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[androidJvm]\ @ThreadSafe

class SQLiteDatabase : Closeable




Name Summary
Companion [androidJvm]
object Companion


Name Summary
autoVacuum [androidJvm]
var autoVacuum: SQLiteAutoVacuumMode
Auto-vacuuming is only possible if the database stores some additional information that allows each database page to be traced backwards to its referrer. Therefore, auto-vacuuming must be turned on before any tables are created. It is not possible to enable or disable auto-vacuum after a table has been created.
isConnectionHeldByCurrentThread [androidJvm]
val isConnectionHeldByCurrentThread: Boolean
Get whether this thread currently holds a connection to the database.
isOpen [androidJvm]
val isOpen: Boolean
isTransactionOpenedByCurrentThread [androidJvm]
val isTransactionOpenedByCurrentThread: Boolean
Get whether the current thread has an open transaction.
journalMode [androidJvm]
val journalMode: SQLiteJournalMode
maximumSize [androidJvm]
val maximumSize: Long
maxPageCount [androidJvm]
val maxPageCount: Long
pageCount [androidJvm]
val pageCount: Int
pageSize [androidJvm]
var pageSize: Long
path [androidJvm]
val path: String
version [androidJvm]
var version: Int


Name Summary
batch [androidJvm]
fun batch(sql: String, bindArgs: Sequence<Array<out Any?>>): Int
Transacts to the database in exclusive mode a batch of queries with the same underlying SQL statement. The prototypical use case is for database modifications inside a tight loop to which this is optimised.
beginExclusiveTransaction [androidJvm]
fun beginExclusiveTransaction()
Begins a transaction in exclusive mode. Prefer transact whenever possible.
beginExclusiveTransactionWithListener [androidJvm]
fun beginExclusiveTransactionWithListener(listener: SQLTransactionListener)
beginImmediateTransaction [androidJvm]
fun beginImmediateTransaction()
Begins a transaction in immediate mode. Prefer transact whenever possible.
beginImmediateTransactionWithListener [androidJvm]
fun beginImmediateTransactionWithListener(listener: SQLTransactionListener)
close [androidJvm]
open override fun close()
compileStatement [androidJvm]
fun compileStatement(sql: String): ISQLStatement
delete [androidJvm]
fun delete(table: String, whereClause: String?, whereArgs: Array<out Any?>?): Int
endTransaction [androidJvm]
fun endTransaction()
exec [androidJvm]
fun exec(sql: String)
fun exec(sql: String, @Size(min = 1)bindArgs: Array<out Any?>)
incrementalVacuum [androidJvm]
fun incrementalVacuum()
The incremental vacuum pragma causes pages to be removed from the freelist. The database file is truncated by the same number of pages. The incremental vacuum pragma has no effect if the database is not already in incremental vacuum mode or if there are no pages on the freelist.
fun incrementalVacuum(pages: Int)
The incremental vacuum pragma causes up to N pages to be removed from the freelist. The database file is truncated by the same amount. The incremental vacuum pragma has no effect if the database is not already in incremental mode or if there are no pages on the freelist. If there are fewer on the freelist, or if pages is less than 1, then the entire freelist is cleared.
insert [androidJvm]
fun insert(table: String, values: ContentValues, conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm): Long
integrityCheck [androidJvm]
fun integrityCheck(name: String = "main"): Boolean
query [androidJvm]
fun query(query: ISQLQuery): Cursor
fun query(sql: String, selectionArgs: Array<out Any?>?): Cursor
fun query(distinct: Boolean, table: String, columns: Array<out String>?, selection: String?, selectionArgs: Array<out Any?>?, groupBy: String? = null, having: String? = null, limit: Int? = null, orderBy: String? = null): Cursor
readFromBlob [androidJvm]
fun readFromBlob(table: String, column: String, row: Long, offset: Int, limit: Int, stream: OutputStream)
fun readFromBlob(name: String, table: String, column: String, row: Long, offset: Int, limit: Int, stream: OutputStream)
setForeignKeyConstraintsEnabled [androidJvm]
fun setForeignKeyConstraintsEnabled(enabled: Boolean)
Setting foreign key constraints is not possible within a transaction; foreign key constraint enforcement may only be enabled or disabled when there are no pending transactions.
setMaximumSize [androidJvm]
fun setMaximumSize(bytes: Long): Long
setTransactionSuccessful [androidJvm]
fun setTransactionSuccessful()
sizeOfBlob [androidJvm]
fun sizeOfBlob(table: String, column: String, row: Long): Int
fun sizeOfBlob(name: String, table: String, column: String, row: Long): Int
transact [androidJvm]
fun <T> transact(transactionMode: SQLiteTransactionMode = SQLiteTransactionMode.EXCLUSIVE, block: SQLiteDatabase.() -> T): T
Execute a block inside either an exclusive or an immediate database transaction. These transaction modes are the same in WAL-journal mode; in other journal modes, exclusive transaction mode prevents other connections from reading the database while the transaction is underway.
update [androidJvm]
fun update(table: String, values: ContentValues, whereClause: String?, whereArgs: Array<out Any?>?, conflictAlgorithm: ConflictAlgorithm): Int
upsert [androidJvm]
fun upsert(table: String, values: ContentValues, columns: Array<out String>, update: String): Long
vacuum [androidJvm]
fun vacuum()
The vacuum command rebuilds the database file, repacking it into a minimal amount of disk space.
writeToBlob [androidJvm]
fun writeToBlob(table: String, column: String, row: Long, offset: Int, stream: InputStream)
fun writeToBlob(name: String, table: String, column: String, row: Long, offset: Int, stream: InputStream)
Modifies the contents of a blob; it is not possible to increase the size of a blob using this method.
yieldTransaction [androidJvm]
fun yieldTransaction(@IntRange(from = 0)pauseMillis: Long = 0): Boolean
Temporarily end the transaction to allow other threads to make progress. The transaction is assumed to be successful thus far and committed, do not call setTransactionSuccessful. When this method returns a new transaction will have been created but not yet marked as successful.