// bdlf_memfn.h                                                       -*-C++-*-

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                                   NOTICE
// This component is not up to date with current BDE coding standards, and
// should not be used as an example for new development.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide member function pointer wrapper classes and utility.
//          bdlf::MemFn: member function wrapper
//  bdlf::MemFnInstance: member function wrapper with embedded instance pointer
//      bdlf::MemFnUtil: utility for constructing wrapper objects
//@SEE_ALSO: bdlf_bind
//@DESCRIPTION: This component provides a member function pointer wrapper that
// wraps a member function pointer such that it can be invoked in syntactically
// the same manner as a free function.  Two wrappers, each supporting member
// function pointers that accept from zero to fourteen arguments, are provided,
// as well as a utility to create such wrappers.  Member function wrappers are
// commonly used as function objects for standard algorithms.
// The first wrapper, 'bdlf::MemFn', contains a member function pointer and
// must be invoked with the first argument being a pointer or reference to the
// instance on which the function should be invoked, with the remaining
// arguments passed as arguments to the member function; that is, a wrapper
// 'memFn' containing a pointer to a given 'memberFunction' can be invoked as
// 'memFn(&object, args...)' as opposed to 'object.memberFunction(args...)'.
// The second wrapper, 'bdlf::MemFnInstance', contains both the member function
// pointer and a pointer to an instance of the type which contains the member,
// and is invoked with arguments which are passed as arguments to the member
// function; that is, a wrapper 'memFnInstance' containing pointers to both a
// given 'memberFunction' and to an 'object' instance can be invoked as
// 'memFnInstance(args...)' as opposed to 'object.memberFunction(args...)'.
// Finally, the 'bdlf::MemFnUtil' utility class provides utility functions for
// constructing 'bdlf::MemFn' and 'bdlf::MemFnInstance' objects.
// This section illustrates intended use of this component.
///Example 1: Basic Usage
/// - - - - - - - - - - -
// To illustrate basic usage more concretely, let us introduce a generic type:
//  class MyObject {
//    public:
//      void doSomething(int, const char *);
//  };
// The following function invokes the member function 'doSomething' on the
// specified 'objectPtr', with the two arguments 100 and "Hello", in two
// different ways.  In both cases, 'object' is passed as parameter to a
// function, and a wrapper is built containing a pointer to the 'doSomething'
// member function.  In the 'bdlf::MemFn' case, the wrapper can be built once,
// so we make it a 'static' local variable:
//  void doSomethingWithMemFn(MyObject *objectPtr)
//  {
//      typedef bdlf::MemFn<void (MyObject::*)(int, const char *)> MemFnType;
//      static MemFnType func(&MyObject::doSomething);
//      func(objectPtr, 100, "Hello");
//  }
// In the 'bdlf::MemFnInstance' case, the wrapper needs to contain the object
// as well, so it must be created at every function call:
//  void doSomethingWithMemFnInstance(MyObject *objectPtr)
//  {
//      typedef bdlf::MemFnInstance<void (MyObject::*)(int, const char*),
//                                 MyObject*> MemFnInstanceType;
//      MemFnInstanceType func(&MyObject::doSomething, objectPtr);
//      func(100, "Hello");
//  }
// This latter example is for exposition only.  It would be much easier to
// invoke the member function directly.  Note that both function calls
// ultimately result in the member function call:
//  objectPtr->doSomething(100, "Hello");
///Example 2: Usage with Standard Algorithms
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// The following example demonstrates the use of 'bdlf::MemFn' with the
// standard algorithms 'find_if' and 'for_each'.  First we declare the
// 'MyConnection' and 'MyConnectionManager' classes used in the example,
// keeping the class definitions short to highlight the member functions for
// which we will later build wrappers:
//  class MyConnection {
//      // DATA (not shown)
//    public:
//      // CREATORS (not shown)
//      void disconnect();
//      // ACCESSORS
//      bool isAvailable() const;
//  };
//  class MyConnectionManager {
//      // PRIVATE TYPES
//      typedef bsl::list<MyConnection *> MyConnectionList;
//      // DATA
//      MyConnectionList d_list;
//    public:
//      // CREATORS (not shown)
//      void disconnectAll();
//      // ACCESSORS
//      MyConnection *nextAvailable() const;
//  };
// The 'nextAvailable' function returns the next 'MyConnection' object that is
// available.  The 'find_if' algorithm is used to search the list for the first
// 'MyConnection' object that is available.  'find_if' invokes the provided
// function object for each item in the list until a 'true' result is returned,
// or the end of the list is reached.  A 'bdlf::MemFn' object bound to the
// 'MyConnection::isAvailable' member function is used as the test functor.
// Note that the type of this object is never spelled out, it is built on the
// fly using the 'bdlf::MemFnUtil' utility before being passed as a functor to
// the 'bsl::find_if' algorithm:
//  MyConnection *MyConnectionManager::nextAvailable() const
//  {
//      MyConnectionList::const_iterator it =
//          bsl::find_if(d_list.begin(),
//                       d_list.end(),
//                       bdlf::MemFnUtil::memFn(&MyConnection::isAvailable));
//      return it == d_list.end() ? 0 : *it;
//  }
// The 'disconnectAll' function calls 'disconnect' on each 'MyConnection'
// object in the list.  The 'for_each' algorithm is used to iterate through
// each 'MyConnection' object in the list and invoke the 'disconnect' method:
//  void MyConnectionManager::disconnectAll()
//  {
//      bsl::for_each(d_list.begin(),
//                    d_list.end(),
//                    bdlf::MemFnUtil::memFn(&MyConnection::disconnect));
//  }

#include <bdlscm_version.h>

#include <bslalg_constructorproxy.h>

#include <bslma_default.h>
#include <bslma_usesbslmaallocator.h>

#include <bslmf_assert.h>
#include <bslmf_forwardingtype.h>
#include <bslmf_haspointersemantics.h>
#include <bslmf_integralconstant.h>
#include <bslmf_ispointer.h>
#include <bslmf_memberfunctionpointertraits.h>
#include <bslmf_typelist.h>

#include <bslma_allocator.h>

namespace BloombergLP {

namespace bdlf {
                          // =======================
                          // class MemFn_Dereference
                          // =======================

template <class OBJTYPE>
struct MemFn_Dereference {
    // This utility is used to convert user supplied values to references to
    // 'OBJTYPE' for object references that are directly convertible to
    // 'OBJTYPE', the reference is returned directly.  For pointers and objects
    // that are not directly convertible (e.g., "smart pointers to 'OBJTYPE'"),
    // the result of '*OBJECT' is returned, where 'OBJECT' is the pointer or
    // object reference.

    static inline OBJTYPE& derefImp(OBJTYPE& obj, bsl::false_type *)
        return obj;

    template <class TYPE>
    static inline OBJTYPE& derefImp(TYPE& obj, bsl::true_type *)
        return *obj;

    template <class TYPE>
    static inline OBJTYPE& derefImp(const TYPE& obj, bsl::true_type *)
        return *obj;

    template <class TYPE>
    static inline OBJTYPE& deref(TYPE& obj)
        return derefImp(obj, (bslmf::HasPointerSemantics<TYPE> *)0);

    template <class TYPE>
    static inline OBJTYPE& deref(const TYPE& obj)
        return derefImp(obj, (bslmf::HasPointerSemantics<TYPE> *)0);

                                // ===========
                                // class MemFn
                                // ===========

template <class PROTOTYPE>
class MemFn {
    // This class encapsulates a member function pointer having the
    // parameterized 'PROTOTYPE', such that the member function pointer can be
    // invoked in syntactically the same manner as a free function pointer.
    // When invoking a member function through this wrapper, the first argument
    // must be a pointer or reference to the instance on which to invoke the
    // member function pointer.  Zero to fourteen additional arguments may be
    // specified depending on 'PROTOTYPE'.

    typedef bslmf::MemberFunctionPointerTraits<PROTOTYPE> Traits;

    BSLMF_ASSERT(Traits::IS_MEMBER_FUNCTION_PTR);  // otherwise none of the
                                                   // 'typedef's below make any
                                                   // sense

    // TYPES
    typedef typename Traits::ResultType   ResultType;
        // 'ResultType' is an alias for the type of the object returned by an
        // invocation of this member function wrapper.

    typedef typename Traits::ArgumentList Args;
        // 'Args' is an alias for the list of arguments passed to an invocation
        // of this member function wrapper, expressed as a 'bslmf_Typelist'.

    typedef typename Traits::ClassType    ObjectType;
        // 'ObjectType' is an alias for the class type to which the member
        // function that is wrapped belongs.

    typedef PROTOTYPE                     Prototype;
        // 'ProtoType' is an alias for the parameterized 'PROTOTYPE' passed as
        // a template argument to this wrapper.

    typedef PROTOTYPE                     ProtoType;
        // 'ProtoType' is an alias for the parameterized 'PROTOTYPE' passed as
        // a template argument to this wrapper.
        // *DEPRECATED*: Use 'Prototype' instead.

    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf< 1, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG1;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf< 2, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG2;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf< 3, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG3;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf< 4, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG4;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf< 5, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG5;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf< 6, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG6;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf< 7, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG7;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf< 8, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG8;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf< 9, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG9;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf<10, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG10;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf<11, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG11;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf<12, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG12;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf<13, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG13;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf<14, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG14;
        // 'AN', for 'N' from 1 up to 14, is an alias for the type of the 'N'th
        // argument in the 'Args' list.

    typedef MemFn_Dereference<ObjectType>                        Deref;

    // DATA
    PROTOTYPE d_func_p;  // pointer to member function

    MemFn(PROTOTYPE func);
        // Create a member function pointer wrapper holding the address of the
        // specified 'func' member function having the parameterized
        // 'PROTOTYPE'.

    MemFn(const MemFn<PROTOTYPE>& original);
        // Create a member function pointer wrapper holding the address of the
        // same member function as the specified 'original' object.

    // ~MemFn();
        // Destroy this object.  Note that this trivial destructor is generated
        // by the compiler.

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(INSTANCE& object) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with no specified arguments, and
        // return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if this member
        // function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)();

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(INSTANCE& object, ARG1 arg1) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified argument 'arg1',
        // and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if this member
        // function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1);  // see NOTES above

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(INSTANCE& object, ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified argument 'arg1' up
        // to 'arg2', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if
        // this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2);  // etc.

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(INSTANCE& object,
                                ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified argument 'arg1' up
        // to 'arg3', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if
        // this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3);

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(INSTANCE& object,
                                ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3,
                                ARG4 arg4) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified argument 'arg1' up
        // to 'arg4', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if
        // this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(INSTANCE& object,
                                ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4 arg4,
                                ARG5 arg5) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified argument 'arg1' up
        // to 'arg5', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if
        // this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(INSTANCE& object,
                                ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4 arg4,
                                ARG5 arg5, ARG6 arg6) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified argument 'arg1' up
        // to 'arg6', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if
        // this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(INSTANCE& object,
                                ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4 arg4,
                                ARG5 arg5, ARG6 arg6, ARG7 arg7) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified argument 'arg1' up
        // to 'arg7', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if
        // this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,
                                                arg6, arg7);

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(INSTANCE& object,
                                ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4 arg4,
                                ARG5 arg5, ARG6 arg6, ARG7 arg7,
                                ARG8 arg8) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified argument 'arg1' up
        // to 'arg8', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if
        // this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,
                                                arg6, arg7, arg8);

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(INSTANCE& object,
                                ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4 arg4,
                                ARG5 arg5, ARG6 arg6, ARG7 arg7, ARG8 arg8,
                                ARG9 arg9) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified argument 'arg1' up
        // to 'arg9', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if
        // this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,
                                                arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9);

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(INSTANCE& object,
                                ARG1 arg1, ARG2  arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4  arg4,
                                ARG5 arg5, ARG6  arg6, ARG7 arg7, ARG8 arg8,
                                ARG9 arg9, ARG10 arg10) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified argument 'arg1' up
        // to 'arg10', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if
        // this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,
                                                arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10);

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(INSTANCE& object,
                                ARG1 arg1, ARG2  arg2,  ARG3 arg3, ARG4 arg4,
                                ARG5 arg5, ARG6  arg6,  ARG7 arg7, ARG8 arg8,
                                ARG9 arg9, ARG10 arg10, ARG11 arg11) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified argument 'arg1' up
        // to 'arg11', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if
        // this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1,  arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,
                                                arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10,

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(INSTANCE& object,
                                ARG1  arg1,  ARG2  arg2,  ARG3  arg3,
                                ARG4  arg4,  ARG5  arg5,  ARG6  arg6,
                                ARG7  arg7,  ARG8  arg8,  ARG9  arg9,
                                ARG10 arg10, ARG11 arg11, ARG12 arg12) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified argument 'arg1' up
        // to 'arg12', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if
        // this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3,  arg4,  arg5,
                                                arg6,  arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10,
                                                arg11, arg12);

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(INSTANCE& object,
                                ARG1  arg1,  ARG2  arg2,  ARG3  arg3,
                                ARG4  arg4,  ARG5  arg5,  ARG6  arg6,
                                ARG7  arg7,  ARG8  arg8,  ARG9  arg9,
                                ARG10 arg10, ARG11 arg11, ARG12 arg12,
                                ARG13 arg13) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified argument 'arg1' up
        // to 'arg13', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if
        // this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3,  arg4,  arg5,
                                                arg6,  arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10,
                                                arg11, arg12, arg13);

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(INSTANCE& object,
                                 ARG1  arg1,  ARG2  arg2,  ARG3  arg3,
                                 ARG4  arg4,  ARG5  arg5,  ARG6  arg6,
                                 ARG7  arg7,  ARG8  arg8,  ARG9  arg9,
                                 ARG10 arg10, ARG11 arg11, ARG12 arg12,
                                 ARG13 arg13, ARG14 arg14) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified argument 'arg1' up
        // to 'arg14', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if
        // this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3,  arg4,  arg5,
                                                arg6,  arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10,
                                                arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14);

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(const INSTANCE& object) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a non-modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with no arguments, and return the
        // result of this invocation, or 'void' if this member function pointer
        // does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)();

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(const INSTANCE& object, ARG1 arg1) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a non-modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified argument 'arg1',
        // and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if this member
        // function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1);

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(const INSTANCE& object, ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a non-modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified arguments 'arg1'
        // up to 'arg2', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if
        // this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2);

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(const INSTANCE& object,
                                      ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a non-modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified arguments 'arg1'
        // up to 'arg3', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if
        // this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3);

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(const INSTANCE& object,
                                      ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3,
                                      ARG4 arg4) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a non-modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified arguments 'arg1'
        // up to 'arg4', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if
        // this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(const INSTANCE& object,
                                      ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3,
                                      ARG4 arg4, ARG5 arg5) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a non-modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified arguments 'arg1'
        // up to 'arg5', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if
        // this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(const INSTANCE& object,
                                      ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3,
                                      ARG4 arg4, ARG5 arg5, ARG6 arg6) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a non-modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified arguments 'arg1'
        // up to 'arg6', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if
        // this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(const INSTANCE& object,
                                      ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3,
                                      ARG4 arg4, ARG5 arg5, ARG6 arg6,
                                      ARG7 arg7) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a non-modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified arguments 'arg1'
        // up to 'arg7', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if
        // this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,
                                                arg6, arg7);

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(const INSTANCE& object,
                                      ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3,
                                      ARG4 arg4, ARG5 arg5, ARG6 arg6,
                                      ARG7 arg7, ARG8 arg8) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a non-modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified arguments 'arg1'
        // up to 'arg8', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if
        // this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,
                                                arg6, arg7, arg8);

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(const INSTANCE& object,
                                      ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3,
                                      ARG4 arg4, ARG5 arg5, ARG6 arg6,
                                      ARG7 arg7, ARG8 arg8, ARG9 arg9) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a non-modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified arguments 'arg1'
        // up to 'arg9', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if
        // this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,
                                                arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9);

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(const INSTANCE& object,
                                      ARG1  arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3,
                                      ARG4  arg4, ARG5 arg5, ARG6 arg6,
                                      ARG7  arg7, ARG8 arg8, ARG9 arg9,
                                      ARG10 arg10) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a non-modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified arguments 'arg1'
        // up to 'arg10', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void'
        // if this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,
                                                arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10);

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(const INSTANCE& object,
                                      ARG1  arg1,  ARG2  arg2, ARG3 arg3,
                                      ARG4  arg4,  ARG5  arg5, ARG6 arg6,
                                      ARG7  arg7,  ARG8  arg8, ARG9 arg9,
                                      ARG10 arg10, ARG11 arg11) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a non-modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified arguments 'arg1'
        // up to 'arg11', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void'
        // if this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,
                                                arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10,

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(const INSTANCE& object,
                                      ARG1  arg1,  ARG2  arg2, ARG3 arg3,
                                      ARG4  arg4,  ARG5  arg5, ARG6 arg6,
                                      ARG7  arg7,  ARG8  arg8, ARG9 arg9,
                                      ARG10 arg10, ARG11 arg11,
                                      ARG12 arg12) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a non-modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified arguments 'arg1'
        // up to 'arg12', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void'
        // if this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1,  arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,
                                                arg6,  arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10,
                                                arg11, arg12);

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(const INSTANCE& object,
                                      ARG1  arg1,  ARG2  arg2,  ARG3  arg3,
                                      ARG4  arg4,  ARG5  arg5,  ARG6  arg6,
                                      ARG7  arg7,  ARG8  arg8,  ARG9  arg9,
                                      ARG10 arg10, ARG11 arg11, ARG12 arg12,
                                      ARG13 arg13) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a non-modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified arguments 'arg1'
        // up to 'arg13', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void'
        // if this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2,  arg3,  arg4,
                                                arg5, arg6,  arg7,  arg8,
                                                arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12,

    template <class INSTANCE>
    ResultType operator()(const INSTANCE& object,
                                      ARG1  arg1,  ARG2  arg2,  ARG3  arg3,
                                      ARG4  arg4,  ARG5  arg5,  ARG6  arg6,
                                      ARG7  arg7,  ARG8  arg8,  ARG9  arg9,
                                      ARG10 arg10, ARG11 arg11, ARG12 arg12,
                                      ARG13 arg13, ARG14 arg14) const
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // specified 'object' reference to a non-modifiable instance of the
        // parameterized 'INSTANCE' type, with the specified arguments 'arg1'
        // up to 'arg14', and return the result of this invocation, or 'void'
        // if this member function pointer does not return a result.
        return (Deref::deref(object).*d_func_p)(arg1,  arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5,
                                                arg6,  arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10,
                                                arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14);

                            // ===================
                            // class MemFnInstance
                            // ===================

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
class MemFnInstance {
    // This class encapsulates a member function pointer having the
    // parameterized 'PROTOTYPE' and a value of the parameterized 'INSTANCE'
    // type, which can be either be the type of object referred to by the
    // 'PROTOTYPE', or a pointer to one, such that the member function pointer
    // can be invoked on the wrapped instance in syntactically the same manner
    // as a free function pointer.  Zero to fourteen additional arguments may
    // be specified depending on the 'PROTOTYPE'.  Note that whether 'INSTANCE'
    // is a pointer or an object is determined by whether it has pointer
    // semantics or not (as determined by the 'bslmf::HasPointerSemantics' type
    // trait).  Also note that if 'INSTANCE' is an object that does not have
    // pointer semantics, 'PROTOTYPE' must be const-qualified.

    typedef bslmf::MemberFunctionPointerTraits<PROTOTYPE> Traits;

    // TYPES
    typedef typename Traits::ResultType   ResultType;
        // 'ResultType' is an alias for the type of the object returned by an
        // invocation of this member function wrapper.

    typedef typename Traits::ArgumentList Args;
        // 'Args' is an alias for the list of arguments passed to an invocation
        // of this member function wrapper, expressed as a 'bslmf_Typelist'.

    typedef typename Traits::ClassType    ObjectType;
        // 'ObjectType' is an alias for the class type to which the member
        // function that is wrapped belongs.

    typedef PROTOTYPE                     Prototype;
        // 'ProtoType' is an alias for the parameterized 'PROTOTYPE' passed as
        // a template argument to this wrapper.

    typedef PROTOTYPE                     ProtoType;
        // 'ProtoType' is an alias for the parameterized 'PROTOTYPE' passed as
        // a template argument to this wrapper.
        // *DEPRECATED*: Use 'Prototype' instead.

    typedef MemFn_Dereference<ObjectType> Deref;

    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf< 1, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG1;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf< 2, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG2;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf< 3, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG3;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf< 4, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG4;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf< 5, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG5;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf< 6, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG6;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf< 7, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG7;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf< 8, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG8;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf< 9, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG9;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf<10, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG10;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf<11, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG11;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf<12, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG12;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf<13, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG13;
    typedef typename bslmf::ForwardingType<
        typename bslmf::TypeListTypeOf<14, Args>::TypeOrDefault>::Type ARG14;
        // 'AN', for 'N' from 1 up to 14, is an alias for the type of the 'N'th
        // argument in the 'Args' list.

    // DATA
    PROTOTYPE                          d_func_p;  // pointer to member function

    bslalg::ConstructorProxy<INSTANCE> d_obj;     // object instance, or
                                                  // pointer to such

    MemFnInstance(PROTOTYPE         func,
                  const INSTANCE&   object,
                  bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator = 0);
        // Create a member function pointer wrapper around the specified 'func'
        // member function pointer of the parameterized 'PROTOTYPE', that is
        // invocable on the specified 'object' instance of the parameterized
        // 'INSTANCE'.  Optionally specify a 'basicAllocator' used to supply
        // memory.  If 'basicAllocator' is 0, the currently installed default
        // allocator is used.

    MemFnInstance(const MemFnInstance&  original,
                  bslma::Allocator     *basicAllocator = 0);
        // Create a member function pointer wrapper around the same member
        // function and instance pointed to by the specified 'original' object.
        // Optionally specify a 'basicAllocator' used to supply memory.  If
        // 'basicAllocator' is 0, the currently installed default allocator is
        // used.

        // Destroy this object.

    MemFnInstance& operator=(const MemFnInstance& rhs);
        // Assign to this member function pointer wrapper the same member
        // function and instance pointed to by the specified 'rhs' member
        // function pointer wrapper, and return a reference to this modifiable
        // member function pointer wrapper.

    ResultType operator()() const;
    ResultType operator()(ARG1 arg1) const;
    ResultType operator()(ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2) const;
    ResultType operator()(ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3) const;
    ResultType operator()(ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4 arg4) const;
    ResultType operator()(ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4 arg4,
                          ARG5 arg5) const;
    ResultType operator()(ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4 arg4,
                          ARG5 arg5, ARG6 arg6) const;
    ResultType operator()(ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4 arg4,
                          ARG5 arg5, ARG6 arg6,
                          ARG7 arg7) const;
    ResultType operator()(ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4 arg4,
                          ARG5 arg5, ARG6 arg6,
                          ARG7 arg7, ARG8 arg8) const;
    ResultType operator()(ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4 arg4,
                          ARG5 arg5, ARG6 arg6,
                          ARG7 arg7, ARG8 arg8, ARG9 arg9) const;
    ResultType operator()(ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4  arg4,
                          ARG5 arg5, ARG6 arg6,
                          ARG7 arg7, ARG8 arg8, ARG9 arg9, ARG10 arg10) const;
    ResultType operator()(ARG1 arg1, ARG2  arg2,  ARG3 arg3, ARG4 arg4,
                          ARG5 arg5, ARG6  arg6,  ARG7 arg7, ARG8 arg8,
                          ARG9 arg9, ARG10 arg10, ARG11 arg11) const;
    ResultType operator()(ARG1  arg1, ARG2 arg2,   ARG3  arg3, ARG4 arg4,
                          ARG5  arg5, ARG6 arg6,   ARG7  arg7, ARG8 arg8,
                          ARG9  arg9, ARG10 arg10, ARG11 arg11,
                          ARG12 arg12) const;
    ResultType operator()(ARG1 arg1, ARG2  arg2,  ARG3  arg3,  ARG4  arg4,
                          ARG5 arg5, ARG6  arg6,  ARG7  arg7,  ARG8  arg8,
                          ARG9 arg9, ARG10 arg10, ARG11 arg11, ARG12 arg12,
                          ARG13 arg13) const;
    ResultType operator()(ARG1  arg1,  ARG2  arg2,  ARG3  arg3,  ARG4  arg4,
                          ARG5  arg5,  ARG6  arg6,  ARG7  arg7,  ARG8  arg8,
                          ARG9  arg9,  ARG10 arg10, ARG11 arg11, ARG12 arg12,
                          ARG13 arg13, ARG14 arg14) const;
        // Invoke the member function pointer held by this wrapper on the
        // provided object with the specified 'arg1' up to 'argN' as arguments,
        // with 'N' being the number of arguments of the member function, and
        // return the result of this invocation, or 'void' if this member
        // function pointer does not return a result.

                              // ================
                              // struct MemFnUtil
                              // ================

struct MemFnUtil {
    // The methods provided in this utility are used for constructing 'MemFn'
    // and 'MemFnInstance' objects from function pointers.

    template <class PROTOTYPE>
    MemFn<PROTOTYPE> memFn(PROTOTYPE func);
        // Return a 'MemFn' member function wrapper that encapsulates the
        // specified 'func' member function pointer of the parameterized
        // 'PROTOTYPE'.

    template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
    MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE> memFn(PROTOTYPE       func,
                                             const INSTANCE& object);
        // Return a 'MemFnInstance' member function wrapper that encapsulates
        // the specified 'func' member function pointer of the parameterized
        // 'PROTOTYPE' and the specified 'object' instance of the parameterized
        // 'INSTANCE' type.

// ============================================================================
//                        INLINE FUNCTION DEFINITIONS
// ============================================================================

                                // -----------
                                // class MemFn
                                // -----------

template <class PROTOTYPE>
: d_func_p(func)

template <class PROTOTYPE>
MemFn<PROTOTYPE>::MemFn(const MemFn<PROTOTYPE>& original)
: d_func_p(original.d_func_p)

                            // -------------------
                            // class MemFnInstance
                            // -------------------

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::MemFnInstance(
                     const MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>&  original,
                     bslma::Allocator                          *basicAllocator)
: d_func_p(original.d_func_p)
, d_obj(original.d_obj, bslma::Default::allocator(basicAllocator))

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::MemFnInstance(
                                              PROTOTYPE         func,
                                              const INSTANCE&   object,
                                              bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator)
: d_func_p(func)
, d_obj(object, bslma::Default::allocator(basicAllocator))

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::~MemFnInstance()

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::operator=(
                                                 const MemFnInstance& rhs)
    d_func_p       = rhs.d_func_p;
    d_obj.object() = rhs.d_obj.object();
    return *this;

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
typename MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::ResultType
MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::operator()() const
    return (Deref::deref(d_obj.object()).*d_func_p)();

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
typename MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::ResultType
MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::operator()(ARG1 arg1) const
    return (Deref::deref(d_obj.object()).*d_func_p)(arg1);

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
typename MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::ResultType
MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::operator()(ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2) const
    return (Deref::deref(d_obj.object()).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2);

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
typename MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::ResultType
MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::operator()(
        ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3) const
    return (Deref::deref(d_obj.object()).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3);

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
typename MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::ResultType
MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::operator()(
        ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4 arg4) const
    return (Deref::deref(d_obj.object()).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4);

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
typename MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::ResultType
MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::operator()(
        ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4 arg4, ARG5 arg5) const
    return (Deref::deref(d_obj.object()).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4,

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
typename MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::ResultType
MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::operator()(
        ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4 arg4, ARG5 arg5, ARG6 arg6) const
    return (Deref::deref(d_obj.object()).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4,
                                                    arg5, arg6);

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
typename MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::ResultType
MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::operator()(
        ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4 arg4, ARG5 arg5, ARG6 arg6,
        ARG7 arg7) const
    return (Deref::deref(d_obj.object()).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4,
                                                    arg5, arg6, arg7);

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
typename MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::ResultType
MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::operator()(
        ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4 arg4, ARG5 arg5, ARG6 arg6,
        ARG7 arg7, ARG8 arg8) const
    return (Deref::deref(d_obj.object()).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4,
                                                    arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8);

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
typename MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::ResultType
MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::operator()(
        ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4 arg4, ARG5 arg5, ARG6 arg6,
        ARG7 arg7, ARG8 arg8, ARG9 arg9) const
    return (Deref::deref(d_obj.object()).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4,
                                                    arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8,

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
typename MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::ResultType
MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::operator()(
        ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4  arg4, ARG5 arg5, ARG6 arg6,
        ARG7 arg7, ARG8 arg8, ARG9 arg9, ARG10 arg10) const
    return (Deref::deref(d_obj.object()).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4,
                                                    arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8,
                                                    arg9, arg10);

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
typename MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::ResultType
MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::operator()(
        ARG1 arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4  arg4,  ARG5  arg5, ARG6 arg6,
        ARG7 arg7, ARG8 arg8, ARG9 arg9, ARG10 arg10, ARG11 arg11) const
    return (Deref::deref(d_obj.object()).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2,  arg3, arg4,
                                                    arg5, arg6,  arg7, arg8,
                                                    arg9, arg10, arg11);

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
typename MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::ResultType
MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::operator()(
        ARG1  arg1, ARG2 arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4  arg4,  ARG5  arg5, ARG6 arg6,
        ARG7  arg7, ARG8 arg8, ARG9 arg9, ARG10 arg10, ARG11 arg11,
        ARG12 arg12) const
    return (Deref::deref(d_obj.object()).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2,  arg3,  arg4,
                                                    arg5, arg6,  arg7,  arg8,
                                                    arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12);

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
typename MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::ResultType
MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::operator()(
        ARG1  arg1,  ARG2  arg2, ARG3 arg3, ARG4  arg4,  ARG5  arg5, ARG6 arg6,
        ARG7  arg7,  ARG8  arg8, ARG9 arg9, ARG10 arg10, ARG11 arg11,
        ARG12 arg12, ARG13 arg13) const
    return (Deref::deref(d_obj.object()).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2,  arg3,  arg4,
                                                    arg5, arg6,  arg7,  arg8,
                                                    arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12,

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
typename MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::ResultType
MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>::operator()(
        ARG1  arg1,  ARG2  arg2,  ARG3  arg3,  ARG4  arg4,  ARG5  arg5,
        ARG6  arg6,  ARG7  arg7,  ARG8  arg8,  ARG9  arg9, ARG10 arg10,
        ARG11 arg11, ARG12 arg12, ARG13 arg13, ARG14 arg14) const
    return (Deref::deref(d_obj.object()).*d_func_p)(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4,
                                                    arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8,
                                                    arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12,
                                                    arg13, arg14);

                              // ----------------
                              // struct MemFnUtil
                              // ----------------

template <class PROTOTYPE>
MemFnUtil::memFn(PROTOTYPE func)
    return MemFn<PROTOTYPE>(func);

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
MemFnUtil::memFn(PROTOTYPE func, const INSTANCE& object)
    return MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE>(func, object);

}  // close package namespace
}  // close enterprise namespace

// ============================================================================
//                                TYPE TRAITS
// ============================================================================

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace bslma {

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
struct UsesBslmaAllocator<bdlf::MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE> > :

}  // close namespace bslma
namespace bslmf {

template <class PROTOTYPE, class INSTANCE>
struct IsBitwiseMoveable<bdlf::MemFnInstance<PROTOTYPE, INSTANCE> > :

template <class PROTOTYPE>
struct IsBitwiseMoveable<bdlf::MemFn<PROTOTYPE> > : bsl::true_type
    // This bitwise moveable trait is redundant as it is already implied by the
    // 'is_trivially_copyable' trait below.  We retain this definition,
    // however, as it can potentially save a level of template instantiation.

}  // close namespace bslmf
}  // close enterprise namespace

namespace bsl {

template <class PROTOTYPE>
struct is_trivially_copyable<BloombergLP::bdlf::MemFn<PROTOTYPE> > :

}  // close namespace bsl


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2015 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------