// bdlma_infrequentdeleteblocklist.h                                  -*-C++-*-

#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide allocation and management of infrequently deleted blocks.
//  bdlma::InfrequentDeleteBlockList: manager of infrequently deleted blocks
//@SEE_ALSO: bdlma_blocklist
//@DESCRIPTION: This component implements a low-level memory manager,
// 'bdlma::InfrequentDeleteBlockList', that allocates and manages a sequence of
// memory blocks, each of a potentially different size as specified during the
// 'allocate' method's invocation.  The 'release' method of a
// 'bdlma::InfrequentDeleteBlockList' object deallocates the entire sequence of
// outstanding memory blocks, as does its destructor.  Note that, in contrast
// to 'bdlma::BlockList', the 'bdlma::InfrequentDeleteBlockList' class does
// *not* support the deallocation of individual items.  In particular, although
// 'bdlma::InfrequentDeleteBlockList' has a 'deallocate' method, that method
// has no effect.
// This section illustrates intended use of this component.
///Example 1: Creating a Memory Pools for Strings
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// A 'bdlma::InfrequentDeleteBlockList' object is commonly used to supply
// memory to more elaborate memory managers that distribute parts of each
// (larger) allocated memory block supplied by the
// 'bdlma::InfrequentDeleteBlockList' object.  The 'my_StrPool' memory pool
// manager shown below requests relatively large blocks of memory from its
// 'bdlma::InfrequentDeleteBlockList' member object and distributes memory
// chunks of varying sizes from each block on demand:
//  // my_strpool.h
//  class my_StrPool {
//      // DATA
//      char                   *d_block_p;    // current memory block
//      bsls::Types::size_type  d_blockSize;  // size of current memory block
//      bsls::Types::IntPtr     d_cursor;     // offset to next available byte
//                                            // in block
//      bdlma::InfrequentDeleteBlockList
//                              d_blockList;  // supplies managed memory blocks
//    private:
//      void *allocateBlock(bsls::Types::size_type numBytes);
//          // Request a memory block of at least the specified 'numBytes' size
//          // and allocate the initial 'numBytes' from this block.  Return the
//          // address of the allocated memory.  The behavior is undefined
//          // unless '0 < numBytes'.
//    private:
//      my_StrPool(const my_StrPool&);
//      my_StrPool& operator=(const my_StrPool&);
//    public:
//      // CREATORS
//      explicit
//      my_StrPool(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator = 0);
//          // Create a string pool.  Optionally specify a 'basicAllocator'
//          // used to supply memory.  If 'basicAllocator' is 0, the currently
//          // installed default allocator is used.
//      ~my_StrPool();
//          // Destroy this object and release all associated memory.
//      void *allocate(bsls::Types::size_type size);
//          // Return the address of a contiguous block of memory of the
//          // specified 'size' (in bytes).  If 'size' is 0, no memory is
//          // allocated and 0 is returned.
//      void release();
//          // Release all memory currently allocated through this object.
//  };
//  inline
//  void my_StrPool::release()
//  {
//      d_blockList.release();
//      d_block_p = 0;
//  }
//  // ...
//  // my_strpool.cpp
//  enum {
//      k_INITIAL_SIZE  = 128,  // initial block size
//      k_GROWTH_FACTOR =   2,  // multiplicative factor by which to grow block
//      k_THRESHOLD     = 128   // size beyond which an individual block may be
//                              // allocated if it doesn't fit in current block
//  };
//  void *my_StrPool::allocateBlock(bsls::Types::size_type numBytes)
//  {
//      assert(0 < numBytes);
//      if (k_THRESHOLD < numBytes) {
//          // Allocate separate block if above threshold.
//          return reinterpret_cast<char *>(
//                                  d_blockList.allocate(numBytes));  // RETURN
//      }
//      if (d_block_p) {
//          // Do not increase block size if no current block.
//          d_blockSize *= k_GROWTH_FACTOR;
//      }
//      d_block_p = reinterpret_cast<char*>(d_blockList.allocate(d_blockSize));
//      d_cursor  = numBytes;
//      return d_block_p;
//  }
//  my_StrPool::my_StrPool(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator)
//  : d_block_p(0)
//  , d_blockSize(k_INITIAL_SIZE)
//  , d_cursor(0)
//  , d_blockList(basicAllocator)  // the blocklist knows about 'bslma_default'
//  {
//  }
//  my_StrPool::~my_StrPool()
//  {
//      assert(k_INITIAL_SIZE <= d_blockSize);
//      assert(!d_block_p || (0 <= d_cursor && d_cursor <=
//                             static_cast<bsls::Types::IntPtr>(d_blockSize)));
//  }
//  void *my_StrPool::allocate(bsls::Types::size_type size)
//  {
//      if (0 == size) {
//          return 0;                                                 // RETURN
//      }
//      if (d_block_p && size + d_cursor <= d_blockSize) {
//          char *p = d_block_p + d_cursor;
//          d_cursor += size;
//          return p;                                                 // RETURN
//      }
//      else {
//          return allocateBlock(size);                               // RETURN
//      }
//  }
// In the code shown above, the 'my_StrPool' memory manager allocates from its
// 'bdlma::InfrequentDeleteBlockList' member object an initial memory block of
// size 'k_INITIAL_SIZE'.  This size is multiplied by 'k_GROWTH_FACTOR' each
// time a depleted memory block is replaced by a newly-allocated block.  The
// 'allocate' method distributes memory from the current memory block
// piecemeal, except when the requested size (1) is not available in the
// current block, or (2) exceeds the 'k_THRESHOLD', in which case a separate
// memory block is allocated and returned.  When the 'my_StrPool' memory
// manager is destroyed, its 'bdlma::InfrequentDeleteBlockList' member object
// is also destroyed, which in turn automatically deallocates all of its
// managed memory blocks.

#include <bdlscm_version.h>

#include <bslma_allocator.h>
#include <bslma_default.h>

#include <bsls_alignmentutil.h>
#include <bsls_types.h>

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace bdlma {

                     // ===============================
                     // class InfrequentDeleteBlockList
                     // ===============================

class InfrequentDeleteBlockList {
    // This class implements a low-level memory manager that allocates and
    // manages a sequence of memory blocks -- each potentially of a different
    // size as specified during the invocation of the 'allocate' method.  The
    // 'release' method deallocates the entire sequence of memory blocks, as
    // does the destructor.  Note that memory blocks cannot be deallocated
    // individually.

    struct Block {
        // This 'struct' overlays the beginning of each managed block of
        // allocated memory, implementing a singly-linked list of managed
        // blocks, and thereby enabling constant-time additions to the list of
        // blocks.

        Block                               *d_next_p;  // next pointer
        bsls::AlignmentUtil::MaxAlignedType  d_memory;  // force alignment

    // DATA
    Block            *d_head_p;       // address of 1st block of memory (or 0)
    bslma::Allocator *d_allocator_p;  // memory allocator (held, not owned)

    InfrequentDeleteBlockList(const InfrequentDeleteBlockList&);
    InfrequentDeleteBlockList& operator=(const InfrequentDeleteBlockList&);

    InfrequentDeleteBlockList(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator = 0);
        // Create an empty block list suitable for managing memory blocks of
        // varying sizes.  Optionally specify a 'basicAllocator' used to supply
        // memory.  If 'basicAllocator' is 0, the currently installed default
        // allocator is used.

        // Destroy this object and deallocate all outstanding memory blocks
        // managed by this object.

    void *allocate(bsls::Types::size_type size);
        // Return the address of a contiguous block of memory of the specified
        // 'size' (in bytes).  If 'size' is 0, no memory is allocated and 0 is
        // returned.  The returned memory is guaranteed to be maximally
        // aligned.

    void deallocate(void *address);
        // This method has no effect on the memory block at the specified
        // 'address' as all memory allocated by this object is managed.  The
        // behavior is undefined unless 'address' was allocated by this object,
        // and has not already been released.

    void release();
        // Deallocate all memory blocks managed by this object, returning this
        // object to its default-constructed state.

    void releaseAllButLastBlock();
        // Deallocate all except the most-recently obtained block of the memory
        // blocks managed by this object.  If no blocks are managed, this
        // method has no effect.

                                  // Aspects

    bslma::Allocator *allocator() const;
        // Return the allocator used by this object to supply memory.

// ============================================================================
//                             INLINE DEFINITIONS
// ============================================================================

                     // -------------------------------
                     // class InfrequentDeleteBlockList
                     // -------------------------------

                                              bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator)
: d_head_p(0)
, d_allocator_p(bslma::Default::allocator(basicAllocator))

void InfrequentDeleteBlockList::deallocate(void *)

                                  // Aspects

bslma::Allocator *InfrequentDeleteBlockList::allocator() const
    return d_allocator_p;

}  // close package namespace
}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2020 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------