// bdlb_printmethods.h                                                -*-C++-*-

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                                   NOTICE
// This component is not up to date with current BDE coding standards, and
// should not be used as an example for new development.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide methods for uniform printing of value-semantic types.
//  bdlb::PrintMethods: templates for uniform printing of value-semantic types
//  bdlb::HasPrintMethod: trait indicating existence of 'print' method
//  bdlb::TypeTraitHasPrintMethod: old-style version of 'bdlb::HasPrintMethod'
//@SEE_ALSO: bslalg_nestedtraitdeclaration
//@DESCRIPTION: This component provides a namespace for print utilities that
// support uniform 'ostream' printing across all printable types, including
// template types and containers.  The 'bdlb::PrintMethods' namespace enables
// clients to output the value of any printable object according to the
// standard BDE 'print' protocol.  If the parameterized 'TYPE' does not provide
// a 'print' method, 'TYPE::operator<<' is used.  Availability of a 'print'
// method is determined by testing for the 'bdlb::HasPrintMethod' and
// 'bdlb::TypeTraitHasPrintMethod' traits.
///Traits Affecting Printing
// By default, 'bdlb::PrintMethods::print' uses the '<<' stream output operator
// to print a value.  This formats the entire output on one line, suppressing
// all indentation.  A class can override this behavior by declaring certain
// traits related to printing.  This component detects these traits and invokes
// an appropriate print operation.  The following lists the traits recognized
// by this component:
//  bdlb::HasPrintMethod       ( highest precedence )
//  bslalg::HasStlIterators
//  bslmf::IsPair              ( lowest precedence  )
// Since a class may declare multiple traits (see the component-level
// documentation of {'bslalg_nestedtraitdeclaration'} for information about
// declaring traits), the relative precedence of the traits is shown above.
// The next sub-sections describe these traits and their effects on printing.
///Effect of 'bdlb::TypeTraitHasPrintMethod' Trait
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// If a class 'X' declares the 'bdlb::TypeTraitHasPrintMethod' trait, then it
// must provide a 'print' method with the following signature:
//  bsl::ostream& print(bsl::ostream& stream,
//                      int           level          = 0,
//                      int           spacesPerLevel = 4) const;
// To output an 'X' object with this trait declared, the
// 'bdlb::PrintMethods::print' method simply forwards to this method.  This
// means that the print operation is completely defined by the class.  Ideally,
// it should behave according to the standard BDE 'print' protocol that is
// documented as follows:
//  Format this object to the specified output 'stream' at the (absolute value
//  of) the optionally specified indentation 'level' and return a reference to
//  'stream'.  If 'level' is specified, optionally specify 'spacesPerLevel',
//  the number of spaces per indentation level for this and all of its nested
//  objects.  If 'level' is negative, suppress indentation of the first line.
//  If 'spacesPerLevel' is negative, format the entire output on one line,
//  suppressing all but the initial indentation (as governed by 'level').  If
//  'stream' is not valid on entry, this operation has no effect.
///Effect of 'bslalg::HasStlIterators' Trait
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// If a class 'X' declares the 'bslalg::HasStlIterators' trait, then it must
// provide access to iterators using the standard STL protocol.  The BDE
// implementation of STL declares this trait for all STL container types that
// have STL iterators.  Other containers that provide STL iterators should
// declare this trait to get correct printing behavior.
// When an 'X' object with this trait is printed using
// 'bdlb::PrintMethods::print', the contents of the object is traversed via an
// iterator and the output is formatted according to the standard BDE 'print'
// protocol, as documented above.  Additionally, an opening '[' character is
// prepended at the beginning of the output and a closing ']' character is
// appended at the end of the output.  Each iterated element is printed using
// its own print method, and with an indentation level one higher than that of
// the container.
///Effect of 'bslmf::IsPair' Trait
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// If a class 'X' declares the 'bslmf::IsPair' trait, then the class must
// contain two 'public' data members named 'first' and 'second'.  The BDE
// implementation of STL declares this trait for the 'bsl::pair' 'struct'.
// Other classes that have 'public' 'first' and 'second' data members may
// declare this trait to get printing behavior similar to that of 'bsl::pair'.
// When an 'X' object with this trait is printed using
// 'bdlb::PrintMethods::print', its output is formatted based on the standard
// BDE 'print' protocol, as documented above.  Additionally, an opening '['
// character is prepended at the beginning of the output and a closing ']'
// character is appended at the end of the output.  The 'first' and 'second'
// elements are printed using their own 'print' methods, and with an
// indentation level one higher than that of the pair object.
// This section illustrates intended use of this component.
///Example 1: Supplying a 'print' Method for a Parameterized Class
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// Suppose we must create a value-semantic class that holds an object of
// parameterized 'TYPE' and, per BDE convention for VSTs, provides a 'print'
// method that shows the value in some human-readable format.
// First, we define the wrapper class:
//  template <class TYPE>
//  class MyWrapper {
//    // An example wrapper class for a 'TYPE' object.
//    TYPE d_obj;  // wrapped object
//    public:
//      // TRAITS
//      BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION(MyWrapper, bdlb::HasPrintMethod);
//      // CREATORS
//      MyWrapper(): d_obj() {};
//      MyWrapper(const TYPE& value) : d_obj(value) { }
//      // ... other constructors and destructor ...
//      // ... assignment operator, etc. ...
//      // ACCESSORS
//      bsl::ostream& print(bsl::ostream& stream,
//                          int           level          = 0,
//                          int           spacesPerLevel = 4) const;
//          // Format the contained 'TYPE' to the specified output 'stream' at
//          // the (absolute value of) the optionally specified indentation
//          // 'level' and return a reference to 'stream'.  If 'level' is
//          // specified, optionally specify 'spacesPerLevel', the number of
//          // spaces per indentation level for this and all of its nested
//          // objects.  If 'level' is negative, suppress indentation of the
//          // first line.  If 'spacesPerLevel' is negative, format the entire
//          // output on one line, suppressing all but the initial indentation
//          // (as governed by 'level').  If 'stream' is not valid on entry,
//          // this operation has no effect.
//  };
// Now, we implement the 'print' method of 'MyWrapper' using the
// 'bdlb::PrintMethods' utility.  Doing so gives us a method that produces
// results both when 'TYPE' defines a 'print' method and when it does not.  In
// the latter case 'TYPE::operator<<' is used.
//  template <class TYPE>
//  bsl::ostream& MyWrapper<TYPE>::print(bsl::ostream& stream,
//                                       int           level,
//                                       int           spacesPerLevel) const
//  {
//      return bdlb::PrintMethods::print(stream, d_obj, level, spacesPerLevel);
//  }
// Finally, we exercise our 'MyWrapper' class using several representative
// types, starting with 'MyDate' (not shown) a class that implements a 'print'
// method.
//  static void usingMyWrapper()
//  {
//      BSLMF_ASSERT(bdlb::HasPrintMethod<MyDate>::value);
//      MyDate            myDate;
//      MyWrapper<MyDate> myWrapperForMyDate(myDate);
//      BSLMF_ASSERT(!bdlb::HasPrintMethod<int>::value);
//      bsl::ostringstream oss1;
//      myWrapperForMyDate.print(oss1); // No problem expected since
//                                      // 'bsls::TimeInterval' has a 'print'
//                                      // method.
//      assert("01JAN0001\n" == oss1.str());
// Using an 'int' type shows how 'bdlb::PrintMethods::print' transparently
// handles types that do not provide 'print' methods:
//      int            myInt = 123;
//      MyWrapper<int> myWrapperForInt(myInt);
//      bsl::ostringstream oss2;
//      myWrapperForInt.print(oss2);    // 'int' has no 'print' method.
//                                      // Problem?
//      assert("123\n" == oss2.str());  // No problem!
// Lastly, since 'MyWrapper' itself is a type that implements 'print' -- and
// sets the 'bdlb::TypeTraitHasPrintMethod' trait -- one instance of the
// 'MyWrapper' type can be wrapped by another.
//      BSLMF_ASSERT(bdlb::HasPrintMethod<MyWrapper<int> >::value);
//      MyWrapper<MyWrapper<int> > myWrappedWrapper;
//      bsl::ostringstream oss3;
//      myWrappedWrapper.print(oss3);
//      assert("0\n" == oss3.str());
//  }
// See the {'bslmf_nestedtraitdeclaration'} component for more information
// about declaring traits for user-defined classes.

#include <bdlscm_version.h>

#include <bdlb_print.h>

#include <bslalg_hasstliterators.h>

#include <bslmf_ispair.h>
#include <bslmf_nestedtraitdeclaration.h>
#include <bslmf_selecttrait.h>

#include <bsls_libraryfeatures.h>

#include <bsl_iomanip.h>
#include <bsl_ostream.h>
#include <bsl_vector.h>

#include <bslalg_typetraithasstliterators.h>
#include <bslalg_typetraitpair.h>

#include <optional>
#include <variant>

namespace bsl {

template <class CHAR_TYPE, class CHAR_TRAITS, class ALLOCATOR>
class basic_string;

}  // close namespace bsl

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace bdlb {

                           // =====================
                           // struct HasPrintMethod
                           // =====================

template <class TYPE>
struct HasPrintMethod :
        bslmf::DetectNestedTrait<TYPE, HasPrintMethod>::type {
    // A class, 'TYPE', should specialize this trait to derive from 'true_type'
    // if it has a 'print' method with the following signature:
    //  bsl::ostream& print(bsl::ostream& stream,
    //                      int           level          = 0,
    //                      int           spacesPerLevel = 4) const;

                       // ==============================
                       // struct TypeTraitHasPrintMethod
                       // ==============================

struct TypeTraitHasPrintMethod {
    // A class should declare this trait if it has a 'print' method with the
    // following signature:
    //  bsl::ostream& print(bsl::ostream& stream,
    //                      int           level          = 0,
    //                      int           spacesPerLevel = 4) const;

    template <class TYPE>
    struct NestedTraitDeclaration :
        bslmf::NestedTraitDeclaration<TYPE, HasPrintMethod>
        // This class template ties the 'bdlb::TypeTraitHasPrintMethod' trait
        // tag to the 'bdlb::HasPrintMethod' trait metafunction.

    template <class TYPE>
    struct Metafunction : HasPrintMethod<TYPE>::type { };

                        // ======================
                        // namespace PrintMethods
                        // ======================

namespace PrintMethods {
    // This 'namespace' contains parameterized 'print' methods having the
    // standard BDE signature for such methods.

template <class TYPE>
bsl::ostream& print(bsl::ostream& stream,
                    const TYPE&   object,
                    int           level          = 0,
                    int           spacesPerLevel = 4);
bsl::ostream& print(bsl::ostream& stream,
                    char          object,
                    int           level          = 0,
                    int           spacesPerLevel = 4);
bsl::ostream& print(bsl::ostream& stream,
                    unsigned char object,
                    int           level          = 0,
                    int           spacesPerLevel = 4);
    // Format the specified 'object' to the specified output 'stream' at the
    // (absolute value of) the optionally specified indentation 'level' and
    // return a reference to 'stream'.  If 'level' is specified, optionally
    // specify 'spacesPerLevel', the number of spaces per indentation level for
    // this and all of its nested objects.  If 'level' is negative, suppress
    // indentation of the first line.  If 'spacesPerLevel' is negative, format
    // the entire output on one line, suppressing all but the initial
    // indentation (as governed by 'level').  If 'stream' is not valid on
    // entry, this operation has no effect.

template <class CHAR_T, class CHAR_TRAITS_T, class ALLOC>
bsl::ostream& print(bsl::ostream&                          stream,
                    const bsl::basic_string<CHAR_T,
                                            ALLOC>&        object,
                    int                                    level          = 0,
                    int                                    spacesPerLevel = 4);
    // Format the specified 'object' to the specified output 'stream' at the
    // (absolute value of) the optionally specified indentation 'level' and
    // return a reference to stream.  Note that output will be formatted on one
    // line.  If 'stream' is not valid on entry, this operation has no effect.

template <class ALLOC>
bsl::ostream& print(bsl::ostream&                   stream,
                    const bsl::vector<char, ALLOC>& object,
                    int                             level          = 0,
                    int                             spacesPerLevel = 4);
    // Format the specified 'object' to the specified output 'stream' at the
    // (absolute value of) the optionally specified indentation 'level' and
    // return a reference to stream.  Note that output will be formatted on one
    // line.  Also note that non-printable characters in 'object' will be
    // printed using their hexadecimal representation.  If 'stream' is not
    // valid on entry, this operation has no effect.


template <class TYPE>
bsl::ostream& print(bsl::ostream&              stream,
                    const std::optional<TYPE>& object,
                    int                        level          = 0,
                    int                        spacesPerLevel = 4);
    // Format the specified 'object' to the specified output 'stream' at the
    // (absolute value of) the optionally specified indentation 'level' and
    // return a reference to 'stream'.  If 'level' is specified, optionally
    // specify 'spacesPerLevel', the number of spaces per indentation level for
    // this and all of its nested objects.  If 'level' is negative, suppress
    // indentation of the first line.  If 'spacesPerLevel' is negative, format
    // the entire output on one line, suppressing all but the initial
    // indentation (as governed by 'level').  If 'stream' is not valid on
    // entry, this operation has no effect.  A descriptive, human-readable
    // message, indented according to 'level' and 'spacesPerLevel', is output
    // for objects having no value (i.e., 'false == object.has_value()').

template <class ... TYPE>
bsl::ostream& print(bsl::ostream&                 stream,
                    const std::variant<TYPE ...>& object,
                    int                           level          = 0,
                    int                           spacesPerLevel = 4);
    // Format the specified 'object' to the specified output 'stream' at the
    // (absolute value of) the optionally specified indentation 'level' and
    // return a reference to 'stream'.  If 'level' is specified, optionally
    // specify 'spacesPerLevel', the number of spaces per indentation level for
    // this and all of its nested objects.  If 'level' is negative, suppress
    // indentation of the first line.  If 'spacesPerLevel' is negative, format
    // the entire output on one line, suppressing all but the initial
    // indentation (as governed by 'level').  If 'stream' is not valid on
    // entry, this operation has no effect.  A descriptive, human-readable
    // message, indented according to 'level' and 'spacesPerLevel', is output
    // for objects holding the value of type 'std::monostate'.  Note that a
    // 'std::variant' object can hold the 'std::monostate' value only if its
    // template parameters explicitly mention the 'std::monostate' type.

bsl::ostream& print(bsl::ostream&         stream,
                    const std::monostate& object,
                    int                   level          = 0,
                    int                   spacesPerLevel = 4);
    // Format the specified 'object' to the specified output 'stream' at the
    // (absolute value of) the optionally specified indentation 'level' and
    // return a reference to 'stream'.  If 'level' is specified, optionally
    // specify 'spacesPerLevel', the number of spaces per indentation level for
    // this and all of its nested objects.  If 'level' is negative, suppress
    // indentation of the first line.  If 'spacesPerLevel' is negative, format
    // the entire output on one line, suppressing all but the initial
    // indentation (as governed by 'level').  If 'stream' is not valid on
    // entry, this operation has no effect.  As all objects of this type have
    // the same value, 'object' is *ignored* and a descriptive, human-readable
    // message is output for all objects of this type.


}  // close namespace PrintMethods
}  // close package namespace

// ============================================================================
//                            INLINE DEFINITIONS
// ============================================================================

namespace bdlb {

                // --------------------------------------------
                // struct bdlb::PrintMethods_Imp<TYPE, SELECTOR>
                // --------------------------------------------

template <class TYPE, class SELECTOR>
struct PrintMethods_Imp;

template <class TYPE>
struct PrintMethods_Imp<TYPE, bslmf::SelectTraitCase<> > {
    // Component-private 'struct'.  Do not use outside of this component.  This
    // 'struct' provides a 'print' function that prints objects of
    // parameterized 'TYPE' that do not declare any of the traits recognized by
    // this component.

    static bsl::ostream& print(bsl::ostream& stream,
                               const TYPE&   object,
                               int           level,
                               int           spacesPerLevel);
        // Print the specified 'object' to the specified 'stream' using its
        // '<<' output stream operator.  Note that a compiler error will result
        // if the specified 'TYPE' does not have a '<<' output stream operator.

              // ----------------------------------------------------
              // struct PrintMethods_Imp<TYPE, HasPrintMethod<TYPE> >
              // ----------------------------------------------------

template <class TYPE>
struct PrintMethods_Imp<TYPE, bslmf::SelectTraitCase<HasPrintMethod> >
    // Component-private 'struct'.  Do not use outside of this component.  This
    // 'struct' provides a 'print' function that prints objects of the
    // parameterized 'TYPE' that are associated with the 'HasPrintMethod'
    // trait.

    static bsl::ostream& print(bsl::ostream& stream,
                               const TYPE&   object,
                               int           level,
                               int           spacesPerLevel);

         // -------------------------------------------------------------
         // struct PrintMethods_Imp<TYPE, bslalg::HasStlIterators<TYPE> >
         // -------------------------------------------------------------

template <class TYPE>
struct PrintMethods_Imp<TYPE, bslmf::SelectTraitCase<bslalg::HasStlIterators> >
    // Component-private 'struct'.  Do not use outside of this component.  This
    // 'struct' provides a 'print' function that prints objects of the
    // parameterized 'TYPE' that have the 'bslalg::HasStlIterators' trait
    // declared.

    static bsl::ostream& print(bsl::ostream& stream,
                               const TYPE&   object,
                               int           level,
                               int           spacesPerLevel);

                  // ---------------------------------------------------
                  // struct PrintMethods_Imp<TYPE, bslmf::IsPair<TYPE> >
                  // ---------------------------------------------------

template <class TYPE>
struct PrintMethods_Imp<TYPE, bslmf::SelectTraitCase<bslmf::IsPair> >
    // Component-private 'struct'.  Do not use outside of this component.  This
    // 'struct' provides a 'print' function that prints objects of
    // parameterized 'TYPE' that declare the 'bslmf::IsPair' trait.

    static bsl::ostream& print(bsl::ostream& stream,
                               const TYPE&   object,
                               int           level,
                               int           spacesPerLevel);

// ============================================================================
// ============================================================================

                // ---------------------------------------
                // struct PrintMethods_Imp<TYPE, SELECTOR>
                // ---------------------------------------

template <class TYPE>
bsl::ostream& PrintMethods_Imp<TYPE, bslmf::SelectTraitCase<> >::print(
                                                  bsl::ostream& stream,
                                                  const TYPE&   object,
                                                  int           level,
                                                  int           spacesPerLevel)
    if (stream.bad()) {
        return stream;                                                // RETURN

    Print::indent(stream, level, spacesPerLevel);

    // A compilation error indicating the next line of code implies the 'TYPE'
    // parameter does not have the '<<' output stream operator.

    stream << object;

    if (0 <= spacesPerLevel) {
        stream << '\n';

    return stream;

          // ----------------------------------------------------
          // struct PrintMethods_Imp<TYPE, HasPrintMethod<TYPE> >
          // ----------------------------------------------------

template <class TYPE>
bsl::ostream& PrintMethods_Imp<TYPE, bslmf::SelectTraitCase<HasPrintMethod> >::
                                            print(bsl::ostream& stream,
                                                  const TYPE&   object,
                                                  int           level,
                                                  int           spacesPerLevel)
    // A compilation error indicating the next line of code implies the 'TYPE'
    // parameter does not have a 'print' method with the expected signature.

    return object.print(stream, level, spacesPerLevel);

         // -------------------------------------------------------------
         // struct PrintMethods_Imp<TYPE, bslalg::HasStlIterators<TYPE> >
         // -------------------------------------------------------------

template <class TYPE>
bsl::ostream& PrintMethods_Imp<TYPE,
                              >::print(bsl::ostream& stream,
                                       const TYPE&   object,
                                       int           level,
                                       int           spacesPerLevel)
    if (stream.bad()) {
        return stream;                                                // RETURN

    Print::indent(stream, level, spacesPerLevel);

    // A compilation error indicating the next line of code implies the 'TYPE'
    // parameter does not have STL-compliant iterators.

    typedef typename TYPE::const_iterator Iterator;

    if (0 <= spacesPerLevel) {
        // Multi-line output.

        if (level < 0) {
            level = -level;

        stream << "[\n";

        const int levelPlus1 = level + 1;

        for (Iterator it = object.begin(); it != object.end(); ++it) {

        Print::indent(stream, level, spacesPerLevel);

        stream << "]\n";
    else {
        // Output on a single line and suppress any further indentation.

        stream << "[ ";

        for (Iterator it = object.begin(); it != object.end(); ++it) {
            PrintMethods::print(stream, *it, 0, -1);
            stream << ' ';

        stream << ']';

    return stream << bsl::flush;

                  // ---------------------------------------------------
                  // struct PrintMethods_Imp<TYPE, bslmf::IsPair<TYPE> >
                  // ---------------------------------------------------

template <class TYPE>
bsl::ostream& PrintMethods_Imp<TYPE, bslmf::SelectTraitCase<bslmf::IsPair> >::
                                            print(bsl::ostream& stream,
                                                  const TYPE&   object,
                                                  int           level,
                                                  int           spacesPerLevel)
    if (stream.bad()) {
        return stream;                                                // RETURN

    Print::indent(stream, level, spacesPerLevel);

    if (0 <= spacesPerLevel) {
        // Multi-line output.

        if (level < 0) {
            level = -level;

        stream << "[\n";

        const int levelPlus1 = level + 1;

        // A compilation error indicating the next line of code implies the
        // 'TYPE' parameter is not a pair.


        Print::indent(stream, level, spacesPerLevel);

        stream << "]\n";
    else {
        // Output on a single line and suppress any further indentation.

        stream << "[ ";

        // A compilation error indicating the next line of code implies the
        // 'TYPE' parameter is not a pair.

        PrintMethods::print(stream, object.first, 0, -1);
        stream << ' ';

        PrintMethods::print(stream, object.second, 0, -1);
        stream << " ]";

    return stream << bsl::flush;

                        // ----------------------
                        // namespace PrintMethods
                        // ----------------------

template <class TYPE>
bsl::ostream& PrintMethods::print(bsl::ostream& stream,
                                  const TYPE&   object,
                                  int           level,
                                  int           spacesPerLevel)
    typedef typename bslmf::SelectTrait<TYPE,
                                        bslmf::IsPair>::Type BdlbSelector;

    return PrintMethods_Imp<TYPE, BdlbSelector>::print(stream,

template <class CHAR_T, class CHAR_TRAITS_T, class ALLOC>
bsl::ostream& PrintMethods::print(
         bsl::ostream&                                          stream,
         const bsl::basic_string<CHAR_T, CHAR_TRAITS_T, ALLOC>& object,
         int                                                    level,
         int                                                    spacesPerLevel)
    return PrintMethods_Imp<bsl::basic_string<CHAR_T, CHAR_TRAITS_T, ALLOC>,
                            bslmf::SelectTraitCase<> >::print(stream,

template <class ALLOC>
PrintMethods::print(bsl::ostream&                   stream,
                    const bsl::vector<char, ALLOC>& object,
                    int                             level,
                    int                             spacesPerLevel)
    if (stream.bad()) {
        return stream;                                                // RETURN

    Print::indent(stream, level, spacesPerLevel);

    stream << "\"";

    const int len = static_cast<int>(object.size());

    if (0 < len) {
        Print::printString(stream, &object[0], len, false);

    stream << "\"";

    if (0 <= spacesPerLevel) {
        stream << '\n';

    return stream;


template <class TYPE>
PrintMethods::print(bsl::ostream&              stream,
                    const std::optional<TYPE>& object,
                    int                        level,
                    int                        spacesPerLevel)

    if (object.has_value()) {
        return PrintMethods::print(stream,
                                   spacesPerLevel);                   // RETURN

    } else {
        return PrintMethods::print(stream,
                                   spacesPerLevel);                   // RETURN

template <class ... TYPE>
PrintMethods::print(bsl::ostream&                 stream,
                    const std::variant<TYPE ...>& object,
                    int                           level,
                    int                           spacesPerLevel)
    const auto lambda = [&](const auto& x) -> bsl::ostream& {
                            return PrintMethods::print(stream,
    return std::visit(lambda, object);

PrintMethods::print(bsl::ostream&         stream,
                    const std::monostate& ,
                    int                   level,
                    int                   spacesPerLevel)
    return PrintMethods::print(stream,
                               spacesPerLevel);                       // RETURN

}  // close package namespace
}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2015 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------