// balst_stacktraceutil.h                                             -*-C++-*-

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                                   NOTICE
// This component is not up to date with current BDE coding standards, and
// should not be used as an example for new development.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide low-level utilities for obtaining & printing a stack-trace.
//   balst::StackTraceUtil: utilities for 'balst::StackTrace' objects
//@SEE_ALSO: balst_stacktraceprintutil
//@DESCRIPTION: This component provides a namespace for functions used in
// obtaining and printing a stack-trace.  Note that clients interested in
// simply printing a stack-trace are encouraged to use the
// 'balst_stacktraceprintutil' component instead.
// This section illustrates intended usage for this component.  The following
// examples demonstrate two distinct ways to load and print a stack-trace with
// 'balst::StackTraceUtil' using (1) 'loadStackTraceFromStack' and
// (2) 'loadStackTraceFromAddresses'.
///Example 1: Loading Stack-Trace Directly from the Stack
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// We start by defining a routine, 'recurseExample1', that will recurse the
// specified 'depth' times, then call 'traceExample1':
//  int traceExample1();    // forward declaration
//  int recurseExample1(int *depth)
//      // Recurse the specified 'depth' number of times, then call
//      // 'traceExample1'.
//  {
//      int rc;
//      if (--*depth > 0) {
//          rc = recurseExample1(depth);
//      }
//      else {
//          rc = traceExample1();
//      }
//      if (rc) {
//          return rc;                                                // RETURN
//      }
//      ++*depth;   // Prevent compiler from optimizing tail recursion as a
//                  // loop.
//      return 0;
//  }
// Then, we define the function 'traceExample1', that will print a stack-trace:
//  int traceExample1()
//  {
// Now, we create a 'balst::StackTrace' object and call
// 'loadStackTraceFrameStack' to load the information from the stack of the
// current thread into the stack-trace object.
// In this call to 'loadStackTraceFromStack', we use the default value of
// 'maxFrames', which is at least 1024 and the default value for
// 'demanglingPreferredFlag', which is 'true', meaning that the operation will
// attempt to demangle function names.  Note that the object 'stackTrace' takes
// very little room on the stack, and by default allocates most of its memory
// directly from virtual memory without going through the heap, minimizing
// potential complications due to stack-size limits and possible heap
// corruption.
//      balst::StackTrace stackTrace;
//      int rc = balst::StackTraceUtil::loadStackTraceFromStack(&stackTrace);
//      if (rc) {  // Error handling is omitted.
//          return rc;                                                // RETURN
//      }
// Finally, we use 'printFormatted' to stream out the stack-trace, one frame
// per line, in a concise, human-readable format.
//      balst::StackTraceUtil::printFormatted(bsl::cout, stackTrace);
//      return 0;
//  }
// The output from the preceding example on Solaris is as follows:
// (0): traceExample1()+0x28 at 0x327d0 in balst_stacktraceutil.t.dbg_exc_mt
// (1): recurseExample1(int*)+0x54 at 0x32e30 in balst_stacktraceutil.t.dbg_exc
// (2): recurseExample1(int*)+0x44 at 0x32e20 in balst_stacktraceutil.t.dbg_exc
// (3): recurseExample1(int*)+0x44 at 0x32e20 in balst_stacktraceutil.t.dbg_exc
// (4): recurseExample1(int*)+0x44 at 0x32e20 in balst_stacktraceutil.t.dbg_exc
// (5): recurseExample1(int*)+0x44 at 0x32e20 in balst_stacktraceutil.t.dbg_exc
// (6): main+0x24c at 0x36c10 in balst_stacktraceutil.t.dbg_exc_mt
// (7): _start+0x5c at 0x31d4c in balst_stacktraceutil.t.dbg_exc_mt
// Notice that the lines have been truncated to fit this 79 column source file,
// and that on AIX or Windows, source file name and line number information
// will also be displayed.
///Example 2: Loading a Stack-Trace from an Array of Stack Addresses
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// In this example, we demonstrate obtaining return addresses from the stack
// using 'bsls::StackAddressUtil', and later using them to load a
// 'balst::StackTrace' object with a description of the stack.  This approach
// may be desirable if one wants to quickly save the addresses that are the
// basis for a stack-trace, postponing the more time-consuming translation of
// those addresses to more human-readable debug information until later.  To do
// this, we create an array of pointers to hold the return addresses from the
// stack, which may not be desirable if we are in a situation where there isn't
// much room on the stack.
// First, we define a routine 'recurseExample2' which will recurse the
// specified 'depth' times, then call 'traceExample2'.
//  int traceExample2();    // forward declaration
//  int recurseExample2(int *depth)
//      // Recurse the specified 'depth' number of times, then call
//      // 'traceExample2', which will print a stack-trace.
//  {
//      int rc;
//      if (--*depth > 0) {
//          rc = recurseExample2(depth);
//      }
//      else {
//          rc = traceExample2();
//      }
//      if (rc) {
//          return rc;                                                // RETURN
//      }
//      ++*depth;   // Prevent compiler from optimizing tail recursion as a
//                  // loop.
//      return 0;
//  }
//  int traceExample2()
//  {
// Then, within 'traceExample2', we create a stack-trace object and an array
// 'addresses' to hold some addresses.
//      balst::StackTrace stackTrace;
//      enum { ARRAY_LENGTH = 50 };
//      void *addresses[ARRAY_LENGTH];
// Next, we call 'bsls::StackAddressUtil::getStackAddresses' to get the stored
// return addresses from the stack and load them into the array 'addresses'.
// The call returns the number of addresses saved into the array, which will be
// less than or equal to 'ARRAY_LENGTH'.
//      int numAddresses = bsls::StackAddressUtil::getStackAddresses(
//                                                               addresses,
//                                                               ARRAY_LENGTH);
// Then, we call 'loadStackTraceFromAddressArray' to initialize the information
// in the stack-trace object, such as function names, source file names, and
// line numbers, if they are available.  The optional argument,
// 'demanglingPreferredFlag', defaults to 'true'.
//      int rc = balst::StackTraceUtil::loadStackTraceFromAddressArray(
//                                                               &stackTrace,
//                                                               addresses,
//                                                               numAddresses);
//      if (rc) {  // Error handling is omitted.
//          return rc;                                                // RETURN
//      }
// Finally, we can print out the stack-trace object using 'printFormatted', or
// iterate through the stack-trace frames, printing them out one by one.  In
// this example, we want instead to output only function names, and not line
// numbers, source file names, or library names, so we iterate through the
// stack-trace frames and print out only the properties we want.  Note that if
// a string is unknown, it is represented as "", here we print it out as
// "--unknown--" to let the user see that the name was unresolved.
//      for (int i = 0; i < stackTrace.length(); ++i) {
//          const balst::StackTraceFrame& frame = stackTrace[i];
//          const char *symbol = frame.isSymbolNameKnown()
//                             ? frame.symbolName().c_str()
//                             : "--unknown__";
//          bsl::cout << '(' << i << "): " << symbol << endl;
//      }
//      return 0;
//  }
// Running this example would produce the following output:
// (0): traceExample2()
// (1): recurseExample2(int*)
// (2): recurseExample2(int*)
// (3): recurseExample2(int*)
// (4): recurseExample2(int*)
// (5): recurseExample2(int*)
// (6): main
// (7): _start
///Example 3: Outputting a Hex Stack Trace
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// In this example, we demonstrate how to output return addresses from the
// stack to a stream in hex.  Note that in this case the stack trace is never
// stored to a data object -- when the 'operator<<' is passed a pointer to the
// 'hexStackTrace' function, it calls the 'hexStackTrace' function, which
// gathers the stack addresses and immediately streams them out.  After the
// 'operator<<' is finished, the stack addresses are no longer stored anywhere.
// First, we define a routine 'recurseExample3' which will recurse the
// specified 'depth' times, then call 'traceExample3'.
//  void traceExample3();    // forward declaration
//  void recurseExample3(int *depth)
//      // Recurse the specified 'depth' number of times, then call
//      // 'traceExample3', which will print a stack-trace.
//  {
//      if (--*depth > 0) {
//          recurseExample3(depth);
//      }
//      else {
//          traceExample3();
//      }
//      ++*depth;   // Prevent compiler from optimizing tail recursion as a
//                  // loop.
//  }
//  void traceExample3()
//  {
//      // Now, within 'traceExample3', we output the stack addresses in hex by
//      // streaming the function pointer 'hexStackTrace' to the ostream:
//      bsl::cout << balst::StackTraceUtil::hexStackTrace << endl;
//  }
// Finally, the output appears as a collection of hex values streamed out
// separated by spaces.
//  0x10001e438 0x10001e3b8 0x10001e3b0 0x10001e3b0 0x10001e3b0 0x10001e3b0 ...
// The hex stack traces can be translated to a human-readable stack trace
// using tools outside of BDE, such as Bloomberg's '/bb/bin/showfunc.tsk':
//  $ /bb/bin/showfunc.tsk <path to executable> 0x10001e438 0x10001e3b8 ...
//  0x10001e438 .traceExample3__Fv + 64
//  0x10001e3b8 .recurseExample3__FPi + 72
//  0x10001e3b0 .recurseExample3__FPi + 64
//  0x10001e3b0 .recurseExample3__FPi + 64
//  0x10001e3b0 .recurseExample3__FPi + 64
//  0x10001e3b0 .recurseExample3__FPi + 64
//  0x100000ba0 .main + 648
//  0x1000002fc .__start + 116
//  $

#include <balscm_version.h>

#include <balst_stacktrace.h>

#include <bslma_allocator.h>

#include <bsl_iosfwd.h>

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace balst {

struct StackTraceUtil {
    // This 'struct' serves as a namespace for a collection of functions that
    // are useful for initializing and printing a stack-trace object.

    bsl::ostream& hexStackTrace(bsl::ostream &stream);
        // Write to the specified 'stream' the stack addresses from a stack
        // trace of the current thread, in hex from top to bottom, and return
        // 'stream'.

    int loadStackTraceFromAddressArray(
                           StackTrace         *result,
                           const void * const  addresses[],
                           int                 numAddresses,
                           bool                demanglingPreferredFlag = true);
        // Populate the specified 'result' with stack-trace information from
        // the stack, described by the specified array of 'addresses' of length
        // 'numAddresses'.  Optionally specify 'demanglingPreferredFlag' to
        // indicate whether or not to attempt to perform demangling, however,
        // demangling is always performed on the Windows platform and never
        // performed on Solaris using the CC compiler regardless of the value
        // of 'demanglingPreferredFlag'.  If 'demanglingPreferredFlag' is not
        // specified, demangling is performed on those platforms that support
        // it.  Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value otherwise.  Any
        // frames previously contained in the stack-trace object are discarded.
        // The behavior is undefined unless 'addresses' contains at least
        // 'numAddresses' addresses.  Note that the return addresses from the
        // stack can be obtained by calling
        // 'bsls::StackAddressUtil::getStackAddresses', and that demangling
        // sometimes involves calling 'malloc'.

    int loadStackTraceFromStack(StackTrace *result,
                                int         maxFrames = -1,
                                bool        demanglingPreferredFlag = true);
        // Populate the specified 'result' object with information about the
        // current thread's program stack.  Optionally specify 'maxFrames' to
        // indicate the maximum number of frames to take from the top of the
        // stack.  If 'maxFrames' is not specified, the default limit is at
        // least 1024.  Optionally specify 'demanglingPreferredFlag' to
        // indicate whether to attempt to perform demangling, if possible.  If
        // 'demanglingPreferredFlag' is not specfied, demangling is assumed to
        // be preferred, however, demangling is always performed on the Windows
        // platform and never performed on Solaris using the CC compiler
        // regardless of the value of 'demanglingPreferredFlag'.  Any frames
        // previously contained in the 'stackTrace' object are discarded.
        // Return 0 on success, and a non-zero value otherwise.  The behavior
        // is undefined unless 'maxFrames' (if specified) is greater than 0.
        // Note that demangling may involve calling 'malloc'.

    bsl::ostream& printFormatted(bsl::ostream&     stream,
                                 const StackTrace& stackTrace);
        // Stream the specified 'stackTrace' to the specified 'stream' in some
        // multi-line, human-readable format.  Note that this operation
        // attempts to avoid using the default allocator.

    bsl::ostream& printFormatted(bsl::ostream&          stream,
                                 const StackTraceFrame& stackTraceFrame);
        // Write the value of the specified 'stackTraceFrame' to the specified
        // output 'stream' in some single-line, human-readable format and
        // return a reference to 'stream'.  The name of the symbol is
        // represented by the 'symbolName' property of 'stackTraceFrame', if
        // known; otherwise, it is represented by the 'mangledSymbolName'
        // property, if known; otherwise, it is represented by "--unknown--".
        // Other frame attributes are written only if their values are known.
        // Note that the format is not fully specified, and can change without
        // notice.  Also note that this method attempts to avoid using the
        // default allocator.

    bsl::ostream& printHexStackTrace(
                                 bsl::ostream&     stream,
                                 char              delimiter = ' ',
                                 int               maxFrames = -1,
                                 int               additionalIgnoreFrames = 0,
                                 bslma::Allocator *allocator = 0);
        // Write to the specified 'stream' the stack addresses from a stack
        // trace of the current thread, in hex from top to bottom, and return
        // 'stream'.  Optionally specify 'delimiter', that is to be written
        // between stack addresses.  If 'delimiter' is not specified, the
        // addresses are separated by a single space.  Optionally specify
        // 'maxFrames', the upper limit of the number of frames to obtain,
        // where a negative or unspecified value will be interpreted as a large
        // finite default value.  Optionally specify 'additionalIgnoreFrames'
        // to be added to the number of frames from the stack top to be ignored
        // and not printed.  Optionally specify 'allocator' to be used for
        // temporary storage; if none is specified, a locally created heap
        // bypass allocator will be used.  The behavior is undefined unless
        // 'delimiter != 0' and 'additionalIgnoreFrames >= 0'.

}  // close package namespace
}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2015 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------