG5&   a5,
                            const ARG6&   a6,
                            const ARG7&   a7,
                            const ARG8&   a8,
                            const ARG9&   a9,
                            const ARG10&  a10,
                            void         *)

    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8, class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                            const ARG1&       a1,
                            const ARG2&       a2,
                            const ARG3&       a3,
                            const ARG4&       a4,
                            const ARG5&       a5,
                            const ARG6&       a6,
                            const ARG7&       a7,
                            const ARG8&       a8,
                            const ARG9&       a9,
                            const ARG10&      a10,
                            const ARG11&      a11,
                            bslma::Allocator *allocator)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              ? (bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                 ? Imp::e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS
                 : Imp::e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS)
              : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
                   a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11,
                   (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8, class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE  *address,
                            const ARG1&   a1,
                            const ARG2&   a2,
                            const ARG3&   a3,
                            const ARG4&   a4,
                            const ARG5&   a5,
                            const ARG6&   a6,
                            const ARG7&   a7,
                            const ARG8&   a8,
                            const ARG9&   a9,
                            const ARG10&  a10,
                            const ARG11&  a11,
                            void         *)

    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8, class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11,
          class ARG12>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                            const ARG1&       a1,
                            const ARG2&       a2,
                            const ARG3&       a3,
                            const ARG4&       a4,
                            const ARG5&       a5,
                            const ARG6&       a6,
                            const ARG7&       a7,
                            const ARG8&       a8,
                            const ARG9&       a9,
                            const ARG10&      a10,
                            const ARG11&      a11,
                            const ARG12&      a12,
                            bslma::Allocator *allocator)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              ? (bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                 ? Imp::e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS
                 : Imp::e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS)
              : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
                   a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12,
                   (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8, class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11,
          class ARG12>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE  *address,
                            const ARG1&   a1,
                            const ARG2&   a2,
                            const ARG3&   a3,
                            const ARG4&   a4,
                            const ARG5&   a5,
                            const ARG6&   a6,
                            const ARG7&   a7,
                            const ARG8&   a8,
                            const ARG9&   a9,
                            const ARG10&  a10,
                            const ARG11&  a11,
                            const ARG12&  a12,
                            void         *)

    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1,  a2,  a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9,
                                a10, a11, a12);

template <class TARGET_TYPE,  class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4,  class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8,  class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11,
          class ARG12, class ARG13>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                            const ARG1&       a1,
                            const ARG2&       a2,
                            const ARG3&       a3,
                            const ARG4&       a4,
                            const ARG5&       a5,
                            const ARG6&       a6,
                            const ARG7&       a7,
                            const ARG8&       a8,
                            const ARG9&       a9,
                            const ARG10&      a10,
                            const ARG11&      a11,
                            const ARG12&      a12,
                            const ARG13&      a13,
                            bslma::Allocator *allocator)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              ? (bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                 ? Imp::e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS
                 : Imp::e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS)
              : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
                   a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13,
                   (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

template <class TARGET_TYPE,  class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4,  class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8,  class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11,
          class ARG12, class ARG13>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE  *address,
                            const ARG1&   a1,
                            const ARG2&   a2,
                            const ARG3&   a3,
                            const ARG4&   a4,
                            const ARG5&   a5,
                            const ARG6&   a6,
                            const ARG7&   a7,
                            const ARG8&   a8,
                            const ARG9&   a9,
                            const ARG10&  a10,
                            const ARG11&  a11,
                            const ARG12&  a12,
                            const ARG13&  a13,
                            void         *)

    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(
                       a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13);

template <class TARGET_TYPE,  class ARG1,  class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4,  class ARG5,  class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8,  class ARG9,  class ARG10, class ARG11,
          class ARG12, class ARG13, class ARG14>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE      *address,
                            const ARG1&       a1,
                            const ARG2&       a2,
                            const ARG3&       a3,
                            const ARG4&       a4,
                            const ARG5&       a5,
                            const ARG6&       a6,
                            const ARG7&       a7,
                            const ARG8&       a8,
                            const ARG9&       a9,
                            const ARG10&      a10,
                            const ARG11&      a11,
                            const ARG12&      a12,
                            const ARG13&      a13,
                            const ARG14&      a14,
                            bslma::Allocator *allocator)

    enum {
        k_VALUE = bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator<TARGET_TYPE>::value
              ? (bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT<TARGET_TYPE>::value
                 ? Imp::e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS
                 : Imp::e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS)
              : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
                   a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14,
                   (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

template <class TARGET_TYPE,  class ARG1,  class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4,  class ARG5,  class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8,  class ARG9,  class ARG10, class ARG11,
          class ARG12, class ARG13, class ARG14>
ScalarPrimitives::construct(TARGET_TYPE  *address,
                            const ARG1&   a1,
                            const ARG2&   a2,
                            const ARG3&   a3,
                            const ARG4&   a4,
                            const ARG5&   a5,
                            const ARG6&   a6,
                            const ARG7&   a7,
                            const ARG8&   a8,
                            const ARG9&   a9,
                            const ARG10&  a10,
                            const ARG11&  a11,
                            const ARG12&  a12,
                            const ARG13&  a13,
                            const ARG14&  a14,
                            void         *)

    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(
                  a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14);

}  // close package namespace

                          // *** destruct overloads: ***


namespace bslalg {

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
void ScalarPrimitives::destruct(TARGET_TYPE *address, void *)

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
void ScalarPrimitives::destruct(TARGET_TYPE *address)

}  // close package namespace


namespace bslalg {

                          // *** swap overloads: ***

template <class LHS_TYPE, class RHS_TYPE>
void ScalarPrimitives::swap(LHS_TYPE& lhs, RHS_TYPE& rhs)
    enum {
        k_VALUE = bsl::is_same<LHS_TYPE, RHS_TYPE>::value
                && bslmf::IsBitwiseMoveable<LHS_TYPE>::value
              ? Imp::e_BITWISE_MOVEABLE_TRAITS
              : Imp::e_NIL_TRAITS
    Imp::swap(lhs, rhs, (bsl::integral_constant<int, k_VALUE>*)0);

                     // ---------------------------
                     // struct ScalarPrimitives_Imp
                     // ---------------------------

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
TARGET_TYPE *ScalarPrimitives_Imp::unconst(const TARGET_TYPE *pointer)
    return const_cast<TARGET_TYPE *>(pointer);

                    // *** defaultConstruct overloads: ***

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(bsl::allocator_arg, allocator);

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(allocator);

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
              TARGET_TYPE                                             *address,
              bslma::Allocator                                        *,
              bsl::integral_constant<int, e_HAS_TRIVIAL_DEFAULT_CTOR_TRAITS> *)
           (bsl::integral_constant<int, e_HAS_TRIVIAL_DEFAULT_CTOR_TRAITS>*)0);

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
                                   TARGET_TYPE                        *address,
                                   bslma::Allocator                   *,
                                   bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE();

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
              TARGET_TYPE                                             *address,
              bsl::integral_constant<int, e_HAS_TRIVIAL_DEFAULT_CTOR_TRAITS> *)
    if (bsl::is_fundamental<TARGET_TYPE>::value
     || bsl::is_pointer<TARGET_TYPE>::value) {
        // Detectable at compile-time, this condition ensures that we don't
        // call library functions for fundamental or pointer types.  Note that
        // assignment can't throw.

        ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE();
    } else {
        memset(reinterpret_cast<char *>(address), 0, sizeof *address);

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
                                   TARGET_TYPE                        *address,
                                   bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE();

                      // *** copyConstruct overloads: ***

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const TARGET_TYPE&                                 original,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(bsl::allocator_arg, allocator, original);

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const TARGET_TYPE&                                 original,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(original, allocator);

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
                      TARGET_TYPE                                    *address,
                      const TARGET_TYPE&                              original,
                      bslma::Allocator                               *,
                      bsl::integral_constant<int, e_BITWISE_COPYABLE_TRAITS> *)
    if (bsl::is_fundamental<TARGET_TYPE>::value
     || bsl::is_pointer<TARGET_TYPE>::value) {
        // Detectable at compile-time, this condition ensures that we don't
        // call library functions for fundamental or pointer types.  Note that
        // copy-constructor can't throw, and that assignment (although would
        // likely produce equivalent code) can't be used, in case 'TARGET_TYPE'
        // is 'const'-qualified.

        ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(original);
    } else {
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized"
        memcpy((void *)address,
               sizeof original);
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
                                   TARGET_TYPE                       *address,
                                   const TARGET_TYPE&                 original,
                                   bslma::Allocator                  *,
                                   bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(original);

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
                      TARGET_TYPE                                    *address,
                      const TARGET_TYPE&                              original,
                      bsl::integral_constant<int, e_BITWISE_COPYABLE_TRAITS> *)
    if (bsl::is_fundamental<TARGET_TYPE>::value
     || bsl::is_pointer<TARGET_TYPE>::value) {
        // Detectable at compile-time, this condition ensures that we don't
        // call library functions for fundamental or pointer types.  Note that
        // copy-constructor can't throw, and that assignment (although would
        // likely produce equivalent code) can't be used, in case 'TARGET_TYPE'
        // is 'const'-qualified.

        ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(original);
    } else {
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized"
        memcpy((void *)address,
               sizeof original);
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
                                   TARGET_TYPE                       *address,
                                   const TARGET_TYPE&                 original,
                                   bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(original);

                      // *** moveConstruct overloads: ***

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  TARGET_TYPE&                                       original,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(bsl::allocator_arg, allocator,

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  TARGET_TYPE&                                       original,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(bslmf::MovableRefUtil::move(original),

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
                      TARGET_TYPE                                    *address,
                      TARGET_TYPE&                                    original,
                      bslma::Allocator                               *,
                      bsl::integral_constant<int, e_BITWISE_COPYABLE_TRAITS> *)
    if (bsl::is_fundamental<TARGET_TYPE>::value
     || bsl::is_pointer<TARGET_TYPE>::value) {
        // Detectable at compile-time, this condition ensures that we don't
        // call library functions for fundamental or pointer types.  Note that
        // copy-constructor can't throw, and that assignment (although would
        // likely produce equivalent code) can't be used, in case 'TARGET_TYPE'
        // is 'const'-qualified.

        ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(original);
    } else {
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized"
        memcpy(address, BSLS_UTIL_ADDRESSOF(original), sizeof original);
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
                                   TARGET_TYPE                       *address,
                                   TARGET_TYPE&                       original,
                                   bslma::Allocator                  *,
                                   bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(bslmf::MovableRefUtil::move(original));

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
                      TARGET_TYPE                                    *address,
                      TARGET_TYPE&                                    original,
                      bsl::integral_constant<int, e_BITWISE_COPYABLE_TRAITS> *)
    if (bsl::is_fundamental<TARGET_TYPE>::value
     || bsl::is_pointer<TARGET_TYPE>::value) {
        // Detectable at compile-time, this condition ensures that we don't
        // call library functions for fundamental or pointer types.  Note that
        // move-constructor can't throw, and that assignment (although would
        // likely produce equivalent code) can't be used, in case 'TARGET_TYPE'
        // is 'const'-qualified.

        ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(original);
    } else {
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized"
        memcpy((void *)address,
               sizeof original);
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
                                   TARGET_TYPE                       *address,
                                   TARGET_TYPE&                       original,
                                   bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(bslmf::MovableRefUtil::move(original));

                     // *** destructiveMove overloads: ***

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ALLOCATOR>
                      TARGET_TYPE                                    *address,
                      TARGET_TYPE                                    *original,
                      ALLOCATOR                                      *,
                      bsl::integral_constant<int, e_BITWISE_MOVEABLE_TRAITS> *)
    if (bsl::is_fundamental<TARGET_TYPE>::value
     || bsl::is_pointer<TARGET_TYPE>::value) {
        // Detectable at compile-time, this condition ensures that we don't
        // call library functions for fundamental or pointer types.  Note that
        // copy-constructor can't throw, and that assignment (although would
        // likely produce equivalent code) can't be used, in case 'TARGET_TYPE'
        // is 'const'-qualified.

        ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(*original);
    } else {
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wmaybe-uninitialized"
        memcpy((void *)address, original, sizeof *original);   // no overlap
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ALLOCATOR>
                                   TARGET_TYPE                      *address,
                                   TARGET_TYPE                      *original,
                                   ALLOCATOR                        *allocator,
                                   bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ScalarPrimitives::moveConstruct(address, *original, allocator);

                        // *** construct overloads: ***

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1>
                      TARGET_TYPE                                     *address,
                      const ARG1&                                      a1,
                      bslma::Allocator                                *,
                      bsl::integral_constant<int, e_BITWISE_COPYABLE_TRAITS> *)
    if (bsl::is_fundamental<TARGET_TYPE>::value
     || bsl::is_pointer<TARGET_TYPE>::value) {
        // Detectable at compile-time, this condition ensures that we don't
        // call library functions for fundamental or pointer types.  Note that
        // copy-constructor can't throw, and that assignment (although would
        // likely produce equivalent code) can't be used, in case 'TARGET_TYPE'
        // is 'const'-qualified.

        ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1);
    } else {
        BSLMF_ASSERT(sizeof (TARGET_TYPE) == sizeof(a1));
        memcpy((void *)address, BSLS_UTIL_ADDRESSOF(a1), sizeof a1);
                                                                  // no overlap

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(bsl::allocator_arg, allocator);

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(allocator);

template <class TARGET_TYPE>
ScalarPrimitives_Imp::construct(TARGET_TYPE                           *address,
                                bslma::Allocator                      *,
                                bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE();

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1>
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(bsl::allocator_arg, allocator, a1);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1>
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, allocator);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1>
ScalarPrimitives_Imp::construct(TARGET_TYPE                           *address,
                                const ARG1&                            a1,
                                bslma::Allocator                      *,
                                bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2>
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(bsl::allocator_arg, allocator, a1, a2);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2>
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, allocator);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2>
ScalarPrimitives_Imp::construct(TARGET_TYPE                           *address,
                                const ARG1&                            a1,
                                const ARG2&                            a2,
                                bslma::Allocator                      *,
                                bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3>
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(bsl::allocator_arg, allocator, a1, a2, a3);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3>
                 TARGET_TYPE                                        *address,
                 const ARG1&                                         a1,
                 const ARG2&                                         a2,
                 const ARG3&                                         a3,
                 bslma::Allocator                                   *allocator,
                 bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, allocator);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3>
ScalarPrimitives_Imp::construct(TARGET_TYPE                           *address,
                                const ARG1&                            a1,
                                const ARG2&                            a2,
                                const ARG3&                            a3,
                                bslma::Allocator                      *,
                                bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3,
          class ARG4>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(bsl::allocator_arg, allocator, a1, a2, a3, a4);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3,
          class ARG4>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, allocator);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3,
          class ARG4>
ScalarPrimitives_Imp::construct(TARGET_TYPE                           *address,
                                const ARG1&                            a1,
                                const ARG2&                            a2,
                                const ARG3&                            a3,
                                const ARG4&                            a4,
                                bslma::Allocator                      *,
                                bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  const ARG5&                                        a5,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(bsl::allocator_arg, allocator, a1, a2, a3, a4,

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  const ARG5&                                        a5,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, allocator);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5>
ScalarPrimitives_Imp::construct(TARGET_TYPE                           *address,
                                const ARG1&                            a1,
                                const ARG2&                            a2,
                                const ARG3&                            a3,
                                const ARG4&                            a4,
                                const ARG5&                            a5,
                                bslma::Allocator                      *,
                                bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  const ARG5&                                        a5,
                  const ARG6&                                        a6,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(bsl::allocator_arg, allocator, a1, a2, a3, a4,
                                a5, a6);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  const ARG5&                                        a5,
                  const ARG6&                                        a6,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, allocator);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6>
ScalarPrimitives_Imp::construct(TARGET_TYPE                           *address,
                                const ARG1&                            a1,
                                const ARG2&                            a2,
                                const ARG3&                            a3,
                                const ARG4&                            a4,
                                const ARG5&                            a5,
                                const ARG6&                            a6,
                                bslma::Allocator                      *,
                                bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6, class ARG7>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  const ARG5&                                        a5,
                  const ARG6&                                        a6,
                  const ARG7&                                        a7,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(bsl::allocator_arg, allocator, a1, a2, a3, a4,
                                a5, a6, a7);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6, class ARG7>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  const ARG5&                                        a5,
                  const ARG6&                                        a6,
                  const ARG7&                                        a7,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, allocator);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2, class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6, class ARG7>
ScalarPrimitives_Imp::construct(TARGET_TYPE                           *address,
                                const ARG1&                            a1,
                                const ARG2&                            a2,
                                const ARG3&                            a3,
                                const ARG4&                            a4,
                                const ARG5&                            a5,
                                const ARG6&                            a6,
                                const ARG7&                            a7,
                                bslma::Allocator                      *,
                                bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  const ARG5&                                        a5,
                  const ARG6&                                        a6,
                  const ARG7&                                        a7,
                  const ARG8&                                        a8,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(bsl::allocator_arg, allocator, a1, a2, a3, a4,
                                a5, a6, a7, a8);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  const ARG5&                                        a5,
                  const ARG6&                                        a6,
                  const ARG7&                                        a7,
                  const ARG8&                                        a8,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, allocator);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8>
ScalarPrimitives_Imp::construct(TARGET_TYPE                           *address,
                                const ARG1&                            a1,
                                const ARG2&                            a2,
                                const ARG3&                            a3,
                                const ARG4&                            a4,
                                const ARG5&                            a5,
                                const ARG6&                            a6,
                                const ARG7&                            a7,
                                const ARG8&                            a8,
                                bslma::Allocator                      *,
                                bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8, class ARG9>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  const ARG5&                                        a5,
                  const ARG6&                                        a6,
                  const ARG7&                                        a7,
                  const ARG8&                                        a8,
                  const ARG9&                                        a9,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(bsl::allocator_arg, allocator, a1, a2, a3, a4,
                                a5, a6, a7, a8, a9);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8, class ARG9>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  const ARG5&                                        a5,
                  const ARG6&                                        a6,
                  const ARG7&                                        a7,
                  const ARG8&                                        a8,
                  const ARG9&                                        a9,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, allocator);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8, class ARG9>
ScalarPrimitives_Imp::construct(TARGET_TYPE                           *address,
                                const ARG1&                            a1,
                                const ARG2&                            a2,
                                const ARG3&                            a3,
                                const ARG4&                            a4,
                                const ARG5&                            a5,
                                const ARG6&                            a6,
                                const ARG7&                            a7,
                                const ARG8&                            a8,
                                const ARG9&                            a9,
                                bslma::Allocator                      *,
                                bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8, class ARG9, class ARG10>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  const ARG5&                                        a5,
                  const ARG6&                                        a6,
                  const ARG7&                                        a7,
                  const ARG8&                                        a8,
                  const ARG9&                                        a9,
                  const ARG10&                                       a10,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *)
     ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(bsl::allocator_arg, allocator, a1, a2, a3, a4,
                                 a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8, class ARG9, class ARG10>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  const ARG5&                                        a5,
                  const ARG6&                                        a6,
                  const ARG7&                                        a7,
                  const ARG8&                                        a8,
                  const ARG9&                                        a9,
                  const ARG10&                                       a10,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10,

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8, class ARG9, class ARG10>
ScalarPrimitives_Imp::construct(TARGET_TYPE                           *address,
                                const ARG1&                            a1,
                                const ARG2&                            a2,
                                const ARG3&                            a3,
                                const ARG4&                            a4,
                                const ARG5&                            a5,
                                const ARG6&                            a6,
                                const ARG7&                            a7,
                                const ARG8&                            a8,
                                const ARG9&                            a9,
                                const ARG10&                           a10,
                                bslma::Allocator                      *,
                                bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8, class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  const ARG5&                                        a5,
                  const ARG6&                                        a6,
                  const ARG7&                                        a7,
                  const ARG8&                                        a8,
                  const ARG9&                                        a9,
                  const ARG10&                                       a10,
                  const ARG11&                                       a11,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *)
     ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(bsl::allocator_arg, allocator, a1, a2, a3, a4,
                                 a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8, class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  const ARG5&                                        a5,
                  const ARG6&                                        a6,
                  const ARG7&                                        a7,
                  const ARG8&                                        a8,
                  const ARG9&                                        a9,
                  const ARG10&                                       a10,
                  const ARG11&                                       a11,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11,

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8, class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11>
ScalarPrimitives_Imp::construct(TARGET_TYPE                           *address,
                                const ARG1&                            a1,
                                const ARG2&                            a2,
                                const ARG3&                            a3,
                                const ARG4&                            a4,
                                const ARG5&                            a5,
                                const ARG6&                            a6,
                                const ARG7&                            a7,
                                const ARG8&                            a8,
                                const ARG9&                            a9,
                                const ARG10&                           a10,
                                const ARG11&                           a11,
                                bslma::Allocator                      *,
                                bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8, class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11,
          class ARG12>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  const ARG5&                                        a5,
                  const ARG6&                                        a6,
                  const ARG7&                                        a7,
                  const ARG8&                                        a8,
                  const ARG9&                                        a9,
                  const ARG10&                                       a10,
                  const ARG11&                                       a11,
                  const ARG12&                                       a12,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(bsl::allocator_arg, allocator, a1, a2, a3, a4,
                                a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12);

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8, class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11,
          class ARG12>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  const ARG5&                                        a5,
                  const ARG6&                                        a6,
                  const ARG7&                                        a7,
                  const ARG8&                                        a8,
                  const ARG9&                                        a9,
                  const ARG10&                                       a10,
                  const ARG11&                                       a11,
                  const ARG12&                                       a12,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(
                             a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12,

template <class TARGET_TYPE, class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4, class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8, class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11,
          class ARG12>
ScalarPrimitives_Imp::construct(TARGET_TYPE                           *address,
                                const ARG1&                            a1,
                                const ARG2&                            a2,
                                const ARG3&                            a3,
                                const ARG4&                            a4,
                                const ARG5&                            a5,
                                const ARG6&                            a6,
                                const ARG7&                            a7,
                                const ARG8&                            a8,
                                const ARG9&                            a9,
                                const ARG10&                           a10,
                                const ARG11&                           a11,
                                const ARG12&                           a12,
                                bslma::Allocator                      *,
                                bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(
                            a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12);

template <class TARGET_TYPE,  class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4,  class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8,  class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11,
          class ARG12, class ARG13>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  const ARG5&                                        a5,
                  const ARG6&                                        a6,
                  const ARG7&                                        a7,
                  const ARG8&                                        a8,
                  const ARG9&                                        a9,
                  const ARG10&                                       a10,
                  const ARG11&                                       a11,
                  const ARG12&                                       a12,
                  const ARG13&                                       a13,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(bsl::allocator_arg, allocator, a1, a2, a3, a4,
                                a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13);

template <class TARGET_TYPE,  class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4,  class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8,  class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11,
          class ARG12, class ARG13>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  const ARG5&                                        a5,
                  const ARG6&                                        a6,
                  const ARG7&                                        a7,
                  const ARG8&                                        a8,
                  const ARG9&                                        a9,
                  const ARG10&                                       a10,
                  const ARG11&                                       a11,
                  const ARG12&                                       a12,
                  const ARG13&                                       a13,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(
                        a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13,

template <class TARGET_TYPE,  class ARG1, class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4,  class ARG5, class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8,  class ARG9, class ARG10, class ARG11,
          class ARG12, class ARG13>
ScalarPrimitives_Imp::construct(TARGET_TYPE                           *address,
                                const ARG1&                            a1,
                                const ARG2&                            a2,
                                const ARG3&                            a3,
                                const ARG4&                            a4,
                                const ARG5&                            a5,
                                const ARG6&                            a6,
                                const ARG7&                            a7,
                                const ARG8&                            a8,
                                const ARG9&                            a9,
                                const ARG10&                           a10,
                                const ARG11&                           a11,
                                const ARG12&                           a12,
                                const ARG13&                           a13,
                                bslma::Allocator                      *,
                                bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(
                       a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13);

template <class TARGET_TYPE,  class ARG1,  class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4,  class ARG5,  class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8,  class ARG9,  class ARG10, class ARG11,
          class ARG12, class ARG13, class ARG14>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  const ARG5&                                        a5,
                  const ARG6&                                        a6,
                  const ARG7&                                        a7,
                  const ARG8&                                        a8,
                  const ARG9&                                        a9,
                  const ARG10&                                       a10,
                  const ARG11&                                       a11,
                  const ARG12&                                       a12,
                  const ARG13&                                       a13,
                  const ARG14&                                       a14,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_ALLOCATOR_ARG_T_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(bsl::allocator_arg, allocator, a1, a2, a3, a4,
                                a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14);

template <class TARGET_TYPE,  class ARG1,  class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4,  class ARG5,  class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8,  class ARG9,  class ARG10, class ARG11,
          class ARG12, class ARG13, class ARG14>
                  TARGET_TYPE                                       *address,
                  const ARG1&                                        a1,
                  const ARG2&                                        a2,
                  const ARG3&                                        a3,
                  const ARG4&                                        a4,
                  const ARG5&                                        a5,
                  const ARG6&                                        a6,
                  const ARG7&                                        a7,
                  const ARG8&                                        a8,
                  const ARG9&                                        a9,
                  const ARG10&                                       a10,
                  const ARG11&                                       a11,
                  const ARG12&                                       a12,
                  const ARG13&                                       a13,
                  const ARG14&                                       a14,
                  bslma::Allocator                                  *allocator,
                  bsl::integral_constant<int, e_USES_BSLMA_ALLOCATOR_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(
                   a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14,

template <class TARGET_TYPE,  class ARG1,  class ARG2,  class ARG3,
          class ARG4,  class ARG5,  class ARG6,  class ARG7,
          class ARG8,  class ARG9,  class ARG10, class ARG11,
          class ARG12, class ARG13, class ARG14>
ScalarPrimitives_Imp::construct(TARGET_TYPE                           *address,
                                const ARG1&                            a1,
                                const ARG2&                            a2,
                                const ARG3&                            a3,
                                const ARG4&                            a4,
                                const ARG5&                            a5,
                                const ARG6&                            a6,
                                const ARG7&                            a7,
                                const ARG8&                            a8,
                                const ARG9&                            a9,
                                const ARG10&                           a10,
                                const ARG11&                           a11,
                                const ARG12&                           a12,
                                const ARG13&                           a13,
                                const ARG14&                           a14,
                                bslma::Allocator                      *,
                                bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    ::new (address) TARGET_TYPE(
                  a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14);

                          // *** swap overloads: ***

template <class LHS_TYPE, class RHS_TYPE>
void ScalarPrimitives_Imp::swap(
                      LHS_TYPE&                                            lhs,
                      RHS_TYPE&                                            rhs,
                      bsl::integral_constant<int, e_BITWISE_MOVEABLE_TRAITS> *)
    if (bsl::is_same<LHS_TYPE, RHS_TYPE>::value
     && !bsl::is_fundamental<LHS_TYPE>::value
     && !bsl::is_pointer<LHS_TYPE>::value
     && !bslmf::UsesAllocatorArgT<LHS_TYPE>::value
     && !bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator<LHS_TYPE>::value) {
        // Detectable at compile-time, this condition ensures that we don't
        // call library functions for fundamental types.  It also ensures we
        // don't bitwise swap types that use allocators, as there is no easy
        // way to confirm allocators are the same for an arbitrary 'LHS_TYPE'.
        // Note that assignment can throw only for types that use allocators.

        char arena[sizeof lhs];
        memcpy(arena, BSLS_UTIL_ADDRESSOF(lhs), sizeof lhs);
        memcpy((void *)BSLS_UTIL_ADDRESSOF(lhs),
               sizeof lhs);                         // no overlap, or identical
        memcpy((void *)BSLS_UTIL_ADDRESSOF(rhs), arena, sizeof lhs);
    } else {
        LHS_TYPE temp(lhs);
        lhs = rhs;
        rhs = temp;

template <class LHS_TYPE, class RHS_TYPE>
void ScalarPrimitives_Imp::swap(LHS_TYPE&                   lhs,
                                RHS_TYPE&                   rhs,
                                bsl::integral_constant<int, e_NIL_TRAITS> *)
    LHS_TYPE temp(lhs);
    lhs = rhs;
    rhs = temp;

}  // close package namespace

// ============================================================================
//                           BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY
// ============================================================================

typedef bslalg::ScalarPrimitives bslalg_ScalarPrimitives;
    // This alias is defined for backward compatibility.

}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2013 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------