// ball_loggercategoryutil.h                                          -*-C++-*-

#include <bsls_ident.h>
BSLS_IDENT("$Id: $")

//@PURPOSE: Provide a suite of utility functions for category management.
//  ball::LoggerCategoryUtil: namespace for category management utilities
//@SEE_ALSO: ball_loggermanager, ball_categorymanager
//@DESCRIPTION: This component defines a 'struct', 'ball::LoggerCategoryUtil',
// that provides a set of utility functions for managing the categories
// contained in a 'ball::LoggerManager' based on the notion of hierarchy.  In
// particular, the 'setThresholdLevelsHierarchically' function modifies the
// threshold levels of each category in 'ball::LoggerManager' whose name has
// the specified string as a prefix.  The 'addCategoryHierarchically' function
// creates a new category that inherits threshold levels from the exiting
// category whose name is the longest prefix match, if such a category exists.
///Deprecation Notice
// The 'setThresholdLevels' function is deprecated in favor of
// 'setThresholdLevelsHierarchically'.  The former is data-sensitive in the
// sense that the '*' located at the end of the specified category name will
// be treated as a special flag to turn on the prefix name matching, thus
// causing trouble for categories whose name ends with '*'.
// This section illustrates intended use of this component.
///Example 1: Managing Categories
/// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
// The following code fragments illustrate basic usage of this component's
// 'setThresholdLevelsHierarchically' and 'addCategoryHierarchically' methods.
// First, we create two auxiliary functions that serve to print out the names
// and threshold level values of all the categories currently in the logger
// manager singleton:
//  void printCategory(const ball::Category *category)
//  {
//      bsl::cout << "\t[ " << category->categoryName()
//                << ", "   << category->recordLevel()
//                << ", "   << category->passLevel()
//                << ", "   << category->triggerLevel()
//                << ", "   << category->triggerAllLevel()
//                << " ]"   << bsl::endl;
//  }
//  void printAllCategories()
//  {
//       ball::LoggerManager& lm = ball::LoggerManager::singleton();
//       using namespace bdlf::PlaceHolders;
//       lm.visitCategories(bdlf::BindUtil::bind(printCategory, _1));
//  }
// Now, we set the default threshold levels of the logger manager object to
// [191, 95, 63, 31] (for brevity, the initialization of the logger manager
// singleton is elided):
//      ball::LoggerManager& lm = ball::LoggerManager::singleton();
//      lm.setDefaultThresholdLevels(191, 95, 63, 31);
// Then, we create two new categories, "EQ" and "EQ.MARKET", by calling the
// 'addCategory' method of the logger manager class, with their threshold
// levels explicitly set to different values (which are also different from the
// default threshold levels):
//     lm.addCategory("EQ", 192, 96, 64, 32);
//     lm.addCategory("EQ.MARKET", 193, 97, 65, 33);
//     printAllCategories();
// The following is printed out by 'printAllCategories':
//     [ EQ, 192, 96, 64, 32 ]
//     [ EQ.MARKET, 193, 97, 65, 33 ]
// Next, we add a new category using 'addCategoryHierarchically':
//     ball::LoggerCategoryUtil::addCategoryHierarchically(&lm,
//                                                         "EQ.MARKET.NYSE");
//     printAllCategories();
// The new category with name "EQ.MARKET.NYSE" inherits its threshold levels
// from the category "EQ.MARKET" rather than having the default threshold
// levels or inheriting them from "EQ" because of the longest prefix matching
// rule:
//     [ EQ, 192, 96, 64, 32 ]
//     [ EQ.MARKET, 193, 97, 65, 33 ]
//     [ EQ.MARKET.NYSE, 193, 97, 65, 33 ]
// Then, we adjust the threshold levels for all categories whose name starts
// with "EQ.MARKET" using 'setThresholdLevelsHierarchically':
//     ball::LoggerCategoryUtil::setThresholdLevelsHierarchically(&lm,
//                                                                "EQ.MARKET",
//                                                                194,
//                                                                98,
//                                                                66,
//                                                                34);
//     printAllCategories();
// We will notice that the threshold levels of "EQ.MARKET" and
// "EQ.MARKET.NYSE" have been changed to the new values, while those of "EQ"
// remain unchanged:
//     [ EQ, 192, 96, 64, 32 ]
//     [ EQ.MARKET, 194, 98, 66, 34 ]
//     [ EQ.MARKET.NYSE, 194, 98, 66, 34 ]

#include <balscm_version.h>

namespace BloombergLP {
namespace ball {

class LoggerManager;
class Category;

                        // =========================
                        // struct LoggerCategoryUtil
                        // =========================

struct LoggerCategoryUtil {
    // This struct provides a suite of utility functions that facilitate the
    // management of the categories in 'LoggerManager'.

    static Category *addCategoryHierarchically(LoggerManager *loggerManager,
                                               const char    *categoryName);
        // Add, to the specified 'loggerManager', a new category having the
        // specified 'categoryName'; return the address of the modifiable new
        // category on success, and 0, with no effect, if a category by that
        // name already exists or if the number of existing categories in
        // 'loggerManager' has reached the maximum capacity.  The newly created
        // category will have the same threshold levels as the category in
        // 'loggerManager' whose name is the longest non-empty prefix of
        // 'categoryName' if such a category exists, and the default threshold
        // levels of 'loggermanager' (which might be overridden by a default
        // threshold levels callback) otherwise.

    static int setThresholdLevelsHierarchically(
                                             LoggerManager *loggerManager,
                                             const char    *categoryNamePrefix,
                                             int            recordLevel,
                                             int            passLevel,
                                             int            triggerLevel,
                                             int            triggerAllLevel);
        // Set, in the specified 'loggerManager', the threshold levels of every
        // category whose name has, as a prefix, the specified
        // 'categoryNamePrefix' to the specified threshold values,
        // 'recordLevel', 'passLevel', 'triggerLevel', and 'triggerAllLevel'.
        // Return the number of categories whose threshold levels were set, and
        // a negative value, with no effect, if any of the specified threshold
        // values is outside the range '[0 .. 255]'.  The behavior is undefined
        // unless 'loggerManager' is not null and 'categoryNamePrefix' is
        // null-terminated.

    static int setThresholdLevels(LoggerManager *loggerManager,
                                  const char    *pattern,
                                  int            recordLevel,
                                  int            passLevel,
                                  int            triggerLevel,
                                  int            triggerAllLevel);
        // Set the threshold levels of each category currently in the registry
        // of the specified 'loggerManager' whose name matches the specified
        // 'pattern' to the specified 'recordLevel', 'passLevel',
        // 'triggerLevel', and 'triggerAllLevel' values, respectively, if each
        // of the threshold values is in the range '[0 .. 255]'.  Return the
        // number of categories whose threshold levels were set, and a negative
        // value if any of the threshold values were invalid.  'pattern' is
        // assumed to be of the form "X" or "X*" where X is a sequence of 0 or
        // more characters and '*' matches any string (including the empty
        // string).  The behavior is undefined unless 'loggerManager' is not in
        // the process of being destroyed.  Note that only a '*' located at the
        // end of 'pattern' is recognized as a special character.  Also note
        // that this function has no effect on the threshold levels of
        // categories added to the registry after it is called.
        // !DEPRECATED!: Use 'setThresholdLevelsHierarchically' instead.

}  // close package namespace
}  // close enterprise namespace


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2015 Bloomberg Finance L.P.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// ----------------------------- END-OF-FILE ----------------------------------