// ball_scopedattributes.h                                            -*-C++-*-

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//                                   NOTICE
// This component is not up to date with current BDE coding standards, and
// should not be used as an example for new development.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide a class to add and remove attributes automatically.
//  ball::ScopedAttributes: helper for safely managing attributes
//@SEE_ALSO: ball_attributecontext, ball_attribute
//@DESCRIPTION: This component provides a type, 'ball::ScopedAttributes',
// that serves as a "scoped helper" to safely manage 'ball::AttributeContainer'
// objects for the current attribute context.  A 'ball::ScopedAttributes'
// object, upon construction, will install a 'ball::AttributeContainer' object
// in the current attribute context and, more importantly, automatically
// remove that 'ball::AttributeContainer' object from the current attribute
// context upon destruction.
// This component is used to help associating an attributes (name-value pairs)
// with the current thread context for use when writing log records for the
// current thread.  This context information can both be written to the log
// itself, and used as input when evaluating whether a particular log should be
// written.  For more information on how to use this feature, please see the
// package level documentation and usage examples for "Log Attributes" and
// "Rule-Based Logging".
// Note that the 'ball::AttributeContainer' supplied at construction must
// remain valid and *unmodified* for the lifetime of this object.
// This section illustrates intended use of this component.
///Example 1: Installing a 'ball::AttributeContainer'
///- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// In the following code fragment, we will use a 'ball::ScopedAttributes' to
// install a 'ball::AttributeContainer' in the current context.
// We first create the current attribute context and two attributes:
//  ball::AttributeContext *context = ball::AttributeContext::getContext();
//  ball::Attribute a1("uuid", 4044457);
//  ball::Attribute a2("name", "Gang Chen");
//  assert(false == context->hasAttribute(a1));
//  assert(false == context->hasAttribute(a2));
// Now we create an 'AttributeSet' and add the two attributes to this set,
// then we use a 'ball::ScopedAttributes to install these attributes in the
// current thread's attribute context.
// Note that we use the 'AttributeSet' implementation of the
// 'ball::AttributeContainer' protocol defined in the component documentation
// for 'ball_attributecontainer' (the 'ball' package provides a similar class
// in the 'ball_defaultattributecontainer' component).
//  {
//      AttributeSet attributes;
//      attributes.insert(a1);
//      attributes.insert(a2);
//      ball::ScopedAttributes attributeGuard(&attributes);
//      assert(true == context->hasAttribute(a1));
//      assert(true == context->hasAttribute(a2));
// When 'attributeGuard' goes out of scope and is destroyed, 'attributes' are
// removed from the current thread's attribute context, which prevents the
// attribute context from referring to an invalid memory address (on the
// stack).
//  }
//  assert(!context->hasAttribute(a1));
//  assert(!context->hasAttribute(a2));

#include <balscm_version.h>

#include <ball_attributecontainer.h>
#include <ball_attributecontainerlist.h>
#include <ball_attributecontext.h>

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace ball {

                        // ======================
                        // class ScopedAttributes
                        // ======================

class ScopedAttributes {
    // This class installs a 'AttributeContainer' object in the current
    // attribute context on construction, and removes it on destruction.  Note
    // that the 'AttributeContainer' supplied at construction must remain valid
    // and *unmodified* for the lifetime of this object.

    // DATA
    const AttributeContext::iterator d_it;  // refers to attributes

    ScopedAttributes(const ScopedAttributes&);
    ScopedAttributes& operator=(const ScopedAttributes&);

    ScopedAttributes(const AttributeContainer *attributes);
        // Create a 'ScopedAttributes' object having the specified
        // 'attributes'.  Note that 'attributes' must remain valid and
        // *unmodified* for the lifetime of this object.

        // Remove the associated attributes from the current attribute context.

// ============================================================================
//                              INLINE DEFINITIONS
// ============================================================================

                        // ----------------------
                        // class ScopedAttributes
                        // ----------------------

ScopedAttributes::ScopedAttributes(const AttributeContainer *attributes)
: d_it(AttributeContext::getContext()->addAttributes(attributes))


}  // close package namespace
}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2015 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------