// bdlat_enumfunctions.h                                              -*-C++-*-

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                                   NOTICE
// This component is not up to date with current BDE coding standards, and
// should not be used as an example for new development.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide a namespace defining enumeration functions.
//  bdlat_EnumFunctions: namespace for calling enumeration functions
//@DESCRIPTION: The 'bdlat_EnumFunctions' 'namespace' provided in this
// component defines parameterized functions that expose "enumeration" behavior
// for "enumeration" types.  See the package-level documentation for a full
// description of "enumeration" types.  The functions in this namespace allow
// users to:
//      o load an enumeration value from an integer value ('fromInt').
//      o load an enumeration value from a string value ('fromString').
//      o load an integer value from an enumeration value ('toInt').
//      o load a string value from an enumeration value ('toString').
// Also, the meta-function 'IsEnumeration' contains a compile-time constant
// 'VALUE' that is non-zero if the parameterized 'TYPE' exposes "enumeration"
// behavior through the 'bdlat_EnumFunctions' 'namespace'.
// This component specializes all of these functions for types that have the
// 'bdlat_TypeTraitBasicEnumeration' trait.
// Types that do not have the 'bdlat_TypeTraitBasicEnumeration' trait may have
// the functions in the 'bdlat_EnumFunctions' 'namespace' specialized for them.
// An example of this is provided in the 'Usage' section of this document.
// The following snippets of code illustrate the usage of this component.
// Suppose you had a C++ 'enum' type called 'MyEnum':
// #include <bdlat_enumfunctions.h>
// #include <bdlb_string.h>
// #include <sstream>
// #include <string>
// namespace BloombergLP {
// namespace mine {
// enum MyEnum {
//     RED   = 1,
//     GREEN = 2,
//     BLUE  = 3
// };
// We can now make 'MyEnum' expose "enumeration" behavior by implementing all
// the necessary 'bdlat_enum*' functions for 'MyEnum' inside the 'mine'
// namespace.  First we should forward declare all the functions that we will
// implement inside the 'mine' namespace:
//      int bdlat_enumFromInt(MyEnum *result, int number);
//          // Load into the specified 'result' the enumerator matching the
//          // specified 'number'.  Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value
//          // with no effect on 'result' if 'number' does not match any
//          // enumerator.
//      int bdlat_enumFromString(MyEnum *result,
//                               const char *string, int stringLength);
//          // Load into the specified 'result' the enumerator matching the
//          // specified 'string' of the specified 'stringLength'.  Return 0 on
//          // success, and a non-zero value with no effect on 'result' if
//          // 'string' and 'stringLength' do not match any enumerator.
//      // ACCESSORS
//      void bdlat_enumToInt(int *result, const MyEnum& value);
//          // Return the integer representation exactly matching the
//          // enumerator name corresponding to the specified enumeration
//          // 'value'.
//      void bdlat_enumToString(bsl::string *result, const MyEnum& value);
//          // Return the string representation exactly matching the enumerator
//          // name corresponding to the specified enumeration 'value'.
//  }  // close namespace mine
// Next, we provide the definitions for each of these functions:
//  inline
//  int mine::bdlat_enumFromInt(MyEnum *result, int number)
//  {
//      enum { SUCCESS = 0, NOT_FOUND = -1 };
//      switch (number) {
//        case RED: {
//          *result = RED;
//          return SUCCESS;
//        }
//        case GREEN: {
//          *result = GREEN;
//          return SUCCESS;
//        }
//        case BLUE: {
//          *result = BLUE;
//          return SUCCESS;
//        }
//        default: {
//          return NOT_FOUND;
//        }
//      }
//  }
//  inline
//  int mine::bdlat_enumFromString(MyEnum    *result,
//                                 const char *string,
//                                 int         stringLength)
//  {
//      enum { SUCCESS = 0, NOT_FOUND = -1 };
//      if (bdlb::String::areEqualCaseless("red",
//                                        string,
//                                        stringLength)) {
//          *result = RED;
//          return SUCCESS;
//      }
//      if (bdlb::String::areEqualCaseless("green",
//                                        string,
//                                        stringLength)) {
//          *result = GREEN;
//          return SUCCESS;
//      }
//      if (bdlb::String::areEqualCaseless("blue",
//                                        string,
//                                        stringLength)) {
//          *result = BLUE;
//          return SUCCESS;
//      }
//      return NOT_FOUND;
//  }
//  void mine::bdlat_enumToInt(int *result, const MyEnum& value)
//  {
//      *result = static_cast<int>(value);
//  }
//  void mine::bdlat_enumToString(bsl::string    *result, const MyEnum&  value)
//  {
//      switch (value) {
//        case RED: {
//          *result = "RED";
//        } break;
//        case GREEN: {
//          *result = "GREEN";
//        } break;
//        case BLUE: {
//          *result = "BLUE";
//        } break;
//        default: {
//          *result = "UNKNOWN";
//        } break;
//      }
//  }
// Finally, we need to specialize the 'IsEnum' meta-function in the
// 'bdlat_EnumFunctions' namespace for the 'mine::MyEnum' type.  This makes the
// 'bdlat' infrastructure recognize 'MyEnum' as an enumeration abstraction:
//  namespace bdlat_EnumFunctions {
//      template <>
//      struct IsEnumeration<mine::MyEnum> {
//          enum { VALUE = 1 };
//      };
//  }  // close namespace 'bdlat_EnumFunctions'
//  }  // close namespace 'BloombergLP'
// The 'bdlat' infrastructure (and any component that uses this infrastructure)
// will now recognize 'MyEnum' as an "enumeration" type.  For example, suppose
// we have the following XML data:
//  <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
//  <MyEnum>GREEN</MyEnum>
// Using the 'balxml_decoder' component, we can load this XML data into a
// 'MyEnum' object:
//  #include <balxml_decoder.h>
//  void decodeMyEnumFromXML(bsl::istream& inputData)
//  {
//      using namespace BloombergLP;
//      MyEnum object = 0;
//      balxml::DecoderOptions options;
//      balxml::MiniReader     reader;
//      balxml::ErrorInfo      errInfo;
//      balxml::Decoder decoder(&options, &reader, &errInfo);
//      int result = decoder.decode(inputData, &object);
//      assert(0     == result);
//      assert(GREEN == object);
//  }
// Note that the 'bdlat' framework can be used for functionality other than
// encoding/decoding into XML.  When 'mine::MyEnum' is plugged into the
// framework, then it will be automatically usable within the framework.  For
// example, the following snippets of code will convert a string from a stream
// and load it into a 'mine::MyEnum' object:
//  template <typename TYPE>
//  void readMyEnum(bsl::istream& stream, TYPE *object)
//  {
//      bsl::string value;
//      stream >> value;
//      return bdlat_EnumType::fromString(object, value);
//  }
// Now we have a generic function that takes an input stream and a 'Cusip'
// object, and inputs its value.  We can use this generic function as follows:
//  void usageExample()
//  {
//      using namespace BloombergLP;
//      bsl::stringstream ss;
//      mine::MyEnum object;
//      ss << "GREEN" << bsl::endl << "BROWN" << bsl::endl;
//      assert(0           == readMyEnum(ss, &object));
//      assert(mine::GREEN == object);
//      assert(0           != readMyEnum(ss, &object));
//  }

#include <bdlscm_version.h>

#include <bdlat_bdeatoverrides.h>
#include <bdlat_typetraits.h>

#include <bslalg_hastrait.h>

#include <bslmf_assert.h>
#include <bslmf_matchanytype.h>
#include <bslmf_metaint.h>

#include <bsls_assert.h>
#include <bsls_platform.h>

#include <bsl_string.h>

namespace BloombergLP {

                      // =============================
                      // namespace bdlat_EnumFunctions
                      // =============================

namespace bdlat_EnumFunctions {
    // This 'namespace' provides functions that expose "enumeration" behavior
    // for "enumeration" types.  See the component-level documentation for more
    // information.

    template <class TYPE>
    struct IsEnumeration {
        // This 'struct' should be specialized for third-party types that need
        // to expose "enumeration" behavior.  See the component-level
        // documentation for further information.

        enum {
            VALUE = bslalg::HasTrait<TYPE,

    template <class TYPE>
    int fromInt(TYPE *result, int number);
        // Load into the specified 'result' the enumerator matching the
        // specified 'number'.  Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value with
        // no effect on 'result' if 'number' does not match any enumerator.

    template <class TYPE>
    int fromString(TYPE *result, const char *string, int stringLength);
        // Load into the specified 'result' the enumerator matching the
        // specified 'string' of the specified 'stringLength'.  Return 0 on
        // success, and a non-zero value with no effect on 'result' if 'string'
        // and 'stringLength' do not match any enumerator.

    template <class TYPE>
    void toInt(int *result, const TYPE& value);
        // Return the integer representation exactly matching the enumerator
        // name corresponding to the specified enumeration 'value'.

    template <class TYPE>
    void toString(bsl::string *result, const TYPE& value);
        // Return the string representation exactly matching the enumerator
        // name corresponding to the specified enumeration 'value'.

}  // close namespace bdlat_EnumFunctions

                            // ====================
                            // default declarations
                            // ====================

namespace bdlat_EnumFunctions {
    // This namespace declaration adds the default implementations of the
    // "enumeration" customization-point functions to 'bdlat_EnumFunctions'.
    // These default implementations assume the type of the acted-upon object
    // is a basic-enumeration type.  For more information about
    // basic-enumeration types, see {'bdlat_typetraits'}.

    template <class TYPE>
    int bdlat_enumFromInt(TYPE *result, int number);

    template <class TYPE>
    int bdlat_enumFromString(TYPE       *result,
                             const char *string,
                             int         stringLength);

    template <class TYPE>
    void bdlat_enumToInt(int *result, const TYPE& value);

    template <class TYPE>
    void bdlat_enumToString(bsl::string *result, const TYPE& value);

}  // close namespace bdlat_EnumFunctions

// ============================================================================
//                        INLINE FUNCTION DEFINITIONS
// ============================================================================

                      // -----------------------------
                      // namespace bdlat_EnumFunctions
                      // -----------------------------

template <class TYPE>
int bdlat_EnumFunctions::fromInt(TYPE *result, int number)
    return bdlat_enumFromInt(result, number);

template <class TYPE>
int bdlat_EnumFunctions::fromString(TYPE       *result,
                                    const char *string,
                                    int         stringLength)
    return bdlat_enumFromString(result, string, stringLength);

template <class TYPE>
void bdlat_EnumFunctions::toInt(int *result, const TYPE& value)
    bdlat_enumToInt(result, value);

template <class TYPE>
void bdlat_EnumFunctions::toString(bsl::string *result, const TYPE& value)
    bdlat_enumToString(result, value);

                            // -------------------
                            // default definitions
                            // -------------------

template <class TYPE>
int bdlat_EnumFunctions::bdlat_enumFromInt(TYPE *result, int number)

    typedef typename bdlat_BasicEnumerationWrapper<TYPE>::Wrapper Wrapper;
    return Wrapper::fromInt(result, number);

template <class TYPE>
int bdlat_EnumFunctions::bdlat_enumFromString(TYPE       *result,
                                              const char *string,
                                              int         stringLength)
             (bslalg::HasTrait<TYPE, bdlat_TypeTraitBasicEnumeration>::VALUE));

    typedef typename bdlat_BasicEnumerationWrapper<TYPE>::Wrapper Wrapper;
    return Wrapper::fromString(result, string, stringLength);

template <class TYPE>
void bdlat_EnumFunctions::bdlat_enumToInt(int *result, const TYPE& value)
             (bslalg::HasTrait<TYPE, bdlat_TypeTraitBasicEnumeration>::VALUE));

    *result = static_cast<int>(value);

template <class TYPE>
void bdlat_EnumFunctions::bdlat_enumToString(bsl::string *result,
                                             const TYPE&  value)
             (bslalg::HasTrait<TYPE, bdlat_TypeTraitBasicEnumeration>::VALUE));

    typedef typename bdlat_BasicEnumerationWrapper<TYPE>::Wrapper Wrapper;
    *result = Wrapper::toString(value);

}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2015 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------