// balm_metricregistry.h                                              -*-C++-*-

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                                   NOTICE
// This component is not up to date with current BDE coding standards, and
// should not be used as an example for new development.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide a registry for metrics.
//   balm::MetricRegistry: a registry for metrics
//@SEE_ALSO: balm_metricsmanager, balm_metricrecord
//@DESCRIPTION: This component defines a class, 'balm::MetricRegistry', that
// provides operations to register both metric categories and individual
// metrics.  A metric is uniquely identified by its name and category, and the
// metric registry provides a mapping from those identifying properties to a
// 'balm::MetricId'.  A 'balm::MetricRegistry' object also provides a mapping
// from a category name to the address of a non-modifiable 'balm::Category'
// object.
///Alternative Systems for Telemetry
// Bloomberg software may alternatively use the GUTS telemetry API, which is
// integrated into Bloomberg infrastructure.
///Thread Safety
// 'balm::MetricRegistry' is fully *thread-safe*, meaning that all non-creator
// operations on a given object can be safely invoked simultaneously from
// multiple threads.
// The following example illustrates how to create and use a
// 'balm::MetricRegistry'.  We start by creating a 'balm::MetricRegistry'
// object, 'registry', and then using this registry to create a
// 'balm::MetricId' for a metric named "MetricA" belonging to the category
// "MyCategory" (i.e., "MyCategory.MetricA").
//  bslma::Allocator    *allocator = bslma::Default::allocator(0);
//  balm::MetricRegistry  registry(allocator);
//  balm::MetricId idA = registry.addId("MyCategory", "MetricA");
// Now that we have added a metric id, "MyCategory.MetricA", attempting to add
// the metric id again will return an invalid id.  We retrieve the same
// identifier we have created using either 'getId' or 'findId':
//  balm::MetricId invalidId = registry.addId("MyCategory", "MetricA");
//        assert(!invalidId.isValid());
//  balm::MetricId idA_copy1 = registry.getId("MyCategory", "MetricA");
//        assert(idA_copy1.isValid());
//        assert(idA_copy1 == idA);
//  balm::MetricId idA_copy2 = registry.findId("MyCategory", "MetricA");
//        assert(idA_copy2.isValid());
//        assert(idA_copy2 == idA);
// We use the 'getId' method to add a new metric to the registry, then verify
// we can lookup the metric:
//  balm::MetricId idB = registry.getId("MyCategory", "MetricB");
//        assert(idB.isValid());
//        assert(idB == registry.getId("MyCategory", "MetricB"));
//        assert(idB == registry.findId("MyCategory", "MetricB"));
//        assert(!registry.addId("MyCategory", "MetricB").isValid());
// Next we use 'getCategory' to find the address of the 'balm::Category' object
// corresponding to "MyCategory":
//  const balm::Category *myCategory = registry.getCategory("MyCategory");
//        assert(myCategory == idA.category());
//        assert(myCategory == idB.category());
//        assert(myCategory->isEnabled());
// Finally we use the 'setCategoryEnabled' method to disable the category
// "MyCategory":
//  registry.setCategoryEnabled(myCategory, false);
//        assert(!myCategory->isEnabled());

#include <balscm_version.h>

#include <balm_category.h>
#include <balm_metricdescription.h>
#include <balm_metricid.h>
#include <balm_publicationtype.h>

#include <bslmt_rwmutex.h>

#include <bdlb_cstringless.h>

#include <bslma_allocator.h>

#include <bslmf_nestedtraitdeclaration.h>

#include <bsl_iosfwd.h>
#include <bsl_map.h>
#include <bsl_memory.h>
#include <bsl_set.h>
#include <bsl_string.h>
#include <bsl_utility.h>
#include <bsl_vector.h>
#include <bsl_cstddef.h>
#include <bsl_cstring.h>

#include <bslma_allocator.h>

namespace BloombergLP {

namespace balm {

class MetricFormat;

                            // ====================
                            // class MetricRegistry
                            // ====================

class MetricRegistry {
    // The class defines a thread-aware mechanism for registering metrics and
    // metric categories.  A metric is uniquely identified by its name and
    // category, and the metric registry provides a mapping from those
    // identifying properties to a 'balm::MetricId'.  A 'balm::MetricRegistry'
    // object also provides a mapping from a category name to the address of a
    // non-modifiable 'balm::Category' object.

    typedef bsl::pair<const char *, const char *> CategoryAndName;
        // 'CategoryAndName' is an alias for a pair of null-terminated
        // constant strings that represent the category and name of a metric.
        // The first element is the category and the second is the name.

    struct CategoryAndNameLess {
        // This 'struct' defines an ordering on 'CategoryAndName' values
        // allowing them to be included in sorted containers such as
        // 'bsl::map'.  Note that the category and name strings are compared
        // by value.

        typedef bsl::pair<const char *, const char *> CategoryAndName;

        bool operator()(const CategoryAndName& lhs,
                        const CategoryAndName& rhs) const
            // Return 'true' if the value of the specified 'lhs' is less than
            // (ordered before) the value of the specified 'rhs', and 'false'
            // otherwise.  The 'lhs' value is considered less than the 'rhs'
            // value if the first value in the 'lhs' pair (the category) is
            // less than the first value in the 'rhs' pair or, if the first
            // values are equal, if the second value in the 'lhs' pair (the
            // name) is less than the second value in the 'rhs' pair.
            int cmp = bsl::strcmp(lhs.first, rhs.first);
            if (0 == cmp) {
                cmp = bsl::strcmp(lhs.second, rhs.second);
            return cmp < 0;

    typedef bsl::map<CategoryAndName,
                     CategoryAndNameLess>                MetricMap;
        // A 'MetricMap' is a type that maps a category and name to a
        // 'balm::MetricDescription' object address.

    typedef bsl::map<const char *,
                     bdlb::CStringLess>                    CategoryRegistry;
        // A 'CategoryRegistry' is a type that maps a name to a
        // 'balm::Category' object address.

    typedef bsl::map<const char *,
                     bsl::vector<const void *>,
                     bdlb::CStringLess>  UserDataRegistry;
        // 'UserDataRegistry' is an alias for a type that maps a category (or
        // category prefix) to the user data set for that category (or group of
        // categories).

    // DATA
    bsl::set<bsl::string>  d_uniqueStrings;  // unique string memory

    CategoryRegistry       d_categories;     // category -> 'balm::Category'

    MetricMap              d_metrics;        // map (category,name) -> MetricId

    bool                   d_defaultEnabled; // default enabled status

    UserDataRegistry       d_categoryUserData;
                                             // map category -> user data

    UserDataRegistry       d_categoryPrefixUserData;
                                             // map category-prefix -> user
                                             // data

    int                    d_nextKey;        // next valid user data key

    mutable bslmt::RWMutex d_lock;           // read-write property lock

    bslma::Allocator      *d_allocator_p;    // allocator (held, not owned)

    MetricRegistry(const MetricRegistry&);
    MetricRegistry& operator=(const MetricRegistry&);

    bsl::pair<MetricId, bool> insertId(const char *category,
                                       const char *name);
        // Insert a metric id having the specified 'category' and 'name' into
        // this metric registry.  Return a pair whose first member is the id
        // of the metric, and whose second member is 'true' if the returned
        // metric id is newly-created and 'false' otherwise.  The behavior is
        // undefined unless the calling thread has a *write* lock on 'd_lock'.

    void setCurrentUserData(const char                     *category,
                            MetricDescription::UserDataKey  key,
                            const void                     *value);
        // Associate the specified 'value' with the specified 'key' for every
        // metric belonging to the specified 'category'.  Note that this
        // operation modifies existing metrics, but does not affect metrics
        // created after this method is called.  The behavior is undefined
        // unless the calling thread has a *write* lock on 'd_lock'.

    void defaultUserData(bsl::vector<const void *> *result,
                         const char                *categoryName) const;
        // Load into the specified 'result' the user data associated (via
        // 'setUserData') with a category having the specified 'categoryName'.
        // Each index position in 'result' will contain 0, or an (opaque)
        // application-specific data value provided by the client, either for
        // 'categoryName' or a prefix of 'categoryName'.  If there is more
        // than one non-null user-supplied data value applicable to an index
        // position in 'result', it is unspecified which value will be
        // returned.  The behavior is undefined unless the calling thread has a
        // lock on 'd_lock'.

    BSLMF_NESTED_TRAIT_DECLARATION(MetricRegistry, bslma::UsesBslmaAllocator);

    MetricRegistry(bslma::Allocator *basicAllocator = 0);
        // Create an empty metric registry.  Optionally specify a
        // 'basicAllocator' used to supply memory.  If 'basicAllocator' is 0,
        // the currently installed default allocator is used.

        // Destroy this metric registry.

    MetricId addId(const char *category, const char *name);
        // Add the specified 'category' and 'name' to this registry, unless it
        // has already been registered, and return a 'balm::MetricId' object
        // identifying the newly-registered metric.  If the indicated metric
        // has already been registered, the returned 'balm::MetricId' object
        // will *not* be valid (i.e., 'isValid' will return 'false').  The
        // behavior is undefined unless 'category' and 'name' are
        // null-terminated.

    MetricId getId(const char *category, const char *name);
        // Return a 'balm::MetricId' object for the metric identified by the
        // specified 'category' and 'name'.  If no corresponding metric has
        // already been registered, register a new metric and return a
        // 'balm::MetricId' object identifying that newly-registered metric.
        // The behavior is undefined unless 'category' and 'name' are
        // null-terminated.  Note that this operation is guaranteed to return
        // a valid 'balm::MetricId' object.

    const Category *addCategory(const char *category);
        // Add the specified 'category' to this registry, unless it has already
        // been registered.  Return the address of the newly-created
        // non-modifiable 'balm::Category' object on success, and 0 otherwise.
        // The behavior is undefined unless 'category' is null-terminated.

    const Category *getCategory(const char *category);
        // Return the address of the non-modifiable 'balm::Category' object for
        // the specified 'category'.  If no corresponding category exists,
        // register a new category and return the address of the newly-created
        // 'balm::Category' object.  The behavior is undefined unless
        // 'category' is null-terminated.  Note that this operation is
        // guaranteed to return a valid address.

    void setCategoryEnabled(const Category* category,
                            bool            value);
        // Set whether the specified 'category' is enabled to the specified
        // 'value'.  The behavior is undefined unless 'category' is a valid
        // address of a category previously returned by this metric registry.
        // Note that this operation is thread-safe, but *not* atomic: Other
        // threads may simultaneously access the current enabled value for
        // 'category' while this operation completes.  Also note that this
        // operation has *linear* runtime performance with respect to the
        // number of registered category holders for 'category'.

    void setAllCategoriesEnabled(bool value);
        // Set whether each currently registered category is enabled to the
        // specified 'value', and ensure that categories registered after this
        // call are initialized as either enabled or disabled, accordingly.
        // This operation is logically equivalent to iterating over the list
        // of currently registered categories and calling 'setCategoryEnabled'
        // on each category individually, and also setting a default 'enabled'
        // value (for newly-created categories).  Hence, subsequent calls
        // 'setCategoryEnabled' will override this value for a particular
        // category.  Note that this operation is thread-safe, but *not*
        // atomic: Other threads may simultaneously access the current enabled
        // status for registered categories while this operation completes.
        //  Also note that this operation has *linear* runtime performance with
        // respect to the total number of category holders registered with this
        // repository.

    void registerCategoryHolder(const Category *category,
                                CategoryHolder *holder);
        // Load into the specified  'holder' the address of the specified
        // 'category', its 'enabled' status, and the address of the next holder
        // in the linked list of category holders maintained by 'category'
        // (prepending 'holder' to the linked list of category holders for
        // 'category').  The supplied 'category' will update the value returned
        // by 'holder->enabled()' when its enabled state changes, and will
        // reset 'holder' (i.e., 'holder->reset()') when 'category' is
        // destroyed.  The behavior is undefined unless 'holder' remains valid
        // and *unmodified* (by the client) for the lifetime of this object.
        // This method should *not* be used directly by client code.  It is an
        // implementation detail of the 'balm' metric collection system.

    void setPreferredPublicationType(const MetricId&        metric,
                                     PublicationType::Value type);
        // Set the preferred publication type of the specified 'metric' to the
        // specified 'type'.  The preferred publication type of a metric
        // indicates the preferred aggregate to publish for that metric, or
        // 'balm::PublicationType::UNSPECIFIED' if there is no preference.  The
        // behavior is undefined unless 'metric' was previously returned by
        // this metric registry.  Note that there is no uniform definition for
        // how publishers will interpret this value; an 'UNSPECIFIED' value
        // generally indicates that the all the collected aggregates (total,
        // count, minimum, and maximum value) should be published.  Also note
        // that the preferred publication type is accessed through the
        // 'balm::MetricDescription' (i.e.,
        // 'metric.description()->preferredPublicationType()').

    void setFormat(const MetricId&     metricId,
                   const MetricFormat& format);
        // Set the format for the specified 'metricId' to the specified
        // 'format'.  Note that there is no uniform specification for how
        // publisher implementations will interpret the supplied 'format'.
        // Also note that the format for a metric is accessed through the
        // 'balm::MetricDescription'.  For example:
        //  metric.description()->format();

    MetricDescription::UserDataKey createUserDataKey();
        // Return a new unique key that can be used to associate (via
        // 'setUserData') and retrieve (via 'userData') a value with a metric
        // (or group of metrics).  Note that the returned key can be used by
        // clients of 'balm' to associate additional information with a metric.

    void setUserData(const MetricId&                 metricId,
                     MetricDescription::UserDataKey  key,
                     const void                     *value);
        // Associate the specified 'value' with the specified 'key' in the
        // description of the specified 'metricId'.  The behavior is undefined
        // unless 'key' was previously returned from 'createUserDataKey'.  Note
        // that this method allows clients of 'balm' to associate (opaque)
        // application-specific information with a metric.

    void setUserData(const char                     *categoryName,
                     MetricDescription::UserDataKey  key,
                     const void                     *value,
                     bool                            prefixFlag = false);
        // Associate the specified 'value' with the specified 'key' in any
        // metric belonging to a category having the specified 'categoryName',
        // or a category whose name begins with 'categoryName', as determined
        // by the optionally specified 'prefixFlag'.  If 'prefixFlag' is
        // 'false' or is not specified, only those metrics belonging to a
        // category having 'categoryName' will be mapped; otherwise, 'value'
        // will be associated with 'key' for all metrics belonging to any
        // category whose name begins with 'categoryName'.  This association
        // applies to existing metrics as well as any subsequently created
        // ones.  When a metric is created that matches more than one
        // registered category prefix, it is not specified which supplied value
        // will be associated with 'key', unless only one of those values is
        // non-null, in which case the unique non-null value is used.  The
        // behavior is undefined unless 'key' was previously returned from
        // 'createUserDataKey'.

    bsl::size_t numMetrics() const;
        // Return the number of metrics in this registry.

    bsl::size_t numCategories() const;
        // Return the number of categories in this registry.

    const Category *findCategory(const char *category) const;
        // Find the specified 'category', a null-terminated string, in this
        // registry.  Return the address of the non-modifiable 'balm::Category'
        // object corresponding to the 'category', or 0 if no such category has
        // been registered.

    MetricId findId(const char *category, const char *name) const;
        // Find the specified null-terminated strings 'category' and 'name' in
        // this registry.  Return the 'balm::MetricId' object corresponding to
        // the metric having the 'category' and 'name', if found, or an invalid
        // metric id if no such metric has been registered (i.e., 'isValid'
        // will return 'false').

    void getAllCategories(bsl::vector<const Category *> *categories) const;
        // Append to the specified 'categories' the addresses of all the
        // categories registered by this 'balm::MetricRegistry' object.

    bsl::ostream& print(bsl::ostream& stream,
                        int           level = 0,
                        int           spacesPerLevel = 4) const;
        // Format this object to the specified output 'stream' at the (absolute
        // value of) the optionally specified indentation 'level' and return a
        // reference to 'stream'.  If 'level' is specified, optionally specify
        // 'spacesPerLevel', the number of spaces per indentation level for
        // this and all of its nested objects.  If 'level' is negative,
        // suppress indentation of the first line.  If 'spacesPerLevel' is
        // negative, format the entire output on one line, suppressing all but
        // the initial indentation (as governed by 'level').  If 'stream' is
        // not valid on entry, this operation has no effect.

}  // close package namespace
}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2015 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------