// bdlc_hashtable.h                                                   -*-C++-*-

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                                   NOTICE
// This component is not up to date with current BDE coding standards, and
// should not be used as an example for new development.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide a double-hashed table with utility.
//  bdlc::HashTable              : double-hashed table
//  bdlc::HashTableDefaultTraits : default traits
//  bdlc::HashTableDefaultHash1  : default hash functor 1
//  bdlc::HashTableDefaultHash2  : default hash functor 2
//@SEE_ALSO: bdlb_hashutil
//@DESCRIPTION: This component provides a mechanism, 'bdlc::HashTable', for
// efficiently finding elements identified by a parameterized 'KEY'.  Elements
// can also have an associated value by specifying an optional 'VALUE' template
// parameter.  Also, an optional 'TRAITS' parameter can be supplied so that
// clients can override the default traits of the hash table,
// 'bdlc::HashTableDefaultTraits'.
// The 'bdlc::HashTable' class achieves efficient lookup by using a double-hash
// algorithm, which will be explained later.  Optional 'HASH1' and 'HASH2'
// parameters can be supplied so that clients can override the default hash
// functions used by the hash table, 'bdlc::HashTableDefaultHash1' and
// 'bdlc::HashTableDefaultHash2'.  Hash functors may also optionally be
// specified at construction time, in case the functors contain state (e.g., if
// 'bsl::function' is used).
// The constructor for 'bdlc::HashTable' takes a 'capacityHint' argument.  This
// 'capacityHint' is used to calculate the capacity of the hash table (i.e.,
// the maximum number of elements that can be stored at any one time).  Once
// constructed, the capacity cannot be changed.  The capacity hint can be
// either a positive integer or a negative integer.  If the capacity hint is
// positive, then the capacity of the hash table will be the first available
// prime number larger than, or equal to, the capacity hint.  Otherwise, the
// capacity of the hash table will be the first available prime number smaller
// than, or equal to, the capacity hint.  The list of available prime numbers
// is obtained from an array in the 'bdlc_hashtable.cpp' file.
///Traditional Hash Algorithm
// A typical hash table implementation uses only a single hash function to
// determine the index in the hash table to store a given element.  This
// approach results in constant time access if there are no collisions.  To
// handle cases where there are hash collisions, the hash table needs to
// maintain a linked list or tree of elements for each index in the table.
// This data structure is illustrated in the diagram below:
//               Hash Table
//               ----------
//                :      :
//                :      :
//                :......:
//                :      :
//     index - 2  :      :
//                :______:
//                |      |
//     index - 1  |      |
//                |______|     ______      ______      ______
//                |      |    |      |    |      |    |      |
//      index     |      | -> |      | -> |      | -> |      | -> NULL
//                |______|    |______|    |______|    |______|
//                |      |
//     index + 1  |      |    element1    element2    element3
//                |______|
//                |      |
//     index + 2  |      |
//                |______|
//                :      :
//                :      :
//                :......:
//                :      :
//                :      :
// In the diagram above, 'element1', 'element2', and 'element3' hash to the
// 'index'th bucket in the hash table.  Because of this collision, they are
// maintained in a linked list, which results in linear time complexity.
///Double-Hash Algorithm
// The double-hash algorithm improves on the traditional algorithm by using a
// second hash function to compute an increment value.  The index is
// incremented by the increment value until an available bucket is found.
// This augmented algorithm is illustrated in the following diagrams.  Suppose
// we have a hash table that is initially empty:
//                            Hash Table
//                            ----------
//                             :      :
//                             :      :
//                             :......:
//                             :      :
//                  index - 2  :      :
//                             :______:
//                             |      |
//                  index - 1  |      |
//                             |______|
//                             |      |
//                   index     |      |
//                             |______|
//                             |      |
//                  index + 1  |      |
//                             |______|
//                             |      |
//                  index + 2  |      |
//                             |______|
//                             |      |
//                  index + 3  |      |
//                             |______|
//                             :      :
//                             :      :
//                             :......:
//                             :      :
//                             :      :
// Now suppose we insert 'element1'.  The first hash function evaluates to the
// 'index'th bucket in the hash table:
//                            Hash Table
//                            ----------
//                             :      :
//                             :      :
//                             :......:
//                             :      :
//                  index - 2  :      :
//                             :______:
//                             |      |
//                  index - 1  |      |
//                             |______|     ______
//                             |      |    |      |
//                   index     |      | -> |      |   element1
//                             |______|    |______|
//                             |      |
//                  index + 1  |      |
//                             |______|
//                             |      |
//                  index + 2  |      |
//                             |______|
//                             |      |
//                  index + 3  |      |
//                             |______|
//                             :      :
//                             :      :
//                             :......:
//                             :      :
//                             :      :
// Now suppose we want to insert 'element2', for which the first hash function
// also evaluates to the 'index'th bucket in the hash table; however, there is
// a collision.  So, we will calculate an increment using the second hash
// function.  Suppose the increment value is 3, we will insert 'element2' at
// 'index + 3':
//                            Hash Table
//                            ----------
//                             :      :
//                             :      :
//                             :......:
//                             :      :
//                  index - 2  :      :
//                             :______:
//                             |      |
//                  index - 1  |      |
//                             |______|     ______
//                             |      |    |      |
//            .----  index     |      | -> |      |   element1
//            |                |______|    |______|
//            |                |      |
//            |     index + 1  |      |
//            |                |______|
//            |                |      |
//            |     index + 2  |      |
//            |                |______|     ______
//            |                |      |    |      |
//            `---> index + 3  |      | -> |      |   element2
//                             |______|    |______|
//                             |      |
//                  index + 4  |      |
//                             |______|
//                             |      |
//                  index + 5  |      |
//                             |______|
//                             |      |
//                  index + 6  |      |
//                             |______|
//                             |      |
//                  index + 7  |      |
//                             |______|
//                             :      :
//                             :      :
//                             :......:
//                             :      :
//                             :      :
// The entry for 'element2' is said to be "chained" through node 'index'.
// Now suppose we want to insert 'element3', for which the first hash function
// also evaluates to the 'index'th bucket in the hash table.  Again, there is a
// collision.  So, we will calculate an increment using the second hash
// function.  Suppose the increment value is 5, we will insert 'element3' at
// 'index + 5':
//                            Hash Table
//                            ----------
//                             :      :
//                             :      :
//                             :......:
//                             :      :
//                  index - 2  :      :
//                             :______:
//                             |      |
//                  index - 1  |      |
//                             |______|     ______
//                             |      |    |      |
//      .-----.----  index     |      | -> |      |   element1
//      |     |                |______|    |______|
//      |     |                |      |
//      |     |     index + 1  |      |
//      |     |                |______|
//      |     |                |      |
//      |     |     index + 2  |      |
//      |     |                |______|     ______
//      |     |                |      |    |      |
//      |     `---> index + 3  |      | -> |      |   element2
//      |                      |______|    |______|
//      |                      |      |
//      |           index + 4  |      |
//      |                      |______|     ______
//      |                      |      |    |      |
//      `---------> index + 5  |      | -> |      |   element3
//                             |______|    |______|
//                             |      |
//                  index + 6  |      |
//                             |______|
//                             |      |
//                  index + 7  |      |
//                             |______|
//                             :      :
//                             :      :
//                             :......:
//                             :      :
//                             :      :
// The entry for 'element3' is also "chained" through node 'index'.
// If there is a collision even after applying the increment, then the
// increment can be applied again to form a longer chain, until an available
// bucket is found.  For example, suppose we want to insert 'element4', for
// which the first hash function evaluates to the 'index'th bucket.  Since
// there is a collision, we calculate an increment using the second hash
// function.  Suppose the increment value is 3, we will get another collision
// because 'element2' occupies the bucket at 'index + 3'.  Therefore, we apply
// the increment again and we get 'index + 3 + 3', i.e., 'index + 6'.  This
// bucket is empty, so we can store 'element4' here:
//                            Hash Table
//                            ----------
//                             :      :
//                             :      :
//                             :......:
//                             :      :
//                  index - 2  :      :
//                             :______:
//                             |      |
//                  index - 1  |      |
//                             |______|     ______
//                             |      |    |      |
//      .-----.----  index     |      | -> |      |   element1
//      |     |                |______|    |______|
//      |     |                |      |
//      |     |     index + 1  |      |
//      |     |                |______|
//      |     |                |      |
//      |     |     index + 2  |      |
//      |     |                |______|     ______
//      |     |                |      |    |      |
//      |     `---> index + 3  |      | -> |      |   element2
//      |     .----            |______|    |______|
//      |     |                |      |
//      |     |     index + 4  |      |
//      |     |                |______|     ______
//      |     |                |      |    |      |
//      `-----+---> index + 5  |      | -> |      |   element3
//            |                |______|    |______|
//            |                |      |    |      |
//            `---> index + 6  |      | -> |      |   element4
//                             |______|    |______|
//                             |      |
//                  index + 7  |      |
//                             |______|
//                             :      :
//                             :      :
//                             :......:
//                             :      :
//                             :      :
// The entry for 'element4' is chained through nodes 'index' and 'index + 3'.
// If the total number of buckets in the hash table and the increment value
// are relatively prime (i.e., their greatest common divisor is 1), then it is
// guaranteed that every bucket will be visited before looping back to 'index'.
// The 'bdlc::HashTable' container makes sure that the number of buckets in the
// hash table and the increment values are relatively prime.  The
// 'bdlc::HashTable' container also keeps track of the maximum chain length,
// number of collisions, and the total chain length, which can be used for
// statistical purposes when evaluating different hash functions.
///Bucket Type
// The 'bdlc::HashTable' class treats individual buckets as value-semantic
// types.  The type of the buckets depends on the 'KEY' and 'VALUE' parameters
// used to instantiate the 'bdlc::HashTable' template.  If the 'VALUE'
// parameter is 'bslmf::Nil', then the type of the buckets is 'KEY'.
// Otherwise, the type of the buckets is 'bsl::pair<KEY, VALUE>'.  For
// convenience, we will refer to the bucket type as 'Bucket' throughout this
// documentation.
// The 'bdlc::HashTable' class reserves two distinct values from 'Bucket's
// value-space to represent a "null" bucket and a "removed" bucket.  These
// values are determined by the 'TRAITS' parameter, which is described in the
// next section.  Since these two values are reserved for the internal use of
// the 'bdlc::HashTable' class, the behavior is undefined if one of these
// values is inserted into the hash table.  Taking these values from the
// value-space of 'Bucket' allows the storage space required for each bucket to
// be as compact as possible.
// An optional 'TRAITS' parameter can be specified when instantiating the
// 'bdlc::HashTable' template.  This component provides a default traits
// implementation, 'bdlc::HashTableDefaultTraits', which will be described
// later.
// The 'TRAITS' parameter allows clients to specify how to load a bucket and
// how to compare keys.  It also allows clients to classify two distinct values
// to represent "null" and "removed" buckets (see "Bucket Type" for more
// information about these reserved values).
// In the following description, 'key1' and 'key2' refer to objects of type
// 'KEY'.  'bucket', 'dstBucket', and 'srcBucket' refer to objects of type
// 'Bucket'.
// The following expressions must be supported by the 'TRAITS' parameter:
//  Expression                            Semantics
//  ----------                            ---------
//  TRAITS::load(&dstBucket, srcBucket)   Load the value of the specified
//                                        'srcBucket' into the specified
//                                        'dstBucket'.
//  TRAITS::areEqual(key1, key2)          Return true if the specified 'key1'
//                                        matches the specified 'key2', and
//                                        false otherwise.
//  TRAITS::isNull(bucket)                Return true if the specified 'bucket'
//                                        has the reserved "null" value, and
//                                        false otherwise.
//  TRAITS::setToNull(&bucket)            Load the reserved "null" value into
//                                        the specified 'bucket'.
//  TRAITS::isRemoved(bucket)             Return true if the specified 'bucket'
//                                        has the reserved "removed" value, and
//                                        false otherwise.
//  TRAITS::setToRemoved(&bucket)         Load the reserved "removed" value
//                                        into the specified 'bucket'.
///Default Traits
/// - - - - - - -
// The default traits, identified by 'bdlc::HashTableDefaultTraits', can be
// used when 'KEY' and 'VALUE' are either:
//: o 'const char *'
//: o 'bsl::string'
//: o POD types
// The following expressions are implemented as:
//  Expression                                Implementation
//  ----------                                --------------
//  TRAITS::load(&dstBucket, srcBucket)       This function is implemented as
//                                            '*dstBucket = srcBucket'.
//  TRAITS::areEqual(key1, key2)              If 'KEY' is 'const char*', this
//                                            function is implemented as
//                                            'bsl::strcmp(key1, key2)'.
//                                            Otherwise, this function is
//                                            implemented as 'key1 == key2'.
// The 'isNull', 'setToNull', 'isRemoved', and 'setToRemoved' functions are
// implemented by checking for and assigning the appropriate "null" or
// "removed" values, respectively.  These values are defined in the following
// table:
//  Bucket Type        Null Value                    Removed Value
//  -----------        ----------                    -------------
//  const char*        0x00000000 address            0xFFFFFFFF address
//  bsl::string        ""                            "(* REMOVED *)"
//  All other types    All bytes in the footprint    All bytes in the footprint
//                     are 0x00                      are 0xFF
// If 'Bucket' is of type 'bsl::pair<KEY, VALUE>', then the "null" and
// "removed" values are applied to both the 'KEY' and the 'VALUE'.
// Since the default traits may write directly into the footprint of the bucket
// (except for 'bsl::string'), it is important to note that the 'KEY' and
// 'VALUE' types should be POD types if the default traits are used.
///Hash Functors
// Optional 'HASH1' and 'HASH2' parameters can be specified when instantiating
// the 'bdlc::HashTable' template.  This component provides a default hash
// functors, 'bdlc::HashTableDefaultHash1' and 'bdlc::HashTableDefaultHash2',
// which will be described later.
// The 'HASH1' and 'HASH2' parameters allow clients to specify hash functor
// policies for the first and second hash functions, respectively.
// In the following description, 'key' refers to an object of type 'KEY', and
// 'functor' refers to an immutable object of type 'HASH1' or 'HASH2'.
// The following expression must be supported by the supplied 'HASH1' and
// 'HASH2' parameters:
//  Expression      Semantics                                      Return Type
//  ----------      ---------                                      -----------
//  functor(&key)   Return a hash value for the specified 'key'    unsigned int
///Default Hash Functors
///- - - - - - - - - - -
// The default hash functors, identified by 'bdlc::HashTableDefaultHash1' and
// 'bdlc::HashTableDefaultHash2', can be used when 'KEY' is either:
//    o const char*
//    o bsl::string
//    o a POD type
// The 'bdlc::HashTableDefaultHash1' functor is implemented using
// 'bdlb::HashUtil::hash1' and the 'bdlc::HashTableDefaultHash2' functor is
// implemented using 'bdlb::HashUtil::hash2'.
// Note that 'bdlb::HashUtil::hash1' and 'bdlb::HashUtil::hash2' calculate hash
// value from a fixed length block of memory.  This block of memory is obtained
// based on the following table:
//  KEY Type            Block Data                             Block Length
//  --------            ----------                             ------------
//  const char*         key                                    bsl::strlen(key)
//  bsl::string         key.data()                             key.length()
//  All other types     reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&key)   sizeof(key)
// Since the default hash functors use the footprint of the key (except for
// 'const char*' and 'bsl::string') to compute hash values, it is important to
// note that the 'KEY' type should be a POD type if the default hash functors
// are used.
///Disabling Support for 'remove'
// By default (i.e., when using the default traits), the 'remove' method can be
// used to remove an element from the hash table.  However, there are cases
// when it is desirable not to allow elements to be removed.  This can be
// achieved by supplying the 'bdlc::HashTable' template with a 'TRAITS'
// parameter that:
//    o always returns false for the 'TRAITS::isRemoved(bucket)' expression
//    o AND does not implemented the 'TRAITS::setToRemoved(&bucket)' expression
// This effectively describes a trait that does not define a special "removed"
// bucket value.
// The following snippets of code illustrate the usage of this component.
// Suppose we wanted to store a table of 'int' keys with 'double' values.  We
// will use a capacity hint of 10, default traits, and default hash functors
// for demonstration purposes:
//  #include <bdlc_hashtable.h>
//  using namespace BloombergLP;
//  void usageExample()
//  {
//      typedef bdlc::HashTable<int, double> TableType;
//      TableType table(10);
// Now we can insert elements into this object:
//      TableType::Handle handles[3];
//      struct {
//          int    d_key;
//          double d_value;
//      } DATA[] = {
//          {  10,   2.34   },
//          {  92,   94.2   },
//          { 236,   9.1    },
//      };
//      table.insert(&handles[0], DATA[0].d_key, DATA[0].d_value);
//      assert(DATA[0].d_key   == table.key(handles[0]));
//      assert(DATA[0].d_value == table.value(handles[0]));
//      table.insert(&handles[1], DATA[1].d_key, DATA[1].d_value);
//      assert(DATA[1].d_key   == table.key(handles[1]));
//      assert(DATA[1].d_value == table.value(handles[1]));
//      table.insert(&handles[2], DATA[2].d_key, DATA[2].d_value);
//      assert(DATA[2].d_key   == table.key(handles[2]));
//      assert(DATA[2].d_value == table.value(handles[2]));
// Now we can find elements in this object using the key:
//      TableType::Handle otherHandles[3];
//      table.find(&otherHandles[0], DATA[0].d_key);
//      assert(DATA[0].d_key   == table.key(otherHandles[0]));
//      assert(DATA[0].d_value == table.value(otherHandles[0]));
//      table.find(&otherHandles[1], DATA[1].d_key);
//      assert(DATA[1].d_key   == table.key(otherHandles[1]));
//      assert(DATA[1].d_value == table.value(otherHandles[1]));
//      table.find(&otherHandles[2], DATA[2].d_key);
//      assert(DATA[2].d_key   == table.key(otherHandles[2]));
//      assert(DATA[2].d_value == table.value(otherHandles[2]));
//  }

#include <bdlscm_version.h>

#include <bdlb_hashutil.h>

#include <bslalg_constructorproxy.h>

#include <bslma_allocator.h>
#include <bslma_usesbslmaallocator.h>

#include <bslmf_assert.h>
#include <bslmf_conditional.h>
#include <bslmf_issame.h>
#include <bslmf_istriviallydefaultconstructible.h>
#include <bslmf_nestedtraitdeclaration.h>
#include <bslmf_nil.h>

#include <bsls_assert.h>
#include <bsls_platform.h>
#include <bsls_review.h>
#include <bsls_types.h>

#include <bsl_algorithm.h>
#include <bsl_cstring.h>
#include <bsl_functional.h>
#include <bsl_string.h>
#include <bsl_utility.h>
#include <bsl_vector.h>

#include <bslmf_if.h>

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace bdlc {

struct HashTableDefaultTraits;
struct HashTableDefaultHash1;
struct HashTableDefaultHash2;

            // =================================================
            // class HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>
            // =================================================

template <class KEY,
          class VALUE  = bslmf::Nil,
          class TRAITS = HashTableDefaultTraits,
          class HASH1  = HashTableDefaultHash1,
          class HASH2  = HashTableDefaultHash2>
class HashTable {
    // This class is a double-hashed table.  The 'VALUE' template parameter is
    // optional.  The 'capacityHint' specified at construction time will be
    // used to compute the number of buckets (capacity) in this object.  Also,
    // two hash functions may optionally be specified at construction time.
    // Elements can be inserted using the 'insert' method.  If the 'VALUE'
    // parameter is not 'bslmf::Nil', then both key and value must be supplied
    // to the 'insert' method.  Otherwise, only the key should be supplied.
    // The 'find' method can be used to lookup elements by a specified key.
    // The optional 'TRAITS' parameter can be used to classify "null" and
    // "removed" values.  See the component-level documentation for more
    // details.

    // TYPES
    typedef bsls::Types::Int64 Handle;
        // Data type to handle elements in the double-hashed table.  This value
        // is guaranteed to be between 0 and the capacity of the hash table.

    typedef typename bsl::conditional<bslmf::IsSame<bslmf::Nil, VALUE>::VALUE,
                                      bsl::pair<KEY, VALUE> >::type Bucket;
        // Type of the element stored in this object.  If the 'VALUE' parameter
        // is 'bslmf::Nil', then 'Bucket' is of type 'KEY', otherwise 'Bucket'
        // is of type 'bsl::pair<KEY, VALUE>'.

    typedef bslalg::ConstructorProxy<HASH1> Hash1CP;
        // Constructor proxy for 'HASH1'.

    typedef bslalg::ConstructorProxy<HASH2> Hash2CP;
        // Constructor proxy for 'HASH2'.

    // DATA
    bsl::vector<Bucket> d_buckets;        // array of buckets
    bsls::Types::Int64  d_capacityHint;   // capacity hint
    Hash1CP             d_hashFunctor1;   // first hash function
    Hash2CP             d_hashFunctor2;   // second hash function
    bsls::Types::Int64  d_maxChain;       // maximum chain length
    bsls::Types::Int64  d_numCollisions;  // number of collisions
    bsls::Types::Int64  d_numElements;    // number of elements
    bsls::Types::Int64  d_totalChain;     // total chain length

    HashTable(const HashTable&);
    HashTable& operator=(const HashTable&);

    static const KEY& keyFromBucket(const KEY& bucket);
    static const KEY& keyFromBucket(const bsl::pair<KEY, VALUE>& bucket);
        // Return the key from the specified 'bucket'.  If 'bucket' is of type
        // 'KEY', then 'bucket' is returned.  If 'bucket' is of type
        // 'bsl::pair<KEY, VALUE>', then 'bucket.first' is returned.

    void loadElementAt(Handle             *handle,
                       bsls::Types::Int64  index,
                       const Bucket&       element,
                       bsls::Types::Int64  chainLength);
        // Load the specified 'element' into the bucket with the specified
        // 'index'; load a handle to the element in the specified 'handle';
        // update chain statistics with the specified 'chainLength'.

    bool insertElement(Handle *handle, const Bucket& element);
        // Insert the specified 'element' into this object; load a handle to
        // the element into the specified 'handle'.  Return true if successful,
        // and false otherwise.

    void findImp(bool               *isKeyFound,
                 bsls::Types::Int64 *index,
                 bsls::Types::Int64 *chainLength,
                 bsls::Types::Int64 *removedIndex,
                 const KEY&          key) const;
        // Implement the double-hash algorithm to find a bucket with the
        // specified 'key'; load true into the specified 'isKeyFound' if an
        // element with 'key' is found, and false otherwise; load the index of
        // the bucket into the specified 'index' if an element with 'key' is
        // found, and the index of the "null" bucket that terminates the chain
        // otherwise; load the chain length into the specified 'chainLength';
        // load the index of the first "removed" bucket along the chain into
        // the specified 'removedIndex', or -1 if no "removed" buckets were
        // found.  Note that if the key is not found and there are no "null"
        // buckets to terminate the chain, then -1 will be loaded into 'index'.

    // TRAITS
    BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION(HashTable, bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator);

    explicit HashTable(bsls::Types::Int64  capacityHint,
                       bslma::Allocator   *basicAllocator = 0);
        // Create a double-hash table using the specified 'capacityHint'.
        // Optionally specify a 'basicAllocator' used to supply memory.  If
        // 'basicAllocator' is 0, the currently installed default allocator is
        // used.  The behavior is undefined unless '0 != capacityHint'.  Note
        // that 'capacityHint' can be either a positive integer or a negative
        // integer.  If 'capacityHint' is positive, then the capacity of the
        // hash table will be the first available prime number larger than, or
        // equal to, 'capacityHint'.  Otherwise, the capacity of the hash table
        // will be the first available prime number smaller than, or equal to,
        // 'capacityHint'.  Also note that 'HASH1' will be used as the first
        // hash function, and 'HASH2' will be used as the second hash
        // function.

    HashTable(bsls::Types::Int64  capacityHint,
              const HASH1&        hashFunctor1,
              const HASH2&        hashFunctor2,
              bslma::Allocator   *basicAllocator = 0);
        // Create a double-hash table with the specified 'capacityHint'.  Use
        // the specified 'hashFunctor1' as the first hash function; use the
        // specified 'hashFunctor2' as the second hash function.  Optionally
        // specify a 'basicAllocator' used to supply memory.  If
        // 'basicAllocator' is 0, the currently installed default allocator is
        // used.  The behavior is undefined unless '0 != capacityHint', and
        // 'hashFunction1' and 'hashFunction2' are valid.  Note that
        // 'capacityHint' can be either a positive integer or a negative
        // integer.  If 'capacityHint' is positive, then the capacity of the
        // hash table will be the first available prime number larger than, or
        // equal to, 'capacityHint'.  Otherwise, the capacity of the hash table
        // will be the first available prime number smaller than, or equal to,
        // 'capacityHint'.

        // Destroy this object.

    bool insert(Handle *handle, const KEY& key);
        // Insert an element with the specified 'key' into this object; load a
        // handle to the new element into the specified 'handle'.  Return true
        // if successful, and false otherwise.  The behavior is undefined
        // unless 'key' does not evaluate to a "null" or "removed" bucket, as
        // defined by the parameterized 'TRAITS' (see the component-level
        // documentation for more details).  Note that this method will fail to
        // compile unless the 'VALUE' parameter is 'bslmf::Nil'.

    bool insert(Handle *handle, const KEY& key, const VALUE& value);
        // Insert an element with the specified 'key' and the specified 'value'
        // into this object; load a handle to the new element into the
        // specified 'handle'.  Return true if successful, and false otherwise.
        // The behavior is undefined unless 'key' and 'value' do not evaluate
        // to a "null" or "removed" bucket, as defined by the parameterized
        // 'TRAITS' (see the component-level documentation for more details).
        // This method will fail to compile unless the 'VALUE' parameter is not
        // 'bslmf::Nil'.

    void remove(const Handle& handle);
        // Remove the element identified by the specified 'handle' from this
        // object.  The behavior is undefined unless 'handle' is valid.  Note
        // that 'handle' will become invalid when this method returns.

    VALUE& value(const Handle& handle);
        // Return the reference to the modifiable value of the element
        // identified by the specified 'handle'.  The behavior is undefined
        // unless 'handle' is valid.  Note that this method will fail to
        // compile unless the 'VALUE' parameter is not 'bslmf::Nil'.

    bsls::Types::Int64 capacity() const;
        // Return the maximum number of elements that can be stored in this
        // object.  Note that this value is computed based on the capacity hint
        // used upon construction.

    bsls::Types::Int64 capacityHint() const;
        // Return the capacity hint that was used to determine the capacity of
        // this object.

    bool find(Handle *handle, const KEY& key) const;
        // Find an element having the specified 'key'; load a handle to the
        // element into the specified 'handle'.  Return true if successful, and
        // false otherwise.

    const KEY& key(const Handle& handle) const;
        // Return the reference to the non-modifiable key of the element
        // identified by the specified 'handle'.  The behavior is undefined
        // unless 'handle' is valid.

    bsls::Types::Int64 maxChain() const;
        // Return the maximum chain length encountered by this object.

    bsls::Types::Int64 numCollisions() const;
        // Return the number of collisions encountered by this object.

    bsls::Types::Int64 size() const;
        // Return the number of elements stored in this object.

    bsls::Types::Int64 totalChain() const;
        // Return the total chain length encountered by this object.

    const VALUE& value(const Handle& handle) const;
        // Return the reference to the non-modifiable value of the element
        // identified by the specified 'handle'.  The behavior is undefined
        // unless 'handle' is valid.  Note that this method will fail to
        // compile unless the 'VALUE' parameter is not 'bslmf::Nil'.

                       // =============================
                       // struct HashTableDefaultTraits
                       // =============================

struct HashTableDefaultTraits {
    // Default traits provided by this component.  See component-level
    // documentation for more details.  Note that this class is not intended to
    // be used by clients, but the name of this struct must be public so that
    // clients can explicitly specify this struct when default traits are
    // needed.

    // TYPES
    typedef const char *ConstCharPtr;     // Alias for 'const char*'.

    static const char REMOVED_KEYWORD[];  // Keyword to be used for removed
                                          // objects for 'bsl::string' types.

    template <class BUCKET>
    static void load(BUCKET *dstBucket, const BUCKET& srcBucket);
        // Load the specified 'srcBucket' into the specified 'dstBucket'.

    template <class KEY>
    static bool areEqual(const KEY& key1, const KEY& key2);
    static bool areEqual(const ConstCharPtr& key1, const ConstCharPtr& key2);
        // Return true if the specified 'key1' and the specified 'key2' are
        // equal, and false otherwise.

    template <class BUCKET>
    static bool isNull(const BUCKET& bucket);
    static bool isNull(const bsl::string& bucket);
    static bool isNull(const ConstCharPtr& bucket);
    template <class KEY, class VALUE>
    static bool isNull(const bsl::pair<KEY, VALUE>& bucket);
        // Return true if the specified 'bucket' has a null value, and false
        // otherwise.

    template <class BUCKET>
    static void setToNull(BUCKET *bucket);
    static void setToNull(bsl::string *bucket);
    static void setToNull(ConstCharPtr *bucket);
    template <class KEY, class VALUE>
    static void setToNull(bsl::pair<KEY, VALUE> *bucket);
        // Load a null value into the specified 'bucket'.

    template <class BUCKET>
    static bool isRemoved(const BUCKET& bucket);
    static bool isRemoved(const bsl::string& bucket);
    static bool isRemoved(const ConstCharPtr& bucket);
    template <class KEY, class VALUE>
    static bool isRemoved(const bsl::pair<KEY, VALUE>& bucket);
        // Return true if the specified 'bucket' has a removed value, and false
        // otherwise.

    template <class BUCKET>
    static void setToRemoved(BUCKET *bucket);
    static void setToRemoved(bsl::string *bucket);
    static void setToRemoved(ConstCharPtr *bucket);
    template <class KEY, class VALUE>
    static void setToRemoved(bsl::pair<KEY, VALUE> *bucket);
        // Load a removed value into the specified 'bucket'.

                        // ============================
                        // struct HashTableDefaultHash1
                        // ============================

struct HashTableDefaultHash1 {
    // Default hash function provided by this component.  See component-level
    // documentation for more details.  Note that this class is not intended to
    // be used by clients, but the name of this struct must be public so that
    // clients can explicitly specify this struct when default hash function is
    // needed.  Note that this functor is implemented using
    // 'bdlb::HashUtil::hash1'.

    // TYPES
    typedef const char *ConstCharPtr;  // Alias for 'const char*'.

    template <class KEY>
    unsigned int operator()(const KEY& key) const;
    unsigned int operator()(const ConstCharPtr& key) const;
    unsigned int operator()(const bsl::string& key) const;
        // Return the result of 'bdlb::HashUtil::hash1' using key data and key
        // length.  If the specified 'key' is not of type 'const char*' or
        // 'bsl::string', then the footprint and size of the object are used as
        // key data and key length, respectively.

                        // ============================
                        // struct HashTableDefaultHash2
                        // ============================

struct HashTableDefaultHash2 {
    // Default hash function provided by this component.  See component-level
    // documentation for more details.  Note that this class is not intended to
    // be used by clients, but the name of this struct must be public so that
    // clients can explicitly specify this struct when default hash function is
    // needed.  Note that this functor is implemented using
    // 'bdlb::HashUtil::hash2'.

    // TYPES
    typedef const char *ConstCharPtr;  // Alias for 'const char*'.

    template <class KEY>
    unsigned int operator()(const KEY& key) const;
    unsigned int operator()(const ConstCharPtr& key) const;
    unsigned int operator()(const bsl::string& key) const;
        // Return the result of 'bdlb::HashUtil::hash2' using key data and key
        // length.  If the specified 'key' is not of type 'const char*' or
        // 'bsl::string', then the footprint and size of the object are used as
        // key data and key length, respectively.

//  ---  Anything below this line is implementation specific.  Do not use.  ---

                      // ================================
                      // private struct HashTable_ImpUtil
                      // ================================

struct HashTable_ImpUtil {
    // Component-private struct.  Do not use.  Implementation helper functions
    // for this component.

    static const unsigned int *PRIME_NUMBERS;      // provide access to the
    static const int           NUM_PRIME_NUMBERS;  // array of prime numbers so
                                                   // that they can be tested
                                                   // in the test driver

    static unsigned int hashSize(bsls::Types::Int64 hint);
        // Return the hash size based on the specified 'hint'.

// ============================================================================
//                            INLINE DEFINITIONS
// ============================================================================

            // -------------------------------------------------
            // class HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>
            // -------------------------------------------------

template <class KEY, class VALUE, class TRAITS, class HASH1, class HASH2>
inline const KEY&
HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>::keyFromBucket(const KEY& bucket)
    return bucket;

template <class KEY, class VALUE, class TRAITS, class HASH1, class HASH2>
inline const KEY&
HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>::keyFromBucket(
                                           const bsl::pair<KEY, VALUE>& bucket)
    return bucket.first;

template <class KEY, class VALUE, class TRAITS, class HASH1, class HASH2>
void HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>::loadElementAt(
                                               Handle             *handle,
                                               bsls::Types::Int64  index,
                                               const Bucket&       element,
                                               bsls::Types::Int64  chainLength)

    typedef typename bsl::vector<Bucket>::size_type size_type;
    TRAITS::load(&d_buckets[(size_type)index], element);
    *handle = index;

    if (chainLength) {
        d_maxChain    = bsl::max(d_maxChain, chainLength);
        d_totalChain += chainLength;

template <class KEY, class VALUE, class TRAITS, class HASH1, class HASH2>
bool HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>::insertElement(
                                                        Handle        *handle,
                                                        const Bucket&  element)

    if (size() == capacity()) {
        return false;                                                 // RETURN

    bool               isKeyFound;
    bsls::Types::Int64 nullIndex, chainLength, removedIndex;

    findImp(&isKeyFound, &nullIndex, &chainLength, &removedIndex,

    if (isKeyFound) {
        return false;                                                 // RETURN

    if (-1 != removedIndex) {
        loadElementAt(handle, removedIndex, element, chainLength);
    else {
        BSLS_ASSERT(-1 != nullIndex);

        loadElementAt(handle, nullIndex, element, chainLength);

    return true;

template <class KEY, class VALUE, class TRAITS, class HASH1, class HASH2>
void HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>::findImp(
                                              bool               *isKeyFound,
                                              bsls::Types::Int64 *index,
                                              bsls::Types::Int64 *chainLength,
                                              bsls::Types::Int64 *removedIndex,
                                              const KEY&          key) const

    typedef typename bsl::vector<Bucket>::size_type size_type;

    *chainLength  = 0;
    *removedIndex = -1;

    unsigned int capacity = static_cast<unsigned int>(d_buckets.size());

    bsls::Types::Int64 bucketIndex = d_hashFunctor1.object()(key) % capacity;

    if (TRAITS::isNull(d_buckets[(size_type)bucketIndex])) {
        *isKeyFound = false;
        *index      = bucketIndex;
        return;                                                       // RETURN
    else if (TRAITS::isRemoved(d_buckets[(size_type)bucketIndex])) {
        *removedIndex = bucketIndex;
    else if (TRAITS::areEqual(keyFromBucket(d_buckets[(size_type)bucketIndex]),
                              key)) {
        *isKeyFound = true;
        *index      = bucketIndex;
        return;                                                       // RETURN

    bsls::Types::Int64 increment = (d_hashFunctor2.object()(key)
                                                         % (capacity - 1)) + 1;
                                             // must be between [1, capacity-1]

    while (*chainLength < capacity) {
        bucketIndex = (bucketIndex + increment) % capacity;

        if (TRAITS::isNull(d_buckets[(size_type)bucketIndex])) {
            *isKeyFound = false;
            *index      = bucketIndex;
            return;                                                   // RETURN
        else if (TRAITS::isRemoved(d_buckets[(size_type)bucketIndex])) {
            if (*removedIndex == -1) {
                *removedIndex = bucketIndex;
        if (TRAITS::areEqual(keyFromBucket(d_buckets[(size_type)bucketIndex]),
                             key)) {
            *isKeyFound = true;
            *index      = bucketIndex;
            return;                                                   // RETURN

    *isKeyFound = false;
    *index      = -1;

template <class KEY, class VALUE, class TRAITS, class HASH1, class HASH2>
HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>::HashTable(
                                            bsls::Types::Int64  capacityHint,
                                            bslma::Allocator   *basicAllocator)
: d_buckets(HashTable_ImpUtil::hashSize(capacityHint),
, d_capacityHint(capacityHint)
, d_hashFunctor1(basicAllocator)
, d_hashFunctor2(basicAllocator)
, d_maxChain(0)
, d_numCollisions(0)
, d_numElements(0)
, d_totalChain(0)
    BSLS_ASSERT(capacityHint != 0);

    typedef typename bsl::vector<Bucket>::iterator Iterator;

    for (Iterator it = d_buckets.begin(); it != d_buckets.end(); ++it) {

template <class KEY, class VALUE, class TRAITS, class HASH1, class HASH2>
HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>::HashTable(
                                            bsls::Types::Int64  capacityHint,
                                            const HASH1&        hashFunctor1,
                                            const HASH2&        hashFunctor2,
                                            bslma::Allocator   *basicAllocator)
: d_buckets(HashTable_ImpUtil::hashSize(capacityHint),
, d_capacityHint(capacityHint)
, d_hashFunctor1(hashFunctor1, basicAllocator)
, d_hashFunctor2(hashFunctor2, basicAllocator)
, d_maxChain(0)
, d_numCollisions(0)
, d_numElements(0)
, d_totalChain(0)
    BSLS_ASSERT(capacityHint != 0);

    typedef typename bsl::vector<Bucket>::iterator Iterator;

    for (Iterator it = d_buckets.begin(); it != d_buckets.end(); ++it) {

template <class KEY, class VALUE, class TRAITS, class HASH1, class HASH2>
HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>::~HashTable()

template <class KEY, class VALUE, class TRAITS, class HASH1, class HASH2>
bool HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>::insert(Handle     *handle,
                                                         const KEY&  key)

    BSLMF_ASSERT((bslmf::IsSame<bslmf::Nil, VALUE>::VALUE));

    return insertElement(handle, key);

template <class KEY, class VALUE, class TRAITS, class HASH1, class HASH2>
bool HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>::insert(Handle       *handle,
                                                         const KEY&    key,
                                                         const VALUE&  value)

    BSLMF_ASSERT((!bslmf::IsSame<bslmf::Nil, VALUE>::VALUE));

    return insertElement(handle, bsl::make_pair(key, value));

template <class KEY, class VALUE, class TRAITS, class HASH1, class HASH2>
void HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>::remove(const Handle& handle)
    typedef typename bsl::vector<Bucket>::size_type size_type;

    BSLS_ASSERT(!TRAITS::isNull   (d_buckets[(size_type)handle]));


template <class KEY, class VALUE, class TRAITS, class HASH1, class HASH2>
VALUE& HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>::value(const Handle& handle)
    typedef typename bsl::vector<Bucket>::size_type size_type;
    BSLMF_ASSERT((!bslmf::IsSame<bslmf::Nil, VALUE>::VALUE));

    BSLS_ASSERT(!TRAITS::isNull   (d_buckets[(size_type)handle]));

    return d_buckets[(size_type)handle].second;

template <class KEY, class VALUE, class TRAITS, class HASH1, class HASH2>
HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>::capacity() const
    return d_buckets.size();

template <class KEY, class VALUE, class TRAITS, class HASH1, class HASH2>
HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>::capacityHint() const
    return d_capacityHint;

template <class KEY, class VALUE, class TRAITS, class HASH1, class HASH2>
bool HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>::find(Handle     *handle,
                                                       const KEY&  key) const

    bool               isKeyFound;
    bsls::Types::Int64 chainLength, removedIndex;

    findImp(&isKeyFound, handle, &chainLength, &removedIndex, key);

    return isKeyFound;

template <class KEY, class VALUE, class TRAITS, class HASH1, class HASH2>
const KEY& HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>::key(
                                                    const Handle& handle) const
    typedef typename bsl::vector<Bucket>::size_type size_type;
    BSLS_ASSERT(!TRAITS::isNull   (d_buckets[(size_type)handle]));

    return keyFromBucket(d_buckets[(size_type)handle]);

template <class KEY, class VALUE, class TRAITS, class HASH1, class HASH2>
HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>::maxChain() const
    return d_maxChain;

template <class KEY, class VALUE, class TRAITS, class HASH1, class HASH2>
HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>::numCollisions() const
    return d_numCollisions;

template <class KEY, class VALUE, class TRAITS, class HASH1, class HASH2>
HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>::size() const
    return d_numElements;

template <class KEY, class VALUE, class TRAITS, class HASH1, class HASH2>
HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>::totalChain() const
    return d_totalChain;

template <class KEY, class VALUE, class TRAITS, class HASH1, class HASH2>
const VALUE& HashTable<KEY, VALUE, TRAITS, HASH1, HASH2>::value(
                                                    const Handle& handle) const
    typedef typename bsl::vector<Bucket>::size_type size_type;
    BSLMF_ASSERT((!bslmf::IsSame<bslmf::Nil, VALUE>::VALUE));

    BSLS_ASSERT(!TRAITS::isNull   (d_buckets[(size_type)handle]));

    return d_buckets[(size_type)handle].second;

                   // -------------------------------------
                   // private struct HashTableDefaultTraits
                   // -------------------------------------

template <class BUCKET>
void HashTableDefaultTraits::load(BUCKET *dstBucket, const BUCKET& srcBucket)

    *dstBucket = srcBucket;

template <class KEY>
bool HashTableDefaultTraits::areEqual(const KEY& key1, const KEY& key2)
    return key1 == key2;

bool HashTableDefaultTraits::areEqual(const ConstCharPtr& key1,
                                      const ConstCharPtr& key2)

    return 0 == bsl::strcmp(key1, key2);

template <class BUCKET>
bool HashTableDefaultTraits::isNull(const BUCKET& bucket)
    enum {
        k_IS_POD = bsl::is_trivially_default_constructible<BUCKET>::value


    const char  null  = 0;  (void)null; // 'null' not used in some build modes
    const char *begin = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&bucket);
    const char *end   = begin + sizeof bucket;

    return end == bsl::find_if(begin,
#if defined(BSLS_PLATFORM_CMP_MSVC) || __cplusplus >= 201103L
    // 'bind2nd' is deprecated and may be removed from C++17 onwards.  Prefer
    // a lambda expression to playing levelization games with 'bdlf::BindUtil'.
                               [](char c) { return c != '\0'; }
                               bsl::bind2nd(bsl::not_equal_to<char>(), null)

bool HashTableDefaultTraits::isNull(const bsl::string& bucket)
    return 0 == bucket.length();

bool HashTableDefaultTraits::isNull(const ConstCharPtr& bucket)
    return 0 == bucket;

template <class KEY, class VALUE>
bool HashTableDefaultTraits::isNull(const bsl::pair<KEY, VALUE>& bucket)
    return isNull(bucket.first) && isNull(bucket.second);

template <class BUCKET>
void HashTableDefaultTraits::setToNull(BUCKET *bucket)

    enum {
        k_IS_POD = bsl::is_trivially_default_constructible<BUCKET>::value


    const char  null  = 0;
    char       *begin = reinterpret_cast<char *>(bucket);

    bsl::fill_n(begin, sizeof(BUCKET), null);

void HashTableDefaultTraits::setToNull(bsl::string *bucket)


void HashTableDefaultTraits::setToNull(ConstCharPtr *bucket)

    *bucket = 0;

template <class KEY, class VALUE>
void HashTableDefaultTraits::setToNull(bsl::pair<KEY, VALUE> *bucket)


template <class BUCKET>
bool HashTableDefaultTraits::isRemoved(const BUCKET& bucket)
    enum {
        k_IS_POD = bsl::is_trivially_default_constructible<BUCKET>::value


    const char  removed = (char)0xFF;
    const char *begin   = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&bucket);
    const char *end     = begin + sizeof bucket;

    return end == bsl::find_if(begin,
#if defined(BSLS_PLATFORM_CMP_MSVC) || __cplusplus >= 201103L
    // 'bind2nd' is deprecated and may be removed from C++17 onwards.  Prefer
    // a lambda expression to playing levelization games with 'bdlf::BindUtil'.
                               [removed](char c) { return c != removed; }
                               bsl::bind2nd(bsl::not_equal_to<char>(), removed)

bool HashTableDefaultTraits::isRemoved(const bsl::string& bucket)
    return 0 == bsl::strcmp(bucket.c_str(), REMOVED_KEYWORD);

bool HashTableDefaultTraits::isRemoved(const ConstCharPtr& bucket)
#if defined(BSLS_PLATFORM_CPU_32_BIT)
    const char *removed = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(0xFFFFFFFF);
    const char *removed = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF);

    return removed == bucket;

template <class KEY, class VALUE>
bool HashTableDefaultTraits::isRemoved(const bsl::pair<KEY, VALUE>& bucket)
    return isRemoved(bucket.first) && isRemoved(bucket.second);

template <class BUCKET>
void HashTableDefaultTraits::setToRemoved(BUCKET *bucket)

    enum {
        k_IS_POD = bsl::is_trivially_default_constructible<BUCKET>::value


    const char  removed = (char)0xFF;
    char       *begin   = reinterpret_cast<char *>(bucket);

    bsl::fill_n(begin, sizeof(BUCKET), removed);

void HashTableDefaultTraits::setToRemoved(bsl::string *bucket)

    *bucket = REMOVED_KEYWORD;

void HashTableDefaultTraits::setToRemoved(ConstCharPtr *bucket)

#if defined(BSLS_PLATFORM_CPU_32_BIT)
    const char *removed = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(0xFFFFFFFF);
    const char *removed = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF);

    *bucket = removed;

template <class KEY, class VALUE>
void HashTableDefaultTraits::setToRemoved(bsl::pair<KEY, VALUE> *bucket)


                        // ----------------------------
                        // struct HashTableDefaultHash1
                        // ----------------------------

template <class KEY>
unsigned int HashTableDefaultHash1::operator()(const KEY& key) const
    const char *keyData   = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&key);
    int         keyLength = sizeof key;

    return bdlb::HashUtil::hash1(keyData, keyLength);

unsigned int HashTableDefaultHash1::operator()(const ConstCharPtr& key) const
    const char *keyData   = key;
    int         keyLength = static_cast<int>(bsl::strlen(key));

    return bdlb::HashUtil::hash1(keyData, keyLength);

unsigned int HashTableDefaultHash1::operator()(const bsl::string& key) const
    const char *keyData   = key.data();
    int         keyLength = static_cast<int>(key.length());

    return bdlb::HashUtil::hash1(keyData, keyLength);

                        // ----------------------------
                        // struct HashTableDefaultHash2
                        // ----------------------------

template <class KEY>
unsigned int HashTableDefaultHash2::operator()(const KEY& key) const
    const char *keyData   = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&key);
    int         keyLength = sizeof key;

    return bdlb::HashUtil::hash2(keyData, keyLength);

unsigned int HashTableDefaultHash2::operator()(const ConstCharPtr& key) const
    const char *keyData   = key;
    int         keyLength = static_cast<int>(bsl::strlen(key));

    return bdlb::HashUtil::hash2(keyData, keyLength);

unsigned int HashTableDefaultHash2::operator()(const bsl::string& key) const
    const char *keyData   = key.data();
    int         keyLength = static_cast<int>(key.length());

    return bdlb::HashUtil::hash2(keyData, keyLength);

}  // close package namespace
}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2018 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------