// bdlt_currenttime.h                                                 -*-C++-*-

#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide utilities to retrieve the current time.
//   bdlt::CurrentTime: namespace for current-time procedures
//@SEE_ALSO: bsls_timeinterval, bdlt_systemtimeutil
//@DESCRIPTION: This component, 'bdlt::CurrentTime', provides static methods
// for retrieving the current time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and in
// the local time zone of the executing process.  It also provides a facility
// for customizing the means by which the time is retrieved.
///Thread Safety
// The functions provided by 'bdlt::CurrentTime' are *thread-safe* (meaning
// they may be called concurrently from multiple threads), including those that
// set and retrieve the callback function.  In addition, user-supplied callback
// functions must be *thread-safe*.
// This section illustrates intended use of this component.
///Example 1: Repeatable Tests Involving Current Time
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Suppose we are writing an application which involves dealing with the
// current time (for example, a clock displaying it).  In order to test the
// application, we would like to be able to control the time it sees.  We can
// use 'bdlt::CurrentTime' for this purpose.
// First, we create a sample application.  For this example, we simply have it
// retrieve the current time in several formats:
//  void sampleApplication(bdlt::Datetime     *local,
//                         bdlt::Datetime     *utc,
//                         bsls::TimeInterval *now)
//      // Retrieve versions of the current time into the specified 'local',
//      // 'utc', and 'now' parameters.
//  {
//      *local = bdlt::CurrentTime::local();
//      *utc   = bdlt::CurrentTime::utc();
//      *now   = bdlt::CurrentTime::now();
//  }
// Then, we create a method to test whether the application is producing the
// expected results:
//  bool checkApplication(bdlt::Datetime     expectedLocal,
//                        bdlt::Datetime     expectedUtc,
//                        bsls::TimeInterval expectedNow)
//      // Return 'true' iff 'sampleApplication' returns values matching the
//      // specified expected values 'expectedLocal', 'expectedUtc', and
//      // 'expectedNow'.
//  {
//      bdlt::Datetime     local;
//      bdlt::Datetime     utc;
//      bsls::TimeInterval now;
//      sampleApplication(&local, &utc, &now);
//      return expectedLocal == local &&
//             expectedUtc   == utc   &&
//             expectedNow   == now;
//  }
// Next, we create a class allowing us to set the current time which will be
// seen by the application:
//  class TestCurrentTimeGuard {
//      // Maintain and return a "current time" value.
//    private:
//      bdlt::CurrentTime::CurrentTimeCallback d_prev;  // old callback
//    public:
//      TestCurrentTimeGuard();
//          // Create an object of this type, installing the handler.
//      ~TestCurrentTimeGuard();
//          // Destroy an object of this type, restoring the handler.
//      static bsls::TimeInterval time();
//          // Return 's_time'.
//      static bsls::TimeInterval s_time;               // the "current time"
//  };
//  bsls::TimeInterval TestCurrentTimeGuard::s_time;
//  TestCurrentTimeGuard::TestCurrentTimeGuard()
//  : d_prev(bdlt::CurrentTime::setCurrentTimeCallback(time))
//  {
//  }
//  TestCurrentTimeGuard::~TestCurrentTimeGuard()
//  {
//      bdlt::CurrentTime::setCurrentTimeCallback(d_prev);
//  }
//  bsls::TimeInterval TestCurrentTimeGuard::time()
//  {
//      return s_time;
//  }
// Finally, we write a method that tests that our application is functioning
// correctly:
//  void testApplication()
//      // Test the application.
//  {
//      TestCurrentTimeGuard tct;
//      TestCurrentTimeGuard::s_time = bdlt::EpochUtil::convertToTimeInterval(
//                                                   bdlt::EpochUtil::epoch());
//      bdlt::Datetime     local;
//      bdlt::Datetime     utc;
//      bsls::TimeInterval now;
//      sampleApplication(&local, &utc, &now);
//      TestCurrentTimeGuard::s_time += 1E6;
//      local.addSeconds(1000000);
//      utc.addSeconds(1000000);
//      now += 1E6;
//      assert(checkApplication(local, utc, now));
//  }

#include <bdlscm_version.h>

#include <bdlt_datetime.h>
#include <bdlt_datetimetz.h>
#include <bdlt_epochutil.h>
#include <bdlt_localtimeoffset.h>

#include <bsls_assert.h>
#include <bsls_atomicoperations.h>
#include <bsls_timeinterval.h>
#include <bsls_types.h>

#include <bdlt_intervalconversionutil.h>

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace bdlt {

                            // ==================
                            // struct CurrentTime
                            // ==================

struct CurrentTime {
    // This 'struct' provides a namespace for current-time-retrieval procedures
    // including a configurable global callback mechanism.  The use of a
    // *subset* of these procedures is thread-safe (see 'Thread Safety').
    // TYPES
    typedef bsls::TimeInterval (*CurrentTimeCallback)();
        // 'CurrentTimeCallback' is a callback function pointer for a callback
        // function that returns a 'bsls::TimeInterval' object.  This function
        // must be thread-safe in multi-threaded builds.

    static bsls::AtomicOperations::AtomicTypes::Pointer
                                            // address of current-time callback


                        // ** now functions **

    static Datetime local();
        // Return the 'Datetime' value representing the current date/time in
        // the local time zone, as provided by the installed callback function
        // and the facilities of 'LocalTimeOffset'.

    static bsls::TimeInterval now();
        // Return the 'TimeInterval' value between 'EpochUtil::epoch()' and the
        // current date/time as provided by the installed callback function.
        // Note that this value is independent of time zone.

    static Datetime utc();
        // Return the 'Datetime' value representing the current date/time in
        // Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) as provided by the installed
        // callback function.

    static DatetimeTz asDatetimeTz();
        // Return the 'DatetimeTz' value representing the current date/time in
        // the local time zone, and the local time zone's offset from UTC, as
        // provided by the installed callback function and the facilities of
        // 'LocalTimeOffset'.

                        // ** callback functions **

    static CurrentTimeCallback currentTimeCallback();
        // Return the installed function used to retrieve the interval between
        // 'EpochUtil::epoch()' and the current date/time,

    static CurrentTimeCallback
    setCurrentTimeCallback(CurrentTimeCallback callback);
        // Set the specified 'callback' as the function to be used to retrieve
        // the interval between 'EpochUtil::epoch()' and the current date/time,
        // and return the previously set function.

                        // ** default callback function **

    static bsls::TimeInterval currentTimeDefault();
        // Return the 'TimeInterval' value between 'EpochUtil::epoch()' and the
        // current date/time.  This is the default current-time callback
        // implementation for current time retrieval.  The obtained time is
        // expressed as a time interval from '00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970'.  On
        // UNIX (Solaris, LINUX and DG-UNIX) this function provides a
        // microsecond resolution.  On Windows (NT, WIN2000, 95, 98 etc) it
        // provides a resolution of 100 nanoseconds.

// ============================================================================
//                             INLINE DEFINITIONS
// ============================================================================

                            // -----------------
                            // class CurrentTime
                            // -----------------


                        // ** now functions **

Datetime CurrentTime::local()
    Datetime now = utc();


    return now;

bsls::TimeInterval CurrentTime::now()
    return currentTimeCallback()();

Datetime CurrentTime::utc()
    return EpochUtil::epoch() + now();

                        // ** callback functions **

CurrentTime::CurrentTimeCallback CurrentTime::currentTimeCallback()
    return reinterpret_cast<CurrentTimeCallback>(

CurrentTime::setCurrentTimeCallback(CurrentTimeCallback callback)

    CurrentTimeCallback previousCallback = currentTimeCallback();

        reinterpret_cast<void *>(

    return previousCallback;

}  // close package namespace
}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2016 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------